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Do gays unnerve you?

Thingy Person

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What the hell does "enerve" mean?

I don't mind gays at all. In fact, I occasionally find Lesbian women more fun to hang with than straight women. I don't know any gay men.

I dont know any lesbians or bisexuals IRL. Only Gay men

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To be honest, they used to annoying and piss me off because of they where. Remember, I used to be a bit homophobic. Now, however, I don't really care and I no longer boarder any biased towards them. If a homosexual tries to make a move on me, I'll just tell him I'm not gay and leave it like that. I'm not going to act like a jackass and go off on them just because they're gay.

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Oh, I know that, but the majority of them use a different tone in their voice, so as to speak like a girl. They also tend to act like girls, you know, walk like girls, dress like girls, etc. ^^

one time my friend said I sounded like a girl <_< it totally ruined my day lol, I have always walked with a swing in my step and whenever someone said "stop swinging" I hand no f-ing idea wth they were talking about, heh, I actually had to restrain myself when a friend said "never talk like that" when I referred to my friends once as brothas and sistas, vast majority of us don't act flamboyant/feminine, it's mostly airhead rich ppl :angry: word

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Problem is I'm not homosexual. So if gay people find me hot, all I can say is:

You lose!

I did say I'd warn them that I'm not gay. Something to the effect of:

Homo: Hey dude, I think you're hot.

Me: Hit on me again Homo, and I'm gonna kick your ass.

Methinks the lady doth protest too much. ;)

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If a gay hits on me, I'll give him one warning if I'm in a good mood. After that, he'd better be prepared to get the shit kicked out of him.

What if a gay comes up to you and says he thinks you're butt-ugly? Opposite reaction?

Also, you don't need to try to impress us with the tough guy act. You're not fooling anyone.

What the hell does "enerve" mean?

I believe it is supposed to be "unnerve".

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You don't even have to say that you're straight, just tell them you aren't interested, or tell them you're in a relationship. There's such a thing as walking away.

Sometimes that doesn't work. Some of them think you're playing hard to get so they keep going

What if a gay comes up to you and says he thinks you're butt-ugly? Opposite reaction?

I personally wouldn't give a shit. If a GIRL said that to me, then I'd be pretty down

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I believe it is supposed to be "unnerve".

Yeah, whatever =P

Well, this went better than I thought.

Alright, I used to be pretty homophobic in my early puberty (and before), probably because I always pictured a gay couple as two grown men, and that leads to some rather nasty mental images. Now I've come to appreciate love in (almost) all its shapes.

I still get bad vibes from the effeminate demeanour (particularly that "s"; I find it quite humourous that everyone in fashion-related TV shows employs it) but it only gets really annoying when they need to let everyone know, like Popo said. I haven't met a lot of gays IRL and no lesbians as far as I know, though. But an ex-neighbour of ours was one of those flamboyant ones. A really nice guy, but goddamn. Actually, "nice" is a stretch, because it turns out he was screwing with his insurance and taxes and lying to us about it for several years. But w/e

Nothing wrong with embracing your "cute" side, though. I wish I could do that more often... And some chicks dig it

However, I disagree that bisexuality automatically makes you comfortable around homosexuals. The main reason I'm comfortable with myself is that I go both ways and as such, nothing is lost. Add that I can't help but find gay marriage and all the other romantic gushy-gush quite redundant when you have two guys.

If I were to get hit on, I'd take it as a compliment. Playing along is a less attractive option, though. A gay guy once had the hots for me, but damnit, he was girly. And I mean, wow. If I wanted a guy, I'd want a guy. He also qualifies as one of the attention whores, what with the "Hiii, my name is Samuel, but my boyfriend calls me Sam."

Transsexuals still creep me the hell out. And so do cross dressers. Can't be helped. Sorry.

On a final note, I always thought "Homo" was a less derogatory alternative for "Gay". Gosh, it keeps changing.

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one time my friend said I sounded like a girl <_< it totally ruined my day lol, I have always walked with a swing in my step and whenever someone said "stop swinging" I hand no f-ing idea wth they were talking about, heh, I actually had to restrain myself when a friend said "never talk like that" when I referred to my friends once as brothas and sistas, vast majority of us don't act flamboyant/feminine, it's mostly airhead rich ppl :angry: word
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Like Thingy Person, I used to be homophobic in my early teen years. I had no idea why though. But just as I hit my mid-15s I realized I was stupid for being homophobic. And now I'm not the least bit homophobic. Heck, I play Cho Aniki, a homophobe's (is that even a word?) nightmare.

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Here's the question: why would someone unnerve anyone?

