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Should we make backstories for the characters?

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Is Sheema, a developing general of a nation, suddenly not allowed to travel?

Well, in some cases, yes. Nobles and princesses and such and such had a tendency to be locked up indoors all the time for their own safety.

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Well, in some cases, yes. Nobles and princesses and such and such had a tendency to be locked up indoors all the time for their own safety.

Princesses weren't made into generals either.

Anyways, Ceasar and Raddy.

Lifelong friends that lived their whole lives so far in Warren. Ceasar basically was a rather serious being. Grew up to realize they were completely vulnerable to bandit attack. Not exactly a complex guy, and the reasoning being good, he starts the mercenary town guard. It consists of him....and Raddy. That's it. They TRY to garner support, but no one takes them seriously, acting like they're in a perfect haven. Ceasar had been training a good while to prepare himself for anything, but without having gone against opposition, how would he know what to prepare for (thus why he's higher level than Raddy, but still not experienced). Another problem Ceasar has is that he is oblivious to anything not on the surface or obvious. A bit too simple for his own good. With the mercenary town guard, Raddy and him make a small profit that's livable as the other villagers feel sorry they don't have real jobs and make it seem like they're playing pretend.

Raddy, in contrast to his down to earth friend, is flamboyant, obnoxious, and utterly fruity. Can only be described as an utter femboi. Even standing still, he has what would be considered a feminine stature and stance. While Ceasar is down to earth and simplistic, cool calm and collected, the face of professionalism, Raddy is a floaty loud flamboyant obnoxious concentration of cuteness. He never was the fighting type, but he goes wherever his best friend goes. Doesn't like to get his clothes dirty (especially such a fetching bright green shirt), doesn't like violence or bloodshed, doesn't even like holding a sword, but he would push through it all if Ceasar did. Raddy is a moody character who's mood can change without much effort. He could be soaring happy one moment and one seemingly innocent statement could send him crashing down into tears or rage. Not exactly the shining face of rationality. Some think it an act, but no one's seen him be serious ever unless he was joking.

Raddy's resolve for his friend Ceasar is amazing in what levels it can push him to. He secretly hides his feelings for Ceasar. He knows he wouldn't care (not like Ceasar would utterly fall in love with a guy when he's not that way), but he lately has had a hard time keeping it bottled up. He's made hints to him, but Ceasar being the simplistic dolt that he is, never catches on. Frustrates to no end.

So mismatched...XD

Not exactly the most in-depth story, but what excitement between them could there be at port Warren until the war comes and knocks on their door anyways?

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Raddy sounds like somebody I'd want to beat the shit out of in real life, and probably wouldn't have a hard time doing so. And no, it has nothing to do with him being gay.

Which is fair game, they can't all be winners, can they?

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Raddy sounds like somebody I'd want to beat the shit out of in real life, and probably wouldn't have a hard time doing so. And no, it has nothing to do with him being gay.

Which is fair game, they can't all be winners, can they?

Awww, don't beat the shit out of Raddy! T.T He's too adorable!

But yeah, I don't expect everyone to like every character.

So..who next?

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Right. Since I got the draft of Week 1 of BSFE done, a few other notes:

- Nyna and Midia were apparently really close - like "BEST FRIEND FOREVER" close. Notably when Midia failed to kill Camus, Nyna was literally ready to kill herself over it.

- Popular opinion of King Archanea was negative, and Camus did not like him. Assuming she didn't first hear it when Camus told her, Nyna seemed to be in denial of this up until the Palace's fall.

- The King died at some point during Nyna's escape attempt, but I'm not sure quite when. Either I failed to translate something properly or St. Giga forgot to include the scene in particular. (It's quite obvious that the King's planned to die through the whole act though.)

- As for Camus, he seemed to desire Archanea to have a fresh start after the king was slain. He acts a lot more like someone trying to take a lead into his own plans in BS FE - likely his "imprisonment" at the end would set up how he becomes in Shadow Dragon.

