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[10:02 PM] AthenaWyrm: http://puu.sh/2xi8Y


[10:02 PM] shadowofchaos725 (Rey): TAKE MY MONEY

[10:03 PM] AstraLunaSol (Dan): so rey are you going to get a body pillow with that

[10:03 PM] shadowofchaos725 (Rey): I knew Dan was gonna take that shot.

Everyone is just combo'ing me.



Oh my, that is a pretty nice drawing =D

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Did I miss something?

Anyhoo...discovered some new changes to Fire Emblem than from our version.

These are battles via spotpass for recruitment...

When I've battled Florina, she said "I'm Sorry." This really gets to you. She is even more oversoft in the Jap version than in ours. Adds astrik to three. I love u.

When I've battled Serra she said "Yatta" even though she lost her troops. She really pisses you off as she is so pleased of herself that she doesn't see the bigger picture in war. -.-

She treats everything as if it's a game, in our version she is only feisty and sharp tongued.

Katarina after she joins you she goes something like Hai hai as if she's...恥ずかしい -.-

Only serious things get her to break out of her shell. ^^

Severa is like Asuka in Evangelion personality-wise that all of Owains supports with her gets her irritated at the slightest little things.

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I'm sad.

Reminds me of another story where a guy in Japan who had a faithful dog but the owner died in the hospital, and the dog waited at a train station for the owner to came back, but never did.

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You seriously want to strangle Serra. -.-

Katarina does get very timid whenever nothing serious happens. ^^

She's been raised at an evil orphanage, so it's understandable. Still love Legion's Ukikiki. Has a very interesting story, so why not recruit him. Recruits.

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Listening to this while studying Japanese/Algorithms and such while imagining



them running down the street at a dark night alone...

...feels so...peaceful. Like a bird soaring on wings, like a priestess praying. Like u Laura. =)

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I'm sad.

Reminds me of another story where a guy in Japan who had a faithful dog but the owner died in the hospital, and the dog waited at a train station for the owner to came back, but never did.

Poor doggie...

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Dammit Pride

Have fun

I expect complaints

What do you want me to complain about?

I hate chapter 19.

Ninian's folder is 11 pages.

>Keeping pictures of his ex

hey do we have a financial euphemism for ass or is that rolled under economics too

we could think of one


Oh wait, I just remembered I shouldn't be here!

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This is why that we have trouble with localizations sometimes. -.-


Why would Nintendo purposely port a game to a system that can be emulated? It makes as much sense as me leaving my car unlocked during the night.

This key sentence should give us a hint as to why we get localization troubles.

This is why that we didn't get Miles Edgeworth's sequel either. (AAI2) :/

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No, that sentence is just Vincent politely saying someone is dumb for suggesting that Nintendo should do something that would lose them money. :Knoll:

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No, that sentence is just Vincent politely saying someone is dumb for suggesting that Nintendo should do something that would lose them money. :Knoll:

And I was a lot less polite, obviously.


That was one hell of a dream.

A white nothingness that extended forever.

Both of them standing there.

They were both smiling though.

And they talked alternately. Their voices almost blending.

Ninian: "We are a reflection."

Olivia: "A mirror, if you will."

Their formal Japanese just made it even more eerie... combined with their smiles.

Ninian: "Your heart seeks one..."

Olivia: "...that would take care of it."

Ninian: "One that would treasure..."

Ninian holds out her hand and a light just floats about her palm.

Olivia: "...that delicate light."

Olivia holds both hands out together and the same thing happens.

Ninian: "A maiden that would return your heart's warmth..."

Olivia: "...with the one in their own heart."

Both at the same time, voices blending: "And what you fear most..."

They both close their hands covering it... almost looks like they would crush whatever it is that that was floating about their palms.

The white background turn to black. I couldn't see either of them, too. Man that scared the crap out of me.

Both: "...is never being able to find that other."

After a moment, it went back to the white "room" or whatever, and I could see both of them standing next to each other again.

Ninian: "What you see in both of us..."

Olivia: "...is simply what your light wishes to find."

Ninian: "But nonetheless, a reflection..."

Olivia: "...is still only an illusion."

Then suddenly I'm in water. One that looks like there's no end to. I could breathe fine though.

And their voices sounded weird, like it echoed.

Ninian: "Find the true light you seek for."

Olivia: "For it shall not find you."

... and then their voices changed tone from being weird authoritative... to their, I guess... "usual" selves.

Ninian: "I'll be cheering for you!"

Olivia: "I know you can do it!"

Ninian: "You've done it before."

Olivia: "You found us, after all."

...and then I wake up. And what a way to wake up early. Argh.

I woke up about 15 minutes earlier than what I set my alarm clock for... 2 hours earlier than my usual wake up time so I could finish some homework.

...it also sounded freaking Kingdom Hearts-y.

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Whoa, that is...interesting to say the least.

I'm just going to agree with Ninian and Olivia, you can do it^^

You DO realize that cheering me on like that is gonna have SOMEONE use that ship emote on you, right? xD

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