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Rank some characters from a scale of 1 to 10


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Erk 6/10 Erk is a generally solid unit. His durability is very questionable until he gets his supports/Avo to kick in, but his offense is good with doubling and hitting Res. He has a good support list and get staves post promotion.

His rating sounds more like you want to give him a 7 or even an 8.

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His rating sounds more like you want to give him a 7 or even an 8.

True, but he does have durability issues early on, and they don't actually get that much betetr (very dodge reliant, not much different than Lyn).

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Are you just listing the amount of enemies they would survive at a random point in the game if these enemies would always hit or something then add a "/10" at the end? No, not even that makes sense here.

Uh, no I'm not. I'm rating them on how useful I find them. If you find something in there that seems horribly wrong, then I guess we just have different opinions. I don't think any unit in this game deserves a perfect 10 so no unit got one. I know most people think Raven deserves a much higher score than I gave him, but he honestly has never given me any reason to give him higher than maybe a 3. The only thing that got him a 4.5 is that he's apparently very good for other people, and I'd have to be an idiot to assume everyone else is dead wrong.

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Hector 8/10

Jaffar 6/10

Lucius 5/10

Eliwood 6/10

Marcus 3/10

Pent 6/10

Louise 3/10

Wil 4/10

Rebecca 3.5/10

Lyn 6.5/10

Serra 3/10

Priscilla 3.5/10 WHAT THE FUCK

Raven 4.5/10

Oswin 7.5/10

Wallace 2/10

Hawkeye 4/10

Guy 4.5/10

Erk 6/10

Dart 1/10


Bartre 2/10

Kent 6/10

Sain 5.5/10

Lowen 5.5/10

Karel 2.5/10

Harken 3/10

Geitz 3/10

Florina 6/10

Fiora 5/10

Farina 4/10

Nils/Ninian 3/10

Canas 6/10

Renault 2/10

Nino 4/10

Rath 3/10

Heath 2.5/10

Vaida 1.5/10

Matthew 3/10

Isadora 2/10

Legault 2.5/10

Athos 3.5/10

Good sir, your list is an abomination.

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As I've said before, I just rated them on how useful they've been for me. Over the entire game. So yeah, I don't find first tier healers or archers useful. And there are some other units that are always crap for me, even though they're very good for other people. Just because my list is bizarre doesn't mean it's an abomination. It just means that I've had very different experiences with this game than you have.

Mekkah, there are 12 above average, and Lucius got a 5, so I have 13 units who aren't below average. I'd say that is enough units to make up a decent team.

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Mekkah, there are 12 above average, and Lucius got a 5, so I have 13 units who aren't below average. I'd say that is enough units to make up a decent team.

Out of 41 units.


That's only, what, a quarter of the cast that isn't below average in your opinion?

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This is pretty fun, actually.

Eliwood - 7/10. He has great availability, and a fantastic support game. He's pretty well-rounded, and gains a mount upon promotion. Unfortunately, his Strength is pretty disappointing, especially when combined with his Sword lock, and he's stuck at level 20 for a while.

Marcus - 5.5/10. He has his godly earlygame (helpful, since earlygame is where it's hardest) and availability going for him, but he'll be outclassed by the time you start promoting.

Lowen - 9/10. If memory serves, he has the best durability of the cavs, and in a game where everyone one-rounds later on, that's what matters. Add his good supports, availability, and base performance, and you have... Lowen, a very good character. Plus, he's yellow. Omg.

Rebecca - 3/10. Lolarcher, though she is pretty good for her class. Not that that counts for anything, but yeah.

Hector - 8/10. He's very tanky, which is nice. His supports aren't bad, and he has axes... Unfortunately, he's also somewhat slow and has low Hit, and he caps at level 20 for a while.

Oswin - 8.5/10. A beautiful tank, he has amazing supports and earlygame, and his lategame isn't bad. Minus points for actually failing to double quite a bit.

