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Post some weird facts about yourself!

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I can almost never tolerate cold. I start shivering at 20 degrees celsius (It's probably because I live near the equator, so there's summer all year round)

I can reach my toes without any major effort.

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I have a child like personality even though I'm more mature than most of my peers.

For some reason, that's what everybody says about me o-o.

Oh, also...



Maplestory :3. (IGN: CDFA. That's right, You can stalk me in Bera now while I slowly level up)

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-A story with a sort of plot goes on in my head whenever I have nothing to do. It's the same story, just going on from where I left off. And no, I didn't write it down.

Weird, I also make up a story that I continue inmy head when I'm bored, but I usually try writing it down as a FE-style game.

Anyway, I can remember anything I hear for years in good detail and yet I forget things I read after a day or so, I've always considered this rather strange.

Also, when I make certain movements like lowering my head or touching the wall I tend to repeat it 3 or 13 times(always 3 or 13, no other numbers) depending on how I'm feeling.

Edited by MajorTordoArthur
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-A story with a sort of plot goes on in my head whenever I have nothing to do. It's the same story, just going on from where I left off. And no, I didn't write it down.

This. And I make it as crossovers with FE as the main universe.

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This. And I make it as crossovers with FE as the main universe.

So does mine. I mean, my main character's name is Soren (well he's usually the main character. I occasionally take a break from him and focus on the others). Actually, although the fire emblem names are few, most of the names are from FE.

Oh, and I also got a transformation idea thanks to the manaketes. ^^

One more thing. This story has been going on for six years (and yet it spans 187 XD) and it's gotten more developed as I got older for who knows why.

Weird, I also make up a story that I continue inmy head when I'm bored, but I usually try writing it down as a FE-style game.

Anyway, I can remember anything I hear for years in good detail and yet I forget things I read after a day or so, I've always considered this rather strange.

Naturally you remember it better because you feel more involved. : D

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-A story with a sort of plot goes on in my head whenever I have nothing to do. It's the same story, just going on from where I left off. And no, I didn't write it down.

Guilty of that too.

-People who doesn't know me well sometimes feels intimidated at my serious expression (And my girlfriend too, sometimes).

-My current, best and first relationship lasts since August 28th, 2006. Almost three years. I was age 16 then and she was 18.

-My girlfriend and I have very close DoBs: I was born October 20th; she was born October 19th.

-Probably my biggest WTF moment in my life was when some hotel receptionist in London stared at me for a few seconds, then asked me "Could you smile?".

-I worked at a McDonald's restaurant for about 14 months. My serious behavior (and expression) brought me troubles more than once. On one occasion, a female customer, after her order, said: "Aren't your smile available with the meal?". I replied "Only with the largest one.".

Edited by Shiva
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-I've never kissed a girl

-At school I rarely say more than a few sentences each period

-Never had sex and I only will if it's someone I'm willing to have a lifetime relationship with

-I became an Est fanboy after defending her so much on GameFAQs

-I'm very anti-drug

-Both of my pinkies and big toes are bent inward

-Watching anime has influenced some of my physical behaviors (how I adjust my glasses, how I sit when I'm bored, etc.)

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I wear a jacket that I haven't washed since my junior year in highschool year round. I consider myself a kid even though I'm 18. I've been told I have pretty teeth. I have a child like personality even though I'm more mature than most of my peers. I might start collecting Pokemon cards again.


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I can't tolerate certain temperatures that well. It has to be a certain temperature for me. Whether it's bath water, pool water, or the surrounding air itself.

I sleep with the fan on every night. (I must have learned it from my dad.)

I've never kissed a girl.

I never had sex and I only will if it's someone I'm willing to have a lifetime relationship with. (And some people pester me about it.)

I'm very anti-drug.

I can't tolerate cigarette smoke that well. (My dad smokes.)

