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Hardest Game(s)


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What is the hardest game or games you have ever played?

I'm going to be dumb and say the original Legend of Zelda, just because it gave you no clues as to where you were supposed to be going and what you were supposed to be doing.

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Jetforce Gemini is certainly a hard entertaining game, getting those dogs is no eaasy task.

DK 64 2 bosses were hard, the jack in the box and the cardboard.

LoZ MM, i can't pass the water temple boss =/

i know i have played a realy hard game but i just can't remember which one it was

Edited by Titan Raven
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Contra: Shattered Soldier. The Contra series is known for it's difficulty and that's what I love about it, but this one takes it to a new level. I've spent hours playing this game, and I just couldn't finish it.

NetHack is another tough game. I've never even come close to beating this game.

Edited by Charlie
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I'm going to be dumb and say the original Legend of Zelda, just because it gave you no clues as to where you were supposed to be going and what you were supposed to be doing.

I agree with this. I'm trying to play it (downloaded it over Wii Shop Channel about two months ago) and I'm so used to linear games it's mind-boggling. Granted, I'm taking up a vow against using any kinds of guides for the game, so it's my own fault.

Other than that, I've been unfortunately beset with a host of easy games in my life. I'll say that Baten Kaitos Origins took forever to master, but it's easy once you DO understand how it works.

My experience with LoZ:MM was about a five minute demo back when the game first came out, so I can't talk for it.

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Just Thracia 776 and Super Mario Bros. The Lost Levels. Other games aren't too hard but I did have a little trouble with some games but not too many.

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LoZ MM, i can't pass the water temple boss =/

EDIT: whoops, thought you meant Ocarina of Time. Gyorg is a pain, but the solution in Majora's Mask is always to go find more heart pieces, because there's so many of them and so many of them are easy to find.

Edited by cheetah7071
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I would say F-Zero GX. The stages in the Diamond Cup are deadly as hell and I run out of lives in no time, and the Story-Mode missions are just unfair in so many ways, showing that whoever designed them is just sadistic. There is for example a mission where you have to destroy 30 enemy gliders, which are all trying to kill you and you have less then 2 minutes, and that is one of the more easyer missions.

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LoZ: MM, Resident Evil 4 pro mode, I also seem to get stuck on all the Metroid Prime games as well

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I also seem to get stuck on all the Metroid Prime games as well

the first time i played Mp1 i couldn't pass the part after the grapple, then i corrupted mc and i got back there again but i couldn't get past the same part. Then another corruption and i couldn't get past the rock monster =/

Mp3 was way too easy

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EDIT: whoops, thought you meant Ocarina of Time. Gyorg is a pain, but the solution in Majora's Mask is always to go find more heart pieces, because there's so many of them and so many of them are easy to find.

You don't need to collect more heart pieces for Gyorg. To beat Gyorg, just stand in the middle of the platform, and move back there every time he rams it. When you can, shoot him with an arrow. If it hits, he'll be stunned. Quickly put on the Zora Mask, and swim over to Gyorg. Zap him with the Zora Shield, and then quickly swim back to the middle platform, and time it so that when you breach the surface you land on the platform.

I suppose that you could try and paddle back to the platform, but this runs the risk of Gyorg catching up to you and chewing on you.

Now, I find Zelda II to be a hard game. Knowing how to use your shield correctly makes or breaks you.

Edited by Miror B.
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You don't need to collect more heart pieces for Gyorg. To beat Gyorg, just stand in the middle of the platform, and move back there every time he rams it. When you can, shoot him with an arrow. If it hits, he'll be stunned. Quickly put on the Zora Mask, and swim over to Gyorg. Zap him with the Zora Shield, and then quickly swim back to the middle platform, and time it so that when you breach the surface you land on the platform.

The hard thing is going back to the plataform. i mean can't you just kill it with ice arrows?

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You don't need to collect more heart pieces for Gyorg. To beat Gyorg, just stand in the middle of the platform, and move back there every time he rams it. When you can, shoot him with an arrow. If it hits, he'll be stunned. Quickly put on the Zora Mask, and swim over to Gyorg. Zap him with the Zora Shield, and then quickly swim back to the middle platform, and time it so that when you breach the surface you land on the platform.

I suppose that you could try and paddle back to the platform, but this runs the risk of Gyorg catching up to you and chewing on you.

Now, I find Zelda II to be a hard game. Knowing how to use your shield correctly makes or breaks you.

Zelda II is just ridiculous. I refuse to acknowledge it as an actual part of the series because of the difficulty.

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Thracia 776, Fire Emblem DS (H4-H5)mode, Resident Evil 4 (Pro Mode and the mercenaries mini game) and Fire Emblem7 and 6 (Hard mode and Hector Hard Mode)

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Zelda II is difficult, but a balanced kind of difficult. It isn't cheap at all, you simply have to be very good at the game and know how to use your resources well. Think Megaman 9 difficulty, well designed and very fun. To disacknowledge its existence just because of the difficulty is shameful, and I lost all respect for Jyosua for it.

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Super Street Fighter II Turbo

Fuck the "DP if you jump, Fireball if you do anything else" AI and attempting to stone-cold main Fei.

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After one year too many of turn-based strategy, my brain melts at nearly any kind of RTS. Even if the AI was set to "retarded" or it's nearest equivalent, I still wouldn't stand a chance. So I'll say Starcraft.

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Contra: Shattered Soldier. The Contra series is known for it's difficulty and that's what I love about it, but this one takes it to a new level. I've spent hours playing this game, and I just couldn't finish it.

Proof that punishing difficulty can be a damn good time.

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