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I wonder how radically this game would change...

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I think Wendy is the only set B female, if this game were to have class swap aside from Echidna. Echidna has no real reason to change, but as for Wendy?

Well imagine her growths adjusted to Merc for the Western Isles...

Even though Nomad = Hunter in this game? This really doesn''t answer my question.

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Make all bows 2-3 and longbows 2-4.

I would say the same for Magic. (FE2)

EDIT: And Sophia. What would we do with her?

EDIT2: And we'd have to add base Con. >_>

If she were a Mage/Sage she actually would be useable.


As for Wendy, I think that she would be better of being Cavalier. She would have h4x dodge as a Pallie if that were so.

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Oujay might like getting Fighter. Lot might make a good General.

Lott mught really make a decent General, I mean, look at his Spd & Def, those growths don't even go with a fighter, Wendy might make a decent ennough pegasi too if it asn't for her base speed.

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If she were a Mage/Sage she actually would be useable.


As for Wendy, I think that she would be better of being Cavalier. She would have h4x dodge as a Pallie if that were so.

Going by FEDS class sets, both suggestions ain't even happening. (And if they were possible, I would like to see a Nomad/Nomadic Trooper Lilina a lot more than the other options.)

Edited by Little Al
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Some of the classes would have to go somewhere else, or adapt differently to a Female Class A and a Female Class B. Of course, that seems a bit ridiculous in some cases...

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Class bases are not balanced at all in this game, so that would have to be fixed for class swap to be less broken. Swap Thany to wyvern rider for instant hax. She loses 2 res but gains 5 hp, 2 str, 4 def, and a much-needed 4 con.

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Since we don't have access to the base until C6 (IIRC), she would still be a Pegasi for a long time. Some of the earlygame units won't be able to take the full advantage to it, and of course Con would have to be preset on certain classes and just some units have +Con (i.e. Dieck would have more con than OJ). If only a hacker could apply something like this on FE6 though, it'd make some units useful. Ward wouldn't be terrible as a Mercenary, someone like Bors wouldn't mind some Fighter put onto him instead, Barth would be a hell of a Mercenary once built up, etc.

I guess I'm more of a favorite toward reclassing things. Too bad they didn't think of it until FE:SD.

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I think str = con is a dumb concept, but w/e.

STR = Con makes more sense actually. Being a fatass doesn't mean you can throw cars with your pinky. Having epic strength causes you to throw cars with your pinky.

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If you were a foot tall you wouldn't even be able to throw cars. The size of your body has much more to do with wielding a heavy weapon than simply how strong you are.

Ignoring the "real life" implications, not having a separate con stat throws out a means of diversity between characters. Instead of some characters always being weighed down by certain weapons, by a certain point in the game characters don't care about heavy weaponry. Even absurdly heavy stuff like the 17 WT Armorslayer from PoR or the 20 WT Steel Poleax from RD become usable by every character in the game without penalty by midgame.

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Give Con actual growth (like in FE5), so that characters that start with low Con aren't screwed over the entire game.

EDIT: Thought this was the FE7 board. My Con rant dealt mostly with that game. Oops.

Edited by Chainey
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If you were a foot tall you wouldn't even be able to throw cars. The size of your body has much more to do with wielding a heavy weapon than simply how strong you are.

Not if you're a foot tall of muscle.

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Growing Con would be fine but I'd really like to see some negative effects of being wtfhuge too, like being less likely to dodge attacks. Now there's really just no drawback and low Con screws small guys over. Then again the it seems the designers usually compensate with more speed growth for them.

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Not if you're a foot tall of muscle.

Physics dictate that you wouldn't be able to generate enough torque, so no.

I'd prefer it if con grew like weapon ranks instead of randomly, i.e. wielding a weapon heavier than your con enough times will let it increase, but it will obviously have to be limited to a certain extent.

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Growing Con would be fine but I'd really like to see some negative effects of being wtfhuge too, like being less likely to dodge attacks. Now there's really just no drawback and low Con screws small guys over. Then again the it seems the designers usually compensate with more speed growth for them.

There already is a negative effect of having too much con. Its called not being able to be rescued. And in FE5

When carrying an enemy or ally, Strength, Speed, Skill, Speed, Defence are halved. If the user's Build is less than half of the carried character's Build, Movement is also halved.
Edited by Miror B.
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I don't understand how changing a class should change one's con.

The class does affect the Constitution, cavalier's base Con is 9, Wendy has 10 of Con do to the fact she's a knight.

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There already is a negative effect of having too much con. Its called not being able to be rescued.

Then again being able to rescue others balances that to +-0. There's not even that for mounted units.

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Then again being able to rescue others balances that to +-0. There's not even that for mounted units.

Technically a mounted unit with high con has lowered rescue. Not that it ever matters except maybe for rescuing people like Hawkeye.

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