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Crazy things you did in FE:RD

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Post whatever weird stuff you did in this game.

My main standout has to be when Mia Astra'd Kurth with a forged Steel. It did 45 damage to him. Mia dodged the counter, then criticals him, killing him. Awesome.

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I forgot about Cover Spaces in the Final Chapter Levels and I had Ike do the whole Black Knight fight with him on a Cover Space. I once killed Mordecai and Lethe on 3-6 with the BK.

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Battlesave abuse Mist's level-ups, give her a maxed-out purple forge called "Lilac", support her with Ike for Earth and Bond, heal-abuse with her so that she promotes to Valkyrie by leik 3-8, and then proceed to wtfrape the rest of the game with my uber Mist.

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I did some funny things on easy mode, like soloing Part 1 with Leonardo. He hit 3rd tier in Part 3 and deadeye'd Ike.

And I tend to show massive favouritism to Edward, Rolf and Sanaki because they're Shotacons/Lolicons and I'm a fangirl. Yeah.

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-Anything I have on youtube related to this game.

-Training laguz untransformed for hundreds of turns. Particularly difficult with Lethe and Vika, and I couldn't be arsed to do it with Lyre since I didn't save an energy drop for her.

-Feeding all my kills to Fiona in 1-7 and 1-E on my first hard mode playthrough. Stupidest thing I've ever done.

-Soloing 3-12 with untransformed Volug on easy mode. Also, kickboxing.

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I use Fiona all the time.

You poor soul.

Vykan said it best:

Feeding all my kills to Fiona in 1-7 and 1-E on my first hard mode playthrough. Stupidest thing I've ever done.

Which basically tells you that even with severe babying, Fiona = fail.

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Meg reaching Marshall status on 4-4.

Ha! I've gotten Marshall Meg by the end of 3-6. Method? Meg vs. Cat. Every turn, Micky heals her and Meg attacks. Then, Laura heals her with Physic. Zihark, BK, Nolan, and Sothe are tanking everywhere else so that she doesn't get attacked by anothr unit on the same turn.

Anyway, I got Mordecai to nearly solo 2-E, 3-4 and 3-8 untransformed. Took long as hell (And several times I had to heal him, and at 2-E I had to get Elincia and Brom (The two most durable non-Haar units) wall the defend spot unequipped while Haar sat in front of the ledge unequipped. Also I had Haar take out the Generals whom untransformed Mordy couldn't damage.

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In chapter 3-7 an attempt to attack Micaiah's army from 2 sides proved to be more effectiv then I thought, and I almost wiped out her entire army with the exception of the Black Knight and Micaiah on the last turn. Under these conditions I wanted to take at last Micaiah down aswell. The Black Knight was no longer a problem since he was blocked by Ulki who could take a hit of him and was in no risk of getting eclipsed because the BK is stupid. Ike was the only character left to use on the last turn but he was already damaged by the BK and could be killed by Micaiah and he needed 2 hits to take her down. For some reason I didn't felt like battlesaving and attacked her anyway and enjoyed the only time these 2 would be able to fight on even terms.

Ike attacks with Alondite 100% hit. Hits! (Sorry, but I just dislike the nameswapping nintendo did with the swords)

Micaiah uses Light! Arround 50% hit. Miss!

Ike finishs her off and in a raw case of luck gets +1 in all statts he hasn't capped so far.

Enemy Turn: Black Knight attacks Ulki with a ranged attack. Deals arround 1/3 damage to his HP. What an idiot.

Most satisfing risk I ever took even if just for the awesomeness of that clash.

In 3E I accidently had Marcia attack Trueblade Eddie.

Marcia attacks. Miss

Edward attacks. Miss

Edward secound attack: Astra and Adept

Edward Astra 1 Slash. Miss!

Edward Astra 2 Slash. Miss!

Edward Astra 3 Slash. Miss!

Edward Astra 4 Slash. Jumpattack. Hits! Arround 1/3 damage dealt to Marcia.

Edward Astra 5 Slash. Miss!

Edward uses Adept. Critical!!!

"Oh, Crackers!"

Marcia dies.

Edited by BrightBow-User
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Raped the laguz in 4-5 with Fiona (normal mode)

Must've been difficult, getting her that good and all.

Ike attacks with Alondite 100% hit. Hits!

Micaiah uses Light! Arround 50% hit. Miss!

What? Ike can't use Alondite until 4-E-3.

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Killed Ashera about 10 times before realizing I had to finish her off with Ike AND only lost Sanaki and Gareth in the process. (It was my first playthrough, cut me some slack)

Killed every boss in Part Four Endgame with Rolf all in one round, except for Ashera.

Leveled Astrid up to a Lvl. 5 Silver Knight. She was actually one of my best units throughout part 4.

On this playthrough I am planning to go through Endgame with only the required units, mounted units, and Elincia - (Fiona, Geoffrey, Kieran, Astrid, Makalov, Oscar, Titania, Mist, Renning).

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Paladin solo. This means I soloed 1-7 with Fiona. For 1-E, I used the BK, because he doesn't show up on the kill counter :P

Had Soren at --/20/20 in something like 3-E.

Had Leo top my kill counter

Got Makalov, Devdan (Danved?) and Marcia all killed in 2-E. Geoffrey came close, as well.

Among other things...

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