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lyn could be better


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When I got lyn to lvl 20 unpromoted. she had 2 defence!

So 1 hit, and she's dead

Mine had great defense both hard and normal mode. As to her Resistance, gosh it was terrible.

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Totally off topic, Lyn would probably be a hell of a lot better if her affinity was Anima or Thunder rather than Wind.

I mean, her options are fine, her affinity just blows, and Anima already fixes a ton of her problems since now she's dodging somewhat reliably.

Edited by Sweet Tooth
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Totally off topic, Lyn would probably be a hell of a lot better if her affinity was Anima or Thunder rather than Wind.

I mean, her options are fine, her affinity just blows, and Anima already fixes a ton of her problems since now she's dodging somewhat reliably.

*points at Kent with his anima affinity* Did I hear his armor just go ding?

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pfft, who needs no-eyes Lowen, when you have Kent to soak up the damage and own everything with his extra attack, as well?!

...You know, maybe that's WHY Lyn didn't get an affinity that didn't blow chunks.

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*points at Kent with his anima affinity* Did I hear his armor just go ding?

*points to Sain and Kent's 2 move on Lyn* Did I hear him take damage because of his 7 defense at 11/0, the level that he'll probably show up at when he rejoins the party?

pfft, who needs no-eyes Lowen, when you have Kent to soak up the damage and own everything with his extra attack, as well?!

...You know, maybe that's WHY Lyn didn't get an affinity that didn't blow chunks.

I can't tell if you're sarcastic or not.

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Did I hear him take damage because of his 7 defense at 11/0, the level that he'll probably show up at when he rejoins the party?

One more level and it's 8. In that time, he could easily form at least a C with theoretical Anima Lyn, making it 9. And it only gets better from there.

...9 def is pretty damn good consider this is still the earlygame. It's not that far behind Ozzy.

Edited by Sweet Tooth
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You can't form supports in Lyn mode.


Also, if Kent's gaining a level in that chapter despite the low enemy density by his starting location, let's give Lowen 2 levels? He faces quite a few more enemies.

Kent 12/0:

HP: 29

Strength: 10

Skill: 11

Speed: 11

Luck: 4

Defense: 7

Res: 3

Lowen 13/0:

HP: 32

Strength: 10

Skill: 8

Speed: 10

Luck: 8

Defense: 11

Res: 3

So, Lowen has 3 HP, 4 Luck, and 4 Defense on Kent, while Kent has 3 Skill and 1 Speed on Lowen. That one speed is cancelled out by Lowen's higher Con and Higher Luck.

So, they dodge about the same and can double the same enemies, but Lowen has a decent durability lead over Kent, and he's partway to an Eliwood C support.

Where exactly is Kent winning?

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You can't form supports in Lyn mode.

That's why you form it when Kent's getting his 11th level up in Hector Mode.

If you COULD form supports in Lyn mode they'd totally have an A by now.

So, Lowen has 3 HP, 4 Luck, and 4 Defense on Kent, while Kent has 3 Skill and 1 Speed on Lowen. That one speed is cancelled out by Lowen's higher Con and Higher Luck.

So, they dodge about the same and can double the same enemies, but Lowen has a decent durability lead over Kent, and he's partway to an Eliwood C support.

Where exactly is Kent winning?

yes, because earlygame is the only portion that matters, ever.

Check on them when Lyn/Kent gets to A, and it's not out of the question for Kent to start building a B support with Heath.

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KentxLyn C takes a few chapters considering move differences, EliwoodxLowen C is painfully slow (again, move differences), and KentxHeath C is not happening till lategame, if at all.

Reikken's not exaggerating when he complains that this game's supports are SLOW.

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That's why you form it when Kent's getting his 11th level up in Hector Mode.

If you COULD form supports in Lyn mode they'd totally have an A by now.

yes, because earlygame is the only portion that matters, ever.

Check on them when Lyn/Kent gets to A, and it's not out of the question for Kent to start building a B support with Heath.

Lol? It takes Kent 27 turns to level up?

If they spent 75 turns next to each other, maybe. If we're talking about REALITY, though...

Except that Lyn/Kent will never get to A. Sain/Kent will. MAYBE Lyn can score a B with Kent by, like, Cog of Destiny.

Let's check back in at, say, chapter 20, OK?

Let's be generous and say that Kent somehow caught up to Lowen during the Pirate slaughterfest, or something, though Lowen can tank through that and get so many more kills than Kent.

19/0 Lowen w/ Steel Sword (C Eliwood):

HP: 38

Strength: 13

Skill: 10

Speed: 12

Luck: 11

Defense: 14

Res: 5

Attack Speed: 12

Avoid: 40

Accuracy: 102 w/o WTA

Critical: 7

Critical Evade: lol

19/0 Kent w/ Steel Sword (C Sain):

HP: 35

Strength: 14

Skill: 15

Speed: 15

Luck: 5

Defense: 9

Resistance: 5

Attack Speed: 14

Avoid: 34

Accuracy: 109 w/o WTA

Critical: 9

Critical Evade: lol

Lowen wins defensively by 3 HP, 5 Defense, and 6 Avoid (the difference between being 2 and 3 rounded, might I add). Kent wins Accuracy by 7 (lol), Attack Speed by 2 (kind of important), Critical by 2 (lol) and Attack by 1 (lol).

Lowen's fairly large defensive wins > Kent's slight Attack Speed win. The only things that Lowen might not double would be Mercenaries, which, IIRC, this chapter has none of.

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Except that Lyn/Kent will never get to A.

You're really exaggerating the drasticness of 75 turns.

19/0 Kent w/ Steel Sword (C Sain):


where does Sain come into this?

We're not debating Kent>Lowen. We're debating Kent with a theoretical Anima Lyn support>Lowen, and before that Lyn sucking significantly less. Cutting out Kentx Anima Lyn support altogether defeats the entire purpose.

Edited by Sweet Tooth
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You're really exaggerating the drasticness of 75 turns.


where does Sain come into this?

We're not debating Kent>Lowen. We're debating Kent with a theoretical Anima Lyn support>Lowen, and before that Lyn sucking significantly less. Cutting out Kentx Anima Lyn support altogether defeats the entire purpose.

pfft, who needs no-eyes Lowen, when you have Kent to soak up the damage and own everything with his extra attack, as well?!

Seems pretty Lowen vs. Kent to me.

Specify next time.

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