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(Mafia Sucks) SF Mafia: The Revival - GAME OVER, Town Wins! - Post Game is up!


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SK hunting can come later, pointless right now I feel.

@Duskfall98When you wake up could you expand on your makaze scum read considering their massive push for Refa probably being one of the only reasons a refa lynch really happened > weapons or rapier lynch.

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2 hours ago, Duskfall98 said:

Ok i am officially caught up as far as day 1 deadline

I will officially need someone to explain why I have been decided as consensus shrug yeet I was expecting charlie to come in and be heroing cfds on counterwagons or something, they didnt even vote the counterwagon just vanitied on honestly a slot that has a decent chance of being mafia

So now I am actually feeling my energy come back because I am guessing it is in fact mafia pushing me, thats much more fun

you didnt answer my question regarding sheeping your slot to victory (which of course depends on your slot not dying at this moment in time)



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1 minute ago, Shinori said:

SK hunting can come later, pointless right now I feel.

@Duskfall98When you wake up could you expand on your makaze scum read considering their massive push for Refa probably being one of the only reasons a refa lynch really happened > weapons or rapier lynch.

makaze is not scum w/ refa in any circumstance from what ive read ngl i'd also like this explained and im 40 pages behind

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yeah idk I read duskfall's posts again now i'm at home instead of at my phone and while there's some attempt earlier in his read to look at refa interactions, as it gets later he clearly doesn't make any attempt to do it cuz there just isn't a world where a serious attempt to consider game state results in prims slot being "mixed" for example.

at the very least i'd like to see actual reasons behind the two main scumreads if nothing else

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maybe woopons too, anyways back to reading, i dont get the charlie slot hate (despite seeing some mild pressure onto that slot) but also i have 30+ pages left so bye

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yesterday rad reading left a note that bbm is not aligned with refa but idr why he left that note, unsure of whether yesterday rad is trustworthy

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4 hours ago, Duskfall98 said:

page 20 percivale re-entry post isnt great hes self conscious of his own posting/calling his own vote bad which is mafia coded insecurity maybe

this is a bad defense but I am insecure regardless of my alignment and anxious when I try to be assertive cuz I don't like being yelled at lol

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sometimes i forget bt is in the game while reading the thread then  they will drop a one liner then im like "oh i have no read on this slot", i wonder if there were posts i missed (probably)

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Yeah I'm fine with where my vote is, Makaze in mafia lean, prims/weapons in mixed, me in mafia,  Boron/Rapier Town implies that he thinks that there is more likelihood that the mafia just early bussed refa and then didn't do anything which...is a worldview that I can't buy, sorry.

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Just now, Percivalé said:

this is a bad defense but I am insecure regardless of my alignment and anxious when I try to be assertive cuz I don't like being yelled at lol

fwiw i town read this interaction from reentry--->page 25 was just looking over that whole thing with shinori voting you and all that shiz

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I don't mind dying if it helps town win especially cuz I'm kinda burnt out and not contributing much anymore

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but I do think my behavior towards refa at end of D1 and the explanation I have to give for when I claim would be really weird to fake as scum

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ok so my boron thoughts:

i think wrt her refa interactions, people are putting a bit too much stock into them arguing ed1. that just doesn't really last for very long? they've both moved on from that by basically mid-D1. also, there really isn't a lot of reason given at all as to why she picked weapons over refa. while she'd found both of them suspicious over parts of the day, refa was the one she'd had more general suspicion towards. refa also pushes boron earlier in the phase, but then by mid-d1 has her as one of his towniest reads. a bunch of stuff happened in the middle, including boron switching from voting refa to makaze, but it feels like an unnaturally hard flip in the read, with refa's main reason being that he changed his mind about boron's voteswap.

cam interactions don't really sway me either way. cam at one point says he was almost going to vote boron before he saw a more recent post that made him reconsider. but overall this could easily be scum pushing town or scum distancing without any real pressure, so going to treat as NAI

the main non-interaction thing that really stuck out to me is that it feels like she took on eclipse's mantle of really punishing people for "bad" play rather than "scummy" play, specifically regarding makaze. it bothers me that

i do think she's had a lot of good points about other people. i thought her whole handling of marth was good and I think I like that she's trying to think holistically as a whole scumteam of 4. I also think her posts regarding the people other than her main suspect have felt more in the general flow of her content, as opposed to like, here's an extra wallpost.

i think overall my read on her will depend a lot on what duskfall ends up being. if he's scum, then I think the main people I would give credit for achieving that lynch are shinori and boron. i have a hard time seeing scum after losing two people coming out that fast into d2 with a bus, particularly since with sb subbing out it's very likely something like that will lead into a lynch. in that scenario boron is almost certainly town. if duskfall is town, I think boron stays as one of the top targets for me d3.

but boron, can you explain more why you voted for weapons over refa? neither your d1 vote nor your d2 opener specified very much.


