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My FE5 Headdesk Topic

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Wouldn't this be a bit unfair for the enemies?

You got a guy with 10 Leadership Stars and a Sleep Staff.

Of course it is fair.

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It turns out it is Ishtar that causes Cyas to go away on Turn 15 on 17A.


Actually, it was Julius and whatever bacteria that infected him.

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LOLOLOLOL. I wonder how frequently he gets his fever then. Poor Cyas.

Not so much. Considering he is healthy up from Chapter 9.

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I don't recall that's chapter as hard.....

But then again, the only chapters I remembered for making me pull my hair out were Chapter 18 and Chapter 22. TT__TT

I would also say that for 24X Gaiden. lol Trapping your units without a Rescue Staff being doomed to die=insanity.

I don't think it was that hard either.

Which chapter is 18? I agree chapter 22 is the hardest chapter in series.

I would say the same thing for 17A as well as 24X Gaiden. Those chapters are the hardest in FE history.

50%, being 5% for each star? I don't know.

That's weird. In Chapter 17 A Cyas had the same leadership stars and only gave the enemies 40 to Avoid and hit.

Chapter 18 = Xavier. TT__TT

AND I CURSED YOU, CYAS! It's so unfair that he loses his godly 10 leadership stars when he finally joins you permanently. ;-;

That is why that I recommend Sety. ;_;

I just decided not to recruit Xavier and it was pretty easy.

If you decide to recruit Xavier it would be nearly impossible.

I wouldn't bother to recruit him, unless that you plan to heavily use him. To require recruiting him wastes Repair Staff rounds for the Sleep Staff and the Thief Staves.

That must be true. I think getting the membership card is worse to get; do you get?

The Member Card is easy as heck to get. Capture the soldiers that are in the way, take their Javalins, and release them. Recruting Xavier isn't worth creating a migrane to get though. ;_;

Who are good candidates for the wrath manual?

Leaf. He is absolutely horrible at fighting with only Continue.

Marita already has Lunar. But if you give her Solar Manual, that means she'll have all three Astral Skills!!! Never tried that though.

Only one of the three will activate. Not more that one at once.

Here's a plan for you, because I'm bored.

1. You'll want to get rid of the Freege Armors, since they will attack the civilians, they will attack you, and they are ugly. A very easy way to do this is to use long-range magic. Sadly, only Eyrios can use Bolting straight up, and you don't get a lot of Bolting tomes to steal throughout the game (and you may not even have done it). I usually let Asvel build up his Fire level to A (takes looong, but Fire isn't much worse than Wind or Thunder anyway), and use the various Meteor tomes.

Alternatively, you can simply place someone bulky on the upper left entrance with no weapons equipped, and put a ranged attacker such as Asvel behind him. The Freege Armors move before the Lenster ones, clog up in front of the entrance, and you can pick them off at your pleasure. Put a scroll on your doorstop character to avoid him getting critted, and either have staves or vulneraries handy as well. You may even want to put all scrolls on this character, since he'll be standing there for a while taking hits and prolly gets a few level-ups.

2. Now, during all this, you can set the civilians free. You can use other people to carry them to the door if you wish. The Lenster Armors won't attack the civilians. You can try figuring out which civilian belongs to which Armor through the internet, or you can do trial and error. The civilians will automatically walk to the Armor they belong to. The biggest problem is that the converted Armors and the hostile one will attack each other, and they have Killer Lances/Hammers. To get around it, I would recommend stealing the Killer Lances (Hammers will probably be too heavy, though Tina Staff + Holy Water/M Up can get around that) at the very least. Other than that, savestates, savestates, savestates. Ship off the green armors with a rescue chain if you can, though only bodybuilders like Othin and Dagda will likely be able to carry. You can also put the converted Armors to sleep, as this will likely get them killed without them countering. Green dudes dying = no problem.

3. Repeat, and then have Leaf walk to Xavier. Xavier will talk to Leaf if he gets the opportunity. Avoid getting too close to him when not all the Armors have been converted yet, as Xavier also likes to attack you, or his own men if he feels like it.

I would also put some of Xaviers Soldiers to sleep. Xavier won't attack the civilians that come by to talk to them, but you will still want to use the Thief Staff to steal the soldiers Javalins in the middle of the room, because they will kill the civilians if you don't.

Homer doesn't need it, he crits a lot anyway.

Wait a minute..

Doesn't he come with Wrath already? =O

Well for example I don't remember seeing Berserk in Eltshan's skill set in FE 4, or Awareness in Mareeta's skillset in FE 5.

Eltshan doesn't have any skills.

Mareeta doesn't have Awareness, her custom sword only comes with the skill.

No, Dean should be getting the Dragon Lance if you know what you're doing.

Just give it to Fin, Leaf, or Karin and move on to another topic.

I don't bother to get that. Dean cannot use it beyond Chapter 23. ;_;

Yeah, fatigue and the messed up RNG are nothing compared to the lack of a formation option. =( On Chapter 18 I had all three of my healers on one side. :/

The ability to mount/dismount and use items on the preparations screen would have helped as well, though I don't think that was introduced until FE7...

The RNG is phail for not having 0 and 100.

He will leave in turn 15, I supposed.
Yeah, I just saw. He comes at 10 and leaves at 15. But those five turns were the most agonizing five turns I ever experienced in FE history. Thunder only has 28 Hit against an ArmorKnight with Great Sword??? This is insanity.

Yeah, and that it is crucial with him around. And it is very likely that you will lose some units there, too.

