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(Mafia Sucks) SF Mafia: The Revival - GAME OVER, Town Wins! - Post Game is up!


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The post Shinori is referring to is his post towards me, where he said to wait until tomorrow for role reasons and Shinori will claim then (if he's not dead)

Idk how to read the stuff about Snike asking to be vigged lol. I'm gonna treat it as NAI cuz it's just objectively bad play even as town. There are at least three other people even in the PoE pool like me, rad, and boron. We don't even have a duskfall flip yet. Asking to be vigged if you know you're town is anti-town


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I do think the reasons around charlie are relatively circumstantial rather than hard scum evidence, but it's really this combined with the PoE for me. A lot of players are just showing up making consistently good motivated content with a consistent thought process, that I feel like casing them is just tinfoiling (Snike/BBM/Marth/Boron/Rapier sort of/j00 was like this D1 at least/Shinori probably too, though if I had to pick a deep it would be him). I am also slightly worried this is too easy, but that being the overall vibe makes me feel better; I would be more worried if eg we had a bunch of inactives. 

If I had to pick a 4th at this point, it would probably be Elie slot. Circumstantially more than anything, but I feel like it's only really worth worrying about a deep at this point if it comes to it. Flips/roles/etc will really help with that. FWIW, I'm only at like 60/40 on SB just based on play alone (reasons being mostly what other people have covered - wagonomics and general sideline-ish play), but given everyone else, I just don't see enough to not stick with this.

@Bluedoom @Rapier if that answers your questions. I know it's not particularly detailed but that's where my head is at. Snike specifically I think I'm seeing think through a lot of things which would be not worth doing as mafia. Maybe he is really like that, but just not a prio for me today.

I guess to complete the reads list, I'm willing to trust everyone else on Makaze + his Marth points do help me understand why he's at where he's at. Otherwise I'm not sure why I have a looming suspicion on him other than I just don't want to get dunked on by scum!Makaze. I'm sort of wondering if Percy has figured out how to integrate their town meta into their scum play, but it's more likely he is as is just honest. Ichigo himself is a hard null but I don't think scum!Prims switches wagons there (his vote on me was pretty significant in the first place). And I guess while I have posting momentum, my reservations wrt Rapier is mostly that he's thinking independently (how dare he) and is not where most of town is at, which makes things easier to fake, but interactions and play other wise seem fine. Shinori really just does seem like town solve Shinori, but a few things like Refa stance, and somewhat manufacturable gameplay give me pause, again not gonna care too much about it unless it becomes relevant.

@Iris can you put pronouns in the OP, thanks!

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Also I know I'm coasting today sorry. The unexpected Cam NK left the game heavily in Town's favor, so I admit I got complacent.

I'll reread the day and highlighted D1 interactions when I get home in a few hours, I'll also be here deadline.

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7 minutes ago, j00 said:

Then they would have Refa push Rapier instead of have Rapier going "Lynch me over Refa plz!". I know it could have been a scum gambit on Rapier's side to gain town cred, but that makes more sense if he defended a townie.

If Rapier was scum and got lynched defending a player, town wouldn't let that player live.

Like I said, I'm sure Rapier is not on the scum team

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@MakazeIf you are sure rapier isn't on the scum team, and your bluedoom read is starting to change, assuming your wrong on me, does that you leave you at rad/Weapons?  Who else would you potentially add to that list to make it like a PoE of 4 or so?

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7 minutes ago, BBM said:

The post Shinori is referring to is his post towards me, where he said to wait until tomorrow for role reasons and Shinori will claim then (if he's not dead)

Idk how to read the stuff about Snike asking to be vigged lol. I'm gonna treat it as NAI cuz it's just objectively bad play even as town. There are at least three other people even in the PoE pool like me, rad, and boron. We don't even have a duskfall flip yet. Asking to be vigged if you know you're town is anti-town


Tinfoil opinion is that Snike is the SK which explains their over the top plays

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1 minute ago, BBM said:

The post Shinori is referring to is his post towards me, where he said to wait until tomorrow for role reasons and Shinori will claim then (if he's not dead)

Idk how to read the stuff about Snike asking to be vigged lol. I'm gonna treat it as NAI cuz it's just objectively bad play even as town. There are at least three other people even in the PoE pool like me, rad, and boron. We don't even have a duskfall flip yet. Asking to be vigged if you know you're town is anti-town


It's accelerating the game. My role won't clear me and I'm the second candidate under the bus after dusk, whose flip irrespective will not clear me by many standards including yours.

