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What's something you've done in Fire Emblem that less than 1% of people have done?

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This could be anything. On my first playthrough of Path of Radiance I turned off combat animations for every single unit in the game except Zihark so it was like he was Chuck Norris and when he goes into combat the graphical style and music of the game changes specifically to show him glowing blue and purple with badass music playing while he procs skills and crits against the enemy and obliterates them. When my little brother watched me play the game I told him this was the actual reason. In that same run Makalov was my #1 most used unit since he got def blessed for his first few levels which allowed him to juggernaut with the knight ward and clear several maps by himself with his kill count remaining steady into the lategame since lol Paladin in a game with Canto+ and forged hand axes. 

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I feel like I have quite a few challenge runs under my belt that very few people have done. I have already completed a Linked Ironman in Fates (and am 1 chapter away from completing one with me playing Engage, but I already know one of the players has lost their final battle), and any multiplayer challenge like that has enough of a social barrier to entry that I suspect that less than 1% of people have done one. For a bit of extra context this is a game were multiple people play an ironman with units linked to eachother so that when a character dies in one game, their linked partner dies in the other game.

For similar reasons the relay/succession (I saw the concept first from things like Dwarf Fortress and Crusader Kings, so Succession game is what I prefer calling it, but there is an old tradition in Fire Emblem circles to call the practice a relay game) games, one I have completed and hosted, and another I am in the process of doing (we are around midgame as far as I know), probably count as well. Also both were run in FE6 funnily enough. For context this kind of game is where one person completes a chapter (or a set of chapters), and then passes the save on to the next player.

Also it would not surprise me if multiple of the restrictions I put on a particularly intense Conquest Lunatic run would apply, where I low-manned to 10 units, never deployed the prepromoted royals (so no Camilla, Xander, or Leo outside their join chapter), and never allowing a paired unit to be target-able on enemy phase (so no ignoring enemy Attack Stance hit).


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Posted (edited)

I have fond memories of my Round Houses run. Though I never did finish it. I got past the most difficult maps so I consider it finished in terms of me proving the point that gauntlets are so cracked that they make up for not having access to healing magic or locking enemies down with gambits, or (in the case of my female units) not having access to any brawling-based classes

I completed the Support Library in FE8. Though honestly it's not that bad if you don't mind mindless grinding. You can do it in a single playthrough even. Attempted to do the same with FE7, but that was a headache as far as planning the pairings and route splits for each run

Edited by Zapp Branniglenn
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4 minutes ago, Zapp Branniglenn said:

I have fond memories of my Round Houses run. Though I never did finish it. I got past the most difficult maps so I consider it finished in terms of me proving the point that gauntlets are so cracked that they make up for not having access to healing magic or locking enemies down with gambits

I completed the Support Library in FE8. Though honestly it's not that bad if you don't mind mindless grinding. You can do it in a single playthrough even. Attempted to do the same with FE7, but that was a headache as far as planning the pairings and route splits for each run

That reminds me of a playthrough someone did for Three Houses where they attempted to use no items at all. So only magic and war monk's unarmed attacks. They did on normal mode though and basically solo'd the entire thing with Balthus (I think even promotion items were banned, so Balthus was the only war monk available).

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I don’t think there is a way to know what less than 1% has done? So something crazy like took Vika or Fiona into the town and used them in all five floors?

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lol, I didn't pay attention to the fact it gave you stat boosts so my first playthrough of Awakening I beat the game without reading any support conversations.

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11 hours ago, Jotari said:

That reminds me of a playthrough someone did for Three Houses where they attempted to use no items at all. So only magic and war monk's unarmed attacks. They did on normal mode though and basically solo'd the entire thing with Balthus (I think even promotion items were banned, so Balthus was the only war monk available).

Yeah, that one was my run, and is definitely the most unusual Fire Emblem thing I've ever done. It was Brawler unarmed attacks rather than War Monk, but yeah, you remember pretty accurately. Though I did have to use magic (from Dancer Edelgard and Enlightened One Byleth) in a few places where unarmed combat just wasn't up to the task.

Other stuff I've done:

  • Promoted Fiona to 20/20/20 and capped most of her stats.
  • Got through almost a full playthrough of Birthright before learning that the game had child units.
  • Played Tokyo Mirage Sessions.
  • Liked Tokyo Mirage Sessions.
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In Awakening making a Jagen character unit Frederick into a viable unit like the other units.

