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I'd like to keep my lunch.

HHM C28 is raaaaaaaaage. Especially since I'm trying to keep Zephiel, Nino, and Jaffar all alive. And especially since I plan on using Jaffar. GAAAAAAAH.

Yeah... Also, you didn't see the guy who got hit by a 400-mile-per-hour cosmic sucker punch, did you?

I know what you mean. I don't even like that chapter on normal mode. And Ursula moving after a certain amount of turns pass doesn't help either. However, she doesn't do so until late - better have exhausted her Bolting (or killed her) before then...

Edited by Ein Lanford
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I'd rather not. O___o

I only get 10 people for HHM, which sucks, because I can't really deploy Matthew since I need my full team to be combat-ready. So, I divided my team into two:

Team A:

Hector- he doesn't help much this chapter with his nonexistent RES and 5 move. And 11 speed that doubles absolutely nothing. At least he hits hard. He's at level 20 though, so he's about as useful as bolting bait right now.

Eliwood-Maybe I should just bench him this chapter. I'm trying to get some last minute training but he has less than half the damage output of Lyn.

Lyn-Is promoted and awesome and now has two-range. Her job is to take out Ursula, though she can't crit her for some reasons. I may have bust out the Killer Bow.

Pent-Is a GOD. Yeah. That's all. Physic is manly.

Ninian-can't survive Bolting for her life but is still useful.

Team B:

Prissy: Has the durability of paper, but hardly ever gets hit. Mostly staff duty and sometimes chip damage with Fire.

Raven: Is the manliest guy on the team.

Lucius: Is the other manliest guy on the team. Tankin' Generals with his 20 Mag and 6 DEF. Manly.

Guy: Emergency crit man, and can be counted on to double.

Farina: Magekiller beast. Just... avoid arrows at all costs.

I may switch off Eliwood for Oswin, or something. Oswin's manly enough to handle things.

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HHM C28 is raaaaaaaaage. Especially since I'm trying to keep Zephiel, Nino, and Jaffar all alive. And especially since I plan on using Jaffar. GAAAAAAAH.

Yeah, Jaffar's survivability in HHMC28 is entirely left up to God. >__>

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I'd rather not. O___o

I only get 10 people for HHM, which sucks, because I can't really deploy Matthew since I need my full team to be combat-ready. So, I divided my team into two:

Team A:

Hector- he doesn't help much this chapter with his nonexistent RES and 5 move. And 11 speed that doubles absolutely nothing. At least he hits hard. He's at level 20 though, so he's about as useful as bolting bait right now.

Eliwood-Maybe I should just bench him this chapter. I'm trying to get some last minute training but he has less than half the damage output of Lyn.

Lyn-Is promoted and awesome and now has two-range. Her job is to take out Ursula, though she can't crit her for some reasons. I may have bust out the Killer Bow.

Pent-Is a GOD. Yeah. That's all. Physic is manly.

Ninian-can't survive Bolting for her life but is still useful.

Team B:

Prissy: Has the durability of paper, but hardly ever gets hit. Mostly staff duty and sometimes chip damage with Fire.

Raven: Is the manliest guy on the team.

Lucius: Is the other manliest guy on the team. Tankin' Generals with his 20 Mag and 6 DEF. Manly.

Guy: Emergency crit man, and can be counted on to double.

Farina: Magekiller beast. Just... avoid arrows at all costs.

I may switch off Eliwood for Oswin, or something. Oswin's manly enough to handle things.

I'm not sure a low MOV unit would be helpful, as godly as Oswin is. Do you have a good Paladin that you can use? Or what about Heath? I find two high movement units helpful in this chapter. Who's promoted now?

Edited by El Rey León
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I'd rather not. O___o

I only get 10 people for HHM, which sucks, because I can't really deploy Matthew since I need my full team to be combat-ready. So, I divided my team into two:

Team A:

Hector- he doesn't help much this chapter with his nonexistent RES and 5 move. And 11 speed that doubles absolutely nothing. At least he hits hard. He's at level 20 though, so he's about as useful as bolting bait right now.

Eliwood-Maybe I should just bench him this chapter. I'm trying to get some last minute training but he has less than half the damage output of Lyn.

Lyn-Is promoted and awesome and now has two-range. Her job is to take out Ursula, though she can't crit her for some reasons. I may have bust out the Killer Bow.

Pent-Is a GOD. Yeah. That's all. Physic is manly.

Ninian-can't survive Bolting for her life but is still useful.

Team B:

Prissy: Has the durability of paper, but hardly ever gets hit. Mostly staff duty and sometimes chip damage with Fire.

Raven: Is the manliest guy on the team.

Lucius: Is the other manliest guy on the team. Tankin' Generals with his 20 Mag and 6 DEF. Manly.

Guy: Emergency crit man, and can be counted on to double.

Farina: Magekiller beast. Just... avoid arrows at all costs.

I may switch off Eliwood for Oswin, or something. Oswin's manly enough to handle things.


Hmm... Can't really say on what you should do... Though Jaffar surviving in chapter 28 is pretty much RNG dependent, especially when his Killing Edge breaks. >_>

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Oswin's going down the side where movement isn't too neceesary, since that's team RAPEASS's job (see Raven's group). Oswin just need to tank some mages, mercs, and take a few hits of Bolting while Lyn gets down there and kill Ursula and everything will be so much better. You know, Hector recruits Nino, Pent staffspams, Lyn DPS, and everybody else just keep alive.

Especially since I'm pissed at Marcus for not growing Speed and STR, and Isa's durability isn't too pretty either.

