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(Mafia Sucks) SF Mafia: The Revival - GAME OVER, Town Wins! - Post Game is up!


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26 minutes ago, BBM said:

@WeaponsofMassConstructionthe person who refa made the giant post about was snike. My feeling overnight honestly was also that that could be a last minute refa bus but then i forgot about that

I don't necessarily think everyone on the weapons wagon is town, but I wouldn't have had to switch last minute, I could have just switched to refa instead of weapons. Anyways it's fine though I'm sure we'll get the remaining scum first

Can someone explain the SB wagon. Why are we focused on someone who didn't vote the main counter wagon? Honestly I didn't bother isoing him overnight

Sorry I'm phone posting so might get cut

Voting makaze over weapons absolves themselves of any accountability towards it if weapons gets lynched. Idt its a good point since town! Sb would've had weapons as their town read anyway. 

Their actual handling of their refa read or their interactions with refa aren't very good though.


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On 5/26/2024 at 2:53 PM, CT075 said:

I have flipped my opinion on Shinori like four times while typing this up, so instead of saying something committal I am just going to give the following commentary:

  • Chainsaw defense? I can understand if you independely think that charlie and Prims are scum, but do you believe that charlie’s intent here is entirely to take heat off Prims? If anything, I think immediately jumjping to “wait, actually, they’re aligned together, this has to be chainsaw!” kind of, like, presupposes that charlie is also scum and it’s really not clear to me what charlie has done to warrant this? Do you know something about these two players’ alignment that I don’t?
  • For what it’s worth, I actually think that the rest of the post is town-coded. The breakdown of why they think charlie’s actual post is weak goes into a reasonable amount of detail (especially on the I’m-not-defensive part) and I feel that it would have been easy to just blow it off instead of posting a screen’s worth of text and drawing even more attention to themselves.

Big interesting snippet from Cam's earlier post.  Commenting on me and my SB case.  Kind of attacks me for my case on SB, but at the same time says the thought process is kind of town-coded.


Quite literally in their ISO if you ctrl + f "charlie" or "SB" this is the ONLY post.

If I'm reading this somewhat correctly, they partially agreed with my post, except the chainsaw defense, but then NEVER brought up SB again afterwards.

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I thought the giant post snike made was about makaze?

I could get behind an SB elim

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56 minutes ago, Percivalé said:

do you mean because you would have forced a tie? because that would make you look super bad after the refa flip and it's not something I'd expect from scum unless they wanna be really ballsy but it's a huge risk. refa was going to die if not tonight they would have died tomorrow. if weapons flipped town I'm sure vig (if that's what the second kill was) would have grabbed refa. and tomorrow I might have been able to catch them with my role. I really dont think at that point they were worth saving except to use their rolecop before dying (which makes me look bad because it probably seems like I was trying to do that LOL but no I was trying to see if we could get an alignment scan tonight. I won't claim but I've been crumbing my role pretty hard)

but yeah im not sure what guarantees you town in this situation specifically 

also bbm when you get some time can you answer this for me 

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On 5/26/2024 at 6:01 PM, charlie_ said:

Marth, j00, Prims, Snike, Weapons
The middle is a mess that I don't care to rank.
Rapier, Elieson

Charlie reads mid-late D1. Goes from would not elim, middle, to would elim.

If Dusk98 is a wolf, and I'm thinking it's likely now, either Weapons is also a wolf or we have one deep. I'm having a hard time believing all 5 would not elims are pure in that scenario.

As an aside, the info softs are kind of throwing me off right now. I thought one person was implied TI from the EoD push, and I'm being told two separate other people are hanging out.  So I'm not going to worry about that spec and go with what feels right here.

##Vote: @Duskfall98

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Of those 5 I would look at snike/weapons.

Man can't wait for duskfall to get here and already be at like 5 votes.

Rapier is also voting them but won't show up via makaze's automated vote since he didn't get the ping.

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9 minutes ago, Snike said:

Charlie reads mid-late D1. Goes from would not elim, middle, to would elim.

If Dusk98 is a wolf, and I'm thinking it's likely now, either Weapons is also a wolf or we have one deep. I'm having a hard time believing all 5 would not elims are pure in that scenario.

