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The Hardest Fire Emblem Game


Hardest Game  

48 members have voted

  1. 1. Hardest Fire Emblem Game

    • Fire Emblem Thracia 776
    • Fire Emblem DS H5
    • Fire Emblem Sword Of Seals (Hard Mode)

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FE6 isn't hard. >_>;

Voted for H5.

FE5's easier though. IMO at least.

If you know exactly where everyone is going to be and don't get fucked up by the 1-RN system, I guess.

If you don't...

FE6 doesn't screw new players half as badly as FE5.

Edited by Ninji
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I don't think new players is a valid argument because even HHM would be up there if you'll remember all the noobs who sucked at it the first time [Myself included]

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It's still the fifth installment.

'Fake' looks like iffy wording. It manages to be a lot more creative with its difficulty and for that it deserves credit, given how capable a lot of the characters are in that game as opposed to the other two vote choices......all in spite of most statistics capping at 20.

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I don't think new players is a valid argument because even HHM would be up there if you'll remember all the noobs who sucked at it the first time [Myself included]

Unless you memorize where all of the reinforcements are coming from in FE5, you're fucked up, even if you aren't totally new. Enemies are slow as molasses but FE6 characters are pretty damn strong to make up for that.

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FE6 isn't hard. >_>;

Voted for H5.

Sorry some people told me to add it so i did

Only one person told you to add it.

I suggested you should add FE10's Hard/Maniac Mode, but you said only if somebody else agreed.

:/ You don't like me very much, I take it.

Edited by Howard Holmes
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I don't think new players is a valid argument because even HHM would be up there if you'll remember all the noobs who sucked at it the first time [Myself included]

Unless you memorize where all of the reinforcements are coming from in FE5, you're fucked up, even if you aren't totally new. Enemies are slow as molasses but FE6 characters are pretty damn strong to make up for that.

Don't blow off what I said and take it out of context, please. Do I need to remind you how many "OMGWTF THIS GAEM IS HARD" topics there were in gfaqs when HHM first came out?

Also, as Paperblade pointed out in his GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM THE MAX STAT ASSASSINS WITH WO DAOS thread, most of the FE5 reinforcements aren't even that hard to deal with.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm with most of the others on FE5, its difficulty is overrated. Most of it comes from the few ridiculous chapters, (cough22cough) ,some completley unfair game mechanics, (healing staves can MISS?!, status effects last forever?! Seriously, Sety is the one thing that stops me from thinking the developers hate you) and Xavier

Although I've recently started loading a fww of my old saves and I must say, the last few chapters are brutal. At least you have Sety by then.

I've never played FEDS H5, but I agree that it can get hard because your characters stats aren't amazing.

My vote goes to FE6. I've always thought it was the hardest, and I've never even played HM.

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FEDS H5 takes some pretty careful planning (and then you get Sedgar and it drops to FE8 status), but I dislike how unlucky misses can screw you since your only healing in the first chapter up until the boss is freaking forts, and then killing bosses is ridiculous since the healing formula is a bad joke. Like, your team gets pwned at melee range, so you either break their weapon slooooooooooooowly or play the OH BOY I HOPE MY 40% HIT LANDS SO I CAN DO 15% OF HIS HEALTH game.

Unfortunately, I can't take FEDS post-Sedgar seriously after I beat the last 8 or so chapters by warping Sedgar right next to the boss and watching him roflstomp everything within a 10 tile radius with Light/Starsphere + Gradius. There was 0 thinking involved since Warp has infinite range and you get a boatload of them.

Reposting again because the video is hilarious.


Oh, and that Othin has like, his 20/7 averages +3 Str/Skl and +1 Defense at the end of the video (after he got like 6 level ups) and I'm pretty sure he's just using Pugi + Sol. So it's not like he was wtfabused like the Leaf vs. Galzus video. So scrolls or stat ups or anything means he's about average.

I voted Thracia just because Fatigue and crap like status means you can't do this every chapter, whereas I can SedGAR godmode everything. >_>

Edited by Paperblade
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  • 3 weeks later...

FE10. I keep falling asleep before my next turn, because the large number of enemy and allied units in some of the chapters means that player phase is shorter than enemy and allied phases. (see 2-3, 3-10, 3-12).

