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Religious Petition


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I dunno, lately people have been asking for petitions, so I decided to make one.

I am being serious about this, so hear me out.

The forest has almost everything a member would wish to post in. But, what we lack is a forum where we could congregate and discuss religious topics on many things, of course, we would do it in a civilized way.

Now hold on, don't rush me here, I know what you might all be thinking: But Rad, it is useless, nobody here gives a damn about religion. Or, But Rad, what would be the point? It would all end up in flames and whatnot. No, not if we apply the rules to it.

Anyway, I have been craving a spot where I could preach what I know to those that want to listen or at least would want to see what I have to say on views of things. Or perhaps someone would be kind enough to share their experiences and knowledge with me.

Who knows, perhaps I could help save a few lost souls that atm are wondering aimlessly without knowing what to do, think, do, etc. The end of times is near, peeps. As my grand master Jesus said once: You received for free, give on for free. ((He was talking about what he had taught his desciples))

Anyway, I was just wondering about it. Even if the answer is no, I'd understand.

And do not take this as a debate, it was a simple petition. Feel free though, to give your opinion.

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There was one petition over something people complain about a lot and felt that the staff was not and are not handling properly. I kind of wish I had never suggested it be started if it is going to turn into this.

No. Fuck no. Motherfuck no.

My reason being that there is not enough interest to support it, too few topic son religion, and as you said it would end up in flames. Many members here just can't handle it, no matter what the staff does.

Edited by Death
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I see. Maybe it was a bad idea, then, but I had to try. ^^

Besides, now that I think on it more, it would be hard for people to agree with one another because we all have different view on things and it would just not work. So, perhaps to avoid trouble it would be best not to.

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The general discussion board seems sufficient for now. I guarantee that whatever is accomplished by a religion board will not be worth the flames the board's creation will fan. This is a Fire Emblem board, after all, and one which has already shown a tendency to disagree on religious matters.

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The main problem I see with this is that some people's posts tend to do more than discuss; they preach. Like, as in, "The end is nigh! Repent!" preaching. On top of that, half the community is incapable of running a proper discussion on religion without attacking each others' words.

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Religion is not important enough to warrant its' own sub forum. Besides, it would just end up the same as all other religion threads (,with intelligent people disproving your nonsense and point out your gross lack of knowledge). Getting your own sub forum will not protect you from being crushed into the dirt.

Edited by Shuuda
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Please no. Besides what Shuuda said, the only thing I can see it result in is many flames because many members here can't handle the more serious discussions that are supposed to remain civil. Loki, if you seriously think they'll remain civil just because religious topics have their own sub-forum, then you seriously need to re-think your statement.

Also, this forum lacks intelligent people, which means that such serious threads won't really be as serious as they're supposed to be. Sounds crude and offensive, yes, but I'm also being honest.

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Religion is not important enough to warrant its' own sub forum.

Atheist bullshit.

Either way, I'm completely against a religious discussion forum. There is no way - and I mean no way - that a remotely serious religious discussion in a diverse community won't result in a flame war. And I'm not saying this because "Serenes' members are immature" or because there are angry atheists around - that's the way things work.

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Atheist bullshit.

An agnostic would have more grounds to say "religion is unimportant". Not that it is bullshit at all.

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An agnostic would have more grounds to say "religion is unimportant". Not that it is bullshit at all.

Religion is important to religious people. And, really... if they don't find it important, they're doing it terribly wrong. There are people (both good and sheep) who put it as a top priority.

You might not find it important, but there are people who do. Respect them; loud atheism is as bad as loud Christian preaching.

Either way, it isn't a matter of "importance" - it's a matter of pertinence and common sense. Religious discussion doesn't belong in here because 1) this is a gaming forum, not one about spirituality or something; and 2) the possibility of a flame war increases by 10% with each post on the subject.

Edited by Arthur
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No. I'd love a serious discussion area with rules strictly enforced, but not one for religion only.

Anyway, I have been craving a spot where I could preach what I know to those that want to listen or at least would want to see what I have to say on views of things. Or perhaps someone would be kind enough to share their experiences and knowledge with me.

