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Stay clean, stop the christian infection.


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We are an epidemic that was spawned far before the Bubonic Plague and it's devastation of Europe! Even today, none have dared to try to find an antidote! None are safe, none are safe! *starts making weird bacteria movements*

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I disagree with this. They're just going to keep doing it, thinking that nobody cares, so it's not really beating it at all.

I am indeed really tired of a lot of Christian hate this board has. I don't care if it's all for fun or whatever, it's pretty hurtful and crude.

I wonder if the Christian hate couldn't be qualified as a violation of pretty much half of the "Forum Attitudes" part of the new rules?

Oh cry me a fucking river.

"Hey guys, I'm going to decide to believe in an all powerful d00d in the sky who created the world, despite no proof to support, and in fact, proof to the contrary. I will ignore the evidence based thinking of those who disagree with me. Don't make fun of me because of it."

If anyone's going to cry it should be the scientists who spend their whole lives conducting experiments and searching for these answers only to have someone run in and go "SORRY, MEIN BOOK SAY THIS WRONG"

Christian bashing is the same thing as, say, bashing people who thought the Large Hadron Collider was going to destroy the world, or people who think that AIDs was a virus developed by the US government to kill black people.

Edited by ZXValaRevan
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I mean let's admit it guys. Every Christian is a jackbooted Nazi. They are all retards, racists, and would probably be better off dead so they can stop holding back the smart people in the world.

did I mention really easy to troll.

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I mean let's admit it guys. Every Christian is a jackbooted Nazi. They are all retards, racists, and would probably be better off dead so they can stop holding back the smart people in the world.

did I mention really easy to troll.


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Okay guys, this shit's gone on long enough. You're going to need to tone it down. You may not realize it, but you're insulting people. Yes, half the time you're joking about it, but it's still fucking rude to people who actually are Christians, and we have many of them on this forum. So knock it off before I start having to warn people for it.

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What about the members which happen to be Christian who are constantly baiting members who do not share their beliefs and personal opinions?

I don't care who starts it, both sides need to stop.

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