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Ohai~ It's a long story. What matters is that moods are definitely better now. or something like that?

Anyway, I really hope things calm down in that smash bros thread soon... Everyone really just needs to chill out and relax a little~

Awww. I never did get the full story but oh well. I guess it doesnt matter.

Everyone needs one of these.

[spoiler=What is spoiled may never spoil]

they actually added a bunch of Theon stuff that was only mentioned that happened when we finally got to meet Reek and then we get this?

come one HBO, i need myself some ironborn action

Btw I hope they end this season with Twin's death, last season's final episode was really disappointing for a finale having the Red Wedding on the 9th one

[spoiler=We Do Not Spoiler]

Yeah. Oh well...i think theres gonna be more Asha stuff. (No HER NAME IS NOT YARA!) But probably not until next season. I think they may be saving some of that stuff for season 5. Cuz Damphair and Euron and stupid ol Vic.

Tywin is going to croak on that crapper in episode 10, mark my words. LF even lampshaded it with "people dying at weddings. at the dinner table, and even their chamber pots." Yeah Tywin's death is coming and so is Shae's. We've been sitting on that one for so long now trying not to spoil....it will be a real WTF moment and probably more so than even Oberyn. I think we might be getting Lady Stoneheart in episode 10 too dude.

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[spoiler=We Do Not Spoiler]

Yeah. Oh well...i think theres gonna be more Asha stuff. (No HER NAME IS NOT YARA!) But probably not until next season. I think they may be saving some of that stuff for season 5. Cuz Damphair and Euron and stupid ol Vic.

Tywin is going to croak on that crapper in episode 10, mark my words. LF even lampshaded it with "people dying at weddings. at the dinner table, and even their chamber pots." Yeah Tywin's death is coming and so is Shae's. We've been sitting on that one for so long now trying not to spoil....it will be a real WTF moment and probably more so than even Oberyn. I think we might be getting Lady Stoneheart in episode 10 too dude.

[spoiler=Ours is the spoiler]that name change :P:

i hope so man, ironborn are love

idc about the rest of this season, if they do that scene right, it's the best one :P:

Tywin and Shae's fates were pretty 'wtf man", I think maybe the only one that can compare was the red wedding

"Lord Tywin Lannister did not, in the end, shit gold"

oh yes, please

also, some coin must be used

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I'm pretty sure it could be a slight annoyance for those who just want to talk about lke in some other place and then find it any other typing of lke becoming Mike, only because other people in another place provoked it.

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Lol, typing in a lower case "l" instead of capital "i" lets you get around word filter.

Just wait, they'll change that too... probably... who knows...

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So, I had the craziest dream last night, I didn't get the chance to write down anything, because running late, etc. (story of my mornings every morning tbh). There were like 3 factions-ish, sort of maybe? Like one was the government, one were some superheroes, another were some magical girls. Anyway, my best friend in-dream (unspecified generic dude-bro, also a super) introduces me to someone he said was pretty into me (unspecific generic hot chick, also a magical girl). Anyway, her transformation sequence was like something straight out of penguindrum, and it was ridiculously cute, also turned her really tiny or something. Anyway, somehow best friend bro got captured by the government villains and tortured, strapped to a thing and thrown off of a building. Of course, he's a super so he survives somehow. We were going to rescue him, but he surprises us and meets up with us. Looking pretty serious he pulls me aside, and tells me he found out some important information. Apparently this chick is super yandere and has been plotting to kill my mom so she can be the only woman at all in my life. Now this is some serious crazy shit so somehow we stop it/convince her she's insane (maybe?, things get really fuzzy here). I don't really know, to be honest, but the last thing I remember was going to a convenience store to buy some condoms, which implies things had been resolved. At least, I hope it does. Anyway, it was ridiculous.