As an aside, the info softs are kind of throwing me off right now. I thought one person was implied TI from the EoD push, and I'm being told two separate other people are hanging out.  So I'm not going to worry about that spec and go with what feels right here.

##Vote: @Duskfall98

What's TI?

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Just now, Bluedoom said:

What's TI?

Town Investigative. I uh overindulged in town of salem 2.

Also, Percivale, The long long post I did was on Makaze. I'm looking bad because I was hard defending Refa, which, yeah.

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2 hours ago, BBM said:

@RADicate @Ichigo @Duskfall98 can you all just say whether you're all caught up or if not where you are

At this rate if we don't win the game by d4 we're just slacking though

I am not caught up, I saw the competing wagons and figured there would be discussion today about it so decided to wait for someone to make a big poe list for me to start from

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2 hours ago, Snike said:

Going to try to step things down a notch because I've already put too much imo for this game.

quick clarifications from EoD: J00, I did not imply Refa over Makaze. It was the rapier over Makaze bit.

-Weapons I read that as Makaze over Rapier/Refa which No.

I'm glad I was wrong because letting that role live would be a huge mistake. I still stand by the vibe on the train felt wrong to me.

Refa voted Makaze into Sunwoo into Rapier. Take that as you will.

I don't want to look into Refa wagon today even though I strongly feel there's impurities. I think Weapons wagon definitely has scum.

Prims slot is forever town imo; moreso with Makaze. I believe BT is likely town (Pedit rip), as-is Weapons (I don't think I was around for the backup  clarification but that makes it more believable than just uni backup.)

I don't think Cam is scum on our wagon (pedit LMAO). I doubt scum would go in and vote a buddy without realizing they were claiming so close to EoD (Pedit: Yes they would).

I still think Shinori is Town from the fight with Makaze and I feel like we mind melded on the end with the no PR lynching.  

That leaves Rapier, Sunwoo, Percivale. Here are my ISO notes, not a summary this time.


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-Rapier 108 a  bit weird?

-I'm getting the explaining w/game concepts crit more and more; It's padding out the posts

-reads sunwoo vs marth as tvt page 17 (405). Still has vote on Marth. Seems to flip from previous position on Marth? marth hadn't posted between 357 where read was static and 405 where the read switched to town. Says need to reread but still significant shift.

-Goes back to not liking/  being unsure on Marth 2 posts later.

-512, back to thinking marth better, which, ok, marth had a spree of posts. Likes BBM less but vote parks on Marth.

-Unvotes following post;  ok.

-Neutral on Marth;

-moves to shade marth in 636

-don't like the listpost on 844; don't like how despite my answering a question about top wagons i'm not in said listpost despite elieson being on there! Marth opinion improves here

-Still don't like the PoE pile where both shinori/makaze are  neutral/slight leans despite thinking not w/w. Neut scum on cam is off.

-Same boat as me about refa role;

-claims marth case changed most; does not want to vote marth/refa.

-would die for refa after claim.

-Says no one cares about lynching Makaze. Not true. I care against it

-Starts a self push which is ????

-Eventually steers away from Makaze. Not sure why

-calls out BBM towards EOD for inconsistency

Conclusion: Could be scum trying to throw self under bus to preserve refa, weird regardless? Mid to late Marth Pivot is ?????


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-I've got one easy trick to hear mafia.
Step 1: Lynch mafia.
Step 2: copy their posts.
Step 3: paste the posts in a tts app.

Congratulations, you can hear mafia now!

-Sunwoo says kirby mafia 363

-still scumreads refa, Makaze, weapons. 515 Charlie  is unmemorable.

-541 marth meh
-686 prios weapons over refa

-does not think Marth is w/w with Refa

-735 not Rapier

-Weapons not top scumread, frustration/scumread on Makaze.


Conclusion: I don't agree with all the reads but I'm not seeing too much objectionable outside of maybe defending Rapier + tinfoil I'm not about to push.


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what is wh23w

refa over weapons; wants to see weapons flip for associatives

-not  opposed to marth elim but not caught  up

-vibes on rapier, townread shinori

-null-inquisitive on rapier.

