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Yay! One of my favorite pokes...erm...

Ninetails made it to Overused tier. =3

Let's see...

With Drought water moves weaken, powers up her Fire Blast to new heights and is good at status sweeping (Will-O-Wisp) 100 base speed.


Dragonair!!! Dragonair!!! =3

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I caved. I went digital.


Also, I paired myself with Olivia.

Come at me, Rey.

It's not like I'm nitpicking the English text "more forward" Olivia or anything. awesome.png

Honestly? If there was no Japanese voice option or the fact that I have my Japanese copy... I might have gone for Tiki instead.

Just be sure to love and respect her and I'm completely fine with this.awesome.png

[8:08:54 AM] shadowofchaos725 (Rey): zephiel123 6 minutes ago

is it me, or did the translation make her seem...like a stereotypical American blonde girl ?

Holy crap.

[8:08:59 AM] shadowofchaos725 (Rey): That's why.

[8:09:10 AM] shadowofchaos725 (Rey): That's why the English translation of Olivia's Support Conversation was irritating me.

[8:09:18 AM] shadowofchaos725 (Rey): I just couldn't exactly point it out.

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All my pokemans are underleveled =<

I didn't think that all the trainers would have 10+ levels-above-mine pokemon after you beat this.... I guess I'll have to spend lots of time training x3

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Looks like I'll need even more training...

I can only get a Dragonair to know Dragon pulse through breeding ;n;

And I hate the low accuracy in Dragon Ruuuuuuuuuuush

And Dragonair can't learn any accuracy-increasing moooooooooooves =<

So guess it's back to breeding time

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Welp, I think I missed my bus when I went away to get a drink.

...That I got because I was thirsting to death from waiting in the hothot sun for over an hour waiting for my bus. God I hate busses...

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I can't believe how perfect this hatching went x3

The Dragonair I caught is named Niamh, the Deino I mated her with is Ciaran, they had a baby girl Dratini named Fainne and she knows Dragon Pulse~

The names (and gender of the baby that hatched!) are only relevant because they're characters from a trilogy I've read~

Also thanks Rei Rei for your Flame Body =3

Edited by Freohr Datia
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What is it that confuses you, ojou-sama?

makes since?

That is very good ojou-sama.

So it is...

Although in this case... you're not the butler! :o

OMG. So basically...


I'm a Pillar Man to someone! I just hope I don't absorb you...

ja ja! ya, don't absorb me...

I want to be more like NoName

a blank nurse?

NTG sees me as a cross between James Dean and Fonzie.

I approve.

Haha. I was going to reference Dio Brando but I forgot what he looked like and had no pic of him nearby. So I conjured something up~

Oh and speaking of stories

[spoiler=a strange tale I heard]-names swapped out for letters to protect the innocent-

so a friend of mine has this older brother

we'll call him D

D is something of a NEET

he stays at home, plays vidya games, and isn't terribly motivated to change that

one day D stepped out for a burger at WcDonalds

as he was about to take the first bite

the burger was swept out from him

by a large (like groundshakingly so) girl

mild-mannered D is uncertain how to take this

so he simply leaves the WcDonalds

but he does not leave alone

the girl follows him

right back to his house

and begins eating his food there too

mild-mannered D

does not know how to deal with this situation

upon getting home, my friend, lets call him by the letter H

asks who this person is

and why she is in the house

D says this

this is P

P says hey

and H just slowly

retreats to his room

this bizarre relationship continues for three weeks

until P moved away

in between those three weeks there was some drama

"who the hell is the person"

"are you two dating or something"

when I ask D

how the fuck did you let this happen

he just kind of shrugs

and I learn that are some truly meek men in this world





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mild-mannered D

does not know how to deal with this situation


when I ask D

how the fuck did you let this happen

he just kind of shrugs

and I learn that are some truly meek men in this world

See, he did know how to deal with the situation (m-maybe).

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I have weird ass dreams, like the one I had two nights ago. [spoiler=cool story bro]

I don't always have disturbing dreams but when I do, I get excited because then i can use it as inspiration for writing horror

I've only ever gotten Pokerus from a trade. And those perfect dittos /vp/ was distributing some time ago.

I wish to subscribe to your brainwaves.

Also, when I caught pokerus, I immediately boxed the mon so the infection didn't go away. I only take it out to be contagious to the rest of my party before putting him back in storage. I am a cruel owner.

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