Second Seal Fredrick + Pair Up + Level 20 Master Seal = Viable Frederick

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I somehow accidentally bumped the repro cart my associate Mareeta was using to play Monshou no Nazo, resulting in the game crashing. She was very upset, as she was on the desert chapter of Book II at the time. Making the situation even worse, the save data was gone when she booted the game again! But that's not the weird part:
I don't remember all the details, but when we booted the game again another time, the save data had somehow resurrected itself. The save data was intact, but not the same. Many of the units on her team were corrupted. It's a bit hard to remember, but some of the units were invisible, some didn't work, and stats got messed up across the board. Most notably, I remember Julian somehow got the max 52 HP. I think Mareeta lost some star shards too. She managed to play that file for awhile until the cart inevitably deleted her save data again.

I'm pretty sure no more than 1% of players have done that.

On the same cart, I did have a moment in my Book II playthrough (chapter 16 or something) where I was distraught that my save data got wiped, while miraculously my Suspend managed to survive. Naturally, from then on, my run for the chapter was forcibly turned into an Ironman! 😛

Also, less than 1% of players have made full ROMhacks of FE1. Or added compression routines to FE1. Or made compiliers for FE1. Or really, I'm sure less than 1% of players have done anything with FE1 besides playing it. 🙂

Edited by Polinym
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15 minutes ago, Polinym said:

I somehow accidentally bumped the repro cart my associate Mareeta was using to play Monshou no Nazo, resulting in the game crashing.

I'm a bit confused as to what you're actually saying here. Mareeta isn't in Mystery of the Emblem.

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21 minutes ago, Jotari said:

I'm a bit confused as to what you're actually saying here. Mareeta isn't in Mystery of the Emblem.

"Mareeta", a.k.a. Mareeta776, is a person IRL, not the FE5 character.

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3 hours ago, Polinym said:

"Mareeta", a.k.a. Mareeta776, is a person IRL, not the FE5 character.

That's what I thought could be the case, but the reference to Mareeta losing star shards threw me for a loop.

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14 hours ago, lenticular said:
  • Played Tokyo Mirage Sessions.
  • Liked Tokyo Mirage Sessions.

That people consider this such a rare occurrence saddens me. TMS was a fun game, it certainly wasn't very Fire Emblem, or SMT like, rather it felt like playing a magical girl anime, and it was fantastic for that.


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While most of the replies here are much more rare and impressive than anything I have done, 1% is actually quite a big margin. For instance, I have played and beaten all of the mainline FE games (except for warriors or TMS) which is definitely less than 1% if we count everyone who has ever played an FE game. Maybe not 1% of people on this forum though, I'm not sure.

I also have only done casual playthroughs of the games, so no challenge run thing, but I have done some more rare things like restore Eyvel with the Kia staff at the end of FE5.

Some of y'all are crazy with the things you've done in these games though. Color me impressed

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6 hours ago, Nauriam said:

While most of the replies here are much more rare and impressive than anything I have done, 1% is actually quite a big margin. For instance, I have played and beaten all of the mainline FE games (except for warriors or TMS) which is definitely less than 1% if we count everyone who has ever played an FE game. Maybe not 1% of people on this forum though, I'm not sure.

I also have only done casual playthroughs of the games, so no challenge run thing, but I have done some more rare things like restore Eyvel with the Kia staff at the end of FE5.

Some of y'all are crazy with the things you've done in these games though. Color me impressed

1% is indeed a low bar. My first instinct was to post "actually having played Thracia 776". We do joke that there are only 776 people who have.

As far as number of games played, the only title in the series I haven't played is the original BS Archanea Chronicles. I should give them a go some time. It's only four chapters and the efforts people have put in to make old satallaview games playable is admirable.

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On 7/8/2024 at 8:26 AM, Eltosian Kadath said:

That people consider this such a rare occurrence saddens me. TMS was a fun game, it certainly wasn't very Fire Emblem, or SMT like, rather it felt like playing a magical girl anime, and it was fantastic for that.

I was being somewhat facetious with them, but yeah, I agree. I'm not sure if they actually fall below the 1% line, but I also wouldn't be surprised if they did. If you told me that 10 million people have ever played a Fire Emblem game and 100,000 have played TMS then I'd believe you. I had a lot of fun with it, though. Its failures seem like they were more down to bad marketing and bad timing than actually being a bad game.

