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Crystal Shards

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Quick question: Would the Red Cross ever know if you've had sex with another man if you didn't list it in your profile?

Yes, they can tell by looking at you. Just like doctors can tell if you masturbate a lot.


If you want to lie, of course you can get away with it. Same goes for Don't Ask, Don't Tell. If you want to do it, then just don't tell. But that's not the point. These policies still target homosexuals unfairly and perpetuate discrimitory social mores.

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I've been wondering if doctors could tell if you've been masturbating... Physical on Thursday! 8D

Just tried to clear up a few questions, not really into debating about the issue since I'm not informed well enough.

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I've been wondering if doctors could tell if you've been masturbating... Physical on Thursday! 8D

They probably can if you masturbate right before you give a urine sample.

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Not that it matters, since if you're teenage and male it's pretty much a given that you jerk off, anyway.

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Let's also not forget how people in general oh-so love gays, bisexuals, transgenders, what have you. Some areas of the country still haze it as if it made someone inferior, behaving so childishly to it. The delightful term of "What are you, a faggot?" still rings out normally, as if being gay demeans you as a human being. Hell, I'm sure some of you know what a fag-drag is...

Issues like these are big, and yet it's ignored that the view on homosexuality, bisexuality and transgender is still publicly immature. People voted for prop 8, of which the judges unreasonably let stand as it was what the people wanted, despite it being unconstitutional on it's head.

One of the arguments for all these issues on the opposite side is "how will my children get used to the lifestyle being regular?", which is as low as one can get. It implies the person isn't even willing to teach their own damn kid about a lifestyle that is perfectly fine as is. If they don't give enough of a damn to tell their children about how people might live their lives, why would they give a damn about anyone else? Fact of the matter is, not many are willing to take a mature view upon the situation. Not many see it as something normal. It is normal, but some things don't help like those overblown gay pride parades which seem more embaressing than prideful.

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This topic is expanding so I'll pitch in some more of my thoughts.

"Faggot" is losing more and more meaning with time, though the term "gay" being used to describe something mediocre or inferior is what bugs me the most. Of course that's not to say I think it's okay. It's highly unecessary and homosexuals are offended by it more often than not. In both cases there are several more fitting words in our terrible English language.

It's just so sad how generations upon generations have created a natural response for some people to be disgusted from seeing real live people as little as kissing the same sex. I don't look down upon these individuals themselves. Yes some of them are just homophobes or deeply religious, while some people are just raised that way. A lot of them are trying to see things fair and some of the people I know are even fans of things like yaoi. This problem like many others are just an oil spill in the lake of life. It'll take so long to clean it up and it's not going to help when worthless ingrates are dumping more in to make things worse. This mould extends far and I feel quite fortunate to have been born with a free mind.

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People were pissed about prop 8? That's nothing compared to the fact that during that same election cycle Florida became the fifth state to make it illegal for homosexuals to adopt children. Not only does this heralds back to the discriminatory link many draw between homosexuals and pedophilia (which is needless to say baseless), but it stands as a slap in the face saying: we would rather have these kids go to an under qualified couple or live a shit life in an orphanage than grow up with a couple of queers.

And of course these people also ignore the countless studies that show that children of gay couples are no more likely to be gay themselves or have mental issues than a child in a traditional family setting, or the studies that show that homosexual people are no more likely to have mental issues, other than the ones they get because of shitheads like the people that have been described thus far.

This mould extends far and I feel quite fortunate to have been born with a free mind.

Everyone is born with a free mind. Growing up changes things.

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When I don't know if something should happen, I ask myself "Well, why not". When I ask myself that question nothing comes to mind. So.... why the fuck can't gays get married yet?! I know the answer, but I'm just sayin...

Also, I've heard some lame arguments against gay marriage like:

1. They'll start teaching gay marriage in school Ok first of all... WTF!? I don't think STRAIGHT marriage is taught in school. What the hell society?!

2. So what's next, are people gonna wanna marry their pets? Again... WTF?! That's beastialty for one. And two, they're a different species! I think that's good enough

3. More people will become gay So, bascially what will happen when gay marriage is legalized, a lot of straight people will magically turn gay like some kind of switch being turned on. Yeah... makes sense to me, too...

