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Time to build a new DS


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With the destruction of my first DS, I have been left with none except my brother's. This has caused me to be behind on some of Nintendo's later DS releases, which hasn't bothered me too much as I was absorbed into my PSP and Xbox 360. (My Wii being completely neglected for several months...) But now I took a look at some of the new DS releases, and I must say it'd be nice to play them on the console and not a ROM.

My problem though was my console's motherboard was fried from a severe amount of water damage. My 5 year old DS could take no more beatings.

Having no money to buy a new DS, I turned to the only other option I have. If I couldn't buy one... I'd build one. I have the parts from my old DS sealed away in a box (I took it apart a long time ago) and I recently acquired a friend's DS which wasn't working, but has a working mother board on it. If I could combine the two, I could build myself a working DS.

Seeing the potential of this project, I thought why stop there? Why not modify it to see what I can do? A DS with more powerful battery? A new frame that makes it more comfortable in your hand? Even modifying it to support USB devices.

I've always been fascinated with taking things apart really. I don't know what it is, but when I have a screw driver in my hand, I just have to explore the insides of whatever gadget I can find. I've taken my PSP apart and put it back together just to see how fast I could do it. (9 minutes and 8 seconds by the way)

Anyone else ever wondered about the inside of electronics? Or ever considered modding them?

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A lot of the time... For example, I once opened up my Wii to release the lens which had jammed after a small tumble off a low shelf, stopping it from reading disks. I thought to myself how easy it would be to place a new, more interesting cover on it, replacing that white, bland cover. I just never get round to doing these things...

I wasn't so good in keeping track of the screws for it, to this day I still have a screw left over after after reassembling it. That just annoys me to no end.

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A lot of the time... For example, I once opened up my Wii to release the lens which had jammed after a small tumble off a low shelf, stopping it from reading disks. I thought to myself how easy it would be to place a new, more interesting cover on it, replacing that white, bland cover. I just never get round to doing these things...

I wasn't so good in keeping track of the screws for it, to this day I still have a screw left over after after reassembling it. That just annoys me to no end.

I always take screws away from other things if I lose any.

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I always take screws away from other things if I lose any.

Aha, not in my Wii's case... I had finished reassembling it, but I noticed that there was still a left over screw that belonged somewhere on the Wii. It's kept to one side now, just in case anything else may need a spare screw in future.

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I have sometimes been hit with curiosioty and i feel like opening them but then i think i might mess up and screw it over so i end up not doing it.

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I don't possess the proper understanding of taking things apart and knowing where it goes back.

And even if I did or decided to learn, my parents freak out on the fact that I don't know what the fuck I'm doing, so I don't have the proper concentration to do it either.

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I don't possess the proper understanding of taking things apart and knowing where it goes back.

And even if I did or decided to learn, my parents freak out on the fact that I don't know what the fuck I'm doing, so I don't have the proper concentration to do it either.

It's easier than you'd think. You can sort of see where stuff goes and how it fits together.

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Even so, my memory isn't what it should be. But I do seem to recall how I have a original DS and a GBA that don't work that well. Maybe I'll take a look inside them.

Edited by book of life
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Having no money to buy a new DS, I turned to the only other option I have. If I couldn't buy one... I'd build one. I have the parts from my old DS sealed away in a box (I took it apart a long time ago) and I recently acquired a friend's DS which wasn't working, but has a working mother board on it. If I could combine the two, I could build myself a working DS.
Vastly unlikely.
Seeing the potential of this project, I thought why stop there? Why not modify it to see what I can do? A DS with more powerful battery? A new frame that makes it more comfortable in your hand? Even modifying it to support USB devices.
OK, see, this is how I know you're a fucking nitwit: you can't just magically "modify" it to support USB. Shit, it doesn't even have a USB controller chip in it, nor any software to do it.
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On that note, if you take it apart we can at least see what sort of chips it uses.

But someone's probably already done that.

Actually, just get a job.