Guy - 8/10. Despite lackluster Strength and Sword lock, he has his supports (he can support with Matthew for full Atk and Crit. And Acc, little though that's worth - he can do the same with Priscilla, but she has a lot of good options, so that's tough for him to get), and he has a bit of Defense to back up his Avoid. Then his attractive crit boost upon promotion, and the fact that he has the earliest promo item (Raven wants it, yes, but he also comes at level 10 in the same chapter as it, while Guy should have passed that by now), and he's a pretty good unit. That was long, too. And this is only making it longer. Hm.

Merlinus - 10/10. Godly Con base, 100 HP growth rate, and he gets +4 Movement upon promotion! The perfect unit!

Priscilla - 10/10. Very mobile healer, thanks to her horse, and ORKOs even many bosses upon promotion, while still having good Avoid, Movement, and staff utility. Her affinity may fail, but she has a support list completely packed with amazing units, like Raven and Oswin.

Raven - 10/10. Good base stats, great class, has access to the earliest promo item (if Guy doesn't take it), and he has fantastic offense, able to cut down bosses like they're not even there. WTC, high Avoid, and decent Defense gives him a great defensive game, too.

Canas - 4/10. Fragile, and has a weak start. His power doesn't do much when everyone one-rounds non-bosses, and his boss-killing ability doesn't offset his bad durability and earlygame. He does have a monocle, though.

Dart - 3/10. Has a terrible start, is very expensive to promote, and his h4x offense doesn't make up for his lackluster defense, much like the Canas I just rated.

Fiora - 6/10. Flier utility, and she has a nice support game - she can triangle with Sain and Kent (who have similar movement), getting a match for her affinity, and an Anima (for that much-needed durability), or she can go with Kent and Eliwood for more Anima (though Eliwood will lag behind until he promotes). She's pretty underleveled, but she's rather handy in her joining chapter and quite a few afterward. Unfortunately, as a Pegasus Knight, her durability is bad and will always be bad.

Legault - 7/10. About as combat-ready as Thieves go, but he's still pretty fragile. Stealing is still a nifty tool, though.

Ninian - 10/10. Same as Nils, only this time, she can massively buff your stats - even coming with the (downright amazing) Ninis' Grace.

... Okay, I'm too lazy to finish it. :P

Yeah, right now, the high numbers aren't balanced with the lower numbers, but then, most of the failures start coming in later.

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Out of 41 units.


That's only, what, a quarter of the cast that isn't below average in your opinion?

Okay, average may not be the best word. Apparently I only find about a quarter of them consistently useful (Yes, I'm surprised it's only a quarter, but whatever). And yes, that's in MY opinion. My own opinion. Obviously not yours and probably not most people's, but that's what I think. I honestly don't care if you have the complete opposite views on the characters from me, in fact, whenever I see people giving very different ratings than me I usually just think "Why can't that character be good for me?" or "Wow, I wonder why that unit's never good for them, I always find them very good." not "What the heck is wrong with them?! That person's a retard!"

Edit: Fiora also has a five. It's a third. And the average score is four, so actually twenty units are above average or on average. So a third are above average, and half aren't below average. Try to explain how that isn't logical

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Uh, not unless all of the scores added together divided by the total number of people is five. Add all of them up (Include Ninian/Nils twice) and divide by 41. You get just under 4.1 In other words, the average is just barely over four, so just call it four. All the scores added together is 168. If they were 205, then five would be the average.

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That's the average of _your scores_, which is below a normal average score. Unit scores should be relative to each other. A unit that 2RKOs and gets 4RKOed might get a 3.5/10 from you, but I'd rather compare it to other units. If the majority of others ORKO and get 8RKOed, then sure, I'll give him a low score. If other units 3RKO and get 2RKOed, I'll surely give this unit a high score, since the bar would be a lot lower.

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Well if you want it that way.

