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It's a little late to tell you this now, but maybe you can utilize it in a future playthrough. In ch.10, you can just have that fortress armor capture one of your weaponless units(*cough* ronan *cough*) and then he will be cake to capture. That extra fire sword is delicious. :D

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So what ranking are you going to try to get in this run? and did you get lucky with Marty? or you used some scrolls on him?

Don't care for rank, going the efficient route, to find the cleanest way through a map (that is, find the quickest yet safest way through a map, and I delighted in discovering the ways past the ballistae in chapter 13) as possible, at least the ways that don't require warp abuse. Not going too well in some of these maps though, 13's boss and Parn's chapter being prime examples. Parn's, you SERIOUSLY have to use Saphy and warp abuse. That bit just sort of pisses me off, it makes Saphy a bit too important.

It's a little late to tell you this now, but maybe you can utilize it in a future playthrough. In ch.10, you can just have that fortress armor capture one of your weaponless units(*cough* ronan *cough*) and then he will be cake to capture. That extra fire sword is delicious. :D

...Brilliant! o.o

Ronan is amazing. Already he's good for chip damage in the early game, but pretty much most of Ch. 8 for me was Ronan getting captured instead of straight up luring.

Is THAT his use? XD

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*Saphy uses Repair staff once, gets A staffs* ...I was about to promote her...

Ha...Hahahahaha! HAAhahahahahaaaa!! She'll easily get A staffs by level 10 anyways! HAHAHAHAHAHAAA!! Saved a knight crest JUST in time! Great thing about staffers, you don't need to promote them for them to be useful!

Now, for the main attraction, tonight's special event...Ladies and Gentlemen! I give you...

Chapter 14!

This map is absolute HAVOC! 10 arduous turns of defending Tahra, wave after wave of armor knights with deadly Great Lances and Battle Axes! Then the ballistae! Turns out they aren't as bad as you think...

Brought Team-Tina, Saphy, Laura, Karin, Halvan, Parn, Salem, Fin, Marty, Nanna, Machua, Brighton, Asvel

Important Equipment-Brave Lance, Repair Staff, Thief Staff, Warp Staff, Rescue Staff, Brave Axe, Iron Bow, Hand Axes, King's Sword, Fire Blade

Promoted Halvan at level 15, he is a lifesaver with Ambush and Brave Axe.

You'll want plenty of healers.

I will HAVE to go this step by step.

Houses-Most your fliers can get to (now you know why I brought Karin, that and the extra rescuing. Seriously, do not underestimate flying utility here). If they can get to one, but can't canto out of ballistae range, you dismount so they can be rescued. This is how you get Homer without needing to cross your fingers. Just have Nanna ride in, dismount, visit, then have Fin rescue the dismounted Nanna, have HIM run out of ballistae range, then someone else rescue-drops her so she's right and ready the very next turn. Homer is able to runout of ballistae range himself, no worries there.

Side Armor Knights and Ballistae-Incredibly simple to deal with. It all depends on placement. Lower left part of town. See how the houses and ridge make a long tunnel to a road cross in town? Plug the cross with a real tough guy (like Marty), and give them a 2-range weapon. They will wear out the left ballistae, and only have to deal with one melee attack, while only a few stragglers will go around to the other broken wall, where you got plenty of range guys to take them out. Gave the Fire Blade to Parn, his 5 PCR doing most of the work. On the right side? Not so lucky, you need to bring someone close. You can pull something similar, but they'll have more access to their southern hole (ewwww...). However for some reason, the right side soon just...didn't bring in new units. I think there might actually be a unit cap at work here! The last 3 turns, armors were all huddled on hte left side, while soon the right side was EMPTY. It was...bizarre. As for the right side, my main goalie was good ol' Fin with his Brave Lance, Leaf near with the King's Sword, and Nanna with her Charisma. Only one ballistae could attack and you can easily position Leaf and Nanna as to not be in it's range while still keeping Fin buffed. With this combo, you will never see anything about 5 on their accuracy. You'd need horrid luck.

