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Hardest Game(s)


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and I absolutely hate the fact that you have to walk from the very beginning after every game over.
This exists in other Zelda games, and in Zelda II's case you have an extra lives system for dungeons, dungeons that aren't even close to complex as Zelda 1 dungeons.

That, and the world map opens up shortcuts for you as you progress through the game.

It's a necessary evil, but handled very well.

EDIT: Proof that Nintendo was fully aware of this mechanic, is that you can continue the final palace infinitely until you turn off the game, after going through the most grueling gauntlet to get there.

Edited by Chainey
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The hard thing is going back to the plataform. i mean can't you just kill it with ice arrows?

Well, when I said to go back onto the platform, I did mean to leap onto it. You can leap while swimming (the fast swim) as Zora Link by going down a bit and then going up. You'll leap out of the water like a dolphin.

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Really? W was a breeze, only K that had something resembling the difficulty that SRW3 had. And it still was manageable.

Given the post talkes about save points, 15 of each item features I've not seen in SRT OG1 or 2 I'd be included to say they are talking about endless frontier (which is only Super Robot Taisen in name, some music and mech designs).

As for SRW3 it is hard to pin down if the difficulty was intened or just due to the fact it is badly designed.

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SRW3 was before the obvious milk age, and I guess it was intended that way.

Also Alpha Gaiden was a bit harder than most SRWs at that time, like F/Final, or Alpha.

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The Etrian Odyssey games provide a nice challenge while being fair I guess. But there are certain party choices and skills that make both games rather easy. But they can still be challenging.

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Anything related to NES games mostly were the hardest.

Few Games to be a real challenge.


-Zelda without players guide

-Fire Emblem Thracia 776

-Fire Emblem Shadow Dragon H3+

Edited by Sonja
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I don't know that I've ever found a game to be hard, unless something was wrong with it (e.g. glitches).

Oh wait, there was

. Talk about a game where you don't know where you're going or what you're supposed to do. Edited by Crystal Shards
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The Etrian Odyssey games provide a nice challenge while being fair I guess. But there are certain party choices and skills that make both games rather easy. But they can still be challenging.

If you're going to go on that front, then try Wizardry. THAT is hard.

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I personally did not find the original Zelda game to be hard. Sure it gave no hints where to go, but I beat it by simply exploring where I hadn't been. The hardest part I found was that damn forest.

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I wouldn't consider Legend of Zelda a hard game, especially compared to many of its NES brethren. It just takes time, exploration, that's all...but it is a game that is beatable by most. Then there is a game like Battletoads which I don't know anyone who has beaten that game, though I'm sure someone has, somewhere.

Super Ghouls and Ghosts is terribly brutal as well, think you are close to the end...wait you have to do all the levels over again!!!!

I thought Blaster Master was pretty damn tough as well. Contra series as a whole is tough, I'd say Contra 1 being the easiest with its 30 live classic konami code, Contra 4 the second easiest (on normal at least, I haven't beaten hard mode), Alien wars the second hardest, and the genesis Contra (Hard corps?)being maybe the hardest. Not counting the 3d ones of course.

Megaman series is fun challenge, a game that will pose good challenge for many players, but still beatable by most players.

As fighting games go, yeah GG with its roman cancels, insane combos, being very strict on inputs, and with every character being so different is the most difficult I've played. You can't just walk in and be decent at it, even if you are experienced at fighters...prepare to spend a long time learning.

I'm sure there are other NES games that are near impossible, let's see...ah yes, what about Amagon? or Xexyz? to name a few.

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being very strict on inputs

Compared to, say, Super Turbo, not really, though GG is indeed on the more difficult side

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Mario Kart Wii was hard for me to get all gold in all Grand Prix modes. Getting barraged by blue shells, pow blocks, and thunders really made me mad. ^_^

Try to get 3 stars :)

Edited by Titan Raven
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OoT was piss easy with the exception of that damn water temple.

Weird, I thought that one was rather easy, but I'm better at solving puzzles than doing straightfoward tasks.

Anyway, Hardest game? Maybe the original TLOZ, you had no clue what you were doing and barely got any tips, but I'm not quite sure

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You don't need to collect more heart pieces for Gyorg. To beat Gyorg, just stand in the middle of the platform, and move back there every time he rams it. When you can, shoot him with an arrow. If it hits, he'll be stunned. Quickly put on the Zora Mask, and swim over to Gyorg. Zap him with the Zora Shield, and then quickly swim back to the middle platform, and time it so that when you breach the surface you land on the platform.

I suppose that you could try and paddle back to the platform, but this runs the risk of Gyorg catching up to you and chewing on you.

Now, I find Zelda II to be a hard game. Knowing how to use your shield correctly makes or breaks you.

Zelda II is just ridiculous. I refuse to acknowledge it as an actual part of the series because of the difficulty.

Thirding Zelda II, though it's my fave Zelda game. I remember having to stare intently on the screen, being alert at all times for projectiles that could hit you. And movement was so terrible, it felt like I was on ice the whole time. The worst, though, was dueling enemies/bosses one on one, and having quick reflexes to duck/stand.

Also map enemies were very very annoying. At least you gained EXP from them though.

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Some of the hardest games are:

-F-Zero GX. Of course, I'm not talking about the Grand-Prix mode, but the story mode. I eventually beat all the chapters in Very Hard Mode (and thus unlocked all the AX characters), and THAT is an accomplishment I am very proud of. It was no walk through the park either, especially chapter 5 and 7.

-LoZ: Master Quest. This is actually tricky if you don't use a walkthrough (which I did in some occasions). Knowing all the patterns and clues in the original can actually hinder you in Master Quest, and there are some nifty tricks (e.g. the last part of the Spirit Barrier and the constant need to use the Song of Time to manipulate that time block).

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Two words: Megaman fucking Zero.

I've played enough of the Megaman games to know my way around them, but jesus fucking christ. So many deaths. Fuck, I gave up on that game because it was just way too fucking hard.

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OoT was piss easy with the exception of that damn water temple.

OoT was one of the first video games I have played, I had no idea what to expect, what puzzles I had to do and stuff like Bongo bongo, the master hands and the stalfos were just pains in my ass. Now it's piss easy, yeah. But i try to balance it a bit by keeping only 3 hearts.

Though after playing dragon's lair, I now know what truly is the hardest game ever made. Lol @ not beign able to get past the second screen.

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