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And having to retire from being the almighty fish taco. =D

Didn't we already establish I'm not FESS Nightmare? I even had it in my profile in giant letters because every single everyone ever kept PMing me and asking me if I'm him.

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>End of boyhood arc

>Main story will continue fall


I remember when I told my friend that it looked like Miura was going at a solid pace again with this new arc

he was like

"I'll start reading that series again when there are at least 15 volumes from where I left off"

I'm starting to think he might have the right idea

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Summary#10 (With Stats)

World Map

I initiate some base convos with Libra. Some temp boost received. Greg searches and finds Sigurd's Lance. Freddie+Olivia. Bond support received. Greg searches again and now finds a Glass Axe. Vick searches and gets a temporary skill and defensive boost. Finally, time to begin the next chapter.

Chapter 19

After a scene, it shows the faggot discussing Greybeard's failure while this sinister tune plays again. Then the guy Valharuto (The guy who dealt with Basalio and Flavia) shows up getting pissed off at the faggot and Greybeard. Probably mad at their failures. The greybeard leaves and the faggot is left there by himself. Now the battle begins. After sorting out some items the battle begins as it plays some rebellious tune. After a brief cutscene the battle starts. Since this is a pretty tough battle. Here is what I gave them...


-Killer Lance


-Short Spear



-Kill Sword

-Thunder Sword


-Bronze Spear


-Divine Dragonstone


-Kill Sword

-Glass Sword

-Killer Bow

-Great Bow








-Silver Lance






-Silver Axe

-Killer Axe

-Short Axe




-Alm's Sword

-Fin's Lance

-Silver Sword




-Silver Axe

-Killer Axe

-Silver Lance

-Short Axe



-Iron Sword


-Killer Lance

-Bronze Axe

-Steel Lance


-Hand Axe


-Silver Sword

-Kill Sword





-Arc Fire


-Arc Thunder

-Silver Lance



-Arc Thunder

-Arc Fire








-Arc Thunder

-Arc Wind


-Silver Bow


-Silver Axe

-Arc Wind

-Silver Sword

-Silver Lance

-Sol Sword

After going through a tough battle needing Fortify to stay alive here as the enemies hit pretty hard. After I defeat the boss, alot of NPC come to Krom's rescue. Probably soldiers that serve Iris. We then get switched back to the faggot. After the cutscene, we then see Krom's force charge through the gates ending the chapter.

Turns 5

MVP Tiara&Sumia

World Map

I first buy the God Dragon Stone (Real One) (On sale) (One time only), Kill Sword, Dragon Killer, Elthunder, Rescue Staff (Sale for Elthunder and Rescue Staff). All of these are 1 time only buys before the shop doesn't sell them anymore. The shop also disappears after you leave it. Keep that in mind. I've sold all 10 of my Gold Bags and the medium gold bar to get the money of course. Base convo time. I have Vick+Libra wander around and nothing happens. Supports now are Freddie+Liz (C Support), Viole+Soiree (B Support) and Tiara+Sumia (B Support). Viole and Soiree have a little fight in this one as Soiree says "What are you saying"? "If you have something to say, then say it." Anyway, (C Support developed). During the Freddie+Liz convo, Liz gets annoyed by Freddie saying things that Freddie is curious about that Liz does not want to talk about. It seems that Liz wants to give him something. But what? Liz does wink a few times in this convo. (B Support developed) I now begin the next chapter.

Chapter 20

Now this is getting interesting. During this discussion with the faggot and 2 other sinister characters the faggot screamed "Ahhhh". I laughed so hard at that. xD

The battle now starts as I must face tough troops (Mostly armors) along with 3 bosses at once. The greaybeard, the faggot, and the boss who made short work of Basilio and Flavia. I start by using a Talismen on Krom and an Angel Robe on Viole as he isn't keeping up well in durability. Olivia learned a new skill. Mariabel learned a new skill. Lucina's spear rank increased. Cynthia learns a new skill. I give the Dragonshield to Viole. Tiamo learned a new skill. I actually lred the boss by mistake not knowing that he actually can move. I actually had to use a few Rescue Staff uses after I had Anna grab the eastern treasure before rescuing her a few times to get to the western ones. I then kill the boss and Cynithia's Spear Rank increased. He dropped a Large Gold Bar (10000G) upon killing him to end the chapter. After some cutscenes the chapter ends. Stat time!






