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How do you feel about donating plasma?



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  1. 1. qqqqqqq

    • Free money
    • It feels good to know it could be part of an antidote.
    • Best of both worlds! Free money AND I'm helping! :D
    • Not enough money, so I won't do it.
    • I'm scared of needles... ._.

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We had a blood drive in my area where age wasn't a requirement, you sure you have to be X years old?

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I think there may actually be a law regarding age, though it may be state law and not federal. I do know that the Red Cross-sponsored drives around my way has a minimum age of 17... making me eligible, but first I have to conquer my stupid fear of the evil shiny pokey things.

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That word, "donation," I don't think it means what you think it means.

Donating blood (or plasma) is no big deal. It's easy, it's quick, it helps others. Were good citizenship always so simple.

Edited by Urist McMiner
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I typically opt out of donating my blood (exactly what is plasma? similar? I don't really hear the term much at my medical clinics) mostly because I am on prescribed medication and I am unsure as to whether or not it would or could have any adverse effect on the recipient, also I don't like having to not eat anything for a number of hours beforehand but that's me

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I'm not scared of needles, I'm scared of uncoordinated doctors who stab you with needles in the wrong place and then go "Everythings going to be okay! Just let me go grab this, call the nurses, and get another needle!"

Donating plasma... ... ... nah... I could use the money but I might need mine for something. Same with donating blood. Who knows when I'll get stabbed or shot and need that little bit of extra blood to survive til I get to the hospital. :unsure::lol:

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I didn't think you got paid for donating blood here. I have some forms I got from school about it when I was thinking of donating that I should probably go read.

Anyway, option 2. It's nice to know that I'm probably helping someone who needs it.

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I've never heard of such a thing as donating plasma, as I've not even heard of the term before.

As for blood, I donated for the first time back in March. It was a piece of piss, I never even bruised.

I did it mainly to get a card to find out what blood type I am. Turns out I'm B positive.

I also apparently save life by donating blood. Everyone's a winner.

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Could someone back up that donating plasma gets you paid?

The only reason I highly fucking doubt it is receiving money for you blood was abolished once all the heroin addicts starting selling their blood to get their next fix, and it turns out getting blood from people who often live in squalid conditions and haven't learned to clean shared needles is a pretty dumbass idea.

I also donated back in the early Spring for the first time. Turns out I'm O+.

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Could someone back up that donating plasma gets you paid?

The only reason I highly fucking doubt it is receiving money for you blood was abolished once all the heroin addicts starting selling their blood to get their next fix, and it turns out getting blood from people who often live in squalid conditions and haven't learned to clean shared needles is a pretty dumbass idea.

I also donated back in the early Spring for the first time. Turns out I'm O+.

A quick Google search churned this out. Reading it myself now.

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I fully intend to do so one day. The only reason I haven't is because not even my own doctor can find my veins without a good half dozen pokes or more, and while one needle prick doesn't bother me a large number of them tends to be problematic.

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i donate every time i have the chance.

i'm B positive.

interesting piece of data: while O type bloods are genetically recessive to A, B, and AB, O type is the most common type of blood worldwide. :/

Edited by Holy Empress Sanaki
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Sanaki, it's interestingly beneficial because O types are only compatible with themselves.

I've given plasma and also done the Alyx thingy during school drives. Those both got me a 10 dollar movie certificate. I think you can get paid, though, if you go to the blood bank.

And I laugh at you people and your fleshy arms and small veins; the veins doctors draw from on me are so freaking prominent I could do it myself.

Edited by Crepe Knight
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Sanaki, it's interestingly beneficial because O types are only compatible with themselves.

Depends on what you mean. According to this O-type plasma is universally-compatible but not the red or whole blood cells.

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