- Camus' personality clashes with Midia's. (They did not know each other beforehand, but daaamn do they have some shit to say about each other.)

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Right. Since I got the draft of Week 1 of BSFE done, a few other notes:

- Nyna and Midia were apparently really close - like "BEST FRIEND FOREVER" close. Notably when Midia failed to kill Camus, Nyna was literally ready to kill herself over it.

- Popular opinion of King Archanea was negative, and Camus did not like him. Assuming she didn't first hear it when Camus told her, Nyna seemed to be in denial of this up until the Palace's fall.

- The King died at some point during Nyna's escape attempt, but I'm not sure quite when. Either I failed to translate something properly or St. Giga forgot to include the scene in particular. (It's quite obvious that the King's planned to die through the whole act though.)

- As for Camus, he seemed to desire Archanea to have a fresh start after the king was slain. He acts a lot more like someone trying to take a lead into his own plans in BS FE - likely his "imprisonment" at the end would set up how he becomes in Shadow Dragon.

- Camus' personality clashes with Midia's. (They did not know each other beforehand, but daaamn do they have some shit to say about each other.)

Actually, go more into the Camus and Midia clash, since Midia's group is up next with this.

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There's actually plenty on Alan, at least in FE3 considering why he retired from the Aritian Templar Service (holy knights, whatever)

Let's see if I can't work some magic on him and Samson...

Where did the hatred begin between the rich pompus ass that is Alan and the rags to riches landowner and former gladiator Samson? Simple. Over a princess. I think we all know who...

Alan came down from a long line of Templar captains. But of a spoiled brat, he never had to deal with a real harsh life. Got whatever he wanted when he wanted. Unlike his pious and religious family, he's anything but. His position was pretty much handed to him. He had high rank in the nation though, so people had to deal with him whether they liked him or not. Being high rank, he got to travel about the world for various actions of the church and missionary works. 'Twas there he was captivated by the beauty of the princess of Gra and an growing general, Madam Sheema. Thus, began a tragedy...

For you see, when he tried to court her (medieval speak for trying to get in her pants), she told the templar her heart belonged to a gladiator who was more noble than such a slimy bastard of a knight. Alan, being the dick that he is, did not take this lightly. A knight considered below a GLADIATOR? He'd hear none of it! Considering he couldn't just go out and kill the princess of a nation without starting a shitstorm, he did what he could get away with, that being finding this gladiator and killing him. Why not make it dramatic for the princess? Why not fight this gladiator in his own arena and slay him there? He disguised the bout by inviting the princess of Gra to a jousting competition he would be at. She agreed, only to see him lose horribly to real knights. That day, she was surprised to see te templar in full armor with his silver blade, shouting out from the arena floor "Bring me the one you call Samson!"

Samson was summoned and he gladly obliged the loudmouth. He came out in merely civilian clothes, for he was dirt poor. He could not even afford to use battle armor from the arena. With nothing but a dirty blade, dirty ripped clothes and his own skill, he stepped out into the battleground, telling the templar "Quiet. With you yelling, I can't sleep with the little time they allow me to stay."

Alan immediately attacked the rude gladiator, only to miss his strike and be knocked down. Throughout the battle, Samson dared not cut the templar. He knew Samson's type. Brag about being in the military, yet would scream for back up from stubbing their toes. He thought embaressing the knight rather than slaughtering him would do better for the both of them. He made a complete fool out of the templar.

Eventually the knight had worn himself out. He admitted defeat. The crowd cheered for Samson, their hero. Turning to Sheema in the crowd as their glances meet. With the distraction, Alan decided to strike cowardly at his opponent's back. Samson, having dealt with such behavior before (with the scars to prove it), he turns, dodging the strike with a quick slash to slice Alan's arm with the rusty blade. Wounded badly, Alan fell to his knees, wailing in pain he had never felt before. He had no choice but to give up. One thing about Alan is he was too childishly prideful to have actually brought back up. His wound was healed. Sheema never dealt with him again, and Samson was rewarded with a great bonus to show there is a new standard for the knights of Altea to stand up to. Samson however stayed at the arena. He slowly made his money and was finally able to buy himself some land for a house. With a royal lover and his high respect as a gladiator got him to great money. Samson finally had a life of comfort. He was well respected and looked upon as a roll model in his town.