Think about this, as Popo touched on it: what you say you hate, OP, is how they act. That has nothing to do with them being gay, that has to do with them being attention whores. They would unnerve me too, but the same way a woman would unnerve me if she had her tits out, or anyone would unnerve me if they were screaming random things in the street. Being gay doesn't enter into the equation.

General Spoon, I'm quite sure your archaic and insulting attitude towards "homos" wins you points with the fratboy crowd, but you're not fooling me. You're just a scared little boy that only is reacting like that towards "homos" because you're afraid if you don't beat them up, that your other Neanderthal friends will think that YOU'RE a "homo". I've seen enough of your type, you're nothing new. You're just too stupid to realize how foolish you really are.

And so what if they hit on you? Someone thinks you're hot? Someone wants to have sex with you? So what? If anything, when/if someone hits on me, I take it as a compliment! This is the same thing about women who won't post their pictures I don't understand; most of the time it's because they don't want guys to be thinking impure thoughts about them. As if someone they pass on the street isn't likely doing it. Someone wants to masturbate to my picture? Awesome! Thanks for the compliment! High five! No... with the other hand...

I also like how people justify things by mentioning their gay friends. This is like someone who uses the word "nigger" with every other word, then justifies it because they have a black friend. "I love those tar people! I have black friends! I keep one or two of them around like pets!" I could give two shits about what someone's sexual orientation is. Someone being gay is the same as someone having big feet in my eyes; it doesn't even enter the conversation.

A lot of people here are so scared and pathetic. It's awesome to watch, like a good car crash.

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I don't necessarily understand their way of thought, but I'm alright with them if they don't try anything uncomfortable. Then again, I haven't really seen anybody who's actually gay. (or at least make it public) The worst I get are classmates pretending to be gay in gym in order to freak me out. (most of the folks doing that think I'm either gay due to me being nice, or a retard due to my deep voice, but they're the half-wit sort) I imagine there's folks like that in most gym classes. If I did run into a real one, I'll treat him like anybody else. I don't care if folks accuse me of being gay because of it. Why should I care if a couple of half witted gangster wannabes, who think with their willies rather than their head, think I'm gay? I could get a girl, keep her throughout all of high school, and I imagine they'd still assume I'm gay. That's their problem, not mine.

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Think about this, as Popo touched on it: what you say you hate, OP, is how they act. That has nothing to do with them being gay, that has to do with them being attention whores. They would unnerve me too, but the same way a woman would unnerve me if she had her tits out, or anyone would unnerve me if they were screaming random things in the street. Being gay doesn't enter into the equation.

Yeah, you're right in that regard. attention whores are to homosexuals as goths and emos are to teenagers in general. Honestly though, it was past midnight and I wanted to find out wether people felt insecure around effeminate guys (and moreso wether girls could feel the same way about lesbos), mainly for curiosity and minor lols. But then you people began with your high-tier loldiscussion and I felt obligated to match that. So I apologize for anything misinformed I might've posted.

And so what if they hit on you? Someone thinks you're hot? Someone wants to have sex with you? So what? If anything, when/if someone hits on me, I take it as a compliment! This is the same thing about women who won't post their pictures I don't understand; most of the time it's because they don't want guys to be thinking impure thoughts about them. As if someone they pass on the street isn't likely doing it. Someone wants to masturbate to my picture? Awesome! Thanks for the compliment! High five! No... with the other hand...

Agree, somewhat, though I understand people would be hard-pressed to appreciate a compliment from someone with...er, completely different tastes.

I do take that girly man's advances as a compliment. I'm not trying to defend this kind of reaction, but it's just that the whole thing creeped me out royally. Not because I was afraid he'd rape me/whatever, but because I got myself into a delicate situation that I couldn't possibly handle appropriately.

But if someone says they masturbate to my picture, I figure it's just to harass me for shits 'n giggles. Then I'd just say "Why thank you!" just to foil their evil plan =P

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Here's the question: why would someone unnerve anyone?
Gay versus faggot. We've had this discussion before.

Gay people (as defined as "dude who likes other dudes, chick who likes other chicks") are fine. Mostly because they don't make a big fuckin' deal about where they bump uglies.

This, on the other hand...

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Overly flamboyant gentlemen don't unnerve me or bother me.

But I do think they upset the gentle indifference. If I went out in a clown suit, I wouldn't just be accepted by people on the street. They'll think I must want to molest small children. Because that's what clowns do. But if you comment on the wrong person's overly colorful outfit and heavy makeup, you're a gay basher. Even if the clothes are just ugly.

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