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What do you do on boring days?


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I mean really boring days when you have nothing to do. Everything seems boring and you just can't deal with it.

Why do i ask, i'm having that today. Damn i'm so bored, i don't want to do anything. I can't seem to be entertained by anything.

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1. Call friends

2. Go on Facebook

3. Ask friends on Facebook

4. Hang out


1. Go on Youtube

2. Waste self


1. Turn on TV

2. Zone out

3. ???


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I have about 190 video games, always have at least three books I haven't read yet (and sometimes whole huge volumes, like my complete Sherlock Holmes - I'm taking that in spurts), a decent DVD collection and a pretty damn fast internet connection. My problem isn't having nothing to do, it's making up my mind XD

I almost never just sit and watch TV, though. DVDs, yeah, but for some reason when just straight television doesn't hold my interest, since my mind doesn't like to be too passive.

If you really just want to kill time, TVTropes and Wikipedia will consume your whole day. And night, very often.

Edited by Fëanen
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Go watch an episode of The Joy of Painting with Bob Ross and have all of your troubles melted away. :D

Edited by Roxas
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Hmm.. I'll either, sleep, watch the Weather Channel, find my toys and play with them, play one of the MMOs I've downloaded, read something I haven't read.

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Play around on the computer or find a game to play. If I can be bothered and the weather doesn't suck I'll take the dog for a walk or go to a friends place.

Or sleep. Sleeping is good too.

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Read literature--mostly browse through a bunch of good anthologies I saved from a number of college classes. Write about 'em. Mess around with some of the games I have. Browse internet and forums. Look up lots of information and mythologies.

Kinda like an Ivory Tower, I guess, too an extent.

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Now that you've piqued my interest, I can't help but ask what you do!


I honestly never get bored. For some reason I can be completely satisfied doing absolutely nothing, so the answer would be that I never have to think of something to do on a boring day. I just don't experience boredom the way other people claim to.

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I have those days often.

I tend to read up on ancient threads alot. I'll sometimes play a game, or watch some anime. I may even stick on a DVD. I've still got alot of retro Knight Rider to go through.

Tonight, I believe myself and some friends are going out to our favourite local for some drinks. That should be entertaining, assuming we're still going.

I find that taking a nap is the absolute last resort, when all else proves to be too boring.

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I sometimes watch anime, I occasionally write, go to a bar or a movie or a party, or something like that.

I also listen to a lot of music when I'm bored.

Watching a movie you really like but haven't seen in a while can help, too.

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On boring rainy days I usually just read, FE, SF, email ect....

If it is boring non-rainy day, I am priveliged to have a bike and a tennis racket.

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