Alan however, was shamed and the laughing stock of the Templar Knights of Altea. Even worse, ever since he got in that fight, he had started getting ill. It was vague at first, but he slowly started to lose whatever edge he had. All of this had brought him to grudge his former opponent. A grudge he would not let go easily. He remembered where the poor man lived, he knew where the fight took place. Being the dick that he is, he found out where Samson lived and bought land right next to his just to torment him. Showing his scar to the gladiator constantly, talking down to him for not being royalty, the usual asshole behavior. What shocked him however was that there was not a single soul who liked him. He never dreamed of people spitting on a knight, treating them like garbage. If he hadn't retired, he'd have this town burned down if he wanted to. But he never imagined they would treat him as such. Where was the respect the people once had for the templar? What hope was there that the very title brought to the people? They were fine in the capitol...why did these peasants behave so differently?

Samson knew his new neighbor was a bastard without measure. He could not help but feel pity for the fool. Ever since the loss, he had become bitter, grudgeful, he had even started to grow pale as the man started to go out less and less. Like a ghost. He was constantly reminded of the scar he gave out of arrogance, as if Alan was somehow worse than any other of his opponents. The people hated him, shutting him in even more, the man had even started drinking and retired from his high rank. He felt guilty, as if he had caused this man to lose his mind. He could have just stayed asleep and this whole mess wold have never started. He knew he never wanted to cause it again in another human being. He himself retired from his job as a gladiator, fearing he would only cause bloodshed and feed madness. All he knew is he could not stand to see the madness he had caused, nor could he stand the presence of the grudgeful pale knight. The knight had degraded to a vagrant....yet soon, both would rarely leave their homes, both would rarely talk to others. Neither wanted to see the other, they had food delivered to them as to not step out to risk seeing the other. Samson had not seen his loved one in years, and Alan could never bring himself to return home after realizing he had dirtied the name of Altean Templar far more than he had believed...

A knight of grudgeful regret, and a gladiator of self-doubt and pity...Later, a writer would put pen to paper to bring this story to others of the world. This story would later be called The Tragedy of Rust and Silver.

How does this fit? Well, how did Alan get his sickness from FE3?...

I'll do Raddy and Ceasar later. But how do you like THIS?

Also, thank you Musashi for the clarification.

I always thought Alan was very depressed with his lot in life and was a heavy drinker which led to his ilness. He seemed very eager to die just look at his death quotes.

Just a small quesion,Why would Jagen like to invite him to become the captin (again)?

If Arran is the one who you say....

Awww, don't beat the shit out of Raddy! T.T He's too adorable!

But yeah, I don't expect everyone to like every character.

So..who next?

Radd is too adorable,i agree

I draw 2 picture (one is him ), send to IS for the "FEDS charaters museum for everyone"(but not posted ,of cource)


orignal charaters in FEDS?

may be Nagi?

she is the gadien charater who has no backstories ....

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Just a small quesion,Why would Jagen like to invite him to become the captin (again)?

If Arran is the one who you say....

Very ill, with my story he grows regretful for what he's done and how he's behaved...Last wish to make up for what he's done? Not like there's any hint of him still holding a grudge against Samson in FE3 anyways.

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Actually, go more into the Camus and Midia clash, since Midia's group is up next with this.

I'm not sure exactly what I can get from it, but it basically sounds like Camus' code of honor and ethics goes COMPLETELY against Midia's "Talk shit and do whatever it takes to win" approach. Camus was shocked to see Nyna being so close to someone -like that-. More than likely Camus knew Nyna from before, but only first saw Midia when she tried to kill him. It also implies Nyna met Midia after Camus.