Didn't train Heath, and like hell am I willing to let him be blicked by Bolting in one shot.

At any rate, Raven's group did a lot better than Hector's group, with good reason too since they don't have to deal with Ursula.

Jaffar actually did pretty well himself, but he's out of weapons now and I'm going to rely on Farina to get him to Nino since Farina has epic RES and isn't too afraid of Bolting.

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I thought you were training Heath since you used him in the desert chapter. Two fliers are better than one! :awesome:

Hmm, how important is Ninian here? You could switch her out with someone else as well.

And you didn't answer who's promoted and who still unpromoted.

Edited by El Rey León
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I ended up using Fiora for quick magekilling, then wait until Pent finishes his powertrip over the desert and grabbing him before he gets to Paul. Then rescue-dropped Matthew all over the desert, and then had a Lyn-Raven-Guy teamup on Paul.

I'm going to wait until Vaida, since I can't exactly train Fiora or Florina at this point with the amount of slots I'm alotted and Heath is magefood and 8 speed. Vaida at least has 14.

Ninian is pretty important with some movement maneuvers, though I think that Hawkeye would actually be better than Oswin as Eliwood's replacement. He has 6 more HP and 2 more Res, the same speed, and access to the Brave Axe and Swordslayer. Oswin has 5 more STR, though, and a bajillion more DEF.

Let's see:


Lyn (20/3)

Raven (20/7)

Lucius (16/7)

Guy (18/2)

Priscilla (13/3)

Farina (18/2)

Oswin (16/7)

Pent (-/7)

Geitz (-/6)

Hawkeye (-/6)

Marcus (-/5)

Harken (-/9)

Isadora (Base)

Louise (Base)

Everyone else are unpromoted.

I could also go for Harken. He's a bit less durable in the magic department than Hawkeye but better physical, hits harder, and faster.

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I wanted to get Karel. But Matthew was seriously one step away from opening that third door, and he couldn't due to the snowstorm. I had Lucius at the ready to do some serious ass-kicking too, since the door he was about to open involved a ton of Druids-aka Lucius's favorite food besides Dracoknights.

But hey, Harken can spam braves on both ends, I'm not complaining.

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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I wanted to get Karel. But Matthew was seriously one step away from opening that third door, and he couldn't due to the snowstorm. I had Lucius at the ready to do some serious ass-kicking too, since the door he was about to open involved a ton of Druids-aka Lucius's favorite food besides Dracoknights.

But hey, Harken can spam braves on both ends, I'm not complaining.

Bold: :awesome:

Though the Brave Axe is pretty heavy...

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Ouch. That brings him down to 13 AS. Geitz has posession of it at the moment, but no way in hell I'm bringing Geitz with his 3 Res and whatnot. I much prefer Harken's 16 DEF/ 12 RES combo. Manly.

He still has Brave Sword, and the Swordreaver I'm about to hand him is only 13 WT. I'm running horribly low on Handaxes though. >___<

Raven's owning things with Lightbrands. :awesome:

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I have Legault, but he's level 12 to Matthew's 18, so...

Matthew's been a great earlygame-midgame combat unit, lol.

I've got a level 12 Legault and a level 17 Matthew. Legault wins or ties every stat but spd (18 compared to 20). And with Legault winning con by 2 that means they have the same AS with Steel Swords. And what's with the heavy thieves in this game? Matt has 7, Legault has 9. Wow.

Anyway, I don't know their averages and don't feel like checking, but

29 hp (both), 9 str (both, except Matt got a +2 from the ring in chapter 10), 12 skl (matt) and 14 skl (legault), 10 lck (both), 7 def (matt) and 8 def (leg), 4 res (both).

It's, kinda sad. If not for Matthew's B Guy and C Hector, there wouldn't be much point in using him.

Just saying, I don't don't think level matters that much. Also, I don't think I ever actually deployed Legault and I'm in chapter 27 now. Matt's had ~7 chapters of fighting (not deployed in all of the chaps between legault's recruitment and 27) just to not quite catch up to Legault's stats.

Edited by Narga_Rocks
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Yeah. I just checked. Matt's tying Legault in STR, -3 in SKL, +3 in SPD. Though, my Mattie has two more Res so he'd still be better for this chapter, but I'd rather all my units sans Ninian be able to fight.

I switched off Matthew for Legault on EHM, though, since he wasn't such an earlygame godmod as more people doubled in EHM.

Either way, they both pale when I get Jaffar.

...If I can manage to get Jaffar without Zephiel dying on himself thus forcing resets.

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Ouch. That brings him down to 13 AS. Geitz has posession of it at the moment, but no way in hell I'm bringing Geitz with his 3 Res and whatnot. I much prefer Harken's 16 DEF/ 12 RES combo. Manly.

He still has Brave Sword, and the Swordreaver I'm about to hand him is only 13 WT. I'm running horribly low on Handaxes though. >___<

Raven's owning things with Lightbrands. :awesome:



The issue with those is that they attack at half strength from range and they can't perform criticals either. But otherwise, good. Except against mages.

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The issue with those is that they attack at half strength from range and they can't perform criticals either. But otherwise, good. Except against mages.

Yeah. But 1-range against Snipers and Heroes, they're delicious. Raven killed just about everybody.

LOLMages. That's Lucius and his manly 20 Mag's job. Actually it's 21 now, since he leveled up.

Anyway, I beat BBD. Now Eliwood has a horse and sucks less. Just waiting until Hector promotes...

Wouldn't handaxes do more in the way of AAARGHHH MY FAAAAACEosity?

I was stupid and didn't buy enough on Four Fanged Offense. Now I regret it badly.

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