Hector 10/10

Jaffar 7.5/10

Lucius 6.25/10

Eliwood 7.5/10

Marcus 3.75/10

Pent 7.5/10

Louise 3.75/10

Wil 5/10

Rebecca 4.375/10

Lyn 8.125/10

Serra 3.75/10

Priscilla 4.375/10

Raven 5.625/10

Oswin 9.375/10

Wallace 2.5/10

Hawkeye 5/10

Guy 5.625/10

Erk 7.5/10

Dart 1.25/10

Dorcas 3.125/10

Bartre 2.5/10

Kent 7.5/10

Sain 6.875/10

Lowen 6.875/10

Karel 3.125/10

Harken 3.75/10

Geitz 3.75/10

Florina 7.5/10

Fiora 6.25/10

Farina 5/10

Nils/Ninian 3.75/10

Canas 7.5/10

Renault 2.5/10

Nino 5/10

Rath 3.75/10

Heath 3.125/10

Vaida 1.875/10

Matthew 3.75/10

Isadora 2.5/10

Legault 3.125/10

Athos 4.375/10

There. Everyone's score is 25% higher, thus Hector (Who I think is the best unit) has a perfect ten. Does this seem any better? The average is now ~5.2.

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HHM unranked

Eliwood 7/10 Before he promotes, Eliwood has some issues. He doesn't double consistently, deals pretty poor damage, and isn't especially durable. A lot of this is due to being on the bad end of WTD, though sometimes the Rapier helps. After he promotes he gets lances and can keep up with his supports better. Eliwood gas a generally good support list and is forced on several chapters, so not usiing him is generally more painful than using him.

Yeah. Since he is forced to bring in some chapters including the final one.

Florina 7/10 Florina is probably the best flying unit in the game. She has good speed, though this is often somewhat offset by her low Con and lowish Str. Florina can grow into a fairly durable unit, especially with supports, and her flying utiltiy is very much appreciated on several maps.

Yeah with her good dodge and attack. Actually, Falcoknights are broken in this game.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Lyn: 9.6/10-She's a swordmaster in other words, nice strength, exceptional skill, speed and luck, but it contrasts her low defense; she has impresive evasion with supports (Eliwood, Hector*, Florina*).

Kent: 8.1/10-Low strength, but nice skill and speed, awful luck.

Sain: 8.3/10-High strength, speed and nice luck, the rest...no comments.

Florina: 9.9/10-All of her stats are awesome, a little more on defenses.

Wil: 6.2/10-He's average but no unique skill.

Dorcas: 6.6/10-Good stamina and strength and skill, low speed, luck and defenses.

Serra: 9.4/10-Excellent bishop, but her low constitution and defense make her weak.

Erk: 8.9/10-Good magic, speed and resistance, low defense and average skill.

Rath: 5/10-Good at the beginning but pathetic at the end.

Matthew: 7.6/10-Nice thief but not as an assassin.

Lucius: 9.6/10-Excellent bishop, but low luck and defense. (He isn't much trouble, if well trained, his luck and defense won't be a problem since he'll land critical hits).

Nils: 9.8/10-Useful, awesome evasiveness and nice defenses.

Wallace: 4/10

Eliwood: 9/10-Nice skills in combat, all-around.

Marcus: 3/10-Terrible stats but a steel tank at the beginning.

Lowen: 9.7/10- He may have the chance to max it all except resistance.

Rebecca: 9.8/10-Great sniper, better than Louise.

Bartre: 8.5/10-Awful bases but good growths.

Hector: 9.6/10-A fast and skillful combination of a warrior and a general. Very good.

Oswin: 9/10-An iron tank, it's worth his training.

Guy: 9.2/10-Better than Karel, but low strength and cons.

Priscilla: 9.4/10-Same as Serra.

Raven: 9.6/10-Fantastic heroe, but low luck and res.

Canas: 9.7/10-An excellent druid, great magic, skill, speed and res, average def and luck.

Dart: 9.8/10-The best berserker in the game, make him have a support with Rebecca and both of them will be killer machines, their critical will be more than 60% with a killer weapon.

Fiora: 9.3/10-Same as Florina but low luck, and her growths aren't as fantastic as Florina's.

Legault: 7/10-Only as thief.

Ninian: 9.8/10-Nils as a female.

Isadora: 2/10-Same as Marcus, well, weaker.

Heath: 8.3/10-Not so surprising, good skill, strength and def.

Hawkeye: 4/10-Pathetic growths, nice hp and strength.

Geitz: 5/10-Good but not at all.

Pent: 8/10-He might have the chance since his bases are good, but his growths aren't so nice. I use him because of his support with Louise.

Louise: 9/10-She has decent growths, her bases aren't so good, but meanwhile she'll turn on very good all along with Pent.