As for Arran and Samson, we have to make note that it's the -villages- that are rivaling. It's not really known if they're really involved in it either, although it's fun to assume it is. It even drags on in Book 2 when NEITHER of them are there. (Arran's with the party and Samson's with Sheema.)

Anyway, I finished doing a draft on the translation of BS FE Week 2, but I'm not sure I got much about the characters... in fact, they seemed to convey much less personality and background info than other entries... Could anyone read it and try to see if they can think of any personality they can pull from Minerva or Hardin that isn't already known?

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I'm not sure exactly what I can get from it, but it basically sounds like Camus' code of honor and ethics goes COMPLETELY against Midia's "Talk shit and do whatever it takes to win" approach. Camus was shocked to see Nyna being so close to someone -like that-. More than likely Camus knew Nyna from before, but only first saw Midia when she tried to kill him. It also implies Nyna met Midia after Camus.

As for Arran and Samson, we have to make note that it's the -villages- that are rivaling. It's not really known if they're really involved in it either, although it's fun to assume it is. It even drags on in Book 2 when NEITHER of them are there. (Arran's with the party and Samson's with Sheema.)

Anyway, I finished doing a draft on the translation of BS FE Week 2, but I'm not sure I got much about the characters... in fact, they seemed to convey much less personality and background info than other entries... Could anyone read it and try to see if they can think of any personality they can pull from Minerva or Hardin that isn't already known?

I went back and read your translations actually. Damn, Midia's a hardass. Camus is such an asshole.

As for Arran and Samson...Maybe the villages got caught up in it. Something surely Arran started, but obviously it annoyed them both to the point they didn't want to go outside (along with being generally irked by the other's presence at this point), then eventually leaving. Samson obviously had a lover who would be more than willing to house him, while Arran had nowhere else to turn back to but the knights he had shamed. He joined, thinking redeeming the name of the templars was his only reason for existing, considering how sick and weak he is at this point. Basically they created the problem and regretted it.

Minerva from the translations so far seems quite serious and a bit sarcastic (then again, the translations seem a bit funky worded...no offense to you, but I could imagine things get lost in translation. That and I'm not there to hear their tones myself, since it's voice acted). But until more, I'll have to keep hold of things. That and I heard there's a lot more about Minerva than just this and FE1 (FE3 for example along with whatever the hell Michalis involved himself with. Teaching myself japanese is going better than expected, just wish I knew more than like...a small amount of kanji). Hardain however...he oozes with his personality already. I know enough of FE1, what I read from the BS translation and FE3 that he's charismatic, calm minded, precise and quick minded. Incredibly confident in his own mind. A born leader.

I'll think up Midia's group sooner or later. Seems Boah is well described in the BS games along with FE3 actually making him somewhat important. The main focuses here are Dolph, Michalen and Thomas.

Thank you for the translations, the reminder of story bits to clean these up, and your own thoughts. It's great help, and I'm having some major fun with this.

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Yeah, my translating skills are far from perfect. I may have to rewrite some of Minerva's wording based on how she's portrayed in Shadow Dragon... but from what I could get on it, Minerva's VERY torn up about Macedonia's recent events, and it was taking a toll on her own self-esteem, in spite of her own fame. She feels personal responsibility for when soldiers from her own country do bad things, and is just as frustrated at her own powerlessness to stop this as she is at Rubel's desertion.

Also, based on Rubel's own words, she was already having her decisions influenced by Michalis's actions which killed her father and captured her sister. Rubel seemed to actually know what was really up, and was taking advantage of both the situation as well as Minerva's emotional stress to push her over the edge.