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So, I had the craziest dream last night, I didn't get the chance to write down anything, because running late, etc. (story of my mornings every morning tbh). There were like 3 factions-ish, sort of maybe? Like one was the government, one were some superheroes, another were some magical girls. Anyway, my best friend in-dream (unspecified generic dude-bro, also a super) introduces me to someone he said was pretty into me (unspecific generic hot chick, also a magical girl). Anyway, her transformation sequence was like something straight out of penguindrum, and it was ridiculously cute, also turned her really tiny or something. Anyway, somehow best friend bro got captured by the government villains and tortured, strapped to a thing and thrown off of a building. Of course, he's a super so he survives somehow. We were going to rescue him, but he surprises us and meets up with us. Looking pretty serious he pulls me aside, and tells me he found out some important information. Apparently this chick is super yandere and has been plotting to kill my mom so she can be the only woman at all in my life. Now this is some serious crazy shit so somehow we stop it/convince her she's insane (maybe?, things get really fuzzy here). I don't really know, to be honest, but the last thing I remember was going to a convenience store to buy some condoms, which implies things had been resolved. At least, I hope it does. Anyway, it was ridiculous.

What a beautiful dream.

Are yours usually that bizarre?

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Words filter? What did I miss while I was crying at a fictional character I knew was going to die anyway?

Apparently the lke thing got so bad someone changed the word filter or something to replace any mention of lke with Mike.

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So, I had the craziest dream last night, I didn't get the chance to write down anything, because running late, etc. (story of my mornings every morning tbh). There were like 3 factions-ish, sort of maybe? Like one was the government, one were some superheroes, another were some magical girls. Anyway, my best friend in-dream (unspecified generic dude-bro, also a super) introduces me to someone he said was pretty into me (unspecific generic hot chick, also a magical girl). Anyway, her transformation sequence was like something straight out of penguindrum, and it was ridiculously cute, also turned her really tiny or something. Anyway, somehow best friend bro got captured by the government villains and tortured, strapped to a thing and thrown off of a building. Of course, he's a super so he survives somehow. We were going to rescue him, but he surprises us and meets up with us. Looking pretty serious he pulls me aside, and tells me he found out some important information. Apparently this chick is super yandere and has been plotting to kill my mom so she can be the only woman at all in my life. Now this is some serious crazy shit so somehow we stop it/convince her she's insane (maybe?, things get really fuzzy here). I don't really know, to be honest, but the last thing I remember was going to a convenience store to buy some condoms, which implies things had been resolved. At least, I hope it does. Anyway, it was ridiculous.

Weeee dreams are great~!

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What a beautiful dream.

Are yours usually that bizarre?


Originally posted Sun Dec 04, 2005 @ 10:27pm

Titled: Dream for Thursday

I was wandering around in dungeons with a play control that was like a cross between old school Zelda games and Final Fantasy games. You know top view one room at a time scroller except battles shifted to a battle screen. The goal seemed to be to go through and get as much treasure as possible. The background music was like a cross between traditional heavy metal and Blackmore's Night, kind of similar to the more "minstrelly" stuff Blind Guardian does. There was a commentary too, like that of a game/band reviewer, saying that if you liked the direction the games/music had been going from the first one to the second one, you'd love this one too (with strong overtones that the reviewer in question did _not_ approve of the direction the series was evolving).

The game was very puzzle intensive: involving mazes, switches, timers and more and some treasures were mutually incompatible (you simply could not get them both, I remember restarting several times in vain attempts to do so, but the conditions for aqcuiring one simultaneously invalidated the conditions for getting to the other). There were very few random encounters, and most were not monsters you needed to kill but rather NPCs with highscool to college age style problems and concerns that you had to help them fulfill (e.g. studying for their Calculus midterm, driving them to cross-country practice/football game, etc.) Weird, I know, but that's all I really remember.

Originally posted Mon Dec 05, 2005 @ 02:35am

Titled: Dream for Friday

This is by far my best chronicled dream. I was just in the process of waking up naturally (which is the only way I remember dreams) when my alarm went off, so I actually got up as opposed to laying around and going back to sleep forgetting the dream/having it meld with a new one. The best part is, my alarm is set to give me a good hour of snooze hitting, so when I didn't do that there was plenty of time to write the dream down.

It was about a television show that doesn't exist that was based of a manga (that also doesn't exist). It was called "Dev 'n Nation" or something, and the main character was played by Danny Devito. The other main character was played by me. There were several crazy adventures, and I'll try to recount a few of them here.