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If by some miracle Duskfall flips town and/or I end up in PoE, I'm just going to claim at the beginning of D3 because I don't feel like arguing why I'm town and I don't feel like I'm helping town very much anyway. That said, I've been crumbing my role the entirety of D1 so if you know where to look you'll find it.

As for why I voted for Weapons over Refa? Because I'm stupid when I had to try to articulate why I felt Refa was scum, I couldn't come up with anything more concrete than "they feel unmemorable to me" and "I don't know why, I just feel bad about this". Meanwhile, I could explain exactly why I thought Weapons was scummy. And I deluded myself into believing that because I could explain my issues on Weapons while I couldn't for Refa, that my case on Weapons was stronger and Refa wasn't worth pursuing until I got my shit together and could put together an actual case that wasn't built on bad feelings.

On early D1 stuff, I don't want this to be taken the wrong way but I got severely sidetracked by Marth and Refa's votes on me. And Marth continuing to argue with me on it just sucked up all of my time and energy and motivation away from trying to read Refa more until I just didn't want to bother with it and reread the thread.

Also, I think Makaze's play is bad, yes, but I also legitimately think it's scummy. That is neither here nor there though since he's obviously not getting lynched.

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I'm gonna be mad if makaze is scum because I've been hardcore reading him town all game

out of duskfall/bbm/boron I think bbm is the most likely to flip scum but that's just the vibe I get I could try to explain but I don't feel like it right now I have work in 2 hours

of those three players I like duskfall's content the least and actually think I like bbm's content the most. seems like a contradiction but it's how I feel

I have a conspiracy theory that duskfall is playing the culture shock/out-of-community playstyle card as scum but I don't think it's super likely

I think elimming duskfall is the play today unless something insane happens. I hit a blunt and thought about how I noticed my aversion to voting until it's end of day because I have this idk OCD thing that makes me paranoid about accidentally hammering and ending day early which is illogical because the player could be at actually L-7 and my head will still feel like I'm gonna be the hammer vote it freaks me out. this is NAI don't consider this part of the game but it's an interesting thing I noticed and I figured I should mention it to explain why I've been so shy about voting this game

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I'm going heavy off vibes/my gut because I burnt myself out trying to catch up but until I can read some more I want to at least attempt to contribute. 

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I guess I could ask, could anyone explain to me why we think bluedoom is town? I don't really have context which is why I'm asking

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7 minutes ago, Percivalé said:

I guess I could ask, could anyone explain to me why we think bluedoom is town? I don't really have context which is why I'm asking

D1 Refa interactions

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8 hours ago, Duskfall98 said:

Ok i am officially caught up as far as day 1 deadline

I will officially need someone to explain why I have been decided as consensus shrug yeet I was expecting charlie to come in and be heroing cfds on counterwagons or something, they didnt even vote the counterwagon just vanitied on honestly a slot that has a decent chance of being mafia

So now I am actually feeling my energy come back because I am guessing it is in fact mafia pushing me, thats much more fun

They're part of the PoE because of their reluctance to vote and push Refa, and ended the day with a vote on someone most people are reading town by now (Makaze). They became the main focus of D2 because most others on the counterwagon/iffy interactions with Refa has a lot of content and interactions with others which makes opinion on them less unified. There was a bit back-and-forth and pushes at the start of D2 on Shinori and Snike, for example, but most don't think it's a priority to lynch them. Weapons lost steam because no one will be super keen on immediately lynching a counterwagon to a scum wagon.

You're just unfortunate to sub in to a game with almost 50 pages D1 for a player that had a specific subset of interactions people feel weird about, and less interactions and content in general compared to other iffy players who people have already bickered with and formed a firmer opinion on.