As shown in FE3, the siblings actually had a bond that

was strong enough to have Michalis recover from what would've been certain death by Minerva's own "spear", realize the error of his ways and sacrifice himself to reclaim Starlight from Gharnef in Book 2

. Before that incident Minerva must've been confused and bewildered by everything. She probably had a childhood where, no matter what else happened, she thought she could trust her brother no matter what...

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With that cleared up, it appears Minerva has some legitimate issues. I'd be surprised she doesn't break down in book two with how things go for her there. Hell, I'm surprised she doesn't go psychotic after fighting

her brother

in book 1! Must flip her world upside down. I'd imagine she'd be incredibly impatient and frustrated, in a horrid mood and all for good reason. Part of the royal family that rules a country, chances are they wouldn't find fighting their own country the least bit comforting. Minerva is quite the conflicted character.

Now with Michalen, Dolph and Thomas...

Michalen and Dolph are brothers in arms, though they often get mistaken as actual brothers. These guys though are the definition of professional. They will perform orders twice as well as even top notch soldiers. They aren't real soldiers as much as professional bodyguards, and it shows. Their armor is tough, they are tough. Their differences? Well, Dolph can usually get emotionally attached to the job (as proven with the BS fire emblem translation with how he ends up..). He always has this idea that he should be doing more than protecting whoever pays them. He'd rather be a real dedicated knight. He feels it would give him more purpose. Michalen on the other hand is rather mercenary about it.He could care less as long as he gets paid. It's a living, why should he complain? Michalen had been a knight in the Grust military actually, until all their troubles started to rise. Michalen, not being a dumbass, left as soon as he could and fled for Palace, or whatever it's called, where he started the bodyguard business (so it wasn't exactly a long time ago). Dolph however had just barely started being a cadet before he noticed Michalen and his business could make more money faster. A choice Dolph later regrets, as they learn they pretty much hate each other. Michalen can be kind of a dick.

Thomas as we know, is Sedgar's brother. Most of his back story is explained back with Sedgar's. As he started groing up though, his brother taught him archery, something Thomas seemed to pick up quickly. He didn't learn other things too well, as Thomas has sort of a mental problem. Thomas is autistic, meaning he won't talk much if at all, walk away in the middle of a conversation due to lack of interest, rarely makes eye contact, and can only absorb information visually rather than verbally, along with an emotional side of a brick. However, it isn't a bad case of it. He can talk and hold a conversation, if he is a bit trite and short worded, and is capable of emotion if having a hard time dealing with them. No one knows what autism is int his time however, so Sedgar discovering Thomas had been trying to copy him during archery practice from watching him was a miracle to him. After a while of discovering how Thomas learned, he quickly started teaching Thomas everything important. Archery, hunting, making food from hunted game, cleaning clothes, everything he could think of that he believed Thomas needed to know. Until Thomas had enlisted as a cadet to the military, he had been at home, staying alive and practicing archery while Sedgar was climbing the ranks and gaining money for them both to live comfortably.

Thomas in the military was a frustrating time for him as he couldn't understand the point of most of it. Sedgar had to teach Thomas the ropes himself before Thomas started getting the hang of the routine. From there on, he did well enough to be considered a royal guard enlisted under Midia's command. He is attached to no one as he cannot develop a real relationship with another person, at least not easily. He was left alone for the most part, aside from his commanders for obvious reasons. Only real relationship he has is with his brother, only wanting to do as Sedgar does out of admiration. He has no ill will towards others and does what he's told. Under the right circumstances, he can learn quick. He's strange, but overall he's a good kid.

Alright, tell me if things are left our ot I missed something. Otherwise, who else is there?

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I just have to ask...is Tomas really Sedgar's brother, or is that just something the fans made up? >_> Other sites and guides I've seen say he is as well, but I've never seen any official source state that before...

Either way, very nice with these Grandjackal. I enjoy reading them, and I look forward to reading about whoever you decide to write about next. Beck, Darros, Ogma's axemen(atleast, I don't think they've been done yet...), and Roger could probably benefit from some backstory, if you need suggestions.

