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4 minutes ago, エレノアヒューム said:

what hilarity

more ats = more damage = faster kills

but idk that's just me lmao

Just the fact that i'm already murdering things hardcore, and that I could add even more overkill to it.

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2 hours ago, DodgeDusk said:

yakuza 0 didn't even chart in top 40 in UK when the game released. 'tis a franchise i wouldn't mind trying out one day

the lack of games for ps4 was the perfect chance for me to try it

it's great

2 hours ago, Jedi said:

Muahahaha, all the POWER.


waifu power, huh

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7 hours ago, TheEnd said:

waifu power, huh

Plz, haha. Who is your favorite character in the Cold Steel games anyways? 

6 hours ago, エレノアヒューム said:

oh that, then yes. add more to it 8)

All the firepower, everything must explode.

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17 hours ago, TheEnd said:

did i just stay up all night playing yakuza

hey go

i wonder if there will be any reviews around by the time i finish yakuza 0, i'm still not sure if i should wait a year to play it in english or not

so many games, so little time



Most likely, from what i've seen it's a solid game, and there a lot of cute moments in this game especially from Vert, probably worth buying if you want don't want to wait and also not having to wait longer for DLCs, if they release any that will interest you .


2 hours ago, Magilou said:

That Noire image reminds me to continue MK2.

More than a half year is passed when I touched this game the last time because other good games butted in.

I guess it'll happen again when I've bought TocS...

For some reason I can't keep my motivation high for NEP.



Maybe try out the Rebirth series for Nep, those remakes are more polished in terms of gameplay so that might make it more enjoyable compared to the PS3 versions.

It's worth finishing Neptunia games for the character and their antics since those factors are the series's strongest points IMO. Definitely give it a try again when you feel motivated.

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My problem is that I'm pretty bad in this game, because I can't really get used to the battle system. I died pretty often against the bosses and this took me quite a bit of the motivation. Still try to beat this game because I simply like the characters (especially Iffy and Noire). It also took me quite a lot time and overcoming to get into SMTIV (more than a half year), but now I absolutely enjoy it. Hope same happens to me with MK2.



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On sábado, 11 de fevereiro de 2017 at 4:55 AM, Emeraldfox said:

Right, so I'm supposed to go back to Mistwald but I go through it and I end up at a giant tree with no interaction prompt. Am I missing something?

what were you going to mistwald for again

i think that tree is only interactable in sc tho

3 hours ago, Jedi said:

Plz, haha. Who is your favorite character in the Cold Steel games anyways?

All the firepower, everything must explode.

it's okay jedi
iincho, obviously


1 hour ago, Fei Mao said:


Most likely, from what i've seen it's a solid game, and there a lot of cute moments in this game especially from Vert, probably worth buying if you want don't want to wait and also not having to wait longer for DLCs, if they release any that will interest you .


very nice indeed

i rarely buy dlc anyway though, so that part isn't really an issue
it could start strong but get repetitive, i don't know
the fact ps4 games tend to cost 4x as much as steam games (sales not included) for me also means i'm not so eager to experiment

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The hunt for working lip balm continues
heard Carmex was good, lets see how this goes

On 2/11/2017 at 0:12 AM, Magilou said:

Yeah, it makes sense.

You would have to neutralize the cats first, and I don't know if neutralizing outdoor cats costs money in the US. In my country it's for free, but only for outdoor cats.

Also seven cats would turn into a little zoo at home.

Outdoor cats can get along with indoor cats, but of course they need day parole at first. It takes a while till they will accustom on home. I adopted a few outdoor cats and made them all housetrained. 

Also I won't take one single cat home anymore because...

  1. ... my dad wouldn't permit it
  2. ... I had very bad experiences with taking a cat to my bed.

I don't know either, I doubt they'd make an exception for cats just because they're outdoors but my memory about getting pets fixed here and its fees is pretty bad

And sorry to hear that, Jules. =( I don't let my cats sleep in my room when I'm sleeping because I'm worried about them knocking things over or puking on something, plus I'd have to leave the door open incase they need to use the bathroom

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Tbf the main reason why I don't let cats sleep in my bed anymore is not to have a certain déjà-vu:

I was woken up by a pooping, and a few seconds later a beastial stench spread through my bedroom, and then the entire house because the cat was shitting in my room. An exeperience I will never forget and never want to let it happen again.

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>golden pistol
>unlimited bullets, stronger than a bazooka

did this game's genre just change

okay it did, and even more than expected
capitalism ho

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im glad this thread is still around

 y'all probably don't recognize me

but i don't recognize anyone (well 95% of users) on serenes anymore

oh, how times have changed!

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so i got a literal chicken in my team

it's one of my best land managers......

12 minutes ago, Iris said:

im glad this thread is still around

 y'all probably don't recognize me

but i don't recognize anyone (well 95% of users) on serenes anymore

oh, how times have changed!

hey iris, how are things

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Just now, TheEnd said:

hey iris, how are things

hi theend!!

things are ok. could be better, but they have been worse. fe heroes has suddenly reignited my passion for fire emblem, but i'm waiting on 'em jugdral characters.

how are you?

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1 minute ago, Iris said:

hi theend!!

things are ok. could be better, but they have been worse. fe heroes has suddenly reignited my passion for fire emblem, but i'm waiting on 'em jugdral characters.

how are you?

apparently celice and yuria have been announced
but the only fe thing i'm really concerned about now is translating that oosawa manga

i'm relatively okay, still living a life of games, work and sleep in equal proportions

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down with seliph and julia!!! celice and yuria master race

i would also like to see the ending to that manga, but i'm still mad she excluded holyn l o l

i will gladly take them, but i want levin or sety first and foremost, sorry merric. and maybe tailto.

and i hope ishtar gets her own special map, i want her the most, ugh.

i am also living a life of all those things, albeit in very unequal proportions

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i'm now one of those grumpy elitists who stick to japanese names
but i don't really go outside of this thread anyway, so all is well

we're in gen 2 already, you should get over that and read if you aren't already

i'm guessing lots of work then


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