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-I've never kissed a girl

-At school I rarely say more than a few sentences each period

-Never had sex and I only will if it's someone I'm willing to have a lifetime relationship with

-I became an Est fanboy after defending her so much on GameFAQs

-I'm very anti-drug

-Both of my pinkies and big toes are bent inward

-Watching anime has influenced some of my physical behaviors (how I adjust my glasses, how I sit when I'm bored, etc.)

None surprises me.

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Let's see, other things.....

I seem to get more lady attention when I dress up in a banana costume.

A girl gave me a stuffed banana.

One guy says I'm "as weird as balls" whenever I do weird stuff.

I have a tendency to yell out random quotes when I'm in band.

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I can't tolerate certain temperatures that well. It has to be a certain temperature for me. Whether it's bath water, pool water, or the surrounding air itself.

I sleep with the fan on every night. (I must have learned it from my dad.)

I've never kissed a girl.

I never had sex and I only will if it's someone I'm willing to have a lifetime relationship with. (And some people pester me about it.)

I'm very anti-drug.

I can't tolerate cigarette smoke that well. (My dad smokes.)


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I sleep with the fan on every night.

Yeah me too, no matter what.

I smoke.

I collect lighthouses.

I tend to play older games and prefer them.

Hot weather makes me physically ill.

I dont mind needles.

I no longer have much of an interest in anime.

I never quite understood the idea behind Pokemon.

My game collection from the last generation is mainly made up of Zelda games.

I like Pink Floyd alot.

I love Victorian style houses and furniture.

I love antiques.

I find poo humor incredibly hilarious.

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-I've never kissed a girl

-At school I rarely say more than a few sentences each period

-Never had sex and I only will if it's someone I'm willing to have a lifetime relationship with

-I became an Est fanboy after defending her so much on GameFAQs

-I'm very anti-drug

-Both of my pinkies and big toes are bent inward

-Watching anime has influenced some of my physical behaviors (how I adjust my glasses, how I sit when I'm bored, etc.)

I can't tolerate certain temperatures that well. It has to be a certain temperature for me. Whether it's bath water, pool water, or the surrounding air itself.

I sleep with the fan on every night. (I must have learned it from my dad.)

I've never kissed a girl.

I never had sex and I only will if it's someone I'm willing to have a lifetime relationship with. (And some people pester me about it.)

I'm very anti-drug.

I can't tolerate cigarette smoke that well. (My dad smokes.)

Nothing personal guys, but I'm obligated to do this.

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- I dislike it when people spit in front of me

- Hot weather also makes me physically ill

- I haven't had soda in about two years

- I love to write and constantly complain over getting few readers

- I changed my diet and lost twenty-six pounds

- I love the wintertime

- I don't like spring very much

- Very loud, sudden noises (like gunshots and balloons popping) can make me cry

- I'm very prone to tears

- I have never wished for anyone to die

- I still play Neopets :D

- Whenever I'm at a church choir rehearsal I almost pass out, yet am fine for the concert. Every... single... time

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That reminds me of another unusual fact: I hate (and mean loathe) soda.

Soda is so disgusting D: I feel you there

Oh, and -I'm allergic to Berry Lucky Charms

-Cigarette smoke disgusts me

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My left ear is missing part of its ear lobe. It's genetic, my great uncle or something had the same defect.

I'm one of the pickiest eaters you'll ever meet. I don't like hamburger... yeah, it's that bad.

I don't like cigarette smoke either.

I have never wished for anyone to die

Same here. I'm religious, so that might explain why...

I love to write and constantly complain over getting few readers

I agree somewhat. I've been really lazy and haven't written anything recently.

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I'm one of the pickiest eaters you'll ever meet. I don't like hamburger... yeah, it's that bad.

I can almost guarantee you I'm more picky. I don't like sausages, salads, and I demand want a specific kind of chicken nuggets (part of my nightly dinner) to even touch the stuff. I won't eat them even if they're shaped differently. The list goes on, but I think you get the point.

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