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I'm liking this.

But what about Rodger? Shouldn't he get something to, since Ceasar and Raddy did?

I am glad you reminded me!

I just have to ask...is Tomas really Sedgar's brother, or is that just something the fans made up? >_> Other sites and guides I've seen say he is as well, but I've never seen any official source state that before...

Either way, very nice with these Grandjackal. I enjoy reading them, and I look forward to reading about whoever you decide to write about next. Beck, Darros, Ogma's axemen(atleast, I don't think they've been done yet...), and Roger could probably benefit from some backstory, if you need suggestions.

Wow, was not expecting this. Thank you, danke, merci, спасибо and ありがと.

I remember hearing that Thomas was Sedgar's brother. I know I've heard it before, so I doubt it's fan made. Even if it isn't, you gotta admit they seem pretty similar in looks so it isn't out of thought.

Forgot about them. Jake, Beck, Darros and Roger I should delve more into and the axemen I should go more in depth with I suppose...all will come soon I guess. So sit tight and let me think things over, mkay?

I'm glad people are actually enjoying these.

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We could probably make a crazy story with Jake, considering how his wife Anna is one of the few recurring FE characters that has appeared in nearly every game, and in a lot of the instances she's brought up Jake...

As for Tomas and Sedgar being related, I didn't hear such a thing per se, but they looked so similar that it was easy to imagine the relationship. Usually characters with such similar hair and facial structures are likely to be related and it's more of a twist when they're -not-.

I was surprised to see Minerva and Hardin acting so chummy.

Remember that Hardin was hiding his identity, and when a Macedonian soldier identified him, Minerva instantly went into denial.

Although I doubt the CG images showed anything like such, I could almost imagine him just donning a pair of glasses and going "I'm Clark Kent." or donning a mask and becoming Zorro.

His behavior was pretty out there as well - in spite of his kingdom being in shambles, he was calm and collected, and was able to see Minerva for who she really was, rather than be blinded by rage over his kingdom's destruction.

He understood who his true enemies were and fought for the good of innocents regardless of nationality.... it's not a wonder Boa thought he was an excellent candidate for Nyna's husband; It seemed like nothing could bring him down.... .... making Book 2's tragedy incredibly ironic.

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Jake had struck my interest the moment I saw his FE DS portrait. He looks like a criminal, he appears as a pirate in FE7, they appear in various FE games...Jake is a pirate who travels the world! Maybe he and Anne have this sort of Bonnie and Clyde thing going...Forced to fight for Dolhr because they simply caught him. They force him to fight. Considering some of the canons they have as ballistician weapons, it's not out of place to think ships can be equipped with usual cannons in this timeline. He got stuck as a ballistician because they figure him more used to being a guy who mans the cannon. More later. But I just wanted to put that up, because I think Jake's awesome.

Why didn't they fire cannons on the pirate ship at the enemy ships in FE7?

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When you do Roger, keep this in mind. Something about him screams "dork" to me.

Oh believe me, I know...

Now lets get some work done here. Lets start with Roger, who seems to be the request of the day.

Roger...is in fact a dork. Much more of one than one would think. He is in fact, the son of the mayor of Port Warren. A rich spoiled prick too (pink hair, seems he's had enough food as a growing man.). He seems a major dork, the people his age picked on him all the time, you could say he didn't have an amazing sense of self-esteem either. He didn't do well in school either, so there was even more reason to look down on him, especially since all he did was bitch about it when he wasn't being a spoiled brat or an angsty douche otherwise. He seems young, he looks like he could easily be immature. A boring life in a boring city with boring things to do and no recognition for doing anything. The world is given to him on a silver platter, and he whined about it...

