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Crazy things you did in FE:RD

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Went straight up to the Black Knight with Ike on 3-7 and attacked him with the Ettard. Thankfully, he missed with his counterattack (with 80% accuracy and all).

Getting Ike out of there was just as crazy: I had Haar rescue Ike and travelled as far as I could away from the BK, only for the BK, Edward and Leonardo gang-rape him down to 1HP.

Thankfully, the chapter ended after that.

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On my last playthrough I also managed to kill everyone except Laura and the Black Knight on 3-7 (and Jill since I recruited her to the GM). Laura only lived because I was out of people to attack with when the turn ended. It was just a slaughter. Haar racked up such a body count on that level.

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This just happened to me today. Hard mode run through; chapter 2-3.. i had geoffery at the gate and i was going to break it down next turn. an archer on the above tier with a iron longbow, 50% hit and 5% crit criticals, killing geoffery, game over. I was so mad.

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This just happened to me today. Hard mode run through; chapter 2-3.. i had geoffery at the gate and i was going to break it down next turn. an archer on the above tier with a iron longbow, 50% hit and 5% crit criticals, killing geoffery, game over. I was so mad.

If he was standing on a higher platform, then his hit rate would be 100% and not 50.

EDIT: Unless you already factored in Geoffrey's avoid, then lol, nvm.

Edited by Fireman
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Killed every boss in Part Four Endgame with Rolf all in one round, except for Ashera.

Even on EM rolf can only do 64 damage in a turn and thats with a triangle attack so he could he one round dheginsea if he has 100 health if he can only do 64 damage meaning he would need +9 attack from a support only attack doesn't go over 5 but rolf + adept seems to one ruond leval every time

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Used Mordecai. I never use him in RD. Hes actually quite good!

also Nolan killing Soren in 3-E. Omg wtf! Nolan was like at level 20/11 Warrior and Soren was level 20/12 Arch Sage. Nolan runs up and smashes his face with Tarvos. O_o

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I used Makalov during the Part 2 chapters he is forced upon, and he actually turned out alright, to my surprise. I avoided him like the plague in FE9.

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I used Makalov during the Part 2 chapters he is forced upon, and he actually turned out alright, to my surprise. I avoided him like the plague in FE9.

exact same thing here man

You know, Makalov is pretty decent in RD. I usually build him up to atleast a decent level so he can promote because hes very useful in part 4

Yeah I'll admit he's decent in RD. But I have other sword users so he's not in my list of characters to use

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Yeah I'll admit he's decent in RD. But I have other sword users so he's not in my list of characters to use

I think that you and Florina meant PoR where Makalov is decent. Because he became bad in Radiant Dawn (18 base AS and strength, not to mention his inventory starts with a steel sword? Lawl).

Edited by Luster Warrior
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I think that you and Florina meant PoR where Makalov is decent. Because he became bad in Radiant Dawn (18 base AS and strength, not to mention his inventory starts with a steel sword? Lawl).

Other than the fact that his start in PoR is anything but decent. 7 base AS and his inventory starts with a steel sword? Lol.

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I think that you and Florina meant PoR where Makalov is decent. Because he became bad in Radiant Dawn (18 base AS and strength, not to mention his inventory starts with a steel sword? Lawl).

Actually no. I was referring to RD here. And umm, take that out and give him a killing edge?

Makalov is kinda horrible in PoR.

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Here's another great one. today i was in 3-1 and had gatrie in the bushes at the left side going up. BOTH the boss AND a fire mage critical him in two consecutive attacks. this game hates me.

or maybe i should just stick to normal mode?

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I tried to train most of the DB equally or have them around the same levels in my first PT. That didn't go too well when I got to 3-6 lol

Also on my first PT I routed the whole 2-3 cause I didn't know there was bexp for keeping the enemies alive lol

One time, Ike was put to sleep by Hetzel and was killed by four bishops :(

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I actually used Micaiah in the first four Part IV Endgame chapters (when I say that I used her, I mean as an attacking unit, rather than just healing/doing nothing as I usually do).

Oh, and I "killed" Sephiran with Edward.

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A recent one, though it isn't really crazy. More like RNG stupidness.

Ike was standing at the bottom right corner in 4-E-1 where he was waiting for reinforcements. Lekain uses his Rewarp staff and warps diagonally to Ike. Thank you, kind sir!

I did something similiar in my previous playthrough but I had to double shove, move and get Vigored by Reyson so that my capped Nolan could kill Lekain with a Tomahawk.

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Other than the fact that his start in PoR is anything but decent. 7 base AS and his inventory starts with a steel sword? Lol.

It's 10 AS if you forge him a lower Atk sword.

Plus, he has more chapters to catch up in PoR. And the KW.

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Last playthough some strange things happened.

I didnt really use Zihark but he made it to my endgame team simply because he destroyed everything in 4-4.

Astrid raping everything in Endgame.

Rolf kicking the crap out of Dheginsea.

Volug killing Sephiran.

Pelleas actually destroying Izuka.

Jill making number 2 in the top 5 and Zihark making number 5. O_o

Using Sigrun in endgame and actually making it work. (yay wishblade!)

yeah...it was an odd one this time around.

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