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Posted (edited)
  • Beat Conquest with no pair up
  • Played Berwick Saga
  • Beat Berwck Saga
  • Beat Berwick Saga over 10 times
  • Ironmanned Berwick Saga
  • Completed 3 rank runs of Berwick Saga
  • One rounded Chaos with Daoud

...There might be a running trend here.

Edited by LoneRecon400
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Posted (edited)
5 hours ago, lenticular said:

I was being somewhat facetious with them, but yeah, I agree. I'm not sure if they actually fall below the 1% line, but I also wouldn't be surprised if they did. If you told me that 10 million people have ever played a Fire Emblem game and 100,000 have played TMS then I'd believe you. I had a lot of fun with it, though. Its failures seem like they were more down to bad marketing and bad timing than actually being a bad game.

The numbers for TMS, along with every entry in the series, can be found here. 


TMS had a total of about 350K units sold, while mainstream Fire Emblem had a total 18+ million sold. So assuming the numbers for TMS weren't filled by a bunch of Shin Megami Tensei fans or whatnot, more than 1 percent of FE fans have in fact played this title.

Edited by Hrothgar777
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I wish I had something to add to this thread but I don't. I was tempted to write "I played 3 Hopes" but my source tells me literally more people have played that than both Tellius games combined.

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16 minutes ago, Hrothgar777 said:

The numbers for TMS, along with every entry in the series, can be found here. 


TMS had a total of about 350K units sold, while mainstream Fire Emblem had a total 18+ million sold. So assuming the numbers for TMS weren't filled by a bunch of Shin Megami Tensei fans or whatnot, more than 1 percent of FE fans have in fact played this title.

Yeah, I know that the vgsales wiki exists, but I don't typically trust its numbers. A lot of it is sourced to VGChartz, which is notoriously unreliable. The figures that they have there might be right, but then again, they might not. A lot of sales figures don't get published, and estimates for lower-selling games are especially bad -- partly because it's harder to extrapolate with smaller sample sizes, and partly because the publishers are less prone to give actual figures. So I will stick with expecting that it's probably more than 1% but not being sure of it.

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On 7/8/2024 at 8:32 AM, Nauriam said:

While most of the replies here are much more rare and impressive than anything I have done, 1% is actually quite a big margin. For instance, I have played and beaten all of the mainline FE games (except for warriors or TMS) which is definitely less than 1% if we count everyone who has ever played an FE game. Maybe not 1% of people on this forum though, I'm not sure.

I also have only done casual playthroughs of the games, so no challenge run thing, but I have done some more rare things like restore Eyvel with the Kia staff at the end of FE5.

Some of y'all are crazy with the things you've done in these games though. Color me impressed

Yeah, 1% being a fairly wide margin in practice is actually intentional since it allows people to chime in with any potentially unique thing they've done while keeping the premise intact. It's easy to have completed all the games and still struggle to respond to this question since the noteworthy challenges in Fire Emblem require unconventional gameplay. For example, playing fast and aggressively is fundamentally different from doing LTC which requires you to utilize your resources in specific and unintuitive ways, have foreknowledge of stat benchmarks and get optimal RNG outcomes.

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This is a tough one, I play Fire Emblem casually (Permadeath on, of course), so it's not like I do crazy Ironman runs or anything.

The only thing I can think of, is that I took Shinon, Rolf AND Leonardo to the Tower of Guidance, all of them leveled up. It's not particularly difficult, but since a lot of people dislike archers in the first place, I doubt many would choose to have 3 Marksmen.

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6 hours ago, Ruy said:

This is a tough one, I play Fire Emblem casually (Permadeath on, of course), so it's not like I do crazy Ironman runs or anything.

The only thing I can think of, is that I took Shinon, Rolf AND Leonardo to the Tower of Guidance, all of them leveled up. It's not particularly difficult, but since a lot of people dislike archers in the first place, I doubt many would choose to have 3 Marksmen.

Archers might suck, but Marksmen are great. The extra range they're given means they're never eating counter attacks and like all characters they have a significant chance to insta kill an enemy with Dead Eye (and if they somehow don't, that enemy is now asleep and thus effectively dead). They also get Double Bow, the best weapon in the game, though only one of them can use it at a time unless you want to try some mad trading strats. If you've managed to actually train Rolf and Leonardo to Marksman I see no issue at all to bringing all three to the tower. Just save a brave bow or two for Yune's blessing so the Marksman who don't have Double Bow can still attack (can longbow+marksman result in a 4 range unit? I don't think I've tried that).

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