Southern Charges and Sub-Boss-TAKE THE BOSS OUT ASAP! With Asvel around, I was able to do so on turn 2. Gotta love Glyphcalibur. However, there is a main problem with his...equipment...You see, he's got a Master Lance (imagine a brave javelin for those not in the know), a Killer Bow (sort of a problem with Asvel if he doesn't land a crit, luckily he did), and a Ridersbane (No one cares). I had Tina Thief Staff his master lance (deliiiiicious). The rest of his force? Defenseless to the powers of Halvan tanking a hole and my magic men. Salem was oddly enough pretty hard-ass here. Guess I got lucky. However, killing the boss gets rid of 3 authority stars, a major dent in the enemy cause.

Boss and the Dragon Lance-Yeeeaaah, only way you're getting this is with Warp, but considering I landed it using Saphy normally without abusing her (though you absolutely should for 13x, sucha pain in the ass), she should absolutely have it by now. Warp Dean to the house, and take it. Normally you would then dance Saphy and Rescue Staff him...But I had other plans. See, Tina with some holy water is able to thief the boss! Yup, got me Tornado, Master Lance AND Master Axe! I got severely lucky here. Do keep the Dain scroll on Dean so he can not get crit'd by the killer armors, had him repositioned next to the bishop, so the bishop essentially commited suicide by chosing to attack him. Dean landed crits ont he rest of the armors, so all left was the healers, and the Ballistae. TAKE OUT THE BALLISTAE, it's important. Trust me. Got me 2 Libro staffs too. Now what I did next I do not recommend, as it is very unlikely to happen, but I tried to kill the boss with Dean and his new weapon. f you get lucky, you could and in turn destroy the rest of the authority stars the enemy has, giving you a significant breath of fresh air. Him dying is not a priority though, so it's not like you HAVE to. I failed to kill the boss, but at least I got Dean a free level.

Dragon Knights-THESE guys are the REAL hard part of this map. The rest is surgical, but these guys with their huge range, knight killers, ranged weapons, they could easily fuck over your entire playthrough. Luckily since I raped the front door, I had plenty of guys ont he front lawn to kick their asses, namely Brighton, Machua, Homeros, Asvel and Halvan. All nice that they give even promoted guys full levels. My Halvan is officially a rapeface. Fuck Othin, I'm done with him this playthrough. Sucks too, he got RNG fucked i the skull. Anyways, treat these bastards with care. By the way, if you don't take care of that ballistae by the boss? It'll have fun shooting you in the open field.

Schwartzrosen-The dark mages seemed to only come from the right side, yet I could have sword they attack from both...Either way, just falling back, they can't possibly do anything at this point. They're basically free levels for those who can nab 'em.

No deaths. Took a while to get it down to a science, but once you do? Easy as cake. Do capture and steal what you can here, you might be a bit low on supplies here. I hate being so paranoid with hitting things...


Marty-He's god at this point, he can't be stopped.


HP: 27, Str: 7, Mag: 8, Skill: 12, Speed: 11, Luck: 13, Def: 7, Con: 6, Move: 10 (bwahahahahahaaa!!)


HP: 32, Str: 8, Mag: 4, Skill: 13, Speed: 17, Luck: 10, Def: 7, Con: 8, Move: 6- Yup, she's turning out well. Might promote her soon.


What you'd expect

Halvan-15/4 (...What? He deserves it for how awesome he is here..That and he solo'd most of the dracos)

HP: 42, Str: 20, Mag: 1, Skill: 12, Speed: 17, Luck: 4, Def: 10, Con: 6, Move: 7

Brighton-Don't care, he's just a Wrathbot really.

Fin-16 (worked like a horse here)

HP: 34, Str: 11, Mag: 1, Skill: 11, Speed: 13, Luck: 8, Def: 10, Con: 10, Move: 8-Might as well promote him, but I'm weary of his stats...


HP: 24, Str: 0, Mag: 9, Skill: 8, Speed: 9, Luck: 2, Def: 2, Con: 4, Move: 7


Got a level, speed skill and luck.


