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Should we make backstories for the characters?

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I think I figured out why George Carlin hates kids so much.

He saw Machis when he was three years old.

Now if only he saw Lena...

Oh, also. Machis and Vyland are twins seperated at birth.

....SOMEBODY had to throw it out there....

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I think I figured out why George Carlin hates kids so much.

He saw Machis when he was three years old.

Now if only he saw Lena...

Oh, also. Machis and Vyland are twins seperated at birth.

....SOMEBODY had to throw it out there....

Maybe. But even Vyland doesn't look stupid. He's worse in FE3 than Machis, but...at least he's not as idiotic looking as Machis. And sadly...that would make Lena related to Vyland.

I have even more pity for her.


Then again, Captain Gordin, Zagaro and Thomas shared the same mugshot, with Wolf having it recolored.

Edited by Shiva
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Vyland and Matthis seperated from birth? Nuh-uh. First off, they are like exact opposites statistically, one being a tank, the other being fast. Second, Vyland knows his criminal family, some dye their hair red to be able to fool people into thinking they were Macedonian royalty (look at Vyland, he even looks rich, even richer than Matthis who actually is royalty). You can get away with a lot of stuff as royalty. It's why he keeps his hair dyed with his rich looking style (he has a nice slick back style with his hair, nice touch), so despite being a knight, all will know what he did and where he came from. He felt unfit to be a knight unless he confessed himself. Here's an interesting touch though...His father's name is Biraku.

How does everyone here think of Zagaro's brother Thomas deciding to go under a new name as a royal bodyguard? His new name? Zagarro, due to Zagaro's new name being Sedgar, but it being a nice deviation? In fact, Thomas looks more like old Zagaro more than Sedgar does, while Sedgar looks more like old Thomas...

...This made me think of an awesome deviation of the final parts of FE3 book 2...

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Well, this thread confuses me like the dickens.

Anyway, on the Wolf Brigade... I'll probably get something - probably not juicy, but at least with more personality tidbits - on them when I'm done doing more of these BS script translations.

As for how I can interpret the other Archanea Knights, I think I'll throw some of these in based on clues:

Boah: before Archanea was nearly wiped out, he was apparently so trusted and high-ranking that the King entrusted him with his last orders. May overexert himself. Has the welfare of the nation in mind, but seems to be prone to (grave) errors.

Midia: Based on her looks she may have been a high-ranking noble before being a Paladin. Her manner of speaking suggests an inner "rebellious princess" personality, yet she has a lot of Archanean pride of loyalty - perhaps this mixture is what gets her in the situation she's in in Book 2. As for her and Astria, they were probably lovers for a long time - perhaps childhood sweethearts.

Dolph and Macellean: Seem to be friendly with each other and Boah. Based on their appearances, are likely twin brothers. Otherwise not much to go on here.

Tomas: Refers to Dolph and Macellean as "The Armor Knights", suggesting he's perhaps more distant than the rest of the group. Regardless, he stayed with them the whole time... perhaps he's Aspergers-y? He's the most likely to be the oddball of the bunch, anyway.

Anyway, I recall in Japan there's a lot of other non-game material to go with, which we should probably try looking up. In particular I recall a CD Drama series and some book compilations...

But anyway, as for the anime hinting at personalities...

Nabarl: In the anime he seems to have a nightmare about a girl being brutally killed. This is probably meant to be a suggestion about his past. The girl looked to be of high rank, so I'd assume the girl to be... a dancer, mayhaps? Based on his main character gimmick, I assume he somehow blames himself for whatever tragedy happened - perhaps he killed her with his own blade, somehow?

Julian: Is apparently supposed to be a wussy based on how he flails his sword around against Nabarl. Kinda bizarre since he seems a lot more muscular in the anime...

Shiida: Anime Genki Girl who tends to get clingy and jealous whenever her "man" is approached by another women. If this was how she was in the games she'd probably have ripped Nyna and Maria, and perhaps Linde based on that outfit alone, to shreds.

Gordin: Takes multiple tries to land an arrow in someone's butt. How he goes from this to "The Greatest Archer in Altea" in Book 2? God knows....

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Shiida: Anime Genki Girl who tends to get clingy and jealous whenever her "man" is approached by another women. If this was how she was in the games she'd probably have ripped Nyna and Maria, and perhaps Linde based on that outfit alone, to shreds.

Add Catria and Tiki to the list

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Gordin: Takes multiple tries to land an arrow in someone's butt. How he goes from this to "The Greatest Archer in Altea" in Book 2? God knows....


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Well, this thread confuses me like the dickens.

Anyway, on the Wolf Brigade... I'll probably get something - probably not juicy, but at least with more personality tidbits - on them when I'm done doing more of these BS script translations.

As for how I can interpret the other Archanea Knights, I think I'll throw some of these in based on clues:

Boah: before Archanea was nearly wiped out, he was apparently so trusted and high-ranking that the King entrusted him with his last orders. May overexert himself. Has the welfare of the nation in mind, but seems to be prone to (grave) errors.

