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The paranormalz

Freohr Datia

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Deal?....................... Or no deal?

Well does anybody believe in these things?

As for me... I seem to be half and half...

For ghostyz (OMGOMGOMGYOUGUYZWOULDNEVERBELIEVEWHATISEERIGHTNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!), I would think that that'd be awesomeness if they do exist and want to visit a supposedly haunted place. I'm not entirely sure if I believe them or not. My mom's made quite a few claims, but... you can't just trust somebody wasn't imagining things just because you know them. I will be half and half on this too I guess. I will keep her description of a ghosty in mind and maybe keep my eyes open for any.

My dad's girlfriends lives in this town and according to a website her house is directly across a haunted restaurant. That would be so awesomeness if I could check that place out sometime(their chicken smells sooo good from outside... another reason to visit). She's currently selling that house though cause my dad wants us to move in some other house with her cause he'z gasp!!! fairly certain he and she fit real good together.

I also find it fun to watch Ghost Hunters and it's real interesting in my opinion. It's just that a lot of their stuff (with one exception) has a possibility of being fake, in my opinion. But if what they do isn't faked for television, then I think that'd be so awesomeness if I could join TAPS cause I think that'd be coolio if I could experience whatever they are! I guess I seek a lot of adventure XD

As for UFOz ........ ooooh another z I don't really believe in these. I do think that there's a possibility of other intelligent life forms somewhere in this universe, but I don't really think there have been any UFOz hello everybodyz that have been spotted.

But... I think both of my parents have bred superstition into me but I've also got reason bred into me =D Strange combination, but maybe it's good to have both because you can't truly ever investigate things like this unless you can look from both viewz.

EDIT: wow wth

I put on a poll... looks like I'm gonna have to try again and see if I can get it.

Aw it's not letting me do it. "Use Full Editor" ain't working for me D= Total fail

Cause one of the questionz was if anybody believed in the paranormal "z"'s that seemed to mysteriously appear after a lot of my words and vote whether you believed in that piece of fiction or not and that's why I did those strange strike-through things after I did a word ending with the letter z. So... clarified that for you XD

The question options were supposed to be "ghostyz", "UFO'z/alienz", and "those mysterious "z"'s that seem to appear after a lot of FD's wordz"

Edited by Freohr Datia
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Aliens are real, no doubt. The universe is too big for us to be alone.

Ghost, dunno. But I would name one Misdrevious.

Hey, why not expand this to the monster in that one lake in Scotland? It could be real.

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Why people even find these sort of things of interest is mostly beyond me. Well I get it, but there are real events and happenings that are far more bizarre and interesting than what man's mind invents.

Being a nihilist is trendy.

How is that relevant to this discussion? I'm not seeing how nihilism is connected to the belief (or rather lack thereof) in paranormal events. Well, except very loosely at best.

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I don't believe in the paranormal, or supernatural, simply because it is practically false by definition. Things outside the realm of reality are just that; not real.

And yeah, I believe life probably exists elsewhere in the galaxy, but I doubt any of it has come to Earth and then been spotted by a couple irreputable people, and then dissapeared. A race advanced enough to achieve interstellar travel would probably either a) be too far away to get to us, B) be advanced enough to avoid notice if they wanted to, c) have absolutely no interest in us, or d) contact us directly. Basically, we have no real proof that aliens have visited us, so there is no reason to believe they have.

Also; sleep paralysis.

Edited by Fia 
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Aliens are real, no doubt. The universe is too big for us to be alone.

The probability of humans existing as they are now has so many zeros in it that would cover the diameter of the globe three and a half times. The probability of aliens existing is less than half that amount.

If there were aliens, I doubt they would ever be able to make contact with humans or vice versa. Our methods of communication (if any) would be probably be so different that we'd be beyond understanding each other. Aliens probably aren't even be sentient.

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Ghosts...? I used to believe, but I don't believe anymore. I'm simply a lot more wary in the darkness.