HP: 36, Str: 13, Mag: 2, Skill: 14, Speed: 13, Luck: 5, Def: 14, Con: 13, Move: 9-'Twas an epic level


HP: 25, Str: 0, Mag: 6, Skill: 4, Speed: 11, Luck: 12, Def: 3, Con: 5, Move: 6-I always did like the effeminate bard. He's just too adorable NOT to use! <3

Secondary notes on Tina-Since this is a normal run and not a rank, just leveling her normally as you can (and with how often she will miss with the thief staff early on, she can spam it and level strongly, which the incredible magic growth of hers will help her be able to steal from mroe later without use of Holy Waters) will help losen the need to give her holy waters significantly. It's great to have around, at this point I'd gladly waste teh rest of my repair staff uses on it.

I've completed this map...and yet...I feel as though I forgot something...

Theoretically, Dagdar can help empty out the ballistae faster, but he's only doing it for 1 ballistae at a time. They are a bit more powerful here, and Dagdar%2

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Kind of an insignificant question, but did you assign that wrath manual to anyone yet?

I haven't assigned any skill to ANYONE yet. I'm incredibly indecisive about skills in this game.

Lol, I'm kind of the same way about skills. I usually don't really know who will benefit the most from some of the manuals, so I kind of assign them on a whim.

But you have some pretty hax units right now so you probably don't even care too much about the skills. :P

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I'd say give Wrath to Leaf, as per normal, but given how well Marty's workin' out for you... welllll, you might consider him, eh? Not like he's getting to attack more than once very often anyway, might as well make sure the one attack is all he needs.

14 is a real dick. Green units attacking, ballista batteries right up against you, endless swarms of Hammer enemies... Dalshien's useless, another point for Marty and Dagda and even dismounted Brighton if he develops tanky.

Never tried your hyper-aggressive strategy, but I think it's probably worth it. Ripping off the boss with Tina is a win/win, though that's a lot of Thief Staff uses. I suppose two masters and a Tornado is worth it.

The mages only appear on the east side. Might as well plug up the east and kill it off slowly so the mages have nowhere to crowd in, and break out through the south and west.

Did you get Resire? I find that to be one of the harder parts of the map, forget about the Dragon Lance.

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I'd say give Wrath to Leaf, as per normal, but given how well Marty's workin' out for you... welllll, you might consider him, eh? Not like he's getting to attack more than once very often anyway, might as well make sure the one attack is all he needs.

You'd be surprised on how easy it is to double with a promoted Marty, especially since his should be well into teens in speed.

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I'd say give Wrath to Leaf, as per normal, but given how well Marty's workin' out for you... welllll, you might consider him, eh? Not like he's getting to attack more than once very often anyway, might as well make sure the one attack is all he needs.

Marty's actually a great idea. He's got crappy PCR, and from the looks of it, it would be his only flaw. Thank you on that one. Now who to give Elite to...

14 is a real dick. Green units attacking, ballista batteries right up against you, endless swarms of Hammer enemies... Dalshien's useless, another point for Marty and Dagda and even dismounted Brighton if he develops tanky.

He didn't, the ballistae are actually not that big a deal, but why are we dismounting Brighton?

Never tried your hyper-aggressive strategy, but I think it's probably worth it. Ripping off the boss with Tina is a win/win, though that's a lot of Thief Staff uses. I suppose two masters and a Tornado is worth it.

You'd be surprised how well it works. If I didn't get aggressive, those dragon knights would find you easy pickings within the walls. Don't give them this opportunity, they have the most potential to ruin your playthrough of this long arduous map.

The mages only appear on the east side. Might as well plug up the east and kill it off slowly so the mages have nowhere to crowd in, and break out through the south and west.

Don't know why we'd plug it up, by the time they show up, you could just fall back to avoid them, as then the map would end quite soon after. They are not a threat, they are just free exp for the pickings.

Did you get Resire? I find that to be one of the harder parts of the map, forget about the Dragon Lance.


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Chapter 14x

God, this is an annoying chapter. However, it offers me something juicy and am in DIRE need of.

