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Your play style

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I noticed this after a conversation with two friends: What's you natural style of playing Fire Emblem?

I mean do you prefer to use certain classes of units or certain strategies? Or what makes a unit/class useful to you.

For example, when before I started playing Radiant Dawn, I already had big plans for my endgame team. However it was a different story when I started playing. I had planned on taking Laura to the endgame with me, but in the course of the game, I found I disliked and pretty much sucked at using healers. There was just something about them that didn't suit my style. This extends to magic users as well, and in my final endgame team, besides Micaiah and Sanaki, I only have one other magic user and wouldn't have had him if Sanaki used staves. I tend to lean more toward units with good Defense and/or Strength. Not saying there the only kinds of units I use, but that's generally speaking. Haar, Nephenee, Shinon, and Gatrie rocked ^^

I guess that'd make me a defense orientated player because my stategies are pretty defensive in nature as well as well.

...and sorry if this topic/my post confused anyone. I'll also go into my awful relationship with Pegasus Riders not named Elincia later <_<

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I usally have a slow but steady playstyle. This style keeps al character at about the same levels. I choose characters by favorism. I rarely use prepromotes, exept in RD.

I have a general dislike of weaknesses, effective damage. I only use these units when i can cancel those weaknesses out.

I mostly use iron and steal weapons. I never let units die (expect in SD) and always recruit every unit.

I guess that is about it.

And no abuse.

Edited by M-dragon
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CHARGE!!!!!!!You can see where i am going with this,Swordmasters,Reavers,Sages,anything that makes the enemies go away. XD


I'm going to try to break out of my defense game for my second playthrough. I want to do a Fail Brigade run next time. Well, minus Leo, Meg, and Fiona because they just suck.

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Just use my favorites no matter how hard the mode is, and I prefer charging when possible to finish quickly. I do try to kill all the enemies, though.

If it's too risky to charge, I just play defensively.

I hate abusing.

I also hate Generals.

Edited by Shanan
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I'm going to try to break out of my defense game for my second playthrough. I want to do a Fail Brigade run next time. Well, minus Leo, Meg, and Fiona because they just suck.

Leo is saved from useless tier (later on) by his custom bow - that +5 speed helps a bit. However, his str and paper-like durability...

I prefer speedy types myself.

Also, charging and killing enemy leader > defending for # turns.

Edited by Arthur
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When I play a Fire Emblem game, I like to play on the hardest difficulty there is with no arena abuse or characters like wolf/sedgar. I also like to have at least one character of each magic type light/dark/anima or more, two flyers(one pegasus/falcon and one wyvern/dragon), a general, theif/assasin, swordmaster, bow unit, hero, and a berserker/warrior. I usually pick units based on wheter I like their personality(except prepremotes), not really their strenghth, unless they are incredibly weak.

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I just attack the enemies and adapt to the situation. Nothing special. I usually don't bother with ranks, but I do try to play as efficiently as possible.

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for some reason, i like splitting my team. I try to balance the different factions as much as possible so that each one doesn't have a glaring weakness.


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I like to be efficient, but I couldn't care less about rankings. My endgame team generally has three magic users and atleast one archer. I don't care archers are worthless in most games, I want atleast one archer. I like fast characters, armors can go die in a ditch for all I care. Okay, not really die in a ditch, I there will be no deaths unless I'm playing Shadow Dragon. Shadow Dragon is also kind of the only game where I use generals...

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I'm rather casual with how I take things on. Generally taking a slower look at how to move and what order the attacks should be in. I do prefer high move and high speed units. Generally I'll take a Berserker over a Warrior, a Swordmaster over a Hero, and a Pegasus over a Dragon. I also go for A Rank Support before effective team building (in all but 10 and 11, lack of good supports).

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I bounce around alot when using characters..i dont like using the same characters over and over..RD is awesome in that respect that my team can change no matter what...i use Peg Knights ALOT! ill field all of them if i have to...lots of movement wins that way..I usually have atleast one paladin no matter what the game...i hardly ever use archers...

Magic users? that varies depending on the actual mage character..i prefer mobile healers like troubadors/valkyries..

as for tactics, that always varies depending on the situation...alot of times i have weaker units pick off dudes in order to gain levels and spam my lord(s) in order to get their levels high early so i dont have to really deal with them later until promotion..

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I play very conservatively and never trust my file to a hit below 85%. I don't mind slow units, and I generally take a ton of chapters to complete each level.

I use Swordmasters and Cavaliers a lot (halberdiers too in PoR/RD) with the occasional General or Sage. Heroes are my favorite class, and I really like balanced units. I'll use draco/pegasus knights, but I get antsy whenever there are archers nearby. And I really hate both healers and archers (or any bow user, really). I'll use healers occasionally, but I only use archers in RD.

And I've never played hard mode on any game *gasp*. I probably should soon, but I'm not fantastically good at FE. Not bad, but not great.

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never ranked. XD

I mostly exploit the weapon triangle to the fullest, and use healers whenever I can.

I'm more of the, oh send half the units here, and half there, and kill anybody who moves within your hit range. :3

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I tend to play somewhat, defensely. I sometimes abuse enemy reinforcements for some experience points.

As do I. However, that goes down the drain whenever Thieves are present (or appear as reinforcements), as I hate enemy thieves running off with my treasure. As for classes, I generally prefer Pegasus knights to wyvern riders (only Haar in RD and Miledy impressed me, plus the speed cap in the GBA games and Shadow Dragon is just plain awful. Makes me really want to connect to Wifi and get an Elysian Whip...) I also rarely use axe users (by that I mean Fighters/Warriors) in general. The only fighters I liked were Nolan and Barts. I also tend to use my favorite characters. I hate Great Knights.

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I play the bait for moving enemies. Then I pick off stationary enemies one by one by getting a tank into the enemy's range, then smashing that enemy unit with some of my weaker units for experience. I never attempt a hit below 60. If the enemy's hit is less than 30, I feel comfortable knowing my unit can dodge whatever he's got. I tend not to use mounted units.

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I use my fave characters and usually have them around the same level. I use one or two characters in each class except snipers and generals (unless its FE10). Axe users are my favourite, bow users are my least favourite. I always use healers and I'm pretty good with keeping them alive. Depending on the situation, I'll either charge forward with my strongest characters and have the weaker ones finish off the enemies or I'll play defensively. I like characters who have a nice combination of strength and speed, not characters who are slow and strong or fast and weak. No abuse cause that's boring for me.

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