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Do you wear glasses?


Do you wear glasses?  

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I don't wear glasses or contact lenses.

Funny how my younger brother and I are the only ones in my immediate family who don't need them at all.

i am the only one in my whole family that doesn't need them, I am guessing I may have to get some in a few years though.....

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I am currently wearing contact lenses because a friend broke my glasses (ironically I gave them to him so I didn't break them while playing soccer) I've got used to contacts so there has been no need to mend my glasses or buy new ones. Although I do like how I look with glasses.

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sometimes... I mostly wear contacts.

Actually, I have a pair waiting for me to pick up...

And it's been waiting for over a month now, probably XD My dad and I never remember to pick them up. They're getting pretty mad about it... Maybe I should go remind my dad right now =D

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An assassin wearing classes? D:

well his glasses aren't like the ones us mortal humans wear. They're special glasses that not even the scouters from DBZ can compete with

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Thanks to video games and my laptop, I had to get glasses at the beginning of this year. I'm rather fond of them too because I think they look good on me...even if they do keep sliding down my nose and I have to push them up.

Anyway, I need them for long distance reading (ie reading from projectors in class, driving, etc)

Edited by Leyla Garcia
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I was just curious about it. I do, but I lost my glasses eight months ago and so I have not been wearing them. I'll have to order another pair, which costs me around $120. :lol:

No, I don't.

What? They are just glasses, incredible they cost that much.

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$120 sounds cheap. My new pair cost me €245

even if they do keep sliding down my nose and I have to push them up.

I have to do that as well and now some people think I'm pretending to be some anime character. "Hey, you push your glasses back up just like *some character* from *some anime*!"

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I have to do that as well and now some people think I'm pretending to be some anime character. "Hey, you push your glasses back up just like *some character* from *some anime*!"

Well, how do you push your glasses up your nose? Perhaps the entire motion itself seems exaggerated. I know that a pal of mine readjusts his glasses by grasping the rightmost area with his thumb and pointer finger, and seems to do it in a way you would expect of someone that is generically preparing to speak of something difficult to understand.

Anyways, I got myself a new pair of glasses, and they just came in today. I feel like I can read minds with them on. It's like I purchased RL in HD.

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I use my index finger or middlefinger to push it back up. And no, I keep all fingers close together so it doesn't look like I'm make certain gestures. I can't think of a more inconspicuous way to push glasses back up.

Edited by Tamara
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Been wearing glasses since thirteen, have lousy vision on the right side and horrific vision on the left (20/300 at the last exam). I'm also one of those people who prefers how he looks with glasses than without, so no contacts for me.

Of course, having lousy sight, I'm not entirely positive about how I look without them XD

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I don't wear glasses and never have. I've got quite good eyesight as it is, and I can't think of anyone in my family who wears them. Of course my dad just started needing to wear reading glasses, so...

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