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It was love at first sight!

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This topic is dedicated to Minerva and all those that loved her official artwork then looked at her stats. At least she has the AXE!

I still plan on using her. I guess I'll just have to ... give her some roids... and reset for maximum stat gain when necessary.

Tell me if you plan on using her yourself come tomorrow. Or any other character who is sucky. I plan on using all of the women myself. Then again I always do that...

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I really have to say this but I am surprised at how quickly I got a reply. Usually I have to wait some time before I get a reply in other forums.

We're kind folk 'round here, unlike them there city folk at FEP...

On topic: Minerva FTW

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Stat boosters are limited in this one though.

On the chapter she joins, there's an Angelic Robe and Speedwing available at least. Energy Drop soon after.

That's enough favortism to make her usable at least. You get another Energy drop in Ch. 15, and then another speedwing in Ch. 17, on top of growths that aren't that bad.

Edited by Chainey
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She starts with 12 def and that is enough to make her usable on normal mode. I took her to endgame without giving her any statboosters. She wasn't fantastic, but she survived. Mine got speed blessed though, yours may need a speedwing (or two).

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She starts with 12 def and that is enough to make her usable on normal mode. I took her to endgame without giving her any statboosters. She wasn't fantastic, but she survived. Mine got speed blessed though, yours may need a speedwing (or two).

Yea I know shadow dragon's normal mode is pathetically easy.

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As I'm sure BB would say: At least she's a redhead.

He would definitly say that.

also, i plan on using CAPTAIN GORDIN, DEFENDER OF THE UNIVERSE just cause I can. And Est, if only to make sweet tooth flip out (hehehe)

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if only to make sweet tooth flip out (hehehe)

Don't forget the Wing Spear :wub:

if only she was slightly better!

As far as growths go that apllies to nearly all the pre-promotes (it should be obvious which ones it doesn't apply to). That said I still feel she is the one of the better ones.

Plus I find it weird they didn't buff her up given the fact she is one of the few units with official artwork...

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Don't forget the Wing Spear :wub:

As far as growths go that apllies to nearly all the pre-promotes (it should be obvious which ones it doesn't apply to). That said I still feel she is the one of the better ones.

Plus I find it weird they didn't buff her up given the fact she is one of the few units with official artwork...

I'm gonna say that the artists were more motivated than the actual game programmers for this game. I know a little bit about this myself so I am still astonished that they were to lazy to fix this games growth rates. All you would have to do is find the part in the game's file containing her base stats and growths and just delete and change some numbers. It's incredible that they can't even do that. Imagine if they assigned just one guy to look at all the characters stats and see who needs nerfing and who needs a boost?! Literally you could prob balance out most of this game in a day if you wrote down everything wrong with each character and did some calculations to see what would help them out without making them overpowered.
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