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Epic Failures, Epic Wins: Fire Emblem 7


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I think the biggest fail I ever had while playing FE7 had to be not understanding support conversations at all. I think I might have supported three people, maybe, on my first playthrough. I also used Marcus because he was high-leveled. I don't even think I actually beat the game.

Several years later I picked it up again. Then epic win happened. :P

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I think the biggest fail I ever had while playing FE7 had to be not understanding support conversations at all. I think I might have supported three people, maybe, on my first playthrough.

I did something like that as well. The only supports I had were Eliwood/Hector C and Lyn/Florina C. I wasn't even using Florina.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Epic Failure:

Lyn misses a 99% hit in the Arena.

Hector only having 2 Resistance at 20 unpromoted.

Priscilla had only 14 speed at level 10 Valk.

Priscilla only gaining one point in magic for 10 levels.

Epic Wins:

The same Priscilla that only got 1 point in Magic over 10 levels had 9 defense.

Lyn managed to win the fight she missed her 99% hit in.

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I just remembered a huge fail:

All of my team except for Athos would have gotten 1HKO'd by the Dragon

So it was like:

Player Phase - Priscilla heals Athos. Athos attacks and gets hurt back. Erk heals Athos. End turn.

Enemy Phase - Dragon attacks Athos and gets hurt back. My turn.

and so on, until the Dragon had only a little HP left so I decided to have Eliwood deliver the final blow.

He missed.

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Fails (all on my first play through)

promoted everyone at level 10.

killed raven and guy.

tried to fight Fargus with Lyn

Worst failure: didnt get jaffar


Nino killed Sonia

one turned the dragon

got S rank at the end, 4th playthrough, EHM.

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Hector got killed by a dead tree (yeah, I'll just leave you to guess on that one)

I wasn't fast enough when trying to yield in the arena, and my immense luck with the RNG that session ended with a dead Rebecca.

I have ended up occasionally thinking of the game as "the campaign of useless criticals" since they usually don't happen unless I don't need it.


On one of my more recent attempts at arena abuse, Raven managed to survive an enemy pegasus knight that would have killed him... because of 67% crit. Then, when he went back in next, he immediately got another 6% critical, winnig the battle. He then kept getting lots of criticals until he was level 20. This RNG luck also happened with Lyn, Lucius, and Rebecca that session. Although, Lyn's luck only seemed to happen when she DIDN'T NEED IT!

Before you comment on the Arena Abuse, I'd just like to say that I like having high-leveled units. You should see me when I'm playing Star Ocean instead of Fire Emblem...

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  • 3 months later...


Didnt understand supports in first time playing the game.

Kent got crited by a mercenary with 2% crit in Lyn' mode.

Raven died on the pirate boat level by a mercenary with 1% critical.

Eilwood had 6 strength at level 15.

Promoted people at level 10 directly during first to third time playing Fire Emblem.

Lyn had 2 defense as a level 3 BladeLord and was doing EHM.

Was too busy trying to finished Victory or Death level and forgot to save Renault's village when I had a unit in range of his village.


Isadora managed to win against a Wyvern Lord who had 50% hit and did 18 damage. She only can do 9 damage.

Karla killed Nergal who had 68% to hit and did 38 damage.

Hector criticaled and killed the morph Lloyd with a 48% chance to hit and 12% critical

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Watching Raven get killed by the green soldiers.

Thinking that Guy would dodge an axe, he gets killed instead.




Kent dodged a fatal blow.(not a critical)



Edited by Kotiya Sanae
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Here's one epic win for me:

On my previous playthrough, Lyn ORKO'd the Fire Dragon. (With some help from Nils.) I really can't think anything more epic than that right now though.

Wow how'd that work? O.o

More epic wins/failures:


On my first playthrough, I remember using the devil axe like a normal axe but never suffering from suicides.

Defeating Kishuna on Eliwood mode with an army of non-promoted units.

Rebecca dodged a fatal blow that had like 75% hit from a nomad.


Thinking that Wallace was a good unit.

Skipping chapter 13x.

Watching Raven get killed on a speed run (by the soldiers).

Almost killing Raven with Hector.

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Wow how'd that work? O.o
Like I said, some help from Nils, what I didn't mention is that so she could do more damage with the Sol Katti. (Filla's Might comes in handy.) Also, maxed str, speed, and skill. Supports helped too, but mainly ones that bolstered attack and crit. An A with one that boosts avoid and crit, and a B with one that boosted attack and crit is what I used.
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  • 4 weeks later...

Awesome, that's something our Pents must have in common, my Pent usually has those stats, he always has an awesome defense too, my affinity favors him too :newyears: .

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When I first played the game, I believed Wallace when he said it was a good thing to use promotional items immediately (I know he never says that, but actions speak louder than words). So you better believe that the moment a unit turned to level ten, they were promoted.

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I now have an Epic Fail:

Accidently saving over my file in Chapter 27 when I forgot to talk to Jaffar with Nino in Chapter 26. Robbed me of an S-Rank in Eliwood Normal mode(Funds with 4 Stars while everything else was 5-starred and I took only 233 turns total :().

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My epic failure:

I was like 8 years old. I just spent 3 hours getting Raven to a level 20/20 Hero in chapter 17x. I'm like "Hurf durf look he's stronger than the boat man!lololo111one1one!!!"

And so I kill the captain and fail the chapter. Half a day down the drain.

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This was shortly followed by me sacrificing every character minus the lords to kill the dragon, wow I was terrible.

Sounds like my first FE9 Easy Mode runthrough. I had a grand total of 6 characters in the trial maps. One of them was Volke, who I didn't field. Yeah.

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I now have an Epic Fail:

Accidently saving over my file in Chapter 27 when I forgot to talk to Jaffar with Nino in Chapter 26. Robbed me of an S-Rank in Eliwood Normal mode(Funds with 4 Stars while everything else was 5-starred and I took only 233 turns total :( ).

Holy crap, I did that exact same thing! And I was real pissed, cos Jaffar's my favourite FE7 character. So I restarted

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  • 3 weeks later...

Epic fails:

I never trained Eliwood because everything he would attack, he'd die

I never trained Rath because he always sucked too hard for me

I accidentally got Canas slaughtered then saved the chapter before I noticed. =)

I never trained Sain, Kent, or Lowen; I always used Marcus XD

i killed Raven

I killed Heath

Epic wins:

I trained Nino to a level 20/20 Sage and she capped everything but hp (5 off) and defense (4 off)

Hector earned my third promoted class, Beast Lord

Canas was amazing in one playthrough

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When I first played the game, I believed Wallace when he said it was a good thing to use promotional items immediately (I know he never says that, but actions speak louder than words). So you better believe that the moment a unit turned to level ten, they were promoted.

Yeah, same thing with me. I only realized it's better to train 'em up to level 20 while playing Sacred Stones. :lol:

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Epic win: Geitz's 1HP rampage (there's a topic about that somewhere on this board)

Epic fail: Not anything memorable (in this game anyway)


On an off topic note, in one of my classes I said epic so much it was banned from that class. Smooth, huh?

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  • 1 month later...

Epic win: Sain capping Str at lvl 17 as a Cav. He got Str in every level. He had double Marcus's str :o

My Sain capped his Str at lvl 14 :P .

Anyways, epic fails:

My Eliwood got RNG screwed when a Fighter at that arena hit him 2 times with 30% chance, this happened 3 times overall(Today!).

Epic Wins:

Dorcas having 18 Spd, 19 Skill and 21 Str at 20/1 :awesome: .

Lowen having 19 Spd at 20/1 with good stats all around.

Lucius getting to 19 Luck with only 1 Goddes Icon :o .

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