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Tempest Trials+: Past King, Future Queen (Part 1)

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A new Tempest Trials+ Series is coming, titled "Past King, Future Queen"! 



The curtain rises on Past King, Future Queen, a series of events focusing on the story Reginn and another!

Plus, story elements that feature Special Heroes chatting will be released on the 4th day and 7th day after the event starts!

The bonus allies of this TT+ are:


Dedue's skills at 5★ Lv 40:


A servant to Dimitri who is loyal to all ends, including along the shores of Askr's ocean.
Appears in Fire Emblem: Three Houses.

xxVsE6h.png Anchor Axe+ (Might: 14 | Range: 1)
Unit and target ally swap HP. (Neither can go above their max HP.)

3aRnonR.png Pavise (Cooldown: 3)
Reduces damage from an adjacent foe's attack by 50%.

PVeBUtJ.png Solid Ground 3
Grants Atk/Def+5. Inflicts Res-5.

HLuA1gO.png Even Def Wave 3
At start of even-numbered turns, grants Def+2 to unit and adjacent allies for 1 turn.
(Bonus granted to unit even if no allies are adjacent.)

And the Sacred Seals are:
* Description for the enchanted version of each sacred seal *

M3kDDBL.png Def/Res Snag 3
If a movement Assist skill (like Reposition, Shove, Pivot, etc.) is used by unit or targets unit,
inflicts Def/Res-6 on nearest foes within 4 spaces of both unit and target through their next actions.

VyNGsKh.png Atk/Spd Rein 3
Inflicts Atk/Spd-4 on foes within 2 spaces during combat.

The next event in the series, titled Past King, Future Queen 2, is scheduled for Ver. 8.8.0. Because the story of Past King, Future Queen is told through a series of events,
you will be able to view the story on the Tempest Trials+ event page after the event is over, even if you didn't participate in it.

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This is who our next new FEH OC is and what they look like [SPOILERS]:



He breaks new ground in being the first non-alt FEH character to use a bow.

And this is what the final map of this TT looks like [SPOILERS]:



Fortunately, this boss should be (comparatively) easier than the last few Duo / Harmonized ones because they gave the boss such great skills like.......Swift Sparrow 2 and Cancel Affinity 3.

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10 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

This is who our next new FEH OC is and what they look like [SPOILERS]:

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He breaks new ground in being the first non-alt FEH character to use a bow.

And this is what the final map of this TT looks like [SPOILERS]:

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Fortunately, this boss should be (comparatively) easier than the last few Duo / Harmonized ones because they gave the boss such great skills like.......Swift Sparrow 2 and Cancel Affinity 3.

About it:


I am actually surprised they went with a male character this time.


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It's funny how we still don't have Fafnir and yet they take great care to make sure the Nidvellir characters don't have conflicting weapon types.

We're pretty sure Fafnir's not showing up on this month's legendary banner, right? The color share for blue is pretty bad, right?

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13 minutes ago, Diovani Bressan said:

About it:

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I am actually surprised they went with a male character this time.



Nidavellir will probably be the only new male unit this TT storyline introduces. I imagine the other new units will be some combination of:

  • Ascended / Rearmed / Attuned / Yet Another New Hero Type Reginn
  • Ascended / Rearmed / Attuned / Yet Another New Hero Type Dagr
  • Ascended / Rearmed / Attuned / Yet Another New Hero Type Nott
  • Ascended / Rearmed / Attuned / Yet Another New Hero Type Past Eitri
  • The Queen of Jotunheimr who opposed Nidavellir's founding


5 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:


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It's funny how we still don't have Fafnir and yet they take great care to make sure the Nidvellir characters don't have conflicting weapon types.

We're pretty sure Fafnir's not showing up on this month's legendary banner, right? The color share for blue is pretty bad, right?



Blue on the July banner has Deirdre and Caeda, Green has Camilla,  and Colorless has M!Alear and Loki. Red, meanwhile, is full (Nanna, Elincia, Kvasir)

So yes, blue is going to be pretty freaking bad. We could get deer bro instead since the new hero is almost certainly going to be Colorless.

If they want to release the rest of the Healing / Quieting Hands (and tree dad himself) before Book VIII ends, they kinda need to start now since they didn't drop any of them on the midpoint banner.


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2 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:
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Nidavellir will probably be the only new male unit this TT storyline introduces. I imagine the other new units will be some combination of:

  • Ascended / Rearmed / Attuned / Yet Another New Hero Type Reginn
  • Ascended / Rearmed / Attuned / Yet Another New Hero Type Dagr
  • Ascended / Rearmed / Attuned / Yet Another New Hero Type Nott
  • Ascended / Rearmed / Attuned / Yet Another New Hero Type Past Eitri
  • The Queen of Jotunheimr who opposed Nidavellir's founding



I wonder if we will see Nott here, since she is dead. I know we are talking about time travel in this story, but bringing her back would be too much I think.