As for aliens? No, I don't believe that either. Nor do I want them to exist. We have enough fighting in our world, so we don't need a universal war. Not to mention if they can reach us, they have much better technology, and we're toast in that case.

And for laughs, good old Nessy. THAT, I'm not so sure of. But this is the one thing I believe is possible is real.

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The probability of humans existing as they are now has so many zeros in it that would cover the diameter of the globe three and a half times. The probability of aliens existing is less than half that amount.

If there were aliens, I doubt they would ever be able to make contact with humans or vice versa. Our methods of communication (if any) would be probably be so different that we'd be beyond understanding each other. Aliens probably aren't even be sentient.

Probability according to what/whom? Besides, your statement makes absolutely no sense. What is the width of a zero, and why would they be covering a one dimensional measurement?

Why would our communication be vastly different? They would probably have some form of sight, sound, or touch which are all possible methods for us to share.

On-topic: I don't believe in ghosts.

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The probability of humans existing as they are now has so many zeros in it that would cover the diameter of the globe three and a half times. The probability of aliens existing is less than half that amount.

Is this the probability of the event that alient life is created on one planet, or for the whole universe? As those are two very different things. If it's the latter, I would question the reliability of the number as we lack the knowledge of the total number of planets in existance.

As for the original topic, it's possible, but there are more important things to worry about.

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I don't believe in ghosts any more than I believe in gods, Santa Claus, the tooth fairy, or an honest politician.

As to aliens, I rather expect they exist, have existed, or will after we're gone. The fact that life exists at all is a decent argument for more, considering the ridiculous scales of time and space that constitute the universe as we know it. As realists will point out, however, our chances of encountering sapient life on a level where it can communicate across the stars or send things into space are dismally low for pretty much the same reasons. I dismiss claims of UFOs as ridiculous. Crossing light years is no mean feat at any speed, and you mean to tell me that aliens have done this in order to abduct cows or fat rural people? Spare me.

Edited by Der Kommissar
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Aliens are real, no doubt. The universe is too big for us to be alone.

The exact probabilities for life upon other planets to exist is not properly known. If it's low enough, life existing elsewhere might well still be improbable.

Hey, why not expand this to the monster in that one lake in Scotland? It could be real.

Or it could be a total hoax.

How is that relevant to this discussion? I'm not seeing how nihilism is connected to the belief (or rather lack thereof) in paranormal events. Well, except very loosely at best.

I think he's trying to pretend that lack of belief is instantly equatable to nihilism.

Yeah, I don't get it either.

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To my knowledge there's only been three different recordings of earth-like planets. Meaning, it seems that the planets are going through the same cycles we did. In those cases, one planet didn't have enough oxygen, one planet was just a little too cold, and one has been too hot.

Perhaps I'm twisting it a little bit though. I'll be honest, I can't remember if there's only two or three.

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To my knowledge there's only been three different recordings of earth-like planets. Meaning, it seems that the planets are going through the same cycles we did. In those cases, one planet didn't have enough oxygen, one planet was just a little too cold, and one has been too hot.

Perhaps I'm twisting it a little bit though. I'll be honest, I can't remember if there's only two or three.

You're not twisting it, you're just ignorant on the subject. Terrestrial planets (rockballs) are extremely hard to spot with current technology - this is why it seems that almost every planet we find is a big fucking gas giant: they're comparatively easy to spot.

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Datia, you are one fun read, girl :lol:

(Now ignoring all previous replies)

Ghosts... No... I don't believe in them. Why? Two reasons. One being that the belief in ghosts come mostly from religions which are degenerated enough as it is. Two, because I haven't seen anything that points to ghosts. Besides, I'd rather be "Dead" than a ghost. By dead I mean actually dead, not life after death, just dead. Dead as in NO CONSCIOUS EXISTENCE whatsofreakingever! Ahem... :mellow:

Aliens... well of course foreigners exist... now Marsians and Venuswalans(lol) or even planet XYZ people on the other hand. Not a bit. Could there be aliens? Sure, but I don't think there are. Two reasons here as well. One reason, because their supposed appearances(morgue info leaks) are always based on something way too similar to that which is already on Earth. Nothing new under the sun I guess. The second reason is this. If these intelligent foreigners are REALLY advanced enough to come all the way to Earth to visit us, why the hell do most of them conveniently "crash" within fifty miles of a military facility? Earth's atmosphere is harsh, but the galaxy is harsher still. I'm almost positive that ALL UFO sightings are just military fighter jet concepts being tested, just like back in the late 80s and early 90s.

