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I'm pretty sure that if the thread name for the FE4 Thread was changed, people would still post in there like they do normally. The name of a thread should have nothing to do with how you feel about the people that post in it. And those same people still post here, the name doesn't affect them at all.

Actually there would probably be a lot of whining. I remember hearing about the FE4 thread getting unapproved or something before.

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the people I met here are still real human beings with a working brain and a pumping heart.

Is this a good time to mention I'm an empty robotic husk connected to a database in Sicily?

I don't really mind drawing either. I prefer the round, fluffy, cute kind, though.

As far as Di's concerned, two of the three isn't bad.

Edited by Furetchen
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Is this a good time to mention I'm an empty robotic husk connected to a database in Sicily?


Edited by Luminescent Blade
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reiθ = rcosθ + irsinθ

When r = 1, and θ = π,

eiπ = cosπ +isinπ = -1 + 0i = -1


I object to this name change. And no, it's not because I dislike bunnies like Crash does (I find them very adorable) and it's not because I'm "still loyal to that user named oujay" (he's long gone). The reason I want this thread to be called "oujay's empire thread" is because, simply put, that was its original name. It has absolutely nothing to do with ownership at all. I will not consider oujay to be the "Emperor" of this thread even he comes back while it's named "oujay's empire thread". My reasons for preferring it to be "oujay's empire thread" have nothing to do with the user, or the FE character.

I don't know about the rest of you guys, but this thread actually means a lot to me. For a significant period of time, it was my home on this forest, and there were days that I would log in solely to view and post in this thread. I really enjoyed my time over here, and it contains a lot of unforgettable memories that I deeply treasure. Joshaymin getting his name and being Amelia!'s pet, I Like My Cake Iced!!!!! constantly fighting with BK, me and Rhythm~ roleplaying as lovers, Amelia! rejecting I Like My Cake Iced!!!!! while he kept hitting on her, Furetchen spouting such amazing win quotes, Hatari!!! trying to kill Amelia!, me tutoring ALS on how to play Pokemon competitively and then getting completely owned by him, Harudoku trying to take over, America dropping colonies, me taking care of Amelia! the kitten, Narga explaining to me and Luminescent Blade how substituting an equation onto itself generates new solutions that don't satisfy the original problem, etc. The rest of you guys probably don't feel the same way, but I really value those moments... a lot.

And all of that happened in a thread called "oujay's empire thread". When I remember any of the things that happened here, it was on a place called "oujay's empire thread", not the Bunny Thread, even though those events had absolutely nothing to do with oujay himself. So I want this place to be named as "oujay's empire thread", so I can still think of this place as being my old home in the past. It has nothing to do with ownership and I don't want oujay claiming this place to be his own at all. He lost his ownership long before this thread actually became something. This belongs to the people that gathered here and took over, but they all decided to come to a place called "oujay's empire thread", not to a Bunny Thread, and I think it should remain as "oujay's empire thread". The name should never have been changed in the first place, and even though the mods were just having a little fun, I think it should be changed back. I want to visit this place and remember it as the "oujay's empire thread" that I so fondly cherished, and not as some totally new Bunny Thread that just came out into the open. Bunnies are awesome and very adorable, but they didn't make this place into what it became known for. Neither did oujay, for that matter, but this thread retained the name "oujay's empire thread" and it should remain like that.

Note: Unlike Crash, I'm not going to become all hostile to this thread if it remains as the Bunny Thread. I just feel that it's wrong to change the name from the "oujay's empire thread" that I know and love, even though oujay himself has nothing to do with it anymore. Calling it a Bunny Thread is like turning it into a new thread about bunnies, and since it's not oujay's empire thread anymore, it's like a different place. In fact, I think it would even be better to rename this to oujay's empire thread and then LOCK it, so that we can start a Bunny Thread elsewhere, because it's wrong to pretend like all those wonderful events in oujay's empire thread happened in a Bunny Thread, because they did not. They were from oujay's empire thread and regardless of the history behind that name, "oujay's empire thread" is what it was, and it should remain like that.


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