Brought team: Asvel, Salem, Homeros, Parn, Dean, Machua

It's pretty straightforward. Single path northwards, spackled with Rewarp Dark Mages and Pegasi. I've discovered that the pegasi who fly to capture just go north, so they just speed up the process more than anything, along with making them easier to kill. As for mages, they'll try to capture people too, making them easier to take care of. Do remember to bring the king's sword. This map has lots of terrain, the pegasi are weak, so bring people with high resistance here. Will do you major favors. You could bring Nanna here too, and you could basically just walk through this chapter.

Only hard part is the psychotic bosses with their 31 power Fenrir (can insta-blick some people, even with high HP it's dangerous), and the fucking hero with his 16 AS and Killer Axe. I always wondered how I could get through them without danger, and the answer is simple. BUM RUSH! Just rush in and royally fuck them up. Asvel to take out the hero, Dean to swoop in and murder the bishop. Can do it in one turn. Hell, Dean can capture the bishop, and now you got a free Fenrir and Jormungand tome! Quite juicy. That's a very subtle advantage Salem has, a monopoly on all dark magic. Of course if you don't use him, still do capture a few and try for the bishop, as what better thing could you ask to sell? Yes, this map is an absolute money pit with this considered.

Speaking of which, Rewarp Staffs. Parn can just nab 'em off the mages off the bat, and I suggest you do so. Asvel warping HIMSELF to kill a boss? Salem warping in to emergency heal? These things can be incredibly useful...But you get a bit more than you'll really need. You can anyways. If you find yourself in a surplus, feel free to sell some of them. Again, absolute money pit.

Gave the Torch Staff to Salem to abuse, get him some free levels. Truly is an...enlightening...experience to see this map revealed, see how reinforcements literally just pop out of nowhere. Not that anyone on this map is troublesome. In fact, my mages in general got lots of levels. Homeros with his Elite got a LOT of levels, Salem with his versatile spell choices and staffs. Both got plenty of love here. 'Tis a playground for mages and bravers.

Yeah, this map went well. Only one civy got murdered (by Jormungand no less. Not only is the map animation of it freaky, but in a dick move showed the civy getting the Poison status before dying), and it's no biggy. I find S Drinks to be utterly useless outside of the occasional saving the ass of my staff user, so I'll probably be selling most of them.

In conclusion, easy-ass map that makes your wallet cum. Dean and Asvel are important here for the boss, but once you barrel them down you are free to tear this map apart.

Turn count-I forgot to check AGAIN, but I'm positive it wasn't above 15 turns. The pegasi help more than hurt.


Leaf-20, so nothing new till he promotes.

HP: 37, Str: 13, Mag: 3, Skill: 10, Speed: 16, Luck: 14, Def: 10, Con: 7, Move: 6


HP: 33, Str: 8, Mag: 4, Skill: 14, Speed: 17, Luck: 11, Def: 8, Con: 8, Move: 6

Salem-14 (I told ya)

HP: 27, Str: 1, Mag: 11, Skill: 10, Speed: 11, Luck: 5, Def: 3, Con: 4, Move: 7-Man, pretty soon he could actually pull off speed with Jormungand


HP: 25, Str: 8, Mag: 3, Skill: 9, Speed: 16, Luck: 13, Def: 5, Con: 8, Move: 7


HP: 30, Str: 0, Mag: 9, Skill: 6, Speed: 16, Luck: 15, Def: 3, Con: 5, Move: 6-Yeah I'm getting lucky with Salem, he's STILL technically stronger. Not bad though.

Now for the moment of truth...Path choices.

For my runthrough, which would you guys recommend? Not gonna bother with Eyrios anyways, but I like Amalda, but I'm more concerned about prizes.

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14 is a real dick. Green units attacking, ballista batteries right up against you, endless swarms of Hammer enemies... Dalshien's useless, another point for Marty and Dagda and even dismounted Brighton if he develops tanky.

He didn't, the ballistae are actually not that big a deal, but why are we dismounting Brighton?

Because dismounted Brighton isn't hit by the super-effective damage of the Wyvern Knights' horseslayers once they appear, I think.

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I usually avoid 14x. Go with Eyrios route, Sun hit >>> Moon hit.

Great place to get money stuff though, if you're running out of supplies and are paranoid about capturing like I am.