I do believe in spirits though, not ghosts(dead humans), spirits, but that's another story. :D

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The probability of humans existing as they are now has so many zeros in it that would cover the diameter of the globe three and a half times. The probability of aliens existing is less than half that amount.

Is this the probability of the event that alient life is created on one planet, or for the whole universe?

The probability of humans existing as they are now has so many zeros in it that would cover the diameter of the globe three and a half times. The probability of aliens existing is less than half that amount.


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To my knowledge there's only been three different recordings of earth-like planets. Meaning, it seems that the planets are going through the same cycles we did. In those cases, one planet didn't have enough oxygen, one planet was just a little too cold, and one has been too hot.

Perhaps I'm twisting it a little bit though. I'll be honest, I can't remember if there's only two or three.

There are a handful. And recall that the number of planets known of are a scant few compared to the estimated total number in the galaxy, let alone the universe. In other words, if the three that we know of were a fair estimate of the population (meaning one in a hundred or so planets qualifies as terrestrial) there would still be an utterly incomprehensible number of planets that could support life.

So, in conclusion, you can't really base the entire idea off the few that are known. It's possible that one in a hundred planets turn out terrestrial, but then it's also possible that one in a hundred trillion planets turn out terrestrial.

Edited by Esau of Isaac
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The probability of humans existing as they are now has so many zeros in it that would cover the diameter of the globe three and a half times. The probability of aliens existing is less than half that amount.

Is this the probability of the event that alient life is created on one planet, or for the whole universe?

The probability of humans existing as they are now has so many zeros in it that would cover the diameter of the globe three and a half times. The probability of aliens existing is less than half that amount.


That can be interpreted in more than one way. Thye could exist "As they are now" on one particular planet or exist "As they are now" for the whole universe. Retard.

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Quit the flaming already.

I don't believe in ghosts, nor do I believe in extraterrestrial life. Not life that's as advanced as ours. If there's extraterrestrial life, I expect said life to consist of micro-organisms and nothing more. But even that's something I doubt.

And here they say the odds have shifted in favour of extraterrestrial life on Mars and Europa, for example. I have yet to see any evidence on why the odds have shifted that way, though.

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To my knowledge there's only been three different recordings of earth-like planets. Meaning, it seems that the planets are going through the same cycles we did. In those cases, one planet didn't have enough oxygen, one planet was just a little too cold, and one has been too hot.

Perhaps I'm twisting it a little bit though. I'll be honest, I can't remember if there's only two or three.

You're not twisting it, you're just ignorant on the subject. Terrestrial planets (rockballs) are extremely hard to spot with current technology - this is why it seems that almost every planet we find is a big fucking gas giant: they're comparatively easy to spot.

True. I only briefed this subject.

That's obvious. It's like finding a needle in a haystack (kinda). Do you know the closest recorded terrestrial planet to date, by chance? Just curious *does Google search*.

EDIT: It seems Gliese takes the cake on this one. 581 d is the "best bet" for water. XD

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Datia, you are one fun read, girl :lol:

Hmm... now, to find out if that's a compliment or not =D

I like being strange =) I make myself laugh at myself (lol silly sentence!!!)

EDIT: Oh yeah should I say something on topic?

All alien invasions I think are fake. As for UFO I side more on the non-believing side but idk for sure if I can doubt it 100%

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ghost, i'm in the middle of yes and no. Never seen one but i have seen some dark thing moving in the night (it was darker than that place) moving in the dark but i always thought it was my imagination.

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