Okay, so Danny Devito is a visiting businessman to our company from some other company, and is good friends with the boss. However, he was trying to earn enough "points" in the "forum" to be able to retire. He quoted that about 4 points annually was a typical gain at his company, and he needed to earn 12 more, or something. I got the strong impression that everyone felt these points were much easier to earn than Devito was making out, like you could get points just by drinking enough water.

Well he mentioned this to my boss in passing, and my boss remarked "Don't even bother applying for points here. I'm too good a friend of yours; I could never sign off on something like that."

Devito proceeds to choke on the water he was drinking (for points) and fainted. However in this world, apparently, fainting is very easily mistaken for a heart attack, and is accompanied by a loss of vital signs. When he came too though he made some comment (I don't recall what), and one of the guys made the remark that it must be true since he said it immediately after fainting.

Scene Change:

We're driving along in a car with Devito at the wheel, chasing after somebody (crooks I think), when Devito has a fainting attack. The car swerves about wildly, and we get pulled over by a cop, who pronounces Danny dead. However just then, he comes to and tells the cop how glad he is to see him since we were trying to catch these criminals, "And you know it must be true since I said it just after fainting."

Well the policeman is just appalled that Devito still drives, despite the fact that he has a chronic fainting condition, and tries to write him up a ticket. Well they're standing in the middle of the highway with cars rushing by on both sides, and Devito apparantly thinks it's a good idea to threaten he and says "I could get you killed with a quick thrust of the arm, you know?"

The cop raises and eyebrow and replies "Oh yeah? Well I could kill you as easily as killing a Jewish bookkeeper." To which Devito exclaims (truthfully) "I am a Jewish bookkeeper!" This is apparantly some sort of punchline, because everybody laughs and the cop decides not to give us a ticket.

Scene Change:

A business trip has been planned down south requiring a flight by plane. I had reserved the tickets to take advantage of frequent flyer miles or some such thing. As it was nearing time to go and our company chauffer was coming to pick us up Devito was nowhere to be found (he was having a midlife crisis). He had been cheating on his wife and everything (I recall the distinct image of him in bed with another woman, and strangely enough his wife was on the floor next to the bed, and there was also an unknown unrecognizable man at the foot of the bed). Well anyway, we all went looking for him, and eventually found him in the laundry room, he had been painting the furnace. There was a miniconfrontation between him and his mistress (who reminds me of this girl from my High School Drama department), and she ended up getting paint on the back of her very expensive dress.

Well anyway, the gay butler had met the chauffer at the door but there was super loud music playing (another part of Devito's midlife crisis thing) that made it seem as though some sort of college drinking party was going on. The chauffer was sure that he had come to the wrong house and could not be convinced otherwise, and proceeded to leave without us. The butler then returns to where the quarrel is going on and Devito's wife remarks (with great irony to those of us in the know) how like a lover's spat the arguement Danny is having with the other woman is. This makes the butler smile knowingly, and then he backs out of the room.

Scene Change:

My main character is monologueing about how he wished this show would stay more true to the manga, and that there was so much happening that was just elaboration or something. He remarked that the manga really quickly got to his arrival in gambino where he takes a more important role, yet the show has been dragging out forever the events prior to this. He is young and had been sent to boarding school at a very early age by his parents, who (coincidentally) happen to be Devito and wife, but they remember nothing about him. He managed to get an internship at the company, and things have been proceeding from there.

There was more, but this was all I could remember. I hope you enjoyed it.

Originally posted Thu Dec 08, 2005 @ 05:38am

Titled: Dream for Saturday

Saturday's dream was . . . interesting, and sadly I've forgotten almost all but the key elements. It began in the present time and place. I was either bowling, or at a club or something I don't recall where exactly, but I met the daughter of the owner and we fell in love. There were a couple weeks of, you know, typical courting type stuff, movies dinners, just hanging out and whatnot. Then one evening we had sex for the first time. At the climax there was a bright white flash and when I woke up the next morning everything had changed.