4. Gay people shouldn't be raising kids Some STRAIGHT parents shouldn't be raising kids. Nuff said

5. The bible says "blah blah blah blah blah blah blah (insert stupid and pointless argument here)" Sepr8 frum church and stayte, bitchez

So ya, I had some time to kill and decided to look over some of these topics and post my thoughts. Please don't critisize, I'm just saying what I'm thinking

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Please don't critisize, I'm just saying what I'm thinking

But it's totally fair for you to do all that criticizing of society. Nice.

I'm saying Homosexuality is downright wrong, but don't criticize my opinion!!

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The delightful term of "What are you, a faggot?" still rings out normally, as if being gay demeans you as a human being. Hell, I'm sure some of you know what a fag-drag is...

While on the subject of homosexuals being called names by society, I'm sure it hurts them very much. I'm sure homosexuals are hurt when they're called fags. I know I'd be hurt if I was called a cigarette.

Edited by Miror B.
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When I don't know if something should happen, I ask myself "Well, why not". When I ask myself that question nothing comes to mind. So.... why the fuck can't gays get married yet?! I know the answer, but I'm just sayin...

Also, I've heard some lame arguments against gay marriage like:

1. They'll start teaching gay marriage in school Ok first of all... WTF!? I don't think STRAIGHT marriage is taught in school. What the hell society?!

2. So what's next, are people gonna wanna marry their pets? Again... WTF?! That's beastialty for one. And two, they're a different species! I think that's good enough

3. More people will become gay So, bascially what will happen when gay marriage is legalized, a lot of straight people will magically turn gay like some kind of switch being turned on. Yeah... makes sense to me, too...

4. Gay people shouldn't be raising kids Some STRAIGHT parents shouldn't be raising kids. Nuff said

So ya, I had some time to kill and decided to look over some of these topics and post my thoughts. Please don't critisize, I'm just saying what I'm thinking

1. Uh, teaching gay marriage? OK... XD

2. And usually, people aren't even attracted to animals of different species.

3. It's not that more people will become gay, it's just that more people will stop hiding from it.

4. Classic discrimination. "The worst straight man is better than the best gay guy."

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3. More people will become gay So, bascially what will happen when gay marriage is legalized, a lot of straight people will magically turn gay like some kind of switch being turned on. Yeah... makes sense to me, too...

I think too many people are scared of their bffs coming out of the closet.

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Please don't critisize, I'm just saying what I'm thinking

But it's totally fair for you to do all that criticizing of society. Nice.

I'm saying Homosexuality is downright wrong, but don't criticize my opinion!!

Meteor, yours posts so far have given little insight, and are doing nothing more than jabbing people. Please make your posts worthwhile to read.

The delightful term of "What are you, a faggot?" still rings out normally, as if being gay demeans you as a human being. Hell, I'm sure some of you know what a fag-drag is...

While on the subject of homosexuals being called names by society, I'm sure it hurts them very much. I'm sure homosexuals are hurt when they're called fags. I know I'd be hurt if I was called a cigarette.

Please refrain from making nonsensical comments that lack any value aside from a crude chuckle.

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"Faggot" is losing more and more meaning with time, though the term "gay" being used to describe something mediocre or inferior is what bugs me the most. Of course that's not to say I think it's okay. It's highly unecessary and homosexuals are offended by it more often than not. In both cases there are several more fitting words in our terrible English language.

I'm gay, and I have no problems with people describing something as "gay" or calling someone a "faggot". It's the intention and the idea behind it that really matters.

While on the subject of homosexuals being called names by society, I'm sure it hurts them very much. I'm sure homosexuals are hurt when they're called fags. I know I'd be hurt if I was called a cigarette.

Like I said, it depends on how someone says it. I'm fine if people mean it as a joke - hell, I call myself a faggot - but when someone says it with a slur that means "you're a fucking creep", THEN I get offended.

Personally I hold a very Kantian view on words and actions; it's all about intent. People can sense intent behind your actions, as well; words alone should not be enough to offend someone.

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When I don't know if something should happen, I ask myself "Well, why not". When I ask myself that question nothing comes to mind. So.... why the fuck can't gays get married yet?! I know the answer, but I'm just sayin...

Also, I've heard some lame arguments against gay marriage like:

1. They'll start teaching gay marriage in school Ok first of all... WTF!? I don't think STRAIGHT marriage is taught in school. What the hell society?!