Karel: 8.7/10-Nice bases, but low growths in strength and speed for a swordmaster.

Harken: 8.5/10-Same as Karel.

Nino: 9.9/10-The best mage. Awesome growths but her status as mage in level 5 make her very hard to train. Nonetheless I succeeded on having her as a sage in lv. 16, with the help of an arena.

Jaffar: 9/10-He's a bit confusing, excellent bases but his growths may be not so of an obstacle. He's undoubtedly the best assassin. Have him have a support with Nino and they'll be undestructible.

Vaida: 5/10-A horrifying flier, may be useful to kill minions but no bosses for the endgame.

Karla: 6/10- Pathetic swordmaster for the last chapter. Horrible bases and growths.

Athos: 9.7/10-Excellent for indirect combat, not so good directly. His excellent magic makes him a great use, but be aware of Lloyd or Linus with him. Just good luck on him for it.

This is just my opinion.

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Lyn: 8/10 She has good stats besides defense and resistance she will dodge well in normal mode but in EHM or HHM she has a bit harder time dodging enemies.

Sain: 8/10 Excellent strength though he lacks a bit in skills.

Kent: 7/10 He's pretty average in stats but he has low luck

Florina: 7/10 She has great growth rate and ends up great but the problem is her low con so she will be stuck with a slim lance for a while.

Wil: 7/10 He's pretty good but he wont be able to double much due to how he's average

Dorcas: 6/10 Good strength though he has only 20% speed growth which will hurt him in the EHM and HHM

Serra: 8/10 She's ends up good though she has low con 5 movement which may be a hinder your strategy, and has to wait really long before she supports anyone.

Erk: 7/10 He's a decent character and a pretty good mage.

Rath: 8/10 He's good for the Exp rank and has pretty good stats except he rejoins pretty late in the game which is bad if you are playing EHM or HHM

Matthew: 6/10 He will max out speed but his strength is low he's mostly used for utility than fighting.

Nils/Ninian: 9/10 Good dodge rate and can survive at least one hit and also good growths and also the extra move for a character might help your strategy.

Lucius: 8/10 Good speed, resistance and magic the only problem is his low luck and defense.

Wallace: 5/10 He's inferior to Oswin and to recruit him you have to underlevel your lords to a pretty difficult chapter he is decent if you took his knight crest away and promoted him at 16 or 20.

Eliwood: 7/10 He's the average lord he might excel in one stat or blunder in a couple of stat he takes a while but will turn out okay.

Marcus: 7/10 Marcus is a decent paladin he wont max out or excel in anything sometimes he does have low speed though

Lowen: 7/10 Lowen is average he excels in hp and defense (though not as much as oswin) and average in other stats he makes a pretty good mobile tank and his support options are pretty good.

Rebecca: 8/10 Rebecca has great stats and end up great though her problem is she needs to be fed some kills before her potential comes out and she might have low strength.

Bartre: 7/10 He excels in strength and HP though his base speed is low though he has 20% more speed growth than Dorcas

Hector: 9/10 Hector is a great lord He has great strength, hp, defense, he has average speed and skill but he also has good support options.

Oswin:9/10 Oswin is the best in this game has excellent hp and defense and good strength and skill though he lacks in resistance and speed.

Guy: 7/10 Guy excels in speed, hp, and skills though his problem is his pretty low strength.

Priscilla: 8/10 Priscilla has great speed,luck, magic, and movement, though she like serra is fragile if put in a bad spot.

Raven: 9/10 A great mercenary he excels in almost all stats except in luck though he takes a while to support other characters besides lucius and priscilla.

Canas: 8/10 A great dark magic user he has excellent magic, great skill, great resistance, and average speed though his luck is quite low 20%.

Dart: 8/10 Probably the best axe user in the game has great speed, strength, and hp though he has quite low skill and will cost you one star in funds ranking, even if you find one in Hector's mode (I think)

Fiora: 8/10 More durable than Florina and better con though she wont end up as maxed out as Florina she's good if you have not used Florina or want to add another pegasus knight to your strategy.

