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Question about the Christian God

Kedyns Crow

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I'm new to this forum and forums and general, and I noticed that there haven't been any recent religious discussions. Because I didn't see anything against it in the rules, I figured I'd start one.

According to Christians, their God is Omnipotent, which means He can do anything

He is also omnibenevolent, which means He is 100% good

He is also omnipresent, which means He can do anything

Here is my question:

Because God is omnipresent, he knows that there is evil in the world. Because he is omnibenevolent, he would do anything in his power to get rid of evil. Because he is omnipotent, he is capable of getting rid of evil. Why is there still evil?

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Because I think he would much rather have evil thwarted through us, his children, as testament of his goodness and as testament to our loyalty and faith to him. Many do not make the choice to accept God though, and don't bother attempting to help rid of evil.

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Well, technically he decided to try and do it through flooding the Earth, but decided to spare Noah and his family, since they actually tried to live for God. After that, I think he figured that he wanted to let the people go on with existing. He knew that there would be plenty more people afterword that would live for him, so he still let evil around to challenge and help strengthen those people. That's my take on it.

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Because I think he would much rather have evil thwarted through us, his children, as testament of his goodness and as testament to our loyalty and faith to him. Many do not make the choice to accept God though, and don't bother attempting to help rid of evil.

Ok, so you're saying that his means of ridding the world of evil is through us, his loyal subjects. That's one of the better answers I've heard, however his plan doesn't seem to be working too well.

And Death, I think you'd find this video about God and His motives very entertaining.

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Ok, so you're saying that his means of ridding the world of evil is through us, his loyal subjects. That's one of the better answers I've heard, however his plan doesn't seem to be working too well.

Not too well? Understatment of the year.

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And Death, I think you'd find this video about God and His motives very entertaining.

I had one of those choking laughs.

But I really doubt you're going to get any satisfactory answers here unless you are farming for laughs.

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Well, technically he decided to try and do it through flooding the Earth, but decided to spare Noah and his family, since they actually tried to live for God. After that, I think he figured that he wanted to let the people go on with existing. He knew that there would be plenty more people afterword that would live for him, so he still let evil around to challenge and help strengthen those people. That's my take on it.

Because obviously the only people on the entire Earth who weren't evil believed in God. This is just a coincidence. I swear.

Also, why kill off all "evil" and then when it comes back just leave it alone?

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Being an Agnostic, all I can say is this:

If there is a God, he can go fuck himself... I'll go to Hell for all I care. I'm not living my life any differently from the way I want to just because some things are "right" and "wrong".

If there's not, then that's that - I'm just going to keep on living my life the way I have been. Trying to get as much out of life as I can.

You know what I hate most? When people shove their beliefs in my face, and expect me to follow them too. I say this, because I had a serious Catholic girfriend. After about a month, she had finished the relationship and said some crap about her religion and us not working because of her religion, which I didn't fully understand.

So yeah, no offense to the individuals who follow a religion, you can do as you please. As long as you don't go forcing your religious beliefs, including your religion's "rights" and "wrongs", onto me and expect me to abide them, because I just won't take it.

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So yeah, no offense to the individuals who follow a religion, you can do as you please. As long as you don't go forcing your religious beliefs, including your religion's "rights" and "wrongs", onto me and expect me to abide them, because I just won't take it.

For the record, forcing at least Christianity is impossible (don't know of other religions, I guess some that are works based, I suppose). In the end, it is the individual who decides to accept Christ as his or her savior or not. We can try to persuade you like crazy, but overdoing it will most likely ensure rejection of Christ. We as Christians are to spread his message, yes, but not say "believe in this or we'll make you suffer". (although, the unfortunate concept of Hell will make it so, based on our beliefs. that's probably why some Christian folk act so forceful in the first place, to prevent that) Anyone who straight up tells you to believe this or else is doing it wrong.

Edited by Kintenbo
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Because I think he would much rather have evil thwarted through us, his children, as testament of his goodness and as testament to our loyalty and faith to him. Many do not make the choice to accept God though, and don't bother attempting to help rid of evil.

Why? What is the point?

Moreover, why make such a competition in the first place? It surely did not have to be there to begin with, if we are to believe the strength of the Christian God.

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Evil doth spring from the Insidious Temptations of the Adversary Satan. It is the LORDS test so that He might Know who be Saved, and who be Damned (I see we Have many of the Damned here who have Succumbed to that Worldly Temptation). Hold the LORD always in your Heart, my Son, and to you He will Reveal his Plan.

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Evil doth spring from the Insidious Temptations of the Adversary Satan. It is the LORDS test so that He might Know who be Saved, and who be Damned (I see we Have many of the Damned here who have Succumbed to that Worldly Temptation). Hold the LORD always in your Heart, my Son, and you He will Reveal his Plan.
Hold the LORD always in your Heart, my Son, and you He will Reveal his Plan.
and you He will Reveal his Plan.
and you He
and you He
and you He

Real talk: I don't know if I can believe that all that I am is a mass of neurons and chemicals, and that there's nothing more to my consciousness. Is that a gross oversimplification of established scientific fact and theory that leaves me with a hell of a lot of research to do if I want to begin to call it a developed point of view? Yeah. Do I have any proof? No. But it's all I got.

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I'm the devil, I'm here to do the devil's business. Give me all your money.

Now Death, have you forgotten what our dear friend Jarly said?

"Shuuda tricked me, he is the devil. Go back and read."

Undeniable proof that I am the true devil. You're just a poser.

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Real talk: I don't know if I can believe that all that I am is a mass of neurons and chemicals, and that there's nothing more to my consciousness. Is that a gross oversimplification of established scientific fact and theory that leaves me with a hell of a lot of research to do if I want to begin to call it a developed point of view? Yeah. Do I have any proof? No. But it's all I got.

I have never understood what problem people have with being just the same as everything else: a bundle of atoms. It doesn't bother me one bit. It's what I do with my life that matters, not what I am made of.

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and you He

Perfection is Regulated only to the LORD. We are all but Eatrth.

Real talk: I don't know if I can believe that all that I am is a mass of neurons and chemicals, and that there's nothing more to my consciousness. Is that a gross oversimplification of established scientific fact and theory that leaves me with a hell of a lot of research to do if I want to begin to call it a developed point of view? Yeah. Do I have any proof? No. But it's all I got.

We seem to have Here a Heretic of the Natural Phisofik Bent. Dareing to Second Guess the Nature of Gods Creation is the work of the Devil. Come the Rapture you willbe Judged.

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i decided not to believe in god(kinda i'm an agnostic). God is something created by people to explain things we could possibly never begin to understand

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i decided not to believe in god(kinda i'm an agnostic). God is something created by people to explain things we could possibly never begin to understand

Underlined part makes you an Atheist. An agnostic leans towards "I don't know". You can be an Agnostic Atheist, but you're still an Atheist.

This means that you have no morals, and you're perverted fag enabler. You're going to have fun burning in Hell because Jesus loves you, but you don't love him back.

Edited by Shuuda
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This means that you have no morals, and you're perverted fag enabler. You're going to have fun burning in Hell because Jesus loves you, but you don't love him back.

Such Baseness is unbecoming of a Man of the LORD. What should you expect from a High Church man though?

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