-doesn't know which wagon will flip, wants to keep refa alive bc of claim

-gun to head rapier

-swing to weapons over refa??? Maybe role maybe scum

-wants to elab today if refa flipped scum, bit of wifom

-disappointed people read as scum, talks about not being as obvious if  buddying refa; ok, WIFOM?

Conclusion: I think this reads townie? Swing away from Refa at the end was odd but willing to hear out the explanation

Of the three I feel the worst about Rapier, pending results.

Ok, I'm done, time to let the adults talk.

PEDIT: I'm so washed re:cam.

Right now you are the chosen one and appear very sheepable

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Ichigo was likely town because of elie in the first place.

You should actually look at my list of posts with a PoE though.

Duskfall(was SB)

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3 minutes ago, Ichigo said:

Right now you are the chosen one and appear very sheepable

Sheep Makaze. I'm in PoE.

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Ichigo is prims' sub, he was always going to be likely town here



Also got it snike, I don't play tos much so was confused lol

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@MakazeSpeaking of; besides weapons who's in your PoE? What's your thoughts on SB?  SB's interactions with both flipped refa and flipped Cam aren't great unless you have a different opinion.

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Oh yeah I meant prims.

I'm miss typing everyone here at the moment.

Ichigo is town probably because of prims.

Rad is town probably because of elie.

Rad could potentially end up being scum but I want to look at Elie's EoD as more likely to be town-minded.

These thoughts are all in my bulletpoint list of reads.

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I guess if anyone would want to make a counter argument for town! Sb, is there a reason I should consider them town based off their d1 play?

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26 minutes ago, Percivalé said:

also bbm when you get some time can you answer this for me 

yeah i mean obviously when it was like 7-6 refa > weapons i wouldn't have last-minute switched to refa. but i switched from rapier to refa at a time that it was like 4-3 or 5-4. i could have easily justified a weapons vote at that time given i'd been voting him earlier. i dont think i'm clear or anything since ofc i could be bussing but i was surprised i was lumped in with snike and sb instead of like, marth. anyways I don't really see the point of discussing this specific bit any further today.

also i have no idea what you're crumbing but it's probably better that way anyways.


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Just now, BBM said:

also i have no idea what you're crumbing but it's probably better that way anyways.

Okay cool, was just wondering.  I know I'm being obvious about being a PR effectively so I would like to host a proposal to all of those who want to case me.

Post pone it until tomorrow, if scum don't kill me during the night phase I'll claim on day 3 no matter what.

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Fuck, I switched Prims' and Elie's subs in my previous post then. Why did none of you guys tell me, lol

Looking back at Cam's posts, I guess what I'm mostly getting from them is that Weapons is probably town and I wouldn't pursue Snike as of now. There was a bit of talk about Rapier as well in there, but I actually don't know what to make of it. So I'll probably have to read through Rapier's content again to see what I think of his interactions people flipped people in-thread.

As of right now I'm not interested in voting anyone except Duskfall/SB, but I'm going to read through D1/early D2 again to see how I feel about people I don't have very good reads on. It kind of fucks me up that I have a lot of town reads but only one scum read I'm confident in right now.

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9 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

Fuck, I switched Prims' and Elie's subs in my previous post then. Why did none of you guys tell me, lol

Looking back at Cam's posts, I guess what I'm mostly getting from them is that Weapons is probably town and I wouldn't pursue Snike as of now. There was a bit of talk about Rapier as well in there, but I actually don't know what to make of it. So I'll probably have to read through Rapier's content again to see what I think of his interactions people flipped people in-thread.

As of right now I'm not interested in voting anyone except Duskfall/SB, but I'm going to read through D1/early D2 again to see how I feel about people I don't have very good reads on. It kind of fucks me up that I have a lot of town reads but only one scum read I'm confident in right now.

I think that's understandable tbh, there's most likely 1-2 scum left so we're likely to be finding more townreads than scumreads if town is playing better than scum atm.

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Duskfall(5) L-4 - Shinori, weapons, Sunwoo, Snike, Bluedoom -
Shinori(1) - BBM
Weapons(1) - Makaze

Current votals. 14 people alive. 9 to hammer.

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