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In the FE4 class list, where it has Mage, it says it promotes to:

Mage Knight

Mage Figther

Also, this is just a suggestion, but I'd kinda think that for the classes that have Female sprites, I'd kinda like for both sprites side by side. Just a suggestion though.

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In the FE4 class list, where it has Mage, it says it promotes to:

Mage Knight

Mage Figther

It does though. Arthur and Azel go from Mage to Mage Knight. Tinny goes to Mage Fighter. Only thing might be to say that somewhere. Also with Swordfighter to say which ones become Swordmasters and which ones become Forrests. And similarly with fe5.

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I don't know if this counts as a mistake, but I figured I should point it out. From here:

The transferring of items behaves the same way as in the above Japanese event.

The items available were: Dragon Axe, Silver Card, Wind Sword, Energy Ring, Emblem Seal, Dragonshield, Emblem Blade, Body Ring, Emblem Axe, Thor's Ire, Angelic Robe, Emblem Lance, Secret Book, Emblem Axe and Goddess Icon.

The songs available were: 99: Legend of the Dragon God and 100: Royal Palace of Silesia (it says Silezha, but fans of Genealogy of the Holy War should know what it really is)

As far as I know, it really was never officially translated/localized. Since this is referring to the English version of the game, should the sentence really be worded like this?

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The items available were: Dragon Axe, Silver Card, Wind Sword, Energy Ring, Emblem Seal, Dragonshield, Emblem Blade, Body Ring, Emblem Axe, Thor's Ire, Angelic Robe, Emblem Lance, Secret Book, Emblem Axe and Goddess Icon.

The songs available were: 99: Legend of the Dragon God and 100: Royal Palace of Silesia (it says Silezha, but fans of Genealogy of the Holy War should know what it really is)[/i]

As far as I know, it really was never officially translated/localized. Since this is referring to the English version of the game, should the sentence really be worded like this?

The FE4 world map lists it as Silesia, both in-game and in the various Japanese media.

I have the song listed as "Royal Palace of Silezha" in FE7's Sound Room page, but I think I can take some liberties with the page you're referring to, since it's in the General section (especially since I don't consider translations of cameos as canon). Although, lately, I have been localising the FE1/3 names in the General section with their Shadow Dragon counterpart.

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The FE4 world map lists it as Silesia, both in-game and in the various Japanese media.

I have the song listed as "Royal Palace of Silezha" in FE7's Sound Room page, but I think I can take some liberties with the page you're referring to, since it's in the General section (especially since I don't consider translations of cameos as canon). Although, lately, I have been localising the FE1/3 names in the General section with their Shadow Dragon counterpart.

I understand that (and I have the song as well) but, in that section, you are talking specifically about the English version of the game, where players get a song entitled "Royal Palace of Silezha," and not "Royal Palace of Silesia." I just think it would be more appropriate if you listed it as the game does and then add a note about FE4's "actual" name for it in the parentheses.

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  • 3 weeks later...

This is a pretty minor error but in the FE6 Supports section, when you click on a page to read the actual supports it says "Fire Emblem:Blazing Sword" at the top of the page when it should really be "Fire Emblem:Sword of Seals."

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On the New Mystery Averages page, Abel, Macellan and Astram all have the decimals cut off from their HP averages.

According to the growth rates page, all three of them have a 100% HP Growth rate, and if this is correct, there are no decimals.

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In the Sacred Stones section under Hints and tips, it states that Speedwings cannot be bought in creature campaign and can only be obtained through RN Wasting, but when looking through the Secret shops, I noticed Rausten has Speedwings listed as one of its items for sale.

Not sure which case is true as I never played the Creature campaign, but I don't see how both can be true at the same time.

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Calill does not get Largo's transfer bonuses. I've seen this reported on GameFAQs as well. Even though I capped HP and Strength on Largo, Calill joined with her normal bases in those stats.

Do you have a fixed disc or no? One theory has been that for some reason any discs that have the Easy Mode transfer bug won't let you transfer Largo's bonuses to Calill.

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Do you have a fixed disc or no? One theory has been that for some reason any discs that have the Easy Mode transfer bug won't let you transfer Largo's bonuses to Calill.

I have a european version, which doesn't have the bug. The file in question that was transferred was itself an easy mode file.

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I have a european version, which doesn't have the bug. The file in question that was transferred was itself an easy mode file.

There have been people that claim it worked. I of course am not going through an entire fe9 playthrough and then getting to 2-E in fe10 just to find out. It would take me much too long the way I play.

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Largo's bonuses isn't something I can check right now, but curiously it was the Japanese official site that mentioned Calill gets Largo's bonuses. So it would be pretty weird if they made a mistake. Pegasus Knight also says the she gets Largo's bonuses.

The other possibility is that this only occurs on the Japanese version.

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Thanks, I finally got round to fixing some more mistakes. Like before, there are a few that I don't yet have time or the resources to check.

  • FE6 desert map Silence location -VanguardRaven
  • FE6 forum description
  • FE8 misaligned arrows in class page -Seiglia
  • Fa's movement type -Narga_Rocks
  • Astram's post-recruitment convo in FE11 -Big Klingy
  • Castor's support bonus in FE11 -eclipse
  • Merlinus average stats -Yui
  • FE6 supports with incorrect titles -Charpig

In the Sacred Stones section under Hints and tips, it states that Speedwings cannot be bought in creature campaign and can only be obtained through RN Wasting, but when looking through the Secret shops, I noticed Rausten has Speedwings listed as one of its items for sale.

Not sure which case is true as I never played the Creature campaign, but I don't see how both can be true at the same time.

Oops, didn't see this post the first time.

The item that I mention in the Hints and tips is the Swiftsoles, which is a different item to the Speedwings.

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I'm not sure if you have Astram's post-recruitment conversation with Marth, but if not:


You are Prince Marth?


Correct, Sir Astram.


...Forgive my lack of courtesy, but you and I need to be clear on a certain point.




While I have decided to lend you my sword, my allegiance lies with Princess Nyna-not you, my lord. I will follow your orders, but should I learn you have been false to her, or that you are manipulating her... Heads will roll.


Well, Sir Astram...in the interest of keeping my head atop my shoulders, let me suggest this: Fight with me. Watch me, and then judge for yourself whether I am worthy of your skill and of your help.



Hmm, very well. Your orders, then, Lord Marth.

This belongs in the chapter 13 script.

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  • 2 weeks later...

In the boss conversations for FE4:

(Areone vs Celice)


You're the Imperial Prince Celice, aren't you? Hm, you should make an admirable adversary.

Care for a match?


Prince Areone!

We can still work this out!!


I have nothing else to say! Let's do this, Celice.

Have a taste of my Gunguneel!

It should be Celice instead of Leaf.

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