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Vastly unlikely.

OK, see, this is how I know you're a fucking nitwit: you can't just magically "modify" it to support USB. Shit, it doesn't even have a USB controller chip in it, nor any software to do it.

You can add anything if you take enough time to learn how really. Some things would obviously require more thought and education, but most of it can be done. I never said I was going to though, I said I was going to see what I could do. That was a more "imagine if" statement.

And by the way when this topic was made, I was working on it. It just so happens I actually have managed to put the two together to make a working DS. It's not perfect condition, but it works. I'll post pictures of it during the process of making it, and the final product soon.

Edited by Cynthia
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You can add anything if you take enough time to learn how really. Some things would obviously require more thought and education, but most of it can be done.
Oh jesus fuck you are dumb. Look. When it comes to hardware, if somebody like me--you know, somebody with one of those "clue" things--"impossible" really does fucking mean impossible. What's that? You're going to add a USB host chip? Interesting! Now where's it going to go on a board that doesn't have room for it? OK, so you magically find a place for a host chip to go. Now the fucking DS kernel doesn't have registers or mapped I/O to support it! Oh, you're going to patch the OS to support it? That's going to be real interesting without having a PROM blower--or anywhere on the fucking PROM to put it--or the source code for the fucking kernel!

When I say "impossible," I fucking mean impossible unless you have access to a billion-dollar chip fab, all the green sheets from Nintendo's DS development, a Ph.D. in electrical engineering, and the programming knowledge of multiple savants.

Do not presume to try to lecture me about this shit, dumbass. I will always shoot you down when you open your tardhole, as you are very wont to do.

Edited by Urist McHammerdwarf
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Oh jesus fuck you are dumb. Look. When it comes to hardware, if somebody like me--you know, somebody with one of those "clue" things--"impossible" really does fucking mean impossible. What's that? You're going to add a USB host chip? Interesting! Now where's it going to go on a board that doesn't have room for it? OK, so you magically find a place for a host chip to go. Now the fucking DS kernel doesn't have registers or mapped I/O to support it! Oh, you're going to patch the OS to support it? That's going to be real interesting without having a PROM blower--or anywhere on the fucking PROM to put it--or the source code for the fucking kernel!

When I say "impossible," I fucking mean impossible unless you have access to a billion-dollar chip fab, all the green sheets from Nintendo's DS development, a Ph.D. in electrical engineering, and the programming knowledge of multiple savants.

Do not presume to try to lecture me about this shit, dumbass. I will always shoot you down when you open your tardhole, as you are very wont to do.

Whoa calm down there. You didn't read the edit apparently... I said it was an "imagine if" statement. Obviously I wasn't sure if it's possible, I was just saying like "wouldn't it be cool..." No need to get so worked up over it...

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You embarrass yourself. I am mortified on behalf of whatever she-beast spawned you.

You just flipped out about something that didn't even really matter or affect you in any way just because you decided to take it personal, when the person who originally posted only meant the statement as an "imagine if" statement, and you misinterpreted it. Then you gave a long lecture and series of insults.

I think I have nothing to be embarrassed about.

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You just flipped out about something that didn't even really matter
Stupidity always matters and should be hammered like a tent-peg wherever it occurs. It just happens that, when you post, it always happens. It's nothing personal.
I think I have nothing to be embarrassed about.


This will be a faster way to dig than your mouth is.

Edited by Urist McHammerdwarf
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That's your opinion I suppose.
"You're so full of shit I can smell it from here."


"Must I point out the trail of brown leaking out behind you?"

Just give up, Tiltyu-2. (And yes, I do mean that exactly as I said it.)

Edited by Urist McHammerdwarf
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Ed, shut the fuck up. granted, you're right in that it's nearly impossible, but this was entirely uncalled for.

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Nah, not worth it. Funny--really, really funny--but not worth it.

Unless I'm mistaken, edit logging is on, so the relevant parties can read it. :)

Edited by Urist McHammerdwarf
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