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If you could invent a word!


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I'm not sure if that would be the correct spelling

Edited by CGV
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I dunno, for me it would probably be Hrieska and it would mean Deity, Goddess, God, etc.


My word: Kudaveriffic.

Somebody who is dead. Really really dead. *hopes somebody got the reference*

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I'm tempted to say Frindle, Pen because of that stupid book I had to read in 3rd grade, but instead I would just make weeaboo a real word. Being the unoriginal bastard I am.

Edit: Exclamate. You should be able to figure out what it means.

Black Fire, it means...Black Fire. :lol:

That's two words that already exist.

Edited by Retarded faggot
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Badassology: The study of all that is beyond awesome

Heywatchthis-itis: A disease that is contracted by doing something extremely stupid. Deaths caused by this disease have increased as of late...

Yeah, I know, they're stupid. That was my horrid attempt at being funny :P

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^ I thought they were funny.

Kninja - A knife wielding ninja.

Gunife - A gun that shoots small knives.

Knifendo - A video game company primary working around Knife games.

Knife York - A city build on a knife.

I think I have a problem.

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^ I thought they were funny.

Kninja - A knife wielding ninja.

Gunife - A gun that shoots small knives.

Knifendo - A video game company primary working around Knife games.

Knife York - A city build on a knife.

I think I have a problem.

You just love knives as much as I love Dragons. So, knife is to knives as Loki is to Dragons. Repeat after me, everyone...XD

Can we keep making up more words????

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