-Long Bow

-Large Gold Bar (10000G)


-Time Stone

-Spirit Dust

-Change Proof

-God Dragon Stone

Krom LV 20/11 EXP98

Class: Master Lord


HP 50/50

Power 25

Mag Pwr 5

Skill 24

Speed 26

Luck 27

Def 27

Res 14 (Gave him a Talismen)

Sword A Spear C

Skills:dualattack.pngDual Attack,charismae.pngCharisma,005sp.pngRefresh,aether.pngAether

Tiara LV 20/10 EXP58

Class: Grandmaster

HP 58/58

Power 22

Mag Pwr 15

Skill 23

Speed 25

Luck 21

Def 22

Res 12

Sword B Tome B

Skills:001pg.pngWar Knowledge, magicsquare.pngMagic Square,wonderflame.pngMagnificent Flame

Liz LV 20/14 EXP21

Class: Battle Monk


HP 47/47

Power 17

Mag Pwr 23

Skill 21

Speed 22

Luck 30

Def 18

Res 15

Axe B Staff A

Skills:017me.pngMiracle,018id.pngHealing Heart,luckcry.pngLuck Cry

Viole LV16/11 EXP72

Class: Bowknight


HP 48/48 (Gave him an Angel Robe)

Power 21

Mag Pwr 8

Skill 27+2

Speed 23

Luck 14

Def 13 (Gave him a Dracoshield)

Res 12

Sword C Bow A

Skills: Skill+2, Early Initiative, Skill Cry

Miriel LV20/13 EXP70

Class: Sage


HP 46/46

Power 5

Mag Pwr 25+2

Skill 23

Speed 29

Luck 19

Def 18

Res 24

Tome A Staff C

Skills:magic2x.pngMagic+2,concentrationv.pngConcentration,019pk.pngMagic Cry

Sumia LV20/14 EXP36

Class: Dark Peg


HP 45/45

Power 14

Mag Pwr 20

Skill 38

Speed 39+2

Luck 25

Def 17

Res 21

Lance A Tome B

Skills:speed2n.pngSpeed+2,005sp.pngRefresh, Movement Cry

Mariabel LV20/16 EXP11

Class: Valkyrie


HP 43/43

Power 4

Mag Pwr 23

Skill 24

Speed 21

Luck 30

Def 10

Res 25+2

Tome B Staff A

Skills: resistance2.pngRes+2,004oj.pngSeduced Lady,resistcry.pngResistence Cry, dualsupport.pngDuel Support

Soiree LV 20/13 EXP46

Class: Paladin


HP 48/48

Power 28

Mag Pwr 10

Skill 25

Speed 32

Luck 24

Def 23

Res 19

Sword A Lance A

Skills: Discipline, Outdoor Battle, Defender

Tiamo LV20/15 EXP3

Class: Falcoknight


HP 52/52

Power 26+5

Mag Pwr 9

Skill 30

Speed 34+2

Luck 24

Def 20

Res 24

Lance A Staff B

Skills:speed2n.pngSpeed+2,005sp.pngRefresh, speedcry.pngSpeed Cry, lanceexpert.pngLance Expert

Fredrick LV9/12/4 EXP41

Class: Draco Master


HP 50/50

Power 33+2

Mag Pwr 5

Skill 25

Speed 22

Luck 17

Def 19

Res 13

Lance A Axe A

Skills:discipline.pngDicipline, outdoorbattle.pngOutdoor Battle,lunaxy.pngLuna,011qz.pngStr+2, Ride Fast

No-No LV20 EXP55

Class: Manakete


HP 42/42

Power 18+8 18+11

Mag Pwr 7+5 7+6

Skill 11+3 11+5

Speed 15+2 15+4

Luck 18 18

Def 14+10 14+13

Res 11+7 11+9

Skills: oddbio.pngOdd Biorhythem, dragonbuster.pngDragon Buster

This is her stats with the Divinestone. Her actual stats are without the pluses. The other stats (2nd one) are with the God Dragon Stone.

