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kakashi and chouza died. Funny thing, im more upset at couza dying more than kakashi cuz i knew he was gonna die from the start of shippuden. But there was no reason to fricking kill chouji's dad. He got screen time 3 times:

Durring the Chuunin Exams

A flash back when chouji was fighting jirobou


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Yeah...that was...that was somethin' huh guys?

I mean Cmon! Since chouza died they may kill off Shikamaru and Ino's dads since they were the original InoShikaCho team and they may be like "GWARRRR VENGANCE"

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I mean Cmon! Since chouza died they may kill off Shikamaru and Ino's dads since they were the original InoShikaCho team and they may be like "GWARRRR VENGANCE"

Ever since Hidan and Kakuzu the series has taken a turn for the worse. The only saving grace since then would probably be Killerbee. I'm still gonna read the manga to see what happens, but the series is utterly dead to me now.

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I must see this anime. Truth was, I went to Walmart and saw a few seasons there, but I did not want to buy it since I had something else in mind. I might buy the first seasons just to check it out. ^^

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Wuuuut Kakashi. I don't think he's really going to die, but in the chance that it does happen...well, I'll reserve judgement until I see the next chapter. >_>

In any case, this is the first time that I've seen the adult Kakashi mention Rin, so maybe we'll find out what actually happened to her, since he once mentioned that everyone he cared about was gone.

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Wuuuut Kakashi. I don't think he's really going to die, but in the chance that it does happen...well, I'll reserve judgement until I see the next chapter. >_>

In any case, this is the first time that I've seen the adult Kakashi mention Rin, so maybe we'll find out what actually happened to her, since he once mentioned that everyone he cared about was gone.

True. Knowing Naruto, there's a chance that he and even Chozua, or whatever, are still alive. Or, Tsunade will heal their asses. There didn't seem to be enough focus on Kakashi the last few issues for him to actually die. Like with Jiraiya, the previous like 10 issues were focused on him and his past. We really don't know that much about Kakashi's origins, other than Kakashi's gaiden.

Aghh... these spoilers hurt my brain.

Kakashi dies

Jirayia dies

Itachi dies

Snape Kills Dumbledore

Rosebud's the sled.

*Watches as Knife explodes.*

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  • 3 weeks later...

It's starting to repeat itself. I thought Pein showing up would add something interesting, but the chapters are short enough, and the constant flipping back to Naruto breaks the flow. It's pretty poorly written.

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Kakashi is dead and sees his dad, what

Konohamaru tries to save Ebisu, what

Everyone in Konoha loves Naruto now, what


Kakashi's death kinda shocked me, and it seems like Rin is dead, but I'm interested to see how this plays out in the Sasuke-Naruto-Sakura dynamic later on.

And I'll admit it. I was touched by the flashbacks of the village gradually coming to accept and appreciate Naruto. ;_; I don't think that his training arc should be interrupting the invasion, though, but meh.

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I hear the second part is pretty bad. Have the fillers gone away yet?

If you're talking about the anime...

Two arcs (plus a little more) go on from 1-56. First arc is slowly paced (

Team Gai vs the clones...did those fights have any purpose apart from "lets waste some time". Then ending seemed to be "we don't need to waste time anymore...how do we end it? I know, Team Gai believes they are stronger and crushes the clones...whats that I'm fired but you're going to do that anyway?"

) and second arc suffers from shitty source material (some fans call it the penis arc).

Then you've got fillers from episode 57 to 72. Which are okay until you get to the end which utterly destroys the canon. I mean honestly

"I just grabbed some Nine Tail foxes chakra and stuffed it into Sora to make him into a Jinkurirki" <-- Why it destroys the canon is if were that easy to manufacture them then Akatsuki would be running a factory not trying to defeat them all

So yeah its best to ignore that bit.