That alone though has me convinced. Not like I care to Warp abuse outside of where I'll actually need it (Cyrus maps, whenever I need to get prizes quickly, such things).

14 is a real dick. Green units attacking, ballista batteries right up against you, endless swarms of Hammer enemies... Dalshien's useless, another point for Marty and Dagda and even dismounted Brighton if he develops tanky.

He didn't, the ballistae are actually not that big a deal, but why are we dismounting Brighton?

Because dismounted Brighton isn't hit by the super-effective damage of the Wyvern Knights' horseslayers once they appear, I think.

Except now he can't counter the ones with the javies. If you want to keep him alive, utilize his mobility.

Edited by Robo Ky
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Aye, I must compliment you on this log. Very enjoyable read so far. Then again, maybe it's just because Thracia's my favorite... :P

Nah. Really, this is great, keep up the good work~

But I must know, did you decide to give Wrath to Marty after all? I haven't ever used Marty (whoops), so I can't really add much, but it seems with his PCC he /would/ be a good candidate. However, if you decide not to give it to Marty, here are just some people I can remember giving Wrath to before..:

  • Leaf- Always a good choice. My Leaf seems to never cap strength, so the extra offense is always nice.
  • Nanna- I tossed her the magic ring this play through as well. Earth sword + guaranteed crit = complete destruction. One-rounding most things during the enemy phase, and almost never at risk of dieing thanks to the resire effect. Very nice.
  • Fin- Not like he needed it with his supports from Leaf and Nanna, plus his great offense with the Hero Lance already, but overkill is always fun. Again, like Nanna, with his Hero Lance + guaranteed crit he was complete destruction. He had fun destroying Chp. 19's entire army by himself while everyone else ran away…
  • Eyrios- I see you mentioned earlier you don't want to use Eyrios, so this probably doesn't really matter to you..? But anyways, I did this to combat the 0 PCC. This was verrry nice; not really at risk of dieing thanks to solar sword + prayer + already good HP/Def, plus now he had great offense too.

And for elite? I've only ever given it to Robert, Eda, and lolMiranda, but since Robert's dead, you don't seem to be using Eda, and Miranda's not really worth it, I don't really know who you should give it to. Plus I prefer A route for the sleep swords and Amalda, so provided you take that route, Miranda's not an option anyways. Eh... but I guess if you want to have some "fun", you /could/ always try out Miranda…:33

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Aye, I must compliment you on this log. Very enjoyable read so far. Then again, maybe it's just because Thracia's my favorite... :P

Nah. Really, this is great, keep up the good work~

But I must know, did you decide to give Wrath to Marty after all? I haven't ever used Marty (whoops), so I can't really add much, but it seems with his PCC he /would/ be a good candidate. However, if you decide not to give it to Marty, here are just some people I can remember giving Wrath to before..:

  • Leaf- Always a good choice. My Leaf seems to never cap strength, so the extra offense is always nice.
  • Nanna- I tossed her the magic ring this play through as well. Earth sword + guaranteed crit = complete destruction. One-rounding most things during the enemy phase, and almost never at risk of dieing thanks to the resire effect. Very nice.
  • Fin- Not like he needed it with his supports from Leaf and Nanna, plus his great offense with the Hero Lance already, but overkill is always fun. Again, like Nanna, with his Hero Lance + guaranteed crit he was complete destruction. He had fun destroying Chp. 19's entire army by himself while everyone else ran away…
  • Eyrios- I see you mentioned earlier you don't want to use Eyrios, so this probably doesn't really matter to you..? But anyways, I did this to combat the 0 PCC. This was verrry nice; not really at risk of dieing thanks to solar sword + prayer + already good HP/Def, plus now he had great offense too.

And for elite? I've only ever given it to Robert, Eda, and lolMiranda, but since Robert's dead, you don't seem to be using Eda, and Miranda's not really worth it, I don't really know who you should give it to. Plus I prefer A route for the sleep swords and Amalda, so provided you take that route, Miranda's not an option anyways. Eh... but I guess if you want to have some "fun", you /could/ always try out Miranda…:33

Anyone who can take the shots is ALWAYS viable for Wrath. Considering post promotion, Marty's better than any general you'd find. He can even double then, so you might as well give him Wrath. The carnage he could rain..

