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Special character dialogues


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So almost every chapter (if not all) after you recruit someone, the new unit introduces him/herself and talks to you a bit. But some other times in some chapters there are sepcial dialogues like Priscilla if you use her in the Pirate Boat chapter she'll say that she is no seasick and there's no need for concern. Heath and Legault also talk to you in Four Fang Offense about how they are feeling and all. Geitz whines about the snow in Pale Flower of Darkness but apparently the tactician says something enouraging. And the last one I can think of are Farina and Vaida whining about how there are a lot of archers in Sands of Time.

So do you know any other speial dialogue, and does this dialogues have a purpose or something?

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No real purpose, just a bit of extra adding to a character's personality.

From the top of my head:

Ch12 - Dorcas says something about working together with you (the tactician) again (Eliwood Mode only)

Ch13 - Matthew makes somewhat sarcastic but nonetheless friendly remarks (forgot which mode)

Ch14 - Marcus says even whole armies couldn't stop them (Eliwood Mode) or Serra says she's not afraid even though you're surrounded (Hector Mode)

Ch15 - Oswin wants Knights to be used as a human shield (Hector Mode only, since this chapter isn't available in Eliwood Mode)

Ch16 - Erk says something about accompanying you, and something about his teacher [Pent], or Florina asks if you remember her (not sure which is which mode, I think Florina is Hector's)

Ch17 - Eliwood or Hector want to save the imprisoned Caelin soldiers, obvious which modes

Ch17x - Lucius tells you it's good to see you again and gives you the blessings of St Elimine (Eliwood Mode), Raven asks you to tell him what to do, as he's a mercenary (Hector Mode).

Ch18 - Priscilla or Guy about the seasick business, I think Priscilla in Hector and Guy in Eliwood Mode

Ch19 - Rebecca asks if Dart looks anything like her, Hector asks if Matthew is alright with fighting and Dart asks who you want him to take care of, as Fargus ordered him to follow your commands. All are in every mode.

Ch19x - Fiora suggests letting her go ahead and scout. Both modes I think.

Ch19xx - I recall none.

Ch20 - Sain want to bash Darin's skull, Kent wants you to take care of Lyn if he dies, don't know which mode is which.

Ch21 - Ninian helps you with dancing.

Ch22 - No one?

Ch23 - Canas notes about how there may be items hidden in the sand (Eliwood Mode only, I recall)

Ch23x - Hawkeye will lend you his strength

Ch24 - Legault, and apparently Heath as well, but I've never seen that

Ch25 - Florina and Fiora, where Florina wishes Farina was here (Hector Mode only, obviously)

Ch26 - No one.

Ch27 - Geitz, and probably Wallace as well if you recruited him instead.

Ch28 - I know Karel wonders about using your brain as a weapon instead of a sword here, but I think Harken says something as well. Whatever it is, it must be very knightly and boring.

Ch28x - Dunno.

Ch29 - Nino about having to speak with Lloyd/Linus.

Ch30 - Farina is afraid of all the arrows, and Vaida wonders if you're trying to get her killed.

Ch30x - Bartre spies, with his little eye, an arena on the map! (only if he is ready to recruit Karla, I think)

Ch31 - Karla introduces herself as a swordswoman or something, it's been ages since I recruited her.

Ch31x - Renault introduces himself.

Ch32 - Everyone.

Edited by Mekkah
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Yeah I pretty much remember all those (except Guy in the boat) But if they are just for adding personality well that's ok, the first time I got these was with Priscilla in the boat and I thought I have done a mistake by taking her to that chapter and then in the same playthrough Heath also seems hesitant (because he is back in Bern) so I again thought that I shouldn't had brought him in that hapter either. I even started wondering if there was such thing as a hidden byorythm in the game for certain characters but that was a stupid idea Priscilla didn't have problems in the Boat chapter and Heath.... well Heath did have problems but he has no excuse he sucks :rolleyes:

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It's Sain. And I thought Darin was the boss of that chapter?

I think Sain wants to kill Darin (who by the way IS the boss of chapter 20) and Kent says that if something were to happend to him then that I [the tactician] took care of Lyn

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I think Sain wants to kill Darin (who by the way IS the boss of chapter 20) and Kent says that if something were to happend to him then that I [the tactician] took care of Lyn

Makes sense about Kent.

And I brought up Darin because this is what you said in your first post:

Ch20 - Either Kent or Sain want to bash Lundgren's skull, don't know which mode is which.

And seeing how Lundgren was dead by the time Nergal was prominent in the game's story, that would be a problem if he was the boss for chapter 20 (which he isn't).

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Makes sense about Kent.

And I brought up Darin because this is what you said in your first post:

And seeing how Lundgren was dead by the time Nergal was prominent in the game's story, that would be a problem if he was the boss for chapter 20 (which he isn't).

Yeah I saw the error too though it wasn't mine, Mekkah was the one that made the list, though with a few errors.

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In the Final Chapter in Hector's story however, there is some special dialogue that isn't said at the very beginning. (All of which require the "talk" action to see.) There's another in both story versions that requires Hector and Lyn to have an A support, and again, the talk action.

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Chapter 26 is Battle Before Dawn right? If that so, Karel is actually speaking there.

26 is Unfulfilled Heart. If you looked at my list, you'd see Karel talking at 28, which is the real Battle Before Dawn.

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Ch17x - Raven asks you to tell him what to do, as he's a mercenary (both modes I think)

I think Lucius talks to you in Eliwood Mode, basically how it's good to see you again and that Elimine blessed us because of it.

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Right, I remember that now. I also vaguely recall Karla talking at the start of Victory or Death, and Bartre at the start of Battle Preparations. I guess that leaves Dart...doesn't he talk at the start of the Dread Isle?

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Right, I remember that now. I also vaguely recall Karla talking at the start of Victory or Death, and Bartre at the start of Battle Preparations. I guess that leaves Dart...doesn't he talk at the start of the Dread Isle?

I believe so. I can't remember what he says, though.

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You're *tactician's name*, right? I'm Dart, leader of Fargus's suicide squad! The captain's ordered me to follow your commands. So, who do you want me to take care of?

I believe that is the line you're looking for.

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Back up, here. So, does Rebbecca talk in Hector mode on the Dread Isle chapter?

I think she does (dont know if there's any difference between Hector and Eliwwod mode regarding this aspect) she asks you [tactician] if you dont think she and Dart look alike (or something like that). Most likely to arise curiosity and have their supports so you know that

Dart is her brother

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Ch22 - Wil recalls the adventures he had with Lyn a year ago (Eliwood)

Ch23 -

Rath- He says something on Hector Mode. I think it was along the lines of catching up with the tactician and lending his strength to yours. Not sure about the 2nd part tho.

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