It was a future time, in a foreign world, my lover was now a princess (or priestess, I don't recall which), and our love was strictly forbidden; legions of soldiers were trying to hunt us down (and execute me, the princess however would merely be reprimanded severely). However, we possessed some kind of strange, uncertain and odd power that triggered when we were in close proximity and was heralded by bright red light spewing forth from our rings. I forget what exactly the power was, but it was either teleportation or invisibility, or something else that made our escape significantly easier than it otherwise would have been.

We were eventually caught by a young guard, she couldn't have been more than 16 years old. She had a spear and reminded me of Amelia from FE:TSS, and I think that was what her name was in the dream, incidentally. Anyway, it turns out that not all of these future people were bad, some of them were just misguided. I taught her how to play Mozart on the violin and she was fascinated. Apparently in this future world the didn't have music of any kind at all, much less Mozart caliber. Amelia was extremely grateful, and proceded to help us escape.

Those were the main elements. There are many other details I've either forgotten, or am intentionally leaving out. This was a very good dream, I wish I'd had a reason to get up and record it more thoroughly, rather than just lazing in bed and lapsing asleep again.

Originally posted Thu Dec 15, 2005 @ 02:58am:

Titled: Random Dream Snippets

Low on sleep, low quality dream snippets. Not as good as real dreams, I understand, but I should be keeping track of something. Sadly I've lost track of the dates on these, only the order.

Earliest Fragment:

I'm brushing my teeth and all of the sudden my mouth is filled with the coppery tang of blood. I look in the mirror and discover I've grown vampire fangs, and their rapid rate of growth has cut my gums causing the bleeding. I continue brushing, spitting, and rinsing. When I leave the house I try to hide my fangs by keeping my mouth closed very tightly. Somehow this causes the fangs to break off and I'm left with jagged stumps. My mouth starts bleeding again and I go to brush my teeth again.

Next Fragment:

It is the wild west. I am a marshal hunting some notorious outlaws. One of them is a witch shapeshifter, who generally resembles her mother, whom she killed at an early age. Another is a brute with ridiculous amounts of raw strength. I wish I remembered plot and not just feelings of characters, but I don't.

An almost complete Fragment:

I was forced to work for an evil genius. At first I attempted to thwart his efforts, he wanted a building bombed, but I made it so that the police did a safe demolition instead, and noone was hurt. However, after he sent me to the moon, I had twisted and become evil myself. There was a small contingent of people there who were on "our side" and the rest of the moon base was against us. In order to make myself better and stronger I had our surgeon construct an electronic skull and brain for me so a GSW to the head wouldn't stop me, and I kept my real brain safely in a jar at the base, to ensure my immortality. I then commandeered a nuclear missile and rode it down to earth a la "Dr. Strangelove". After the explosion, for some reason I was at home, and I'd been fixed up with even more mechanical parts substituting what I'd lost. My parents suspected I was evil now, and chased me out of the house. Still having a hint of humanity, I couldn't hurt them and ran away. While chasing after me though, my father fell and broke his ankle. I escaped, and beat them back to the house and had my brother drive me somewhere, I don't recall, but he suspected I was responsible for father's injury.

Final Fragment:

It is a dream filled with macabre puns (that combined visual and spoken elements). I actually laughed myself awake several times (well not exactly 'awake' awake, but the groggy half-wakefulness feeling, if you know what I mean, if not, tough muffins, I can't describe it much better than that). Some of the subjects: Hitler, a wrestlemania wrestler, a robot with saws for arms. They kind of proceded like a stage play with multiple characters, each pun paving way for the next, all accompanied with blood and gore so unrealistic it make things even funnier. I think...

Originally posted Mon Jan 09, 2006 @ 12:58am

Titled: Incubus

Today was a wonderful day for dreams, I allowed myself to drift toward and away from wakefulness for hours, and it was wonderful. Like floating on a tide of comfort. Some of the dreams were odd, some were not fully developed, and while I remember them mostly, some of the details I had to partially reconstruct, and may not ring true to what I actually experienced. We'll just see how it turns out when I'm done typing it up though, shall we? (Dreams recounted in semi-chronological order, i.e. how I remember them happening to me, which may be mildly confused)

Dream 1:

This dream had a very X files-ish feel to it, as did a couple of my others in todays batch, I'm not exactly sure why. There were two distinct and seperate parts to this one, part of it was a trial, and the other part was definately not in the court room but I forget where. The crux of the dream revolved around an evil spirit, I don't remember what it was called in the dream if anything, but for lack of a better word, I'll be referring to it here as an incubus, although I am fully aware that such a description is not fully accurate.