Boron softed a role, Rad hasn't done enough to be vigged and has been opining here, and I don't see you volunteering to be shot. I think shooting me is the logical choice  here,  especially as my thoughts are out there and are not likely to be helpful. Yes, it would be a miselim but it would clear up gamestate which should be the priority.

I've thought about this  and I think doing that is the safest play tonight, provided the dusk flip doesn't significantly change what we know about gamestate. On my end, I'm going to do my best to disrupt the wolves and protect who I read to be townies.

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I honestly think we can just lynch dusk today, its just a vt claim. Shinori is not the play considering he's crumbing a role, either mafia calls his bluff and leaves him alive and then he claims d3 or they kill him and that solves it.

We can probably just mass claim d3 too in an effort to close the game, only reason I didn't care about doing so today is that we get another round of night actions that scum have to predict.

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1 minute ago, Makaze said:

Tinfoil opinion is that Snike is the SK which explains their over the top plays

I was entertaining this idea about you for a moment but I couldn't justify you being that unhinged.

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Bluedoom is still in the PoE for hard bussing, but I would have to reevaluate the whole game if i am we through my PoE

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Idk how to deal with the "please lynch me or vig me" requests because that really fucks with my idea of how people should play the game, that kinda WIFOM makes me very indecisive

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5 minutes ago, Bluedoom said:

Idk how to deal with the "please lynch me or vig me" requests because that really fucks with my idea of how people should play the game, that kinda WIFOM makes me very indecisive

I think you're supposed to policy "ok sure let's do that" but no one actually does policy anyways

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For what it matters I THINK Snike has done this as both alignments before but:

From EO3 he actually did the exact opposite, even when all things were against him basically.  He even asked for a no lynch.

This is old stuff though from literally 6 years ago.

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18 minutes ago, Snike said:

It's accelerating the game. My role won't clear me and I'm the second candidate under the bus after dusk, whose flip irrespective will not clear me by many standards including yours.

Boron softed a role, Rad hasn't done enough to be vigged and has been opining here, and I don't see you volunteering to be shot. I think shooting me is the logical choice  here,  especially as my thoughts are out there and are not likely to be helpful. Yes, it would be a miselim but it would clear up gamestate which should be the priority.

I've thought about this  and I think doing that is the safest play tonight, provided the dusk flip doesn't significantly change what we know about gamestate. On my end, I'm going to do my best to disrupt the wolves and protect who I read to be townies.

Also want to expand on this: if the town has an agreed-upon target for the vigilante an SK faking it has to shoot there or risk being exposed immediately. At bare minimum doing that keeps the shot away from the roleclaims and obvtown of Makaze/Prims. If people are so worried about me being SK they can try to disrupt me or just pull the same plan but with Dusk and flip the wagon.


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What's especially weird about it is that Snike was not even close to being eliminated here, it came out of nowhere

@Snike The vig can just holster instead of shooting the town...

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1 hour ago, RADicate said:

you tell me the leave me till tommorow thing as if my opinion has an actual sway on where today's vote goes which idt it does. i'm pretty sure tommy gets voted regardless so this is mostly w/e. 

claim away or don't but probably don't rn.

regarding the confbiasing being a weird angle it definitely FELT like you were using it to double down in our convo. i know you had the read more developed d1 and elaborated more d1 and its possible i missed posts today so if i was misrepresenting just now myb.

also the iso script is broken asf on my end i keep getting an error regarding missing pages so if you could link me the post in question it'd be greatly appreciated


2 minutes ago, Makaze said:

Combined ISO & Basic Votes


This script replaces both of the earlier ones. IT REQUIRES SPECIAL INSTALL!

  1. Uninstall the other ISO and Vote scripts.
  2. Run this in your browser console:
  3. Restart entire browser (kill the process).
  4. Install the new script using Tampermonkey: https://www.tampermonkey.net/
  5. View the thread. YOU WILL HAVE TO VIEW EACH PAGE OF THE THREAD TO UPDATE THE DATABASE! You will get "Missing pages 1,2,3,4...n" notifications for missing pages. If you are only using it for votes later in the game, you can accept this and only use the new pages. If you want to do ISOs, you will probably want to load everything.
  6. To do a votal from a specific point, go to the post link for the post to start from, so that the post id # is in the current URL. Then click "Get Votes".
  7. ISOs work like before.