Then, while I'm asleep, I accidentally push a few buttons and skip turns, and eventually one of my units dies (if I'm not playing with the GM).

OK, it's actually Thracia 776, which I haven't even played off of elite mode.

A lot of the difficulty in FE5 is "fake difficulty." FEDS H5 is, to put it bluntly, really easy if you figure out how to do it right, because pretty much anything that can screw you over can be fully adapted to and handled accordingly.

Aren't all these games meant to be beaten? If these games had difficulty that could screw you over that you couldn't adapt to and handle accordingly, no one would beat them w/out cheating (PAR etc)

Edited by SeverIan
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I would definitely say FE10 hard mode. No doubt about it.

I haven't played FE6 hard mode yet, though. I have, however, played FE5 and Shadow Dragon H5.

Personally, I would say the difficulty goes 10 > 11 > 5 = 6 > 4 > 7 = 9 > 8. (I have played all of those on hard mode, save FE6 and 4 (if 4 even has a hard mode, I don't know). I haven't played FE1-3 yet.

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I'm with pineapple, FE10 hard mode. In the other modes, you can battle save but in the hard mode, you can't.

On hard mode in FE10, I'm still on the first part, 3rd chapter. Everytime somebody gets killed.

In FE6, I think it was hard but no where as hard as FE10

FEDS, no hard, just retarded with you getting crappy units like all the archers, all the healers, and almost all the growths were awful. Marth was the only one who could fight somewhat good but in FE10, no one is allowed to die early on in the game.

Never played FE5-FE1.

FE9 just was simple. Ike could trash everyone you faced him. He Aethered berserk ashnard and black knight 2 times without any problems.

FE7 was about as easy.

Everyone knows that FE8 was just a joke with the tower of valni and the arenas. You could beat that game on hard if you never played FE before. But I enjoyed it anyway.

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My vote goes to FE5. I don't care if most of its difficulty is fake or not; it doesn't change the fact that said difficulty is there. Beating the game itself isn't too hard; if I were only talking about that, FE10 HM would take the cake because I'm too damn retarded to beat 1-5 before NPC-Jill commits suicide. No, the thing that is so damn hard about FE5 is beating the game without losing half the cast of playable characters, even if you have a good strategy - there are just too many things that are ridiculously hard to deal with (ballistae, Cyas' leadership stars, some bosses like Gomez in 8x), and some things that can simply completely screw you over if you didn't see them coming (which on the first playthrough, you totally don't), like needing Grafcalibur!Asvel to have any serious chance of beating Gomez (sucks if he's fatigued in that chapter) or a horde of darkmage reinforcements popping out of nowhere in chapter 14 and slaughtering your entire cast because there was absolutely no warning at all of them coming.

Of course FE5 isn't quite as hard anymore once you know what is going to happen, but I still find it much harder than most other FEs.

FE11 H5 is pretty hard as well, but it doesn't screw you over even only half as badly as FE5. In fact, if your strategy is good enough, then beating the chapters even without any losses at all only requires patience. Too many enemies only move when someone is in range, and since not a single chapter really pushes you with a time limit, you can basically take as long to defeat them as you want. And then there's Sedgar, who essentially breaks the game anyway. But even without him FE11 is far from being as hard as FE5.

I actually found FE6 HM to not be that hard; sure, there are a few chapters that are total bitches (I hate you, chapter 7), but there aren't too many of them. It is overall challenging, but far from being as hard as FE5, especially since you can basically whip out a holy weapon and maul some enemies/bosses pretty hard whenever you want as long as you don't overuse them.

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Gomez can also be beaten with any character with high PCC.

He has 14 AS. I'd like to see how you can double him normally.

Even a maxed Asvel can't do that since the only tome letting him do it is gotten later. Perhaps overlevelling a fast melee unit like Machuya or Shiva but otherwise...

Edited by Kamui Gakupo
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Gomez can also be beaten with any character with high PCC.

Unless you powerlevel some dude with a very high SPD growth, I doubt that. By standard, Gomez doubles more than half the cast of playable characters to that point, so doubling him to get any use out of PCC is pretty damn difficult.

Of course Wrath works, but the shaky hit rates against Gomez still make that a very tedious method, and it only works if you brought a lot of vulneraries or healing staves.

Edited by Raymond
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