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"3rd cavalier"...


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Well, we all know about that "3rd cavalier" archtype, right?

Sain - strength

Kent - skill

Lowen - defense

Kyle - strength

Forde - skill

Franz - defense

But in Fuuin no Tsurugi, who's the "3rd cavalier"? The one that maxes in defense?

I know Lance and Alan are the Skill and Strength respectively, but is it Treck or Noah that's the wall?

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Well, we all know about that "3rd cavalier" archtype, right?

Sain - strength

Kent - skill

Lowen - defense

Kyle - strength

Forde - skill

Franz - defense

But in Fuuin no Tsurugi, who's the "3rd cavalier"? The one that maxes in defense?

I know Lance and Alan are the Skill and Strength respectively, but is it Treck or Noah that's the wall?

Treck, while it isn't as crazy as Lowen's.

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What the? A skill archetype? Skill isn't even that useful a stat. I see cavalier patterns more in pairs.

Red + green

FE5: Kein + Alva (?)

FE6: Alan + Lance

FE7: Kent + Sain

FE8: Forde + Kyle

FE9-10: Kieran + Oscar

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FE5: Kein + Alva (?)

FE6: Alan + Lance

FE7: Kent + Sain

FE8: Forde + Kyle

FE9-10: Kieran + Oscar

FE1: Cain and Abel

FE3 Book 2: Rody and Luke

FE4: Alec and Noish

"Third Cav"

FE1/DS: A bunch of people. Take your pick from Hardin, Vyland, Matthis, and Roshea

FE3 Book 2: Cecil

FE4: Ethlin's the only one I can think of, if not then you've got Finn/Lex/Sigurd to choose from

FE5: Carrion/Finn

FE6: Treck/Noah

FE7: Lowen

FE8: Franz

FE9: Makalov/Astrid

FE10: Makalov/Astrid/Titania/Geoffrey

FE DS: Frey

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This isn't even an archetype, it is just another person of the same class. What's the next archtype? Secondary female Mage who is overhyped by a bunch of fanboys when the first male Mage is clearly better? (Ilyana, Lilina, Nino)

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I'm surprised why that (Linde) archetype isn't more popular than it is currently, Although, just to annoy people, Linde is arguably better in Book 2.

However, yeah, I agree it's getting silly when you start picking archetypes based solely off their stats. IMO anyway.

Edited by VincentASM
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@ Mekkah:

You forgot Linde, which is a total repeat of the Lugh/Lilina situation. Only Merric owns Linde even harder.

And maybe I'm living under a rock, but I've noticed little to no Ilyana fanboyism.

Edited by Sweet Tooth
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This isn't even an archetype, it is just another person of the same class. What's the next archtype? Secondary female Mage who is overhyped by a bunch of fanboys when the first male Mage is clearly better? (Ilyana, Lilina, Nino)


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@ Mekkah:

You forgot Linde, which is a total repeat of the Lugh/Lilina situation. Only Merric owns Linde even harder.

And maybe I'm living under a rock, but I've noticed little to no Ilyana fanboyism.

there was a shrine for Ilyana in the Creative Board once upon a time, you can probably still find it in the old buried threads.


EDIT: Found it!

Look here!!!!!

And here!!!!

Edited by Ananke
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"Third Cav"

FE4: Ethlin's the only one I can think of, if not then you've got Finn/Lex/Sigurd to choose from

No love for poor Beowulf.

And I don't like this "archetype" on a reasonable way, too.

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This isn't even an archetype, it is just another person of the same class. What's the next archtype? Secondary female Mage who is overhyped by a bunch of fanboys when the first male Mage is clearly better? (Ilyana, Lilina, Nino)

Since when is Soren "clearly" better than Ilyana? (FE9 anyway) Last I checked, they were very even.

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And Soren also starts out suck, and Ilyana's bases are less suck. Compared at the same level their stats are very even (L6/0). What you said only matters for endgame, because they're close together until then. especially since Soren always loses AS for tomes -- Ilyana has the strength to use thunder and elthunder or something to compensate for less magic. So their AS remains more or less the same too..

In fact unless Soren decides to use Thunder (which reduces his AS to like two less than Ilyana) then he's doing worse than or equal to Ilyana until the endgame. :|

(I'm not saying Ilyana > Soren I'm just saying that Soren's not crushing her).

Edited by Nathan Graves
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Nathan, I think you're exaggerating the whole "only in lategame" deal.

Ilyana lv 20/1 (B Mordecai): 30.3 hp, 6.5 str, 17.0 mag, ~9 crit, 15.2 spd, 9.1 def, 21.0 res, 12.3 cev, 42.7 avo

Soren lv 20/3 (B Ike): 31.5 hp, 3.0 str, 20.5 mag, ~10 crit, 18.4 spd, 7.1 def, 20.4 res, 11.3 cev, 63.1 avo

Soren wins across the board. On offence, he has +3.5 mag (7.0 per double), 3.2 AS and even slightly more crit. Durability wise, 20.4 avo is leagues beyond 2 def and 1 res. As for tome weight, Ilyana only wins AS if Soren equips bolganoe, thoron, a seige or an S rank tome, while tying with elthunder and winning with everything else.

Since they're roughly the same level, might as well just compare growths for the future, though Ilyana might pick up a Zihark support on the way if either of Brom or Muarim isn't used (+10 avo and +2 def).

Differential (+ for Ilyana, - for Soren): 0% hp, +20% str, -10% mag, -10% skl, -10% spd, 0% def, -5% res, +10% luck

Soren wins in everything important (mag, skl, spd) while only losing luck (lol), so Ilyana's strength growth advantage is all she's got to look forward to.

So I'd say Soren is in fact winning by a lot.

Edited by Vykan12
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