Legault: 7/10 He will have better strength than Matthew he will end up as a good assassin than Matthew and have higher con though using a fel contract will cost you one star in fundings rank, and also his supports take a while too.

Isadora: 6/10 Her durability is pretty weak, her strength is quite low, and her con is bad she will lose speed on any weapon besides iron sword though she will max out speed and have decent stats.

Heath: 7/10 He's a good flyer if you feed him some kills he is better than Vaida though his join time might be a problem.

Hawkeye: 6/10 He excels in HP and has good strength and average of the other stats though his speed is low.

Geitz: 8/10 Geitz is a pretty good prepromote he wont excel anything but he starts with a B in bows and axes and he ends up pretty well rounded and makes a good bow user.

Pent: 8/10 Pent is great he has great stats and ended up great and starts out with an A in anima magic and staves which is good.

Louise: 8/10 She is a good bow user she wont excel in anything but she has well rounded stats.

Karel: 8/10 Good bases though he has pretty low strength for his class.

Harken: 8/10 Like Karel has good bases but I prefer Harken due to him starting with a brave sword and can use two types of weapons.

Nino: 9/10 She ends up excellent though her problem is she's an est archtype with a hard join time and low con she will need protection and someone to weaken enemy units before she can take care of her self.

Jaffar: 8/10 Jaffar is a great assassin he will be able to use silencer on the bosses if he gets lucky though the only other problem is his class's low strength cap (20)

Vaida: 6/10 She only has okay growth rate but she does have high defense.

Farina: 8/10 She like Fiora is also a great Pegasus Knight and if you're a fan of the triangle attack get her though she does take one star off your funds rank.

Karla: 5/10 She has okay growth though her problem is her horrendous join time and pretty average bases for her level. (she does have a possibility of turning out great if you are lucky)

Renault: 5/10 Renault's problem is his base magic only 12 magic his growth rate is okay except for magic though he does have a good con and comes with a divine book and fortify staff.

Athos: 9/10 He's there to help out those with bad leveled units and gives a chance to beat the last the level he has S rank in everything (staves dark,light, and anima magic) and with the book luna he will do great on the last chapter.

(just my opinion)

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Sain: 7/10

Sain tends to be a solid Cavalier, specializing in offense (mainly Strength) more than defense, although he is sufficient in both. Usually a tad slower than Kent, he has a major Strength lead on the other Cav's and backs it up nicely with good HP and Defense. Supports with Kent increase his Atk further.

Lowen: 7/10

Lowen is destined to be a tank (as far possible for a Cavalier), with higher bases and growths for HP, Luck, and Defense. For a non-Oswin run, Lowen can make a nice substitute by trading the Def difference in for higher Speed. He usually has to fight for his supports with Eliwood and Rebecca, leaving him with pre-promoted partners.

Lucius: 6/10

I love him to death, but for Lucius that won't be very long. His superior Resistance makes him impervious to enemy Magic of any kind, but his atrocious 1 Defense and lower HP make him a likely target for weapons. He has decent magic, enough to one-round most enemies, and his Speed grants him high Avoid. However, two successful enemy hits can usually take him out of the game for good.

I'm getting bored... That's all for now.

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ENM ranked w/o Lyn mode or Afa's Drops on Lowen

Hector - 10/10

Marcus - 9/10

Pent - 9/10

Raven- 9/10

Sain - 8.5/10

Fiora - 8/10

Kent 8/10

Lucius 7.5/10

Erk - 7/10

Lowen -6/10

Lyn - 4/10

Nino- 4/10. Only b/c everyone else is near lv.20 and I need to use her for EXP rank.

Edited by Cephas
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  • 1 month later...

My list of characters on a scale of 1 to 10...

Hector: 10/10. GREAT hp, strength and defense; he'll definitely cap these. His skill and speed start low but that gets fixed by his decent growths later on. He's an overall powerful unit who kills with the Wolf Beil (lolUrsula and lolDarin) and Armads.

Eliwood: 8/10. Eh. He's slightly weaker in my opinion, but he's usable unlike Lyn. His strength, skill, and speed are pretty well rounded so you would not have to worry much about that. His defense and resistance might become an issue later on, but he gets a horse and Lances upon promotion. Stick him with a Javelin and mages gasp and fear teh mighty pony rider.