2. So what's next, are people gonna wanna marry their pets? Again... WTF?! That's beastialty for one. And two, they're a different species! I think that's good enough

3. More people will become gay So, bascially what will happen when gay marriage is legalized, a lot of straight people will magically turn gay like some kind of switch being turned on. Yeah... makes sense to me, too...

4. Gay people shouldn't be raising kids Some STRAIGHT parents shouldn't be raising kids. Nuff said

So ya, I had some time to kill and decided to look over some of these topics and post my thoughts. Please don't critisize, I'm just saying what I'm thinking

1. Uh, teaching gay marriage? OK... XD

2. And usually, people aren't even attracted to animals of different species.

3. It's not that more people will become gay, it's just that more people will stop hiding from it.

4. Classic discrimination. "The worst straight man is better than the best gay guy."

Exactly. All of these are actual arguments I've heard. It's just plain stupid. Not only that, remember when you learned about way back when women's rights were limited? Then also when black's rights were limited? Gay marriage is just the next thing to become legalized and in 50 years we'll all laugh about how stupid out society was back then

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While on the subject of homosexuals being called names by society, I'm sure it hurts them very much. I'm sure homosexuals are hurt when they're called fags. I know I'd be hurt if I was called a cigarette.

Next, surely, you'll make some clever comment about a bundle of sticks.

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"Faggot" is losing more and more meaning with time, though the term "gay" being used to describe something mediocre or inferior is what bugs me the most. Of course that's not to say I think it's okay. It's highly unecessary and homosexuals are offended by it more often than not. In both cases there are several more fitting words in our terrible English language.

I'm gay, and I have no problems with people describing something as "gay" or calling someone a "faggot". It's the intention and the idea behind it that really matters.

I tried to acknowledge people such as yourself in my post and I hope it came across right. This one online circ I hang out with calls each other "FAGGOTS" in big capital letters or shouting it on Vent even when two of us are gay males and a very picky lesbian. I can see where you're coming from.
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Yeah, a lot of people just see gay and/or faggot as non-specific terms exprssing dislike. It probably isn't good practice though, people would probably be up in arms if I started to say "omg that's so Christian" to everything I disliked.

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I only ever use the words "That's so gay" ironically. I hate the word "faggot" and refuse to use it to describe anyone or anything. I personally believe that using such words condones the treatment that usually goes along with it, but I don't get on a soapbox about it.

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I personally can't stand "faggot" either, I find it rather offensive, right up there with nigger. Both these words have very ugly connotations, even if the person isn't using them in an intentionally offensive manner.

I've learned to accept the word "gay", since a lot of people using it aren't intending to disrespect homosexuals, it's just another negative term to them, like "retard" can refer to those who aren't actually mentally retarded. As a society we should probably avoid using them, but meh.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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It's my opinion that making a word taboo is what gives it its power. Use a word, debase a word, and it no longer packs a gut punch.

While I agree with that for my own personal life (that words only have the power I give them), I also realize that words have an effect on people (and what use are they if they don't?). Language is inherently tied to our existence. Using a word more often only makes it more commonplace. It doesn't necessarily make it less offensive. If that were true, George Carlin wouldn't have been nearly as controversial as he was.

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It's my opinion that making a word taboo is what gives it its power. Use a word, debase a word, and it no longer packs a gut punch.

While I agree with that for my own personal life (that words only have the power I give them), I also realize that words have an effect on people (and what use are they if they don't?). Language is inherently tied to our existence. Using a word more often only makes it more commonplace. It doesn't necessarily make it less offensive. If that were true, George Carlin wouldn't have been nearly as controversial as he was.

Words have an effect on people, but they're just that; they have an effect because of the context and application of their use. A more commonplace word, used in a different context, is definitely less offensive than if it were to stay total taboo. Nigger, cunt, bitch, faggot, prick, etc. are all terms that if used in different (especially a more familiar) context are not offensive. It's when it remains in that particular use of disgust that everyone fears its use. I'm sure we don't need to use anecdotes, but it's clear to see how calling a close friend "a dumb nigger" can be a source of amusement in situations, and yet calling a random stranger "a dumb nigger" is an easy way to ask for hostility.

I won't pretend that the use of words in context with pals can really be applied society-wide, but either way, there's still a case for the point that it's all about the situation and the perception of the word.

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