Who knows, perhaps I could help save a few lost souls that atm are wondering aimlessly without knowing what to do, think, do, etc. The end of times is near, peeps. As my grand master Jesus said once: You received for free, give on for free. ((He was talking about what he had taught his desciples))

If you want to preach to the choir, get a blog and link your friends to it.
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A religion sub-forum? Man, it's morning and I don't need to laugh right now. Let me guess Loki, all you gonna do in that sub-forum is try to troll and cause flame wars because people don't agree with your religious viewpoints.

I don't see this as a great idea. Looking at past religious topics and see how they ended, it is not a good idea.

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I just woke up. I am clearing my throat IRL as I have a cold.



reason being? Because people here cant take many things seriously or have a serious convo with people on opposing sides without them getting all whiny and emotional thinking "Baw why wont anyone listen to what I think!? My way is right not theirs!"

Edited by Len
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Oh look, another attempt to enable FURTHER divisiveness in the forum!

Seriously, this is a bad idea. If this forum were more mature, it might work out. But most of the members here aren't mature, or at least don't make an attempt to act mature while they're here. This would generate an incredible amount of flaming.

I'm sure there are already forums out there for this sort of thing. We don't need one here.

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I wouldn't mind having a religious sub-forum. But I doubt it would work out. I'm pretty sure there WILL be flame wars. Some people, like TC and me, actually want a religious sub-forum. But I highly doubt it would go so well.

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Religion is not important enough to warrant its' own sub forum.

Mingle it with the serious discussion board (we do have one, right?). It all falls in there at some point.

But we don't. So either create one, or leave it to the General section of the board, I'd say.

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I just woke up. I am clearing my throat IRL as I have a cold.



reason being? Because people here cant take many things seriously or have a serious convo with people on opposing sides without them getting all whiny and emotional thinking "Baw why wont anyone listen to what I think!? My way is right not theirs!"

I gotta agree with this. And then there are the people that will take it as a complete joke and just post-farm and spam it.

Besides, "General" exists for a reason. We don't need sub-forums for every detail of human life. Once you accept religion as it's own sub-forum, where does it end? Should we have a forum for mascots?

Religion is an interesting source of conversation, but it doesn't warrant it's own forum.

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Religion is important to religious people. And, really... if they don't find it important, they're doing it terribly wrong. There are people (both good and sheep) who put it as a top priority.

You might not find it important, but there are people who do. Respect them; loud atheism is as bad as loud Christian preaching.


I agree though, that the benefits of such a sub-forum would be greatly outweighed by the downfalls, and even if there was, such a sub-forum would be almost impossible to control unless you instil a agree with me or GTFO rule, which just defeats the purpose anyway.

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Whether religion is important or not, you guys are forgetting that this is a forum based on Fire Emblem.

Personally, I DO think Religion is important. I don't exactly follow any specific belief, but I do believe in some higher Diety (or Dieties) and the subject is quite fascinating.

However, there's no reason for the sub-forum. We have General for a reason, and this isn't the place for preaching, which some extremists (both religious and atheist) would inevitably do. And have done.

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No, this site doesn't need it. Not just that, but so many differing views could cause problems and cause people to not click with each other very nicely. If you want religious topics, just post em in general. No need for an entire sub-forum for it.

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Bigot. Religion is a very important topic. People have died because of their religion. Oh, I suppose that you're going to deny the Holocaust now, aren't you?

I think you're missing the point.

Religion is important to some people. Some people not so much, if at all. However, this isn't the place for it. This is a site about Fire Emblem. Not morality. You're free to discuss religion, however it is not a subject that needs it's own forum. Here anyway.

Also, Shuuda won't care about being called a bigot.

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I think you're missing the point.

Religion is important to some people. Some people not so much, if at all. However, this isn't the place for it. This is a site about Fire Emblem. Not morality. You're free to discuss religion, however it is not a subject that needs it's own forum. Here anyway.

Also, Shuuda won't care about being called a bigot.

Actually, I'd say that discussing religion is generally bad because it pretty much always results in a flame war.

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Bigot. Religion is a very important topic. People have died because of their religion. Oh, I suppose that you're going to deny the Holocaust now, aren't you?

It's mainly extremely religious people who deny the Holocaust.

Not atheists.

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