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Do gays unnerve you?

Thingy Person

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Disclaimer: This topic is not about homosexuality in itself, that being voicing your opinion on it, nor is this really a deep topic to begin with. It'd be really jolly if we had no debates here as there is very little to debate. Unless someone goes and says "I'm afraid because they might rape me" or something similar.

Alright, I'm practically beating myself up for posting this, but does it annoy you when a homosexual is in your presence, and to what extent? And I don't mean just because they're gay, rather them being overly effeminate or verbal about it. And by "annoy", I don't imply that it's conscious or on purpose. Likewise, do the women take note of a lesbian?

I'll wait a while before I make my post.

Also: I know being effeminate isn't necessarily tied to homosexuality, but damnit, I don't care right now.

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Actually, I kinda understand what you mean. And I sorta agree.

I haven't met many lesbians, so I can't say I know about them, but I do know a lot of gay guys, and with the exception of one of them, they all act the same. They have no real depth to them, other than being the stereotypical gay guy.

That's what bothers me about them. It's how they act. Not that they like other guys.

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only thing bothers me is when people assume that I am or act overly effeminate in anyway just because I am gay, I don't care about letting people know right away that I am, I would like to preface that I only occasionally get in touch with my 'cute' side more around my closest friends who say that they want me to let loose, otherwise I'm just the generally mellow and 'straight' person you see here, ^_^ but I can say that superflamers bother even me dude

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Actually, I kinda understand what you mean. And I sorta agree.

I haven't met many lesbians, so I can't say I know about them, but I do know a lot of gay guys, and with the exception of one of them, they all act the same. They have no real depth to them, other than being the stereotypical gay guy.

That's what bothers me about them. It's how they act. Not that they like other guys.

I actually want to clarify this statement.

If I don't like a gay person, it's not because they're gay. It's because I just don't like their personality. For the same reasons I'd hate a straight person, or anyone else.

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Homosexuals are fine and I respect them. What I disagree with is the "gay pride" parades and other stuff. Why should you be proud over something you cannot control? It's like saying I'm proud of being rich when you were BORN rich. You didn't earn your homosexuality and there is absolutely no reason to be proud about it. You don't see me half naked in a parade dancing with some chick do you?

I do understand the feelings behind the parades. In a country were they sometimes they can't even hold hands "pride" is a way for them to reinforce their beliefs that they have nothing to be ashamed off. However with their parades they go to the other extreme. It's fine if you want to hold hands but dancing half naked in an avenue? That's wrong both for homosexuals and heterosexuals.

Also Lyle, chances are you don't know them. People with low confidence just act according to a stereotype to feel "safe". They have been condemned for their sexuality and hence they have confidence issues way below. However they don't know you enough to show you their true self.

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Homosexuals are fine and I respect them. What I disagree with is the "gay pride" parades and other stuff. Why should you be proud over something you cannot control? It's like saying I'm proud of being rich when you were BORN rich. You didn't earn your homosexuality and there is absolutely no reason to be proud about it. You don't see me half naked in a parade dancing with some chick do you?

I do understand the feelings behind the parades. In a country were they sometimes they can't even hold hands "pride" is a way for them to reinforce their beliefs that they have nothing to be ashamed off. However with their parades they go to the other extreme. It's fine if you want to hold hands but dancing half naked in an avenue? That's wrong both for homosexuals and heterosexuals.

Also Lyle, chances are you don't know them. People with low confidence just act according to a stereotype to feel "safe". They have been condemned for their sexuality and hence they have confidence issues way below. However they don't know you enough to show you their true self.

I wasn't born gay <_< that "cannot control" statement is, hmm, interesting? can I say I'm a guy who likes guys and is happy with it and that by my definition makes me gay? I never had anything happen to me to force me into being as I choose now...yeah I don't think you were talking to me but I felt like clarifying anyway ^_^ men simply interest me more than women, it's been that way even when I got my first kiss from a girl at 11 yrs old, I did like her but I also found the same sex attractive, hmm, and I think my friends turned me a little off girls -which they were- :lol: I realize I contradict myself a lot, oh wellz

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I wasn't born gay <_< that "cannot control" statement is, hmm, interesting? can I say I'm a guy who likes guys and is happy with it and that by my definition makes me gay? I never had anything happen to me to force me into being as I choose now...yeah I don't think you were talking to me but I felt like clarifying anyway ^_^ men simply interest me more than women, it's been that way even when I got my first kiss from a girl at 11 yrs old, I did like her but I also found the same sex attractive, hmm, and I think my friends turned me a little off girls -which they were- :lol: I realize I contradict myself a lot, oh wellz

There is rather solid scientific proof that you don't get to chose your sexuality. You just acknowledge it when your body is ready for sexual intercourse. If you're bi there is absolutely nothing to be ashamed of just as there is nothing to be proud of.

P.S. My first reply was a general response to the thread. Only my last paragraph was a direct reply to Lyle Dayek's first post.

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I think it depends on the person in question, and how they choose to present themselves to others. While I have no qualms whatsoever with gays and/or lesbians, there are moments when admittedly, I feel a little uncomfortable around them, primarily because of their behavior and how they interact with those around them.

I’ll elaborate—one of my best friends in college is gay, but he happens to be one of the nicest, most genuine people I’ve ever met. He’s very comfortable with himself, he doesn’t flaunt his orientation or expect any concessions because of it, and really, the only thing that makes him different from other guys at school is that he prefers men to women. (And dresses to kill. XD)

On the other hand, I have a cousin who also happens to be gay, and there are moments when I find myself feeling uncomfortable around him. He dresses in a very flamboyant manner, frequently makes comments that address his orientation, and overall, tends to act in a way that draws light to his homosexuality. It can get overbearing at times, and those are the moments when I instinctively feel uncomfortable. It’s the blatant flaunting and the need to draw attention to the fact that can sometimes make me feel just a little unnerved. It’s not a problem with the fact that he’s gay, it’s a problem with the fact that he feels the need to let everyone know, whereas most people out there—gay, straight or other—don’t usually promote that side of themselves in such a fashion. It’s… rather personal, and just seems offbeat to make such a big commotion out of it, especially when the world is slowly becoming more accepting.

I hope I haven’t offended anyone; I come in peace. XD

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Usually, I don't like to comment about my bisexuality (and actually, to a certain extent I feel just a little uncomfortable talking about it in real life since nobody ever really asks), but going both ways myself I don't really mind gay people at all.

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I get along with all people, whether they are straight or gay. I don't feel unnerved at all. Although, if I feel they are trying to come on to me, that's when I start thinking "get the hell out of here".

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Yes, and very much. ^^

No, not really. Never seen one close enough, but I know what they do, how they act, etc.

hmm, why do I think Quetz went to school w/ me? <_< hehe, I'm kidding, this topic has been really interesting though needless to say, glad to see all the opinions, helps me feel a little more accustomed to all you...interesting people :lol:

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Yes, and very much. ^^

No, not really. Never seen one close enough, but I know what they do, how they act, etc.

Contrary to your belief, not all homosexuals act the same stereotypical way.


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Contrary to your belief, not all homosexuals act the same stereotypical way.


Oh, I know that, but the majority of them use a different tone in their voice, so as to speak like a girl. They also tend to act like girls, you know, walk like girls, dress like girls, etc. ^^

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