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Why is Shagaal the Agustrian King?

luigi bros

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Why is Shagaal, who has no Holy Blood, the King of Agustria and Eltshan, who has major Holy Blood, is just his servant. It seems like it should be the other way around. Eltshan is the only noble of Agustria with major Holy Blood so he should be king.

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He's the direct descendant of Hezul, but he has no holy blood. Seems fairly straight forward to me.

If you think about it, Ishtar, Blume's youngest daughter, got major holy blood instead of her brother. If that can happen, it should be possible for the direct bloodline to lose holy blood after a long time.

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He's the direct descendant of Hezul, but he has no holy blood. Seems fairly straight forward to me.

If you think about it, Ishtar, Blume's youngest daughter, got major holy blood instead of her brother. If that can happen, it should be possible for the direct bloodline to lose holy blood after a long time.

Or it could be a mistake.

Either way, Scorpio's lack of Ulir blood and Ishtar/Ishtor's lack of Fala are proof of this "blood thinning" phenomenon.

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He's the direct descendant of Hezul, but he has no holy blood. Seems fairly straight forward to me.

If you think about it, Ishtar, Blume's youngest daughter, got major holy blood instead of her brother. If that can happen, it should be possible for the direct bloodline to lose holy blood after a long time.

Or it could be a mistake.

Either way, Scorpio's lack of Ulir blood and Ishtar/Ishtor's lack of Fala are proof of this "blood thinning" phenomenon.

If those blood lacks aren't errors. Old point but still

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The game was rushed and got plenty of bugs. I don't see how of all things the holy blood might be intentional. The game might say Scorpio has no Ulir but the game also says that Hilda has major Dain so it's really no proof at all.

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The game was rushed and got plenty of bugs. I don't see how of all things the holy blood might be intentional. The game might say Scorpio has no Ulir but the game also says that Hilda has major Dain so it's really no proof at all.

There are probably "grades" of holy blood which are more complex than the tertiary system provided by the game of Major/Minor/None. For example, Linoan in FE5 is supposed to be a distant descendant of St. Heim, but it isn't clear whether her blood would be enough to rise to the level of Minor Narga in FE4 terms.

It does appear that the major bloodline will persist indefinitely in at least one child of the individual who already had the blood (Byron to Sigurd to Celice), that it isn't greatly diluted by different kinds of holy blood (Leaf), and that it can be strengthened by "incest" (Holyn/Ayra's kids). Logically, it can probably also be diluted through minor bloodlines constantly intermarrying with non-holy-blood people. So if the Augustrian royal family started with minor blood (Nodion's heirs got the major), and married other Augustrian nobility to strengthen political ties, over time the Hezul blood would dilute to levels that are not possible to detect with any effect.

Alternately, Shagall should have had Minor Hezul and they just screwed up. Look at Hilda and Scorpio.

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He's the direct descendant of Hezul, but he has no holy blood. Seems fairly straight forward to me.

If you think about it, Ishtar, Blume's youngest daughter, got major holy blood instead of her brother. If that can happen, it should be possible for the direct bloodline to lose holy blood after a long time.

Or it could be a mistake.

Either way, Scorpio's lack of Ulir blood and Ishtar/Ishtor's lack of Fala are proof of this "blood thinning" phenomenon.

If those blood lacks aren't errors. Old point but still

Or it could be a mistake.

The game was rushed and got plenty of bugs. I don't see how of all things the holy blood might be intentional. The game might say Scorpio has no Ulir but the game also says that Hilda has major Dain so it's really no proof at all.


Also, Dain!Hilda is a bug. She has minor Fala (look at her Ch. 10 version).

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The game was going to be divided into three parts, with Celice's story being the second part. The third part was going to explain the parent killings and incest issues. However due to time restraints, they had to make do with two parts. This was stated in the interview with Shouzou Kaga (the game's director) in the Fire Emblem: Treasure book.

I admit though, just because they left some stuff out because they figured they wouldn't hit the deadline dosn't necessary mean that the game is rushed but I guess the fact that the games balancing is horrible supports my case since that means there was no time for proper playtesting or at last not enough time to fix the discovered issues. For example all kinds of Fire/Wind/Thunder magic have the same stats except weight, making thunder clearly superior to fire and wind clearly superior to both of them even without taking the weapon triangle into account. Also the way avoid is calculated in this game makes the Balmunk and the Holsety obvisious gamebreakers.


Also, Dain!Hilda is a bug. She has minor Fala (look at her Ch. 10 version).