Midia: Based on her looks she may have been a high-ranking noble before being a Paladin. Her manner of speaking suggests an inner "rebellious princess" personality, yet she has a lot of Archanean pride of loyalty - perhaps this mixture is what gets her in the situation she's in in Book 2. As for her and Astria, they were probably lovers for a long time - perhaps childhood sweethearts.

Dolph and Macellean: Seem to be friendly with each other and Boah. Based on their appearances, are likely twin brothers. Otherwise not much to go on here.

Tomas: Refers to Dolph and Macellean as "The Armor Knights", suggesting he's perhaps more distant than the rest of the group. Regardless, he stayed with them the whole time... perhaps he's Aspergers-y? He's the most likely to be the oddball of the bunch, anyway.

Anyway, I recall in Japan there's a lot of other non-game material to go with, which we should probably try looking up. In particular I recall a CD Drama series and some book compilations...

But anyway, as for the anime hinting at personalities...

Nabarl: In the anime he seems to have a nightmare about a girl being brutally killed. This is probably meant to be a suggestion about his past. The girl looked to be of high rank, so I'd assume the girl to be... a dancer, mayhaps? Based on his main character gimmick, I assume he somehow blames himself for whatever tragedy happened - perhaps he killed her with his own blade, somehow?

Julian: Is apparently supposed to be a wussy based on how he flails his sword around against Nabarl. Kinda bizarre since he seems a lot more muscular in the anime...

Shiida: Anime Genki Girl who tends to get clingy and jealous whenever her "man" is approached by another women. If this was how she was in the games she'd probably have ripped Nyna and Maria, and perhaps Linde based on that outfit alone, to shreds.

Gordin: Takes multiple tries to land an arrow in someone's butt. How he goes from this to "The Greatest Archer in Altea" in Book 2? God knows....

These are nice bits. Particularly with Thomas. Saves me a lot of thought on the Aritian Knight. Knew Midia was a royal though.

Nice bit with Nabarl too...seems to fit him well. As for Julian, would make sense he's a jackass with a blade, considering he's a thief with low weapon skill, he's probably not used to taking on such skilled swordsmen like freaking Nabarl XD.

Thanks for this though! Very nice.

As for Gordin, easily explainable. Norne helps him out.

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Does anyone know a little about Cheine backstory ? His ending give me doubts ...

Can someone explain me why they call "Capitain Gordon" ? I don't undestand this joke

They develop him rather well in FE3 actually...It'd be unfair to reveal him actually.

Captain Gordin....Long story.

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I think it's really obvious why Gordin is the Greatest Archer in Altea, it's just that everyone better with the bow than him were Snipers or Hunters/Horsemen or Generals and Warriors when he was crowned greatest Archer.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The rules say nothing about topics dying at a specific time, so forgive me if this might be necro-posting...

So where the hell were we? I believe we were....Getting towards Linde and everyone in this particular part of the game? Or Astram?

I think we got up to port Warren now that I think about it...

Edited by Grandjackal
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Captain Gordon, DEFENDER OF EARTH is an awesome character from an awesome game, Disgaea. That's where the joke comes from.

It's CAPTAIN GORDIN, DEFENDER OF THE UNIVERSE. It was my username for 3 days.

He's called captain gordin because he's an archer captain in marth's army, IIRC.

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The rules say nothing about topics dying at a specific time, so forgive me if this might be necro-posting...

The rules don't, but the announcements do. You're well within the allotted timeframe.


Radd or Arran..

Since there are too little imformation about them,aren't them?

There isn't enough information on most characters. =\

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There's actually plenty on Alan, at least in FE3 considering why he retired from the Aritian Templar Service (holy knights, whatever)

Let's see if I can't work some magic on him and Samson...

Where did the hatred begin between the rich pompus ass that is Alan and the rags to riches landowner and former gladiator Samson? Simple. Over a princess. I think we all know who...

Alan came down from a long line of Templar captains. But of a spoiled brat, he never had to deal with a real harsh life. Got whatever he wanted when he wanted. Unlike his pious and religious family, he's anything but. His position was pretty much handed to him. He had high rank in the nation though, so people had to deal with him whether they liked him or not. Being high rank, he got to travel about the world for various actions of the church and missionary works. 'Twas there he was captivated by the beauty of the princess of Gra and an growing general, Madam Sheema. Thus, began a tragedy...

For you see, when he tried to court her (medieval speak for trying to get in her pants), she told the templar her heart belonged to a gladiator who was more noble than such a slimy bastard of a knight. Alan, being the dick that he is, did not take this lightly. A knight considered below a GLADIATOR? He'd hear none of it! Considering he couldn't just go out and kill the princess of a nation without starting a shitstorm, he did what he could get away with, that being finding this gladiator and killing him. Why not make it dramatic for the princess? Why not fight this gladiator in his own arena and slay him there? He disguised the bout by inviting the princess of Gra to a jousting competition he would be at. She agreed, only to see him lose horribly to real knights. That day, she was surprised to see te templar in full armor with his silver blade, shouting out from the arena floor "Bring me the one you call Samson!"

