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Yeah, that annoyed me at all. And you don't get any GOOD bow users until even later.

Yeah, it was GFAQs. And despite Gravity Chaos's destructive effect, it's not as reliable as Shield Barrier. And while I originally put Gravity Chaos above Sancuary, I think I was later convinced to putting Sanctuary ahead. Can't remember too well.

lol. Why did you feel the need to do this? Even writing SPOILER instead of what was actually written is a spoiler by itself. Which is why I always write Aegina to refer to both

Still, most of those are a pain to deal with, solely because of their HIGH status. Especially Baldus (HIGH Gulcasa at endgame is a complete joke, for some reason). Shield Barrier is just plain awesome and doesn't care one bit about the enemy's HIGH status or GEN stat. Crusade is insta-kill to everything and deals a whole lot of morale damage, despite having only 10% Surviving Units. Sanctuary at Noon and without Battle Penalty is the best card in the game, yes, even BETTER than Shield Barrier and Poison Breath, but was kept lower than Shield Barrier because of those two requirements (we need moar Noon maps).

Yeah... It's annoying. >_> Also, do Assasins really have a higher critical chance at night, or is it just me?


On the hidden text: Well, I suppose you have a point. And the game calls both of them "Aegina" too. Which works for me I suppose.

Hmmm... I haven't even gotten HIGH Gulcasa in BF44 since I don't even give him the chance to get away. Speaking of Sanctuary, were it not for the fact that most of the times you battle the Emperor of Broken were either fixed evening or fixed night, it'd be good against him too. But as it is, the one battle where it can be used on him... he's pathetically weak.

Edited by Malik Maxwell
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Lol, with second semester starting, I have like no time. Hopefully a good excuse for those requests I've been putting off. (I've actually been experimenting with new art techniques.) Bad excuse?

Edited by Ken Zomg
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I like getting plenty of sleep. *shot for being so damn unteenagerly*

Lol, I should probably rephrase that. I DO get a lot of sleep, unlike most people I know, who rage at me when I mention the sleep I got. (seriously, how do pull an all-nighter? You'd have to be pretty incompetent to— *shot more times*)

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