Lyn: 4.5/10. Maybe it's just the fact that Lyn hates me, or maybe the fact she knows I hate her. She's never gotten good hp, strength, defense, or resistance for me. Whenever she gets +1 strength, it would not happen again for like...9 levels. Upon promotion she gets bows, the most broken weapon in this game. I definitely don't use her unless I MUST use her but even then, she stays on the back line and looks pretty.

Kent: 7/10. For me, I'm never disappointed with Kent. Hp gets very high; His strength, skill and speed usually average each other out. Unlike Sain, he has a decent, durable resistance and defense. Luck leaves much to be desired, but that's fixed with a few Goddess Icons.

Sain: 6/10: Bleh. His strength and speed EXCEL. Too bad he'll miss most of the time. His decent luck and good defense are alright, but his resistance sucks. Overall, he's usable but I prefer Kent.

Wil: 4/10. Wil's an archer. Archers in Fire Emblem 7 suck. Whenever I train him, one of two things ALWAYS happens; A) He gets very good strength, skill, luck, defense and a very decent resistance before promotion. He'll get doubled by a Brigand in later chapters. 'Nuff said there. or B happens) He'll get good skill, speed and a decent luck, but defense, resistance, and strength falls very short. Shorter than a dwarf.

Rebecca: 5.5/10. She's better than Wil, but not by much. She's your typical female archer with decent speed, resistance, luck and defense. Her strength becomes eh and her hp tends to get fairly high. But again, she's locked to bows so that drags her usefulness to a minimum.

Louise: lol/10. Just no. She sucks. Comes promoted and much is left to be desired. At most, she's "eye candy." Wait...What's that she's holding? A Silver bow, a White gem, and an elixir? *takes silver bow and elixir; gives to Rebecca. Sells white gem*

Erk: 6/10. Erk's...balanced. TOO balanced for me. His magic tends to suffer later in the game, with his lol+1 magic promotion gain, but his defense and resistance balance out good enough to withstand damage from both fronts.

Nino: 8.5/10. I may be a little biased as she is one of my favorite characters but I'll do my best to point out her cons. Nino, like most other late joined unpromoted units, has very good growth rates all around. Her defense and resistance balance out nicely, plus her damage output is very good with her high magic stat. Speed and skill show their worth when she starts doubling the hell out of most units, only attacking once against swordmasters XD Nino, however, has a very small con so she NEEDS a body ring or two to not receive a – AS. Her hp also gets a bit below average, so she'll need an angelic robe.

Dart: 6/10. Dart is your one and only pirate, so make good use of him! The only other Berserker you get is Hawkeye so...Yeah. My problem with Dart is that he usually has low skill and speed, making him kinda useless in a combat situation. His defense and resistance also leave some to be desired, but they're both decent nevertheless. I just wish his luck was a bit higher.

Guy: 7.5/10. Guy is your only myrmidon but your third Swordmaster, next to Karel and lolKarla. He has a very high hp for a myrmidon. His strength is somewhat low but in other playthroughs, you'll notice it sky rocket and become very high. His skill and speed are dafault godly, but that's due to him being a Myrmidon. Defense and resistance are kinda low, also default of a myrmidon.; he'll get his fair share of defense/resist up's though.

Matthew: 5.5/10. Matthew is your first thief and, in my opinion, your best choice for one. He has a good starting base, comes at level 1, and has decent growths. His strength and skill won't get that high, but he promotes to Assassin who have the lovely Silencer skill; attacking isn't that much of an issue, especially when Matthew could always hit them for the exp then Silence them later. His defense and resistance also get pretty good; he's like the reverse of Erk for me. Expect to cap Speed.

Legault: 5.5/10. Your second and final thief. He's a blah choice; decent stats at level 12, so that's 11 levels out of your hand. His strength and skill are very good for a thief, but Matthew would probably have, or be very close to, the unpromoted unit's speed cap of 20. Legault also makes a pretty decent Assassin, only beaten by Jaffar in terms of defensive skills (both stats) and skill.