Samson was summoned and he gladly obliged the loudmouth. He came out in merely civilian clothes, for he was dirt poor. He could not even afford to use battle armor from the arena. With nothing but a dirty blade, dirty ripped clothes and his own skill, he stepped out into the battleground, telling the templar "Quiet. With you yelling, I can't sleep with the little time they allow me to stay."

Alan immediately attacked the rude gladiator, only to miss his strike and be knocked down. Throughout the battle, Samson dared not cut the templar. He knew Samson's type. Brag about being in the military, yet would scream for back up from stubbing their toes. He thought embaressing the knight rather than slaughtering him would do better for the both of them. He made a complete fool out of the templar.

Eventually the knight had worn himself out. He admitted defeat. The crowd cheered for Samson, their hero. Turning to Sheema in the crowd as their glances meet. With the distraction, Alan decided to strike cowardly at his opponent's back. Samson, having dealt with such behavior before (with the scars to prove it), he turns, dodging the strike with a quick slash to slice Alan's arm with the rusty blade. Wounded badly, Alan fell to his knees, wailing in pain he had never felt before. He had no choice but to give up. One thing about Alan is he was too childishly prideful to have actually brought back up. His wound was healed. Sheema never dealt with him again, and Samson was rewarded with a great bonus to show there is a new standard for the knights of Altea to stand up to. Samson however stayed at the arena. He slowly made his money and was finally able to buy himself some land for a house. With a royal lover and his high respect as a gladiator got him to great money. Samson finally had a life of comfort. He was well respected and looked upon as a roll model in his town.

Alan however, was shamed and the laughing stock of the Templar Knights of Altea. Even worse, ever since he got in that fight, he had started getting ill. It was vague at first, but he slowly started to lose whatever edge he had. All of this had brought him to grudge his former opponent. A grudge he would not let go easily. He remembered where the poor man lived, he knew where the fight took place. Being the dick that he is, he found out where Samson lived and bought land right next to his just to torment him. Showing his scar to the gladiator constantly, talking down to him for not being royalty, the usual asshole behavior. What shocked him however was that there was not a single soul who liked him. He never dreamed of people spitting on a knight, treating them like garbage. If he hadn't retired, he'd have this town burned down if he wanted to. But he never imagined they would treat him as such. Where was the respect the people once had for the templar? What hope was there that the very title brought to the people? They were fine in the capitol...why did these peasants behave so differently?

Samson knew his new neighbor was a bastard without measure. He could not help but feel pity for the fool. Ever since the loss, he had become bitter, grudgeful, he had even started to grow pale as the man started to go out less and less. Like a ghost. He was constantly reminded of the scar he gave out of arrogance, as if Alan was somehow worse than any other of his opponents. The people hated him, shutting him in even more, the man had even started drinking and retired from his high rank. He felt guilty, as if he had caused this man to lose his mind. He could have just stayed asleep and this whole mess wold have never started. He knew he never wanted to cause it again in another human being. He himself retired from his job as a gladiator, fearing he would only cause bloodshed and feed madness. All he knew is he could not stand to see the madness he had caused, nor could he stand the presence of the grudgeful pale knight. The knight had degraded to a vagrant....yet soon, both would rarely leave their homes, both would rarely talk to others. Neither wanted to see the other, they had food delivered to them as to not step out to risk seeing the other. Samson had not seen his loved one in years, and Alan could never bring himself to return home after realizing he had dirtied the name of Altean Templar far more than he had believed...

A knight of grudgeful regret, and a gladiator of self-doubt and pity...Later, a writer would put pen to paper to bring this story to others of the world. This story would later be called The Tragedy of Rust and Silver.

How does this fit? Well, how did Alan get his sickness from FE3?...

I'll do Raddy and Ceasar later. But how do you like THIS?

Also, thank you Musashi for the clarification.

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I always thought Alan was very depressed with his lot in life and was a heavy drinker which led to his ilness. He seemed very eager to die just look at his death quotes.

*points up* I explained the depression and heavy drinking. I guess he could have gotten sclerosis, but I don't think getting scarred by a rusty sword would help him either.

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You could argue Alan gets his confidence back after fighting with Marth [Assuming Marth picked Alan wouldn't be unreasonable, Alan didn't just warp to Chapter 1] while fighting in Book 1, and as such recieved a small boost to his abilities in Book 2.

Samson...either he went through intense training to impress Sheema [Apparantly he didn't do too much on his HP lol] or he just took steroids.

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You could argue Alan gets his confidence back after fighting with Marth [Assuming Marth picked Alan wouldn't be unreasonable, Alan didn't just warp to Chapter 1] while fighting in Book 1, and as such recieved a small boost to his abilities in Book 2.

Samson...either he went through intense training to impress Sheema [Apparantly he didn't do too much on his HP lol] or he just took steroids.

Either way, many of Sheema's beds are broken. Who broke them exactly is a question for another time and another place...

I wouldn't say it's confidence, but rather the wish to restore what he single-handedly ruined. he'd still be cocky, but he wouldn't be such a dickhead about his position.

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