But Past Eitri and Jotunheimr Queen are for sure making an appearance.

Considering Nidavellir has a Prf weapon, he should be an Attuned Hero, or even Ascended... although I am going with Attuned.


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I wouldn't be surprised if Eikthyrnir is this month's mythic hero, since he fits the bill although I also wouldn't be surprised if they decide to put in some FE lore lady instead just because it's IS. Alternatively, they could decide to fuck with my OCD and make Heithrun colorless as well and put her on the banner.

Or maybe they'll just make this king dude the mythic this month, I don't even know.

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2 hours ago, Tybrosion said:

We could get deer bro instead since the new hero is almost certainly going to be Colorless.

Given that colorless has the longest backlog of returning New Heroes and that the developers now seem to be actively avoiding having an LME unit's first rerun match the color of the new unit, I would not be surprised if the new unit were green and run with Legendary Camilla and Attuned Azura.

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Okay, I didn't think we'd actually get to see King Nidavellir himself ever! Nice! I'm excited to summon him! I have to wonder when the dragon will show up, though. I can't imagine it not. Maybe it'll be introduced during this TT+ series, too? So, Dagr and Reginn are in the past. Neat! Looking forward to seeing them interact with the first Dvergr king! I wonder if we'll see Dagr's queenly ancestor too. And man, I'd love to see Eitri's first incarnation! I wonder what she looked like...

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Here's something I haven't seen brought up about Nidavellir... He's a dude, as we've seen, but we also know he's going to be a character we summon in the next New Heroes banner, right? But, he's a dude. So...are they not going to give us any of the dudes remaining for whatever game the NH banner focuses on? Is this a way for them to give us the one new dude OC and then all ladies for the rest?

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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

Here's something I haven't seen brought up about Nidavellir... He's a dude, as we've seen, but we also know he's going to be a character we summon in the next New Heroes banner, right? But, he's a dude. So...are they not going to give us any of the dudes remaining for whatever game the NH banner focuses on? Is this a way for them to give us the one new dude OC and then all ladies for the rest?

That feels like a pretty stupid move, when literally every game has more male waiting than female characters. Which means that it's entirely up IS's alley to do just that.

But I think that if Nidavellir is going to be introduced on a NH banner, he will likely bring along a female ascended/rearmed/attuned female. Assuming we don't get Sacred Stones as the banner he's crashing, there will probably be a 5-star female character and a demote dude, if Heroes is smart, along with a male instant demote. That's, like, the best way they can handle this. Meanwhile, Sacred Stones has literally no new female characters left (unless they really wanna give us Ismaire) so ...

EDIT: If for whatever stupid reason the banner he's placed on is Timerra and Fogado's debut banner, though, then what the fuck are you even doing IS. That's even more questionable than putting Muspell with the Ashen Wolves and making Balthus suck forever.

Edited by Sunwoo
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8 hours ago, Sunwoo said:

Meanwhile, Sacred Stones has literally no new female characters left (unless they really wanna give us Ismaire)

Untrue. There's also that one unnamed pegasus knight messenger girl from Frelia. (IS, you do realize that you are not required to keep releasing females, right? Actually, I think they're beginning to realize something like that, given the male presence on the Dawn Brigade banner (with Nolan just being an accessory from Edward's convoes.))

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22 hours ago, Sunwoo said:

That feels like a pretty stupid move, when literally every game has more male waiting than female characters. Which means that it's entirely up IS's alley to do just that.

But I think that if Nidavellir is going to be introduced on a NH banner, he will likely bring along a female ascended/rearmed/attuned female. Assuming we don't get Sacred Stones as the banner he's crashing, there will probably be a 5-star female character and a demote dude, if Heroes is smart, along with a male instant demote. That's, like, the best way they can handle this. Meanwhile, Sacred Stones has literally no new female characters left (unless they really wanna give us Ismaire) so ...

EDIT: If for whatever stupid reason the banner he's placed on is Timerra and Fogado's debut banner, though, then what the fuck are you even doing IS. That's even more questionable than putting Muspell with the Ashen Wolves and making Balthus suck forever.

This being a silly move that's right up IS's alley is precisely why I'm slightly worried about it, lol. I could truly see them doing it.

The ideal scenario would be something like, for example, having Nidavellir alongside an Attuned/Ascended/Rearmed L'Arachel, dragging along Dozla and Saleh. But, knowing IS, I fear they'd so something like Nidavellir alongside an alt of Dagr, an alt of L'Arachel, and Ismaire to round out the banner, and maybe a free Dozla as a quest reward. That just feels like a very IS thing to do.

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4 hours ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

This being a silly move that's right up IS's alley is precisely why I'm slightly worried about it, lol. I could truly see them doing it.