This incubus had a variety of different powers including the ability to destroy innocents (specifically other spirits, I don't recall if said power was ever used on humans), and the ability to possess people. While in possession of a body, it acted more along the lines of a traditional incubus, that is to say, using that body to engage in sexual intercourse with women, which I might add it was very skillful at.

With that little background out of the way, I will do my best to recount a plot outline of the dream without going to far into any particular details: for obvious reasons.

I do not precisely recall what the nature of the trial was, not the accused, nor the crimes, only some specific witness testimonies. Amongst many such witnesses were myself and a woman friend of mine (who was ambigous enough I couldn't tell which if any of my real life acquaintences she may have been based off of). When it came my turn for questioning, I attempted to prove my point by summoning a harmless innocent ghost of a slain monk, (I gather this had some importance in the trial proceedings, perhaps the crime was related to his death, or maybe it was simply an unorthodox way of collecting information on some variety of supernatural events that had been taking place in the area). At about this time the incubus showed up and destroyed the soul of the poor monk, who appeared quite mournful and agonized as he was experiencing his fate.

The incubus then possessed one of the attourneys, and began asking my girlfriend intimate questions about her sexual life: what she enjoys, when her last orgasm was, and crazy stuff like that. Despite objections, the judge allowed the line of quesitoning to continue, and she skillfully and humorously invented crazy new terms like minigasm, and others that I forget, but her testimony generally indicated that she was unpleased with her sex life at its current stage. Having apparently found what it was looking for the incubus left, and the rest of the trial proceeded much more mundanely, and I remember little to none of the rest of it.

The other part of the dream was somewhat disjoint and yet related. I do not recall the exact setting, but my body had been possessed by that incubus, and he proceded to have his way with my girlfriend in my body. I was in the "back seat" of my mind if you will and it was a very disconcerting expecience to say the least. I still had full possession of my faculties and senses, but no control as to what I was doing. Sparing you further details, the important part is that we were discovered in the act by some classmates from school, and the word spread like wildfire, causing much undue embarrassment. Many other little details elude me more than just a vague sense that they exist, like her being aware that I was not quite myself, and other bits and pieces of an even less concrete nature.

Well, that wraps up dream one, and I'm actually a bit typed out for now, I may update with the others later this evening.

Originally posted Tue Jan 10, 2006 @ 05:46pm

Titled: The other dreams from Sunday

The Gobbler

I had a dream about a mysterious creature. I believe it was called "The Gobbler" for some unknown reason. I recall there was a poem about him, you know some traditional folk poem parents scare their kids with, but don't remember much of it. If I were forced to reconstruct it it would begin something like this:

"Beware the Gobbler, my son,

At the noon of night, devoid of sun.

With trash hands grasping

and deep voice rasping..."

And that's about as far as I can get, without completely making stuff up.

He was some monster that was born from, lives in, and feeds on refuse of all sorts and sizes (plastic bags, rotten food, vomit, etc.). His weakness was to be tied up with a sort of dual rope, made by finely handwrapping a silk thread around an existing rope in such a way that you ended with two ropes twined together. As for appearance, I recall him being giant-sized but invisiblish, however he projected man-sized decoys to lure and confuse his prey. It was pretty successful as the hunters in my dream wrapped the decoy, but the main part of Gobbler got them.