Wouldn't give it to Leaf or Fin, but Nanna it would only last for as long as the Earth Sword would. From there on...Not really impressive.

Eyrios though is fucking brilliant. I'm not sure how well it would work, but it certainly sounds good on paper.

As for Elite, maybe I could sell it or give it to Salem or something. I could give it to Eda, but she has that problem with her con. I dunno,just don't like people being weighed down, and she has the problem of having a heavy weapon type. Well...Considering actually that Eda pretty much has weapon ranked down (I JUST realized she's able to use killers already which implies B Rank, which means promotion she'd have Silver lances anyways...)...Maybe something could be done if we have her dismounted. Would build her sword rank, she'd actually have speed...I'll have to look into this.

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Eyrios though is fucking brilliant. I'm not sure how well it would work, but it certainly sounds good on paper.

Hoping for Sol and Prayer to stay alive is a bad idea, especially Prayer. Sol is nice if you would stay alive anyway but prevent healing with it, but Prayer is just "you should not have taken that chance". Regardless, Wrath on Eyrios is nice.

Eda sucks, don't bother. Most of her babying comes from player phase, not enemy phase, and Wrath doesn't work there.

Also, you really need to consider expanding your vocabulary when it comes to giving descriptions of actions. "Fuck" is not cruise control to awesome.

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Eyrios though is fucking brilliant. I'm not sure how well it would work, but it certainly sounds good on paper.

Hoping for Sol and Prayer to stay alive is a bad idea, especially Prayer. Sol is nice if you would stay alive anyway but prevent healing with it, but Prayer is just "you should not have taken that chance". Regardless, Wrath on Eyrios is nice.

Eda sucks, don't bother. Most of her babying comes from player phase, not enemy phase, and Wrath doesn't work there.

Also, you really need to consider expanding your vocabulary when it comes to giving descriptions of actions. "Fuck" is not cruise control to awesome.

I apologize for dropping the F bomb so much there, just I got hyped that map, so...yeah.

Wasn't so much Wrath on Eda, but rather Elite.

Noted otherwise.

Give Wrath to Ronan to get him out of Low Tier.


Wrath and/or Elite for people with low STR and have trouble catching up. I usually give both or at least one to Karin or Marty.

Marty sounds nice then.

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He didn't, the ballistae are actually not that big a deal, but why are we dismounting Brighton?

He doesn't really need to go anywhere fast, I usually have him plug the west side and kill things with swords. Not for WTA, just for weapon level.

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As for the other Manuals, here's a few that I commonly use it on:

Ambush: Olwen, Asvel (Elfire + Ambush on Asvel makes quick work of the armors in C20).

Continue: Halvan, anyone with Ambush.

Sun hit: Othin, Brighton (Wrath + Sun hit = awesome).

EDIT: Brighton, not Carrion.

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As for the other Manuals, here's a few that I commonly use it on:

Ambush: Olwen, Asvel (Elfire + Ambush on Asvel makes quick work of the armors in C20).

Continue: Halvan, anyone with Ambush.

Sun hit: Othin, Carrion (Wrath + Sun hit = awesome).

Missed out on the Ambush scroll, since you can't steal it off him with Lifis, meaning you basically need to capture the bastard. I'm very paranoid with capturing, so it didn't happen.

Noted on the Continue

Solar Shot I just find to be a bit unreliable. I'd probably just sell it, or give it to someone with Range......OK, Othin would be pretty awesome with it then.

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As for the other Manuals, here's a few that I commonly use it on:

Ambush: Olwen, Asvel (Elfire + Ambush on Asvel makes quick work of the armors in C20).

Continue: Halvan, anyone with Ambush.

Sun hit: Othin, Brighton (Wrath + Sun hit = awesome).

Missed out on the Ambush scroll, since you can't steal it off him with Lifis, meaning you basically need to capture the bastard. I'm very paranoid with capturing, so it didn't happen.

I don't remember ever capturing him, I remember stealing the Ambush Manual and then kicking his ass every time.

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