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New Zelda?


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zelda games have potential to be dark. I agree that Ocarina is not the darkest, though i would also add Ganondorf's castle alongside Hyrule court.

i never understood in Ocarina, why everyone else acts fine....or why the skeleton creatures stopped popping out at night in the future....i always thought that would have been more fitting for when Ganondorf took command than when the country was more peaceful. And everyone acts pretty much the same, except for the Gorons, who become an endangered species.

And i agree about Twilight. i never understood why everyone acts the same when the castle was raided. Then again, If Zant was as powerful as the game claims, i am sure he can shape change, or cast some kind of mirage or charm over the populace.

I kind of wish Zelda games would achieve the depth that accompanies their stories. I am holding out for this one.

And just to make the statement, the games do not need blood to be mature. i am sick of people saying that Zelda needs to grow up and get blood, but talk about about how amazing final fantasy is (the series has its games), but last i checked, Tactics for the ps1 has the most blood of any final fantasy games...just saying.

Oh, and to be honest, i wouldn't pay too much attention to anything that gets released about the new zelda games now. I remember back in 2005, even 2006, footage of Twilight being released, and then most of that was never in the game. I think only the big horse-back battle was in the game.

absolutely agree with you.

the main problem with the Zelda games for me is usually the lack of NPC reactions to the occurrences of the game. its like they're mindlessly walking around their world, not listening to whatever is happening around them. By actually having NPC react, they can totally turn the game around and make it epic.

the main storylines of the Zelda games aren't bad at all. They're actually some of the best out there, IMO. but if NPC would react to their environment, it could potentially make the Zelda game into one of the best games ever.

that is why Majora's Mask is my favorite game. Unlike the other games, people would actually speak of the moon falling and their crumbling world, and would act accordingly. Even for its short length, it was (and still is) one of the deepest Zelda games out there. What does OoT offer in this regard? The Seven Sages, and that's it. How about Twilight Princess? Ilia, the kids, and those people in the tavern. And don't get me started on the older games. see where i'm headed? its the people who provide the atmosphere, and if the people are emtpy vessels that are placed in the game just to fill up space, we'll get nothing better.

Edited by Persephone
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I personally think Windwaker was the best Zelda game, but that was the first one I played so I'm bound to like it more. I just liked the massive amount of really fun sidequests and little details. They weren't the stupid "find 10000 gold bugs to get a big wallet" quests, they were really fun journeys to find stuff for characters or solve puzzles about character's lives. Windfall Island was a treasure trove of fun diversions.

So if there's one thing I'm hoping for in the new Zelda, it's better sidequests. Oh, and if they try to be realistic like TP, work on actually making hair look real. Link's hair drove me insane.

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absolutely agree with you.

the main problem with the Zelda games for me is usually the lack of NPC reactions to the occurrences of the game. its like they're mindlessly walking around their world, not listening to whatever is happening around them. By actually having NPC react, they can totally turn the game around and make it epic.

that is why Majora's Mask is my favorite game. Unlike the other games, people would actually speak of the moon falling and their crumbling world, and would act accordingly.

Yep. They actually jump town when the moon gets close enough.


Great game. The world in Windwaker is pretty damn big, and the art style used is spot on. Not that I like cel-shading that much, but it really works for Windwaker. With most other graphic styles the Great Sea would look like crap. I also loved how Link displays emotions in Windwaker. And you can always find new things in it. For example, did you know that sometimes when you pick a pig up, it farts until you put it down?

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Yep. They actually jump town when the moon gets close enough.

Great game. The world in Windwaker is pretty damn big, and the art style used is spot on. Not that I like cel-shading that much, but it really works for Windwaker. With most other graphic styles the Great Sea would look like crap. I also loved how Link displays emotions in Windwaker. And you can always find new things in it. For example, did you know that sometimes when you pick a pig up, it farts until you put it down?

storyline-wise, The Wind Waker was the most epic game in the Zelda series. that game was simply beautiful.

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And the preFlood game i am guessing was actually Twilight Princess. That's the game where if Link failed or didn't exist, then Ganon(dorf)'s resurrection would have been unhindered and he would conquer Hyrule (like he pretty much did). Twilight is part of the time line where there is no flood.

See Zelda timeline topic for more details on this because its very interesting...split timeline theory actually made me facepalm at my own theories! lol

i think besides some minor details already discussed, Zelda is almost perfect..i dont really like "grown up" games that much..

and if they were gonna announce a new Zelda, it would be a bit more hyped...ya know?

if it is a new Zelda, i will get it..[/fangirl]

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I totally agree with you. Though in OoT the darkest part of the game is when you have to go into the Shadow Temple...I was really young playing it and in the dark at 3am O_o

The music freaked me out and it still does.

I hate that temple i was so scared i turned the volume down

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I metioned this in another thread but I liked TP's battle system the best even though the enemies are weak, I loved all the dungeons since Oot with my favorites being the shadow temple and the temple of time in TP, also in TP more people reacted than we give credit for, yea most of the castle town didn't react to the force field (they definitely wouldn't have to the shadow) all of ordon province was all freaked out about monsters, gorons noticed when bublins started coming into their area, in fact most people did react in some way to the events happening, but also recall that most Npc's in castle town don't even really speak to you and are just faces to fill up the place.

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Is that countdown on the first post for the Hero game? If so, no big deal. I didn't think it would be a new Zelda anyways.

They haven't even shown any pictures of the new Zelda game yet, so I doubt they have a release date yet.

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i have heard rumors of a new Zelda game being developed or at least mapped out...im not surprised in the least that this isnt a Zelda game..i never thought it was to begin with...

I just like Zelda discussion!

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i find it that funny!


yeah, a it was mentioned at the last E3, off the main run of things (though the whole thing is off the main run now, from what i hear), that there is a new Zelda in the planning stages.

they said they would start releasing info sometime in 2009, but i thought a countdown was a little too much just for a title.

(on a side note, i might get banned from here. i've been fairly jerkish with these zelda discussions)



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There is also another similar virial markeitng going about. SEGA are behind it, some blue mushroom that makes the infamous Mario sound effect...of course people are squaking this has to be Mairo & Sonic in the Rushroom Kingdom.


Edit: Here is that SEGA one.

This one was actually related to Nintendo. Its an 8-bit styled platformer with some comedy or something coming very soon to Japan WiiWare (like 2 weeks time). Must be risque if it got a CERO B rating. Anyway, no videos up yet :(

The countdown is still on

Just for referance as this got me confused as well ("how is the info out when the countdown is still on?"). Turns out Weekly Famitsu came out before the countdown had finished and they had news on both games...you would have thought they would sync the countdowns to that its worth noting that unlike most western magazines Famitsu gets info before the internet due to having pretty much every publisher wrapped around its finger and so it can be in print as the same time as the internet.

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I don't recall seeing anything other than generic pixel fonts for the number scroll, and then the triangular clock with a decrement of triangles for each corner, with a rainbow feather hanging down the middle. The rest was black, if memory serves well.

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