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2 hours ago, RADicate said:

tbh this is probably fair too, im probably a bit jaded because i im hard tring dusk's tone today but i'm also aware like, that's not what i should be reading into when there's like 60 pages of content. it reads super genuine. 

that aside charlie did mention their SRs were:

makaze>refa>w/e tf the rest of the list was in a post in the back half of the day if memory serves. 

typically as town i'd be willing/wanting to consoliidate on my second largest SR as town



What about their posting today makes you think they are town?

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1 minute ago, Makaze said:

What's especially weird about it is that Snike was not even close to being eliminated here, it came out of nowhere

@Snike The vig can just holster instead of shooting the town...

I think it's critical for the vig to shoot tonight rather than save a shot for later where a misfire could factor into MYLO. We have miselims, let's use them.

Like I said a few times, I don't think I should be making it to Day 3. The associatives look bad and I have been wrong repeatedly on the scumteam, so I should be going. You yourself said " You want to set the town up to *win* if you are a miselim.", and I think doing it this way maximizes those chances and frees up BBM VS Rad tomorrow.

The only thing I think right now that would change this IMO would be if Dusk flips scum and the Off-Site Traitors are eliminated, because then it's a new ballgame.


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27 minutes ago, Shinori said:

For what it matters I THINK Snike has done this as both alignments before but:

From EO3 he actually did the exact opposite, even when all things were against him basically.  He even asked for a no lynch.

This is old stuff though from literally 6 years ago.

I used to be so much better at this game

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5 minutes ago, WeaponsofMassConstruction said:

I used to be so much better at this game

I can't tell if I've become worse because I've seen enough people do things that are illogical for themselves so I give them a pass, if I've not played this game in a while, or I've just become more indecisive as I've become older lol.

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3 minutes ago, Bluedoom said:

I can't tell if I've become worse because I've seen enough people do things that are illogical for themselves so I give them a pass, if I've not played this game in a while, or I've just become more indecisive as I've become older lol.


FWIW I actually feel like everyone's gotten noticeably better

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2 minutes ago, WeaponsofMassConstruction said:


FWIW I actually feel like everyone's gotten noticeably better

I don't know I definitely feel like I play worse; then again that might be because of what's been going on in this game.

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On 5/27/2024 at 1:13 AM, Bluedoom said:

I think I wanna go with this though: ##Vote: @charlie_


So where my head's at, I think if you are mafia you are in a good position to case rapier here. I can agree that Rapier criticising Shinori's rebuttal of you and then saying that the content changed his view of Shinori isn't logically consistent, but I don't think its very alignment indicative either. My main thing about your rapier vote is that in the second quote Rapier admits that he didn't read the back and forth between you and Shinori very well, which means its conceivable that upon reread he changed his mind, I don't think the change is that suspicious. If anything the second quote admits that whatever was in the first quote was wrong, but I don't find the switch to be far fetched here. That said, talk to me more about about your Rapier read, because I'm less interested in the logical inconsistencies that he's making and more interested in what scum-motivated actions that he's taking.

Assuming this is the post in ref (page 18, initial charlie vote) that @Bluedoom was referencing earlier. If I'm wrong myb and please correct.

For the lack of a better way to word it, you're casing of charlie's casing seems decent? I'm pretty sure i either glossed over this post or missed it. 

I think you actually echo one of my charlie notes here I wrote on (one of??????? idr which) charlie post where i mentioned his post being logically sound/making enough sense. 

Anyways rambling. I get the logic bare min which makes me feel better on your charlie vote following up today. The engagement from "you're pushing this action i perceive as NAI" to "explain the scum moti behind it" is basically what i've been doing all day with the charlie being off wagon shiz, so I like that well enough. And I like, Follow you on the second half. Tho for the first half I'd need to reread a bit more around this time to understand the whole "if you are mafia then you are in a good position to case rapier here" so I won't super comment on that part rn. (I have realized my time today is going to be a lot more limited than I wanted it to be unfortunately so this is tonight's homework for me probably).

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