The River

It was a drought season. There were three children: a brother, a sister, and a baby of unspecified gender. The boy and girl went to the dried up river bed where there had once been a mighty river, in search of any water that might remain, bringin their baby sibling along with them, as the were not allowed to leave him unsupervised. When they arrived at the river, it was dry as expected, but the boy spied a small, shiny, round, blue stone near where midstream would have been. The scampered down to check it out but upon touching it, suddenly there was a massive outpouring of water, as if all the missing water had been condensed into the stone. Swept away by the now fierce current, the baby was seperated from them and drowned. The pair managed to escape to shore, but were chilled to the bone, suffering severe hypothermia and feverish delusions. The dream didn't last long enough for me to determine whether they survived, but rather replayed from the beginning from an alternate perspective, this time following the narrative as seen through the eyes of the girl-child. I don't remember significant differences in plot but in the emotions experienced as the story unfolded.

Video Game Medley

It was a cross between Civilization 3, creating settlers and workers to make cities and improve the surrounding countryside, Lords of the Realm 2 for intra-city management, creating armies and waging war, Warcraft 3 style Heroes to lead the armies, with Fire Emblem style leveling and promotions for your Heroes. It was very fun, and I was winning, I think, when I awoke.

(3:36:18 AM) Balcerzak:

mmm. So I just had a weird/interesting dream.

(3:36:47 AM) Kitten Engel:

Tell me, I'll type up my own :3

(3:37:03 AM) Balcerzak:

I cannot remember all of it, but some of the elements were that there was some sort of alien technology/ancient power thing that caused transformations.

(3:37:57 AM) Balcerzak:

It was looking for something, I'm not entirely sure what it was, but it manifested itself in various people across the world, and caused them to attack in their attempts to search and destroy.

(3:39:33 AM) Balcerzak:

I get the feeling it was some sort of small globe-type object, as in some of the final sequences I was chased around some sort of rectangular maze when I had an ephiphany (recognized the maze from a dream) and thought that it was hidden in a sculpture under a ledge at about shin-height.

(3:39:57 AM) Balcerzak:

Unfortunately there where these sculptures everywhere, so it still was proving hard to find.

(3:40:33 AM) Kitten Engel:


(3:41:00 AM) Balcerzak:

Anyway the enemy caught me, so I had to transform too (I had done so in the past, but for some reason was still sane / in control. I'm not sure if the other girls were).

(3:41:40 AM) Balcerzak:

So we were having some sort of epic showdown/fight, which unleashed a lot of energy, and caused some serious collateral damage, and I was losing.

(3:41:55 AM) Balcerzak:

I think I woke up around then.

(3:42:17 AM) Balcerzak:

There was a lot of stuff that had gone on before that, but it's vague and unsure.

(3:42:38 AM) Balcerzak:

I had been one of these chosen for a long time, and was trying to keep it from friends/family.

(3:42:58 AM) Kitten Engel:

Certainly the frameworks of a good story/anime that's true :3

(3:43:14 AM) Balcerzak:

I guess I might not have had perfect control, because I'm remembering there being periods of blackout and such, during which I didn't remember anything.

(3:43:57 AM) Balcerzak:

One of them saw me in a bar, and the next thing I knew it was the next evening and I was back in it/still there, and the owner seemed to be dissappointed with me (for being there)

(3:44:09 AM) Kitten Engel:


(3:45:22 AM) Balcerzak:

I tried to get one of my friends to lie for me to cover up to another friend what I'd been doing (I think I'd wanted her to claim that I'd been out with my boyfriend at a drive-in movie, on some sort of double-date with her and hers, but it's a bit hazy)

(3:46:10 AM) Balcerzak:

And I think I've sort of run out of things to remember around this point, except that the news media was really covering things up and being hush-hush about the whole situation.

(3:47:45 AM) Kitten Engel:

Now I almost want to turn that into a story...

(3:47:54 AM) Kitten Engel:

or rather I do, but not sure if I'll get it as right as you did

(3:48:13 AM) Balcerzak:


(3:48:57 AM) Balcerzak:

Also, I'm not sure if I/main character was a woman for the whole dream, or if I'd undergone some sort of unnoticed transformation part-way through.

(3:50:08 AM) Balcerzak:

Sometimes things can just switch perspectives, or rewrite themselves, and I can't really remember if it happened like that or not this time.

(3:50:31 AM) Balcerzak:

And you're silly, you seem like you want to write everything. :P

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