The ideal scenario would be something like, for example, having Nidavellir alongside an Attuned/Ascended/Rearmed L'Arachel, dragging along Dozla and Saleh. But, knowing IS, I fear they'd so something like Nidavellir alongside an alt of Dagr, an alt of L'Arachel, and Ismaire to round out the banner, and maybe a free Dozla as a quest reward. That just feels like a very IS thing to do.

Hmm ... realtalk. If Nidavellir does end up being placed on the next NH banner we get, what game do you think he's going to be added with? I'd been expecting a possible second Engage banner to drop in July, just so base Timerra and Fogado could be added sooner rather than later, but I'd be pretty astounded if the new OC was added with Solm of all banners.

The last 3H banner was Rearmed Ingrid's banner last year, right? I wonder if it's reasonable to assume that Nidavellir would show up on a primarily Golden Deer banner with a special Lysithea or Marianne. The Golden Deer have the most regular versions of students to add, including the most males, and ...

Well, let's just say that I don't think Ignatz, Raphael, and Lorenz are gonna be the best selling dudes ever ...

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6 hours ago, Sunwoo said:

Hmm ... realtalk. If Nidavellir does end up being placed on the next NH banner we get, what game do you think he's going to be added with? I'd been expecting a possible second Engage banner to drop in July, just so base Timerra and Fogado could be added sooner rather than later, but I'd be pretty astounded if the new OC was added with Solm of all banners.

The last 3H banner was Rearmed Ingrid's banner last year, right? I wonder if it's reasonable to assume that Nidavellir would show up on a primarily Golden Deer banner with a special Lysithea or Marianne. The Golden Deer have the most regular versions of students to add, including the most males, and ...

Well, let's just say that I don't think Ignatz, Raphael, and Lorenz are gonna be the best selling dudes ever ...

My personal guess is Three Houses/Hopes, and I think it will be a primarily Golden Deer banner. At the start of the year, I predicted that April, June, and July would get Fates, Tellius, and Three Houses/Hopes, and so far I was right about April and June now watch as I'm wrong about July.

It feels perfect now, though. You're right, Raphael/Ignatz/Lorenz won't be the best-selling dudes, so Nidavellir could potentially help boost one or two of them a little, along with an alt of either Lysithea or Marianne, and Leonie to round out the banner. Maybe something like Nidavellir/Marianne/Leonie/Raphael + free Ignatz.

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12 hours ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

My personal guess is Three Houses/Hopes, and I think it will be a primarily Golden Deer banner. At the start of the year, I predicted that April, June, and July would get Fates, Tellius, and Three Houses/Hopes, and so far I was right about April and June now watch as I'm wrong about July.

It feels perfect now, though. You're right, Raphael/Ignatz/Lorenz won't be the best-selling dudes, so Nidavellir could potentially help boost one or two of them a little, along with an alt of either Lysithea or Marianne, and Leonie to round out the banner. Maybe something like Nidavellir/Marianne/Leonie/Raphael + free Ignatz.

This is what I was thinking since 3 Houses/hopes has 3 units not in the game at all (Hanneman, Alois and Rodrigue) so the banners for that game will start being alt heavy very quickly.  I am thinking Rodrigue will be a GHB unit and while I can see Alois making it on a banner, Hanneman I see as a TT reward when they remember him.  I fully see the next 3Hs banner being GD and them ignoring the males that aren't Claude, so sticking Nidavellir with them makes perfect sense while they save Dagr and Reginn for Sacred Stones.

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On 7/6/2024 at 12:53 AM, Sunwoo said:

EDIT: If for whatever stupid reason the banner he's placed on is Timerra and Fogado's debut banner, though, then what the fuck are you even doing IS.

I could see something like Rearmed/Attuned Timerra, Fogado, Panette and Attuned Nidavellir, with Pandreo as 4* insta-demote, happening.

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11 hours ago, Diovani Bressan said:

I could see something like Rearmed/Attuned Timerra, Fogado, Panette and Attuned Nidavellir, with Pandreo as 4* insta-demote, happening.

No Merrin would make me a sad man, she was one of the characters I liked in Engage.

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The Blue Lions Summer thing here was really sweet...until you realize they all drowned (except for Dimitri) immediately afterwards because they decided to perform rigorous swimming immediately after completely filling up on fish. (Stomach cramps, ocean currents, etc.) Kind of funny how not used to the beach these guys from the cold north of their homeworld are.

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13 hours ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

No Merrin would make me a sad man, she was one of the characters I liked in Engage.

I went with both Panette and Pandreo because they are siblings, and they could make something out of it for the Forging Bonds.

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On 7/11/2024 at 9:35 AM, Diovani Bressan said:

I went with both Panette and Pandreo because they are siblings, and they could make something out of it for the Forging Bonds.

Jubelo looking on from the sidelines while his twin sister is added to the game without him. 😞 

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