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Post some weird facts about yourself!

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I have 3 nipples.

Never been on a date, let alone kissed someone.

I regularly pick my nose and never plan to stop.

I love the megaman battle network series, but disliked the classic and X series because I suck at most platformers.

I have a basket on my desk filled with rare hershey kisses. It's shaped like a chicken.

There's a wii balance board under my bed that hasn't seen the light of day in 5 months.

I failed my driving test the first time.

Edited by Adam
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i eat the samething everyday and it barely changes. Rice, meat, plantains, spaghetti, onions, lettuce, tomatoe, potatoes, carrots. Pretty much what i eat thru out the week. Bolded ones everyday. the other might replace one of the bold one when one is missing.

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  • I'm mostly withdrawn from the outside world. It looks like the same will happen on the internet.
  • I have never kissed a girl and I highly doubt that I ever will.
  • I actually got scared from Super Metroid when I first played it.
  • I fucking hate vegetables.
  • I intentionally missed out on my HS prom. I personally thought proms are fucking lame.
  • I first got my permit at 15, but I didn't get my license until 20.
  • I'm self-centered at times.
  • I get offended when someone calls Metroid games (except Hunters) shooters. I just look at it as an insult to the main series.
  • I get bitched at for smiling.

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I forgot some:

I'm from Belgium(and I'm not very proud of it, the only good thing is that I live in the dutch half(Flanders) and not in the french half(wallony, or something like that))

I go to the steinerschool in Bruges(believe me, we're just a bunch of weirdoes living together, though we are very good singers!)

I can speak and read English since I was 5 years old, I learned it through gaming and television.

I'm now studying Japanese and can already read katakana as if it was dutch.

I've never had a girlfriend because I got rejected every time.

I almost never play new games, I usually just play games from the good ol' days(exceptions are: FE, TLoZ, Mario and SSB brawl and maybe a few others)

Edited by MajorTordoArthur
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-Watching anime has influenced some of my physical behaviors (how I adjust my glasses, how I sit when I'm bored, etc.)

I'm like that as well...

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I've heard someone be called a stupid genius before. Does that fit the bill?

Ahahaha nah not really, at least i don't think o.o

I'm like that as well...

same here :P

oh heres another, i like to make swords out of wood

Edited by The Unemployed Ninja
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-I'm usually patient. Except when I'm driving.

-There are LOTS of food I dislike. Cheese being the worst of them.

-The "detected" sound from Metal Gear still scares the hell out of me.

-Speaking of Metal Gear, my "signature weapon" whilst playing Airsoft is a SOCOM Mark 23 .45 Caliber gun, the same one Solid Snake uses in the first game for Playstation.

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I like Zelgius but hate the dark knight for some unknown reason *cough Greil cough cough Lotz cough*

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  • I'm mostly withdrawn from the outside world. It looks like the same will happen on the internet.
  • I have never kissed a girl and I highly doubt that I ever will.
  • I actually got scared from Super Metroid when I first played it.
  • I fucking hate vegetables.
  • I intentionally missed out on my HS prom. I personally thought proms are fucking lame.
  • I first got my permit at 15, but I didn't get my license until 20.
  • I'm self-centered at times.
  • I get offended when someone calls Metroid games (except Hunters) shooters. I just look at it as an insult to the main series.
  • I get bitched at for smiling.


You might want to get that checked out.

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