Then the war came near Warren. Dolhr is knocking on Port Warren's door. The combination of wanting recognition, angst and spoiled distaste for his town, he didn't hesitate to join the ranks of his town and country's enemy. He thought it would be better than that douchebag pair of "guardians of the town". If there was anyone he talked down to the most, it was those two. Looking rediculous, being the only people outside the arena with weapons. As if anyone needed to protect themselves with where they were and how great the city was. Those losers looked rediculous, playing pretend heroes. The red head could have been his personal punching bag if that plank of a personality he calls a friend didn't stand him up every time ( Ceasar: *to Roger* I'd tell ya to pick on someone your own size, but no one in town's big enough. So, I guess you'll have to deal with me...You can run, or your dad's gonna notice an uprising of violence in town." ). He'd show 'em all by helping crush that town! A coward, a dumbass, a dork...Just all around loser.

Jake is a world-fairing seadog of a pirate. He had met Anne in Elibe at Port Badon. Over the years of pillaging and showing his girlfriend the world, they had come to love each other. Anne liked his rough demeanor and Jake loved the girl's interest in the wild side. Every time him and his crew hit port, Anne would stay at the inn so after a night of pillaging, the guys always had a party to return to. It's been said that Anne sells these stolen goods to a hush hush group...Apparently, it's membership only.

Jake was a cannoneer for the crew. He never liked any fight up close and personal. He always said it reminded him too much of something, but he always changes the subject when asked. Tends to drink a lot and stay away from crowds. Only person he can usually stand the company of for longer than a few minutes is Anne. Never really talks much and he never seems to be able to unwind. Very tense.

One night, while staying at an inn at Norda, him and Anne got into a verbal fight, as he was drunk and was not in a pleasant mood. In public no less, he starts going on a rant about being treated like a dog, berating her of treating him like some pet while she goes out with "real people" when he's off working. Of course, he didn't say working as much as he said "I'm a pirate, I could burn this damn place down! What can YOU do!?", and the town guards of Dohlr Occupation heard this, promptly arresting him. He could have beaten the helpless Anne had they not shown up.

Next day with a hangover, he'd never felt guiltier in his life. He'd never been imprisoned before. Cold, dark, dank, and only himself as company. He had meant none of it to happen. He sat in his cell for months, unable to stand himself for what he did. His crew had probably left by now too. He was stuck here. He was due for execution, but one day he awakes to the sound of his cell opening, with soldiers sitting him up and dragging him, telling him he has a new sentence...

"Altea forces are coming to retake Norda. YOU are gonna help us force them back. Might even have to destroy the town..."

Setting him up in a position he would feel familiar with as a ballistician as they aren't too far from cannons, he had never been forced into such a hell. Fighting a nation he had no affiliation with with people he didn't even know of, destroying a town for the sake of someone saying they now own what is under their feet, and possibly destroying the town with the girl he had relations with in it. All this with the guilt in his mind, he had never been so broken and brought to a cold (thus why he looks so fucking pissed in his in-game portrait). He didn't even care about the enemy, he just wanted to keep that city safe. Met with a pegasus knight, informing him that his girlfriend had been searching for him and to let him know she was safe, he had never felt such relief. He gladly turned on the bastards who had forced this hell on him. After the battle of Palace, he had gone to Norda to reconcile with the one he had done wrong to...

She couldn't take the rough life anymore, to risk such things again. They say she had gone to her homeland, never to see him again. A place she always talked about. I think it was called Jehanna...

Lemme know what y'all think. Darros and Beck are next.

EDIT: To Vincent. FE DS version of Jake? Maybe Jake with a Freege royal...He WAS there at Jugdral...Maybe it happened after Altea. Found another lover in a Freege royal? Mighty impressive for a former pirate. Amid's the second generation replacement mage of Arthur, right?

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Some good stuff here. The Minerva stuff from FEBS is pretty interesting; is there any more that can be extrapolated from it?

Also, has anyone kept a record on who's been done and who hasn't?

We're pretty much going through this as we go through the game. I can't make any of the gaiden characters though. Have yet to see them or use them in game. The helpful people here remind me of who I missed.

Thank you though. ^^

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