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Dont read this


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If you actually cared about your writing then why would you MAWMMEY control it?

I tend to follow the bible and what it says, it says in it that we are suppose to respect and obey our parents, so that we can have long life. XD

If you are an ass to your relatives, expect a short life. Also, the preacher, me, says that if you do anything bad in this life, you pay for it sooner or later, in some way that will have you thinking; I had to atone for this and that. Action, reaction, friends--not that I have many, only about six or seven. ^^

You... still debated about it? Doesn't matter who started it.

I was dragged into it, yes. And when least I knew it, I was fighting off a pack of wolves. ^^

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I was dragged into it, yes. And when least I knew it, I was fighting off a pack of wolves. ^^

No one made you post. You elected to state your beliefs, and you were called on it. Expecting otherwise on such a touchy subject is, uh... foolish.

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Ok, and so I learn my lesson, not everyone has the same views and opinions, I'm glad we sorted that out.

Now...*OFfers dragon claw to the rest as friendship* ^^

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Ok, and so I learn my lesson, not everyone has the same views and opinions, I'm glad we sorted that out.

Now...*OFfers dragon claw to the rest as friendship* ^^

free claw! *takes*

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Shuuda tricked me, he is the devil. Go back and read.

Do not compare me to such cartoon villainy. I was merely being honest. It is not my fault you are so egoistic when it comes to writing.

I like being descriptive. Its what separates us good writers from the pack.
We all have opinions, and if I believe I am good, I know I am.

Face it, you cannot stand it when someone says that you are not as good as you think yourself to be. The fault is yours for having a bloated, unjustified sense of pride. Some modesty would do you a world of good in the future.

Edited by Shuuda
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