And you have the current arc (72 to now). Which has been really good for the most part* with episode 82 being the best episode of Naruto Shippuuden yet and episode 85 being the bi-annual well animated episode (this and this being examples). The arc is coming to a close and it looks like more fillers are on the way...could the Crunchyroll&TV Tokyo deal start at a worse time...who is going to pay to watch Naruto fillers...they'll wait a week for the free version...that is if they bother

*-Still suffers from bouts of poor animation and pacing but its a weekly shouen made under ridiculous deadlines and there is a limit to how well these can be done.

Of course my main thought now is what did Jirayia actually teach Naruto that was useful? A crappy gejitsu escape technique which won't work against Itachi...the gejitsu user Naruto would most likely face and Odama Rasengen which is useless due to using too much Chakra seem to be all...plus

I'm gussing Wind Rasengen has rendered that completely obselete...speaking of which surley Jirayia knew about the using the shadow clones to speed up training...

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If you're talking about the anime...

Two arcs (plus a little more) go on from 1-56. First arc is slowly paced (

Team Gai vs the clones...did those fights have any purpose apart from "lets waste some time". Then ending seemed to be "we don't need to waste time anymore...how do we end it? I know, Team Gai believes they are stronger and crushes the clones...whats that I'm fired but you're going to do that anyway?"

) and second arc suffers from shitty source material (some fans call it the penis arc).

Then you've got fillers from episode 57 to 72. Which are okay until you get to the end which utterly destroys the canon. I mean honestly

"I just grabbed some Nine Tail foxes chakra and stuffed it into Sora to make him into a Jinkurirki" <-- Why it destroys the canon is if were that easy to manufacture them then Akatsuki would be running a factory not trying to defeat them all

So yeah its best to ignore that bit.

And you have the current arc (72 to now). Which has been really good for the most part* with episode 82 being the best episode of Naruto Shippuuden yet and episode 85 being the bi-annual well animated episode (this and this being examples). The arc is coming to a close and it looks like more fillers are on the way...could the Crunchyroll&TV Tokyo deal start at a worse time...who is going to pay to watch Naruto fillers...they'll wait a week for the free version...that is if they bother

*-Still suffers from bouts of poor animation and pacing but its a weekly shouen made under ridiculous deadlines and there is a limit to how well these can be done.

Of course my main thought now is what did Jirayia actually teach Naruto that was useful? A crappy gejitsu escape technique which won't work against Itachi...the gejitsu user Naruto would most likely face and Odama Rasengen which is useless due to using too much Chakra seem to be all...plus

I'm gussing Wind Rasengen has rendered that completely obselete...speaking of which surley Jirayia knew about the using the shadow clones to speed up training...

idk why people hate filler I mean I put up with InuYasha's fillers

Edited by Doom_Dragon_103
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Fillers are pointless. They don't really add to anything.

The Shippuuden fillers have been quite good so far as they've managed to improve the series.

The filler arc that has aired dragged on, I wasn't a huge fan of the characters (did they watch X-men or something for their ideas as I saw Rogue and Wolverine...) and as I said the end was uneeded bullshit but at the end of the day it helped flesh out Asuma as a character while the manga was like

Hi I'm Asuma...you might remember me from a few pages a few hundred chapters ag...Arg, I'm dying...but I killed you Hidan why?...what do you mean my funeral has more pages than my life ever did...and as a reader you don't exactly care since you never got to know him

. Also the latest arc

(I think the fans refer to it as the immortals arc

) had quite a lot of filler in the fights (which you wouldn't know unless you read the manga incidently) and I didn't feel for one moment the fights outstayed their welcome so they did their job. I'll miss that arc seeing as next week is the last episode.

While the next filler arc seems to be to do with the 3-tails (they showed a preview of it at the end of this weeks episode stating it would start on the 18th) so is more of a re-working of the canon than total made up. It is clear with 100 chapters between the manga and anime it isn't stalling for time. Well it kind of is once the manga ends Naruto ends and so does the money associated with it but the opportunity is being taken to help flesh out the plot plus if we're lucky we'll see that fight the fans always wanted to see but never happened:

Sai vs. Deidra

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