It shouldn't be much problem. After what I heard of 22, I'm willing to waste everything for it. Warp+Dance+Rescue to save all the villages and then remain in your initial position until 40 turns pass. As long as the enemies don't move (which they shouldn't since you'll always be in your starting position), I'll end up completing Ch 22 eventually. I don't care if I get E in Tactics so I'm not worried.
I think there are some of the enemies that come after you, but I could be wrong of course.

Well for the enemies that do come to you. Use support along with weapons like the Light Sword and Hero Lance. Put Leaf, Fin, and Nanna by each other, and Chapter 22 is cakewalk.

Chapter 22:

Rinehart can also be a slight problem. Make sure you talk to talk to him with Olwen if you have her. It is much easier with Cyas gone, though.

About Chapter 14, do you recommend just keeping everyone near the entrance to Tahra rather than blocking the four entry points with units? Or leaving them about halfway?

I didn't want units to flood the town so I was blocking the exit points, meaning ballistas were a problem until I got Karin to take them out...

Do not worry. Cyas will automatically leave after you cross the bridge. But you will very likely lose troops though if you try it. It is recommended to wait off the 40 something turns after the soldiers stop coming after you, and staying put at the start of the map until Cyas is gone. Otherwise the balistas will just have fun picking off your characters. And the balistas unlike FE4 are overpowered in this game, and that there are alot more chapters with them around in this game that with the 4th one.

By the way, any idea who I could give Sunlight Sword to?


Sunlight Sword Othin actually sounds like a good idea =o

But then he will be easy prey to the Berserk, Sleep staff users with his very low Res.

It turns out it is Ishtar that causes Cyas to go away on Turn 15 on 17A.


Yeah, but I doubt that you won't walk away without at least a few casualities before she shows up.

Edited by Laylea
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I would also say that for 24X Gaiden. lol Trapping your units without a Rescue Staff being doomed to die=insanity.

Ah yes, those wrap traps are surely annoying. To make it worse, there are a lot of Dark Mages with Berserk/Silence/Sleep Staff.

That's weird. In Chapter 17 A Cyas had the same leadership stars and only gave the enemies 40 to Avoid and hit.

3% for each star, so it's 30% in total.

Wait a minute..

Doesn't he come with Wrath already? =O

No, only Elite.

Edited by Aida
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Yeah, but I doubt that you won't walk away without at least a few casualities before she shows up.

Nothing that can't be fixed easily. I just kept everyone in the bushes at the top for five turns until ISHTAR took him away <3 SCREW YOU JULIUS, CREDIT GOES TO ISHTAR.

Why Sunlight Sword on Leaf though..? I never know who that sort of HP recovery is good on D:

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Yeah, but I doubt that you won't walk away without at least a few casualities before she shows up.

Actually, I just did it. And NO casualties on my side. I kept shifting Othin and Shiva to take the blows of the Armor Knights while the other heals. The dark mages missed most of the time. Shiva got poisoned, but he'll survive.

As for the Mage Knights, they didn't bother me. No amount of leadership stars can make the AI smarter. All I did was leave Karin near that area but outside the attack range. They all went rushing in that direction. Forests make them extremely slow so I could to move Karin around so that the Mage Knights try to approach her. Now they're not even close to my main army.

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I think that Homeros crits a lot because of Lightining, would be the only reason he and Leaf crit like crazy with the Light Sword.

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I think that Homeros crits a lot because of Lightining, would be the only reason he and Leaf crit like crazy with the Light Sword.

I thought Light Brand had 0 Crit.

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Personal experience, etc. Also, doubling hits crit a lot more often than first ones, due to there being two tries to begin with, and also because of the Pursuit Critical Coefficient, which doubles Leaf's base crit on the second hit, and multiplies Homer's by five.

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Only one of the three will activate. Not more that one at once.

Wrong. You're thinking of FE4.

I don't bother to get that. Dean cannot use it beyond Chapter 23. ;_;

You won't get something that will be useful for 10+ chapters just because he can't use it in the last 3? What kind of reasoning is that?

But then he will be easy prey to the Berserk, Sleep staff users with his very low Res.

Restore staves are there for a reason. Give Sunlight to whichever unit consistently deals the most damage.

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Personal experience, etc. Also, doubling hits crit a lot more often than first ones, due to there being two tries to begin with, and also because of the Pursuit Critical Coefficient, which doubles Leaf's base crit on the second hit, and multiplies Homer's by five.

Makes sense, thank you.

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Personal experience, etc. Also, doubling hits crit a lot more often than first ones, due to there being two tries to begin with, and also because of the Pursuit Critical Coefficient, which doubles Leaf's base crit on the second hit, and multiplies Homer's by five.

I knew that Homer had a PCC of 5 but this is the first time I knew that Leaf has a PCC of 2. He never criticalled that often. He activated Continue a lot though.

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Today, I finished ch 18. After a lot of retries, I FINALLY GOT XAVIER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But there's one problem. For some reason, I didn't get the Member Card. I'm sure none of the green units (civilian and armor) died or got captured. In fact, I'm pretty sure every single green unit escaped the castle before I finished the chapter. Still no member card. Where did I go wrong? Is it possible to get both Xavier and the Member Card?

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Did you kill any of those horribly weak Javelin Soldiers? Because they count as being Lenster-allied.

It's hard enough just recruiting Xavier, so I wouldn't worry too much about the Member Card. It's not worth it.

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Is it possible to get both Xavier and the Member Card?

Possible. I did twice I think. Nearly ripping all my hair though.

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Chapter 14 is going to suck, isn't it? I just got to it, and looked at the map. Doesn't look fun, and I'm sure they'll be floods of reinforcements. Any reinforcements in particualr I should worry about?

The Green units in turn 7, I think, all being Wyvern Knights from Thracia, and 8 promoted Dark Mages in the last turn.

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