I was just saying if they made mistakes Hilda's holy blood up they might have made mistakes with the holy blood of others and therefore rendering the information unreliable.

Edited by BrightBow-User
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For example all kinds of Fire/Wind/Thunder magic have the same stats except weight, making thunder clearly superior to fire and wind clearly superior to both of them even without taking the weapon triangle into account. Also the way avoid is calculated in this game makes the Balmunk and the Holsety obvisious gamebreakers.

And in Akatsuki (FE10), Thunder is weaker than Wind. WTF rushed gaem!

Edited by Celice
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For example all kinds of Fire/Wind/Thunder magic have the same stats except weight, making thunder clearly superior to fire and wind clearly superior to both of them even without taking the weapon triangle into account. Also the way avoid is calculated in this game makes the Balmunk and the Holsety obvisious gamebreakers.

And in Akatsuki (FE10), Thunder is weaker than Wind. WTF rushed gaem!

My guess is that FE10 is rushed, yes. IS dosn't screw up balancing like that purposely. Also thunder gives critical which wind dosn't have. But in FE4 the weapons stats are identical. There is absolutlynothing that makes up for wind's weight advantage over the other magic types.

However due to time restraints
You know most commercial games have time constraints for development, right?


FE4 certainly did far better than certain games that kept getting delayed over and over again.

Rushed isn't the same as bad. It just means there will be more bugs, less content and bad balancing.

But yes, I admit I was wrong saying FE4 was rushed.

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I was just saying if they made mistakes Hilda's holy blood up they might have made mistakes with the holy blood of others and therefore rendering the information unreliable.

Dain!Hilda is quite obviously a bug. However, you're telling me that IS failed to notice three characters of fair significance with the incorrect blood types, but still managed to at least get the basic holy blood correct for two of them?

You might as well say that Yurius suddenly having Awareness in the Final Chapter is a mistake. Or that Sigurd and Ethlin (or any of the 1st generation siblings) having non-identical Skills is a mistake. Just because things don't follow one particular rule doesn't means that it must be a mistake.

In any case, that particular bug was likely due to an incorrect holy blood pointer. I seriously doubt the other three have the same error. I'm not saying your point is impossible, but it just seems terribly unlikely, to me at least.

Also and this is besides the point, FE10 is probably one of the least rushed FE games if you're going by unused content (or lack of) and bugs. After failing to fit everything into FE9, I'm sure IS were more prepared to make sure FE10 was more complete.

Edited by VincentASM
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FE4 doesn't feel rushed at all. Thracia does though. I guess they didn't put too much play testing into it but that doesn't make it rushed.

Unrelated:I keep on seeing IS. Does that mean Intelligent Systems?

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FE4 doesn't feel rushed at all. Thracia does though. I guess they didn't put too much play testing into it but that doesn't make it rushed.

This is a slight tangent, but...why does everybody say FE5 feels rushed? I've played the game three times, and I've never felt like the game was incomplete. If anything, it feels far more complete than FE4.

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This is a slight tangent, but...why does everybody say FE5 feels rushed? I've played the game three times, and I've never felt like the game was incomplete. If anything, it feels far more complete than FE4.

"Hey guys, this element of the game is not balanced in my opinion, the game must be rushed!"

Here's your answer.

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FE4 doesn't feel rushed at all. Thracia does though. I guess they didn't put too much play testing into it but that doesn't make it rushed.

This is a slight tangent, but...why does everybody say FE5 feels rushed? I've played the game three times, and I've never felt like the game was incomplete. If anything, it feels far more complete than FE4.

The large amounts of unused content and the screwed up magic ranks are a good hint, I'd think...

Fire: Fire (E), Elfire (C), Meteor (A)

Thunder: Thunder (E), Thoron, Thunderstorm (A), Daim Thunder (*)

Wind: Wind (D), Tornado, Blizzard (A), Graphcalibur (*)

Dark: Yostumungand (C), Fenrir, Poison, Stone (A), Hel (*)

Light: Lightning (E), Resire (B)

I'd rather not talk about the sanity of anyone who says that's a solid, finished setup...

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The same reason why Levin's uncles don't have holy blood. Because there minor bosses and no one really cares.

They could have been his maternal uncles!

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The same reason why Levin's uncles don't have holy blood. Because there minor bosses and no one really cares.

I wouldn't call Hilda a "minor boss that no one really cares".

Scorpio, on the other hand...

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