Heath: 8/10. Heath is your sole Wyvern rider (I don't count Vaida. She's ugly.). He's a very good unit, minus bows and magical attacks. His defense makes him capable of negating most severe damage to him; his strength makes him capable of outputting major damage. Promotion = Swords, so that gives him more of an advantage over those pesky Brigands who use axes. All around, Heath has decent skill, speed and luck. His resistance is kinda meh, but that can fixed with a Talisman or two.

Lucius: 8.5/10. Lucius is your only monk, so make the most of him. His defense makes him loltissue paper against any enemy and his luck tends to stay low, but if you abuse enough, those will get higher. He excels in magic, skill, speed and resistance, usually capping ALL four of those. His hp also becomes decent enough to withstand a series of attacks. His promotion to Bishop gives him a C rank in Staves, giving him use of a good few of them. I would get to B rank so he could use Physic though.

Serra: 7.5/10. Serra is your only Cleric who promotes to a Bishop. As a Cleric, she's fragile. She's better than Lucius however by gaining tons of luck and ever so slightly more defense. She also excels in magic and resistance, usually capping those two along with luck or coming close to it. Her hp is also decent enough (see Lucius for this). Promotion to Bishop gives E rank in Light magic, which MUST be pumped up as quickly as possibly, so that she doesn't get S rank Staves.

Priscilla: 7/10. Priscilla is a troubadour, which promotes to Valkyrie and gets E rank Anima. As far a Troubadour goes...She's a mixed package. Sometimes she's good, other times she sucks. Her magic, skill, and speed are very good for a healer, which she usually caps with ease due to a Valkyrie's low stat caps. Her resistance luck also cap or come very close to it. This leaves her defense and hp; defense is meh. Usually it's decent enough for you to throw her into a horde of enemies and she'll come out alive. Other times she becomes a second Lucius and a generic Mercenary can kick her ass. Her hp also usually is very low. Too low for me, but then other times it's gotten extremely high. Bah, use her for three playthroughs and you should see how she is/turns out.

Canas: 7.5(6)/10. You may be wondering “Wtf? 7.5(6)? Wtf does that mean!?” It means it depends. Canas can be A) really really good and lolOHKO with Luna or B ) and suck horribly and only be decent enough to use until chapter 28. Most of the time, Canas turns out very well, with high stats all around. His magic MUST be good prior to promotion, as he does not gain any magic. Promoting to Druid also gives him E rank Staves so if you have to use a staff wielder to heal for something like Arena Abusing, he's your man. Other times, he'll end up with only average stats and be only useful for so long until you think “He can't kill anything even with Luna. Bye Canas!”, netting him the (6) rating.

Raven: 9/10. Raven is your only Mercenary and second hero next to Harken. Raven is your typical Mercenary, balanced strength, skill, speed and average defense, with blah luck and resistance. Depending on how you play your hand, Raven's luck and resistance could even go above his expected stat and be very useful. His other 4 stats become very high, making him much more useful than Harken in my opinion. His promotion to Hero grant him the use of Axes, furthering his awesomeness.

Edited by p00nage 4
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  • 2 months later...
Dart: 6/10. Dart is your one and only pirate, so make good use of him! The only other Berserker you get is Hawkeye so...Yeah. My problem with Dart is that he usually has low skill and speed, making him kinda useless in a combat situation.His defense and resistance also leave some to be desired, but they're both decent nevertheless. I just wish his luck was a bit higher.

Wat? I don't know about you, but my Dart's speed is always good. In my most recent playthrough (20/19 Berserker), he ended up with 27 SPD. That's enough speed to double most units, especially since he only loses AS from the really heavy weapons, like the Steel Axe, but his 30 STR was more than enough to make up for that. Yeah, his skill and luck ended up only being 15 (+2 luck above average), but really, he didn't miss all that much. And he wouldn't unless you pit him against a sword user, which you shouldn't be doing in the first place. And the S-Rank bonus helps, even though that doesn't come for a while.

Yeah, his durability isn't the best, but it's not like he dies easily. Like you said, it's decent.

Plus he has a Crit bonus.

I personally give him an 8/10, assuming we're not ranking them on their performance on ranked runs, since we wouldn't promote Dart on a ranked run in the first place.

Edited by Funkfest
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