Saria LV20/14 EXP4

Class: Sorcerer


HP 48/48

Power 9

Mag Pwr 29

Skill 13

Speed 28

Luck 16

Def 25

Res 19

Tome A

Skills: Curse, Crimson Curse, Vengence

Olivia LV16 EXP11

Class: Dancer


HP 34/34

Power 9

Mag Pwr 7

Skill 19

Speed 23

Luck 16+4

Def 7

Res 7

Sword D

Skills:luck4.pngLuck+4, Special Dance

Lucina LV20/5 EXP17


Class: Master Lord

HP 48/48

Power 21

Mag Pwr 10

Skill 30

Speed 35

Luck 25

Def 20

Res 17

Sword B Spear D

Skills:dualattack.pngDual Attack,charismae.pngCharisma,005sp.pngRefresh,aether.pngAether

Anna LV6 EXP88


Class: Trickster

HP 39/39

Power 13

Mag Pwr 20

Skill 25

Speed 22

Luck 27

Def 11

Res 13

Sword C(About B rank) Staff D

Skills: Move+1, Picklock, Lucky 7

Cynthia LV20/10/5 EXP53



HP 72/72

Power 34

Mag Pwr 10

Skill 36

Speed 33+2

Luck 35

Def 31+2

Res 22

Spear A Axe E(About at D rank)

Skills: Speed+2, Refresh, Aether, Def+2,012nh.pngDef Cry

New Skills

Def Cry

Defence +4 to all allies within a 3 tile radius for one Turn when the Backup command is used.

Duel Support

Increases the effect of support bonuses.

Lance Expert

Strength +5 when equipped with a lance (Magic +5 when equipped with a magic lance)

Dragon Buster

Deals effective damage to dragon units when user is a Manakete.

Odd Biorhythem

Accuracy and Avoid +10 during odd numbered Turns.

Special Dance

Strength, Magic, Defence and Resistance +2 for one Turn for the unit who receives the user's Dance

Edited by アイネ
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Didn't we already establish I'm not FESS Nightmare? I even had it in my profile in giant letters because every single everyone ever kept PMing me and asking me if I'm him.

She's just going to forget again (or not even acknowledge that fact to begin with).

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Could someone with the know-how convert this Gameshark code for MMBN1 to AR please?









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I remember when I told my friend that it looked like Miura was going at a solid pace again with this new arc

he was like

"I'll start reading that series again when there are at least 15 volumes from where I left off"

I'm starting to think he might have the right idea

15 years

>Implying Miura will still be alive by then

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That makes me wonder...

Is there anyone else with the name "Holmes" on another FE-forum site? o__O? 'cause SF is the only forum I joined.

I've only really stayed here so I wouldn't know =3

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Could someone with the know-how convert this Gameshark code for MMBN1 to AR please?









Context would be nice.

Because I have a program that does that... but what version Gameshark code is it?

Master code as well? That's the decryption key.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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I'm pretty sure it's Gameshark SP.

... work with me here, Zak.

Also, what version Action Replay do you want to convert to?

v1 or v2?

v3 or v4?

Because 1 and 2 work the same. 3 and 4 work the same. Combos like 1 and 3, and 4 and 2 don't.

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... work with me here, Zak.

Also, what version Action Replay do you want to convert to?

v1 or v2?

v3 or v4?

Because 1 and 2 work the same. 3 and 4 work the same. Combos like 1 and 3, and 4 and 2 don't.

I'm trying, all I know about gamesharks is that there's one that uses 12-character lines and one that uses 2 8-character lines.


Edited by Zak defender of...
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RAW: (Ignore this Zak)

Master Code

971181CD 4EE1

0000D834 000A

10000368 0007

42019016 0003

0000049D 0020

420004B0 0303

000000ED 0010

420004B2 0303

000000ED 0010

420004B4 0303

000000ED 0010

Here's YOUR code:

AR v3/4

87C907DF 32CB55A0

591CA7FD 94FF3525

745CB3A0 858D1EEC

10C829A8 68506BF3

E416AC60 8E0BA66B


21965585 F9CF0950

5500E1B4 63BD26AC

D5036340 0AAF946D

5500E1B4 63BD26AC

11DEC04F 7FC548B0

5500E1B4 63BD26AC

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