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My cousin Ryan printed me out some hentai off the computer today.

he printed out alot and just now gave it to me. I HAD to look thru it!! I HAD TO!!!

and in the middle of the packet was a naked anime chick with her arms and legs cut off and blood, bloody saws and limbs everywhere.

I never wanna see anymore hentai ever again.


imma burn this packet tomorrow and mail the ashes to the pope to kill the demons

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nooooo i love hentai

bloody hentai gives me major creeps

yeah. fucked me up the 1st time i saw it too. but now i easily dismiss it BY LOOKING AT A BETTER HENTAI PIC OBVIOUSLY XD

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That is why I avoid such things! (other than the fact that none would fit my interests, and I'm too much of a goody-goody to look for some) If nothing else, seeing mutilated chicks would ruin my day, too.

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My girlfriend and I both find it adorable, hardly erotic though. Romantic sometimes at best if you exclude a majority of the fetish stuff.
Well, if you can manage not to find it erotic, then shoot for it, by all means. But I get the feeling Gatrie does find it erotic.
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You all just like Hentai because real people would never and will never dress like that. ;) And no one can have PERFECTLY sculpted bodies like that, not to say that people cant be sexy, its just that Hentai brings out an Inhuman beuty. Hentai is quite stupid in my opinion, but if you like it than good for you.

Edited by Erk23
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