7 hours ago, Rapier said:

Of all PoEs is this the best person to lynch for the sake of getting associative reads from a flip? Shinori's all out attack on me when I was competing with Refa on a wagon and his insistence on not lynching Refa until the end doesn't seem worth talking about?

Shinori has mentioned a PR and that he's willing to claim. I personally think he's likely town, so I don't want him to claim today. Pushing him further today means to let him claim. Is that want you want this phase? 

On that note I hope Radicate gets to post a bit more this phase because there hasn't been much to go on for the Elierad slot. 

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2 hours ago, BBM said:

ok so my boron thoughts:

i think wrt her refa interactions, people are putting a bit too much stock into them arguing ed1. that just doesn't really last for very long? they've both moved on from that by basically mid-D1. also, there really isn't a lot of reason given at all as to why she picked weapons over refa. while she'd found both of them suspicious over parts of the day, refa was the one she'd had more general suspicion towards. refa also pushes boron earlier in the phase, but then by mid-d1 has her as one of his towniest reads. a bunch of stuff happened in the middle, including boron switching from voting refa to makaze, but it feels like an unnaturally hard flip in the read, with refa's main reason being that he changed his mind about boron's voteswap.

cam interactions don't really sway me either way. cam at one point says he was almost going to vote boron before he saw a more recent post that made him reconsider. but overall this could easily be scum pushing town or scum distancing without any real pressure, so going to treat as NAI

the main non-interaction thing that really stuck out to me is that it feels like she took on eclipse's mantle of really punishing people for "bad" play rather than "scummy" play, specifically regarding makaze. it bothers me that

i do think she's had a lot of good points about other people. i thought her whole handling of marth was good and I think I like that she's trying to think holistically as a whole scumteam of 4. I also think her posts regarding the people other than her main suspect have felt more in the general flow of her content, as opposed to like, here's an extra wallpost.

i think overall my read on her will depend a lot on what duskfall ends up being. if he's scum, then I think the main people I would give credit for achieving that lynch are shinori and boron. i have a hard time seeing scum after losing two people coming out that fast into d2 with a bus, particularly since with sb subbing out it's very likely something like that will lead into a lynch. in that scenario boron is almost certainly town. if duskfall is town, I think boron stays as one of the top targets for me d3.

but boron, can you explain more why you voted for weapons over refa? neither your d1 vote nor your d2 opener specified very much.


I think boron has targeted bad play over scummy play, yeah, but I think she'd do that as either alignment tbh. Depends on the person's thought process for a solve imo. I agree with you that Cam interactions don't mean much(Idt you could get good associatives from Cam anyway because of how little he posted, the closest I can think of is Town!Weapons from Cam's vote flips between refa and weapons.

I do think the way refa handled her is weird with the reason for his vote switch to makaze being really bad, and I do acknowledge that Boron's vote on makaze for most of the phase, probably the way she handles it is more sus than anything that she did before that. I also agree with you that she handled me better and solving the scum team holistically is a good look.


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Are you even reading my posts?

I literally said that I consider Makaze's play to be scummy. It's not just _bad_ to me, it's scummy. 

If you disagree then whatever because opinions exist. But maybe you guys should consider that what merely looks like "bad" play to you looks like "scummy" to someone else and that you're not some objective arbiter of what is bad vs. scummy.

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24 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:


Are you even reading my posts?

I literally said that I consider Makaze's play to be scummy. It's not just _bad_ to me, it's scummy. 

If you disagree then whatever because opinions exist. But maybe you guys should consider that what merely looks like "bad" play to you looks like "scummy" to someone else and that you're not some objective arbiter of what is bad vs. scummy.

I was implying that you are targeting what I perceive to be bad play but not alignment indicative, I'm not claiming to be an objective arbiter here. But reading people is bound to be subjective anyway, we can't apply the same tells to everyone just because of how personalities are so different.

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37 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:


Are you even reading my posts?

I literally said that I consider Makaze's play to be scummy. It's not just _bad_ to me, it's scummy. 

If you disagree then whatever because opinions exist. But maybe you guys should consider that what merely looks like "bad" play to you looks like "scummy" to someone else and that you're not some objective arbiter of what